Page 80 of Surrender

Page 80

“Donnie, it’s been too long. We’ve missed you,” Miley said as she kissed him on the cheek.

“That’s because I’m a one of a kind, gorgeous. Now go,” he commanded as he smacked her on the butt. Ari quickly followed, not wanting to get left behind.

“Hurry. Hurry. You four are holding me up. If Donnie hadn’t insisted his friends were coming, we could have been well into our lesson by now. ”

Ari was stopped in place by the stunning dance instructor. His pants were too tight, as well, but that was a blessing for every female in the room.

“Are you going to stand there gawking all night, princess, or are you here to learn?”

Ari was mortified as her friends laughed while pulling her to the front of the room.

“Don’t worry, Ari. The first time I saw Pierre, I had a minor orgasm. When he touched my ass during a lesson, I had a major one. Don’t get too excited, though, cause he and Donnie are a couple. It’s probably a good thing, cause I think I’d forget my husband’s name if that man wanted to heat the sheets with me for a night,” Amanda said with a giggle.

“The Cha Cha is a teasing, sexy and fun dance. You want to move toward your partner and then entice him to come back for you. The more you use your ass, the better. God gave you those luscious, beautiful behinds so don’t be afraid to shake them. If you can’t shake your backside, then get out of my club because Latin dances without a shaking derrière is useless. ”

Ari was stunned to see that Pierre’s face was completely serious. She may actually be kicked out of the club. She’d never wiggled her butt before. She didn’t know how to. Sweat broke out on her forehead as she looked on in fear while he demonstrated the steps they’d be learning. She’d never pick that up in a half-hour.

“You, come here. ”

Ari gazed at Pierre in complete terror. Was he kicking her out before they’d even begun? Could he tell by just looking at her that she was a fraud?

“Go. You do not want to keep Pierre waiting,” Miley urged as she pushed Ari forward.

“Take my hands,” he commanded. Luckily, her brain was working because somehow her arms came up and she found herself clasping the stunning man’s hands.

“There are two basic steps to the Cha Cha. The first is a rocking step. Basically, you’re going to shift your weight from one foot to the other as you slowly move backward and forward. Remember to use the ass, always use that luscious bootie. Don’t just stand there. Shift!”

Ari looked at his legs and copied what he was doing. This wasn’t so bad. Just shifting her weight. She grew a smidgeon of confidence as the two of them moved.

“Good job, Ari. Nice butt wiggles,” Amanda called out. Ari was going to kill her.

“Now, you add in a little bit of Cha Cha Cha,” Pierre said as he did some wiggle with his knees while his h*ps shook back and forth. She stumbled a few times while trying to mimic him, and just when she thought he was going to lead her straight to the door, her body seemed to absorb the information.

“Good. You’re doing well for a first timer,” Pierre told her.

“How do you know it’s my first time?” she asked, feeling more confident.

“Ha. That’s amusing. If it’s not your first time, then just give up now,” he said with a smile to take away the sting. He wasn’t as scary as he’d first appeared.

Pierre placed Ari back in the line, then went through the group helping each person until they got the basic moves down.

“Now, partner up. Yes, it’s mostly women – don’t be such prudes. I’m not asking you to strip down na**d and get jiggy. You need to learn how to do the dance with a partner. Dancing is a prequel to love-making. If you want to make your man sweat on the dance floor ladies, then tease him with your bodies. The dance should be a chase, and you don’t allow him to catch you until you’re good and ready. Do you understand?”

“Yes!” several of the women shouted out excitedly.

“Good. That’s very good. ”

The time flew by, and too soon, Ari’s dance lesson was over. She felt good walking from the back of the club. She may not be able to swing her butt as good as some of those women, but she could certainly Cha Cha.

“Let’s order a drink and then get to dancing,” Amber said as they moved toward a table Donnie had saved for them.

The next few hours flew past and Ari danced with so many men she couldn’t keep track of them all. If she knew what her friends did while she was on the dance floor, she’d be going to prison for homicide.