Page 81 of Surrender

Page 81

Chapter Thirty-Three

Rafe’s phone buzzed and he thought about ignoring it. He was tired, irritated and not in the mood for whoever it was. When it buzzed again, he sighed and pulled the device from his pocket. He would check real quickly and then turn it off to try to get some sleep.

When he saw it was a message from Ari, his pulse picked up a beat. She’d been ignoring his texts all week. His first thought was that she was in trouble. As he clicked the button to open the message, his heart stalled for a single beat.

When he looked at the two pictures that came in, any thought of sleep evaporated. Who the hell had sent him the pictures! At the bottom of the images was the club name. He knew exactly where that was.

Rafe threw on his jacket and grabbed his keys. It looked like Ari hadn’t learned her lesson from almost being raped once. She was out on the town again, attempting to get abducted for a second time. Rage simmered inside him.

She continued to deny him when all he wanted to do was offer her security. Well, offer her security and have her at his beck and call, but that was just a minor point in the contract, he rationalized.

He made it to the large Latin club in record time, walking to the front of the huge line outside the doors. Pulling a wad of hundreds from his pocket, he approached the bouncer.

“Welcome,” was all the man said as he opened the rope for Rafe to enter while the people standing in line grumbled.

“Shut up or none of you are getting in,” was the last thing Rafe heard before the loud music droned out the outside world.

He made his way to the dance floor and spotted Ari almost immediately. She was locked tightly in the arms of some heathen while the damn man ran his hands down her ass. Rafe saw red as he pushed forward.

“I’m cutting in,” Rafe commanded.

The man turned, glaring at Rafe, until he saw Rafe’s face – then, he immediately backed down. Rafe must look more fierce than he thought.

“Rafe. What are you doing here?” Ari asked as she grinned drunkenly at him.

“Apparently, saving you again,” he growled as he went to grab her hand. She was leaving with him now. “Let’s go!”

“I don’t want to go. Let’s dance. I learned the Cha Cha Cha tonight and I’m very good at it. John, Paul and Tiger… no… Trevor… oh heck, I can’t remember his name, all said that I can move my ass just fine,” she spouted happily.

Rafe stared at her incredulously. What in the hell was she talking about? He didn’t like dealing with drunken people.

“Ari, I said, let’s go,” he repeated.

“I want to dance,” she pouted. She then lifted her arms in the air and started doing the steps of the Cha Cha Cha. When she circled around and shook her ass, the slit of her dress exposing the side of her very thin black panties, Rafe forgot all about leaving.

He tugged her into his arms as the music shifted to a more sensual number. His hands slid down her back to tug her flush against him as he began shifting his feet, one foot sliding between her legs, giving her no choice but to arch into him.

“I don’t know this dance,” she muttered huskily.

“Just follow my lead,” he said as he began circling her around the dance floor.

“Mmm, I think I like this dance, too,” she whispered as he moved his head down and inhaled her sweet scent. He hadn’t taken her in such a long time. He knew it was wrong to seduce a drunk woman, but wasn’t alcohol only a social lubricant? Didn’t a few glasses of courage only allow a person to do what they truly wanted to do in the first place? It wasn’t like they hadn’t already had sex a few times.

“I’m taking you home and stripping that dress from your body. ”

“I like this dress. I was mortified to wear it at first, but Amber insisted, and when she gets her mind stuck on something, there’s no talking her out of it. I think she secretly works for the government as a master torturer. ”

“Amber? Is that one of the women who came to see you in the hospital?” The pieces of the puzzle were still hazy.

“Yes. I came with Amber, Shelly and Miley. They insist on making me as slutty as possible because they’re determined to get me laid. They said I’m too repressed and I need to let loose. Since sex was so incredibly hot with you, I figure, why not. ”

Rafe didn’t know whether to thank his lucky stars her friends liked to meddle, or put a leash on Ari. He now knew who’d sent the pictures. They must have gotten into her phone and seen his messages and decided to stroke some flames. He flashed back through his mind of what he’d texted her. He felt confident it was nothing too bad. Hell, at that moment, he really didn’t care all that much.