Page 5 of Quest: Book 4


  In the early morning, it's very clean in and out of the village, there's nothing such like blood stain left.

  I and Feshert also didn't care about the ending of Sunset Bath and his subordinates, their screeches were lasting for a whole night long, but I didn't want to know how he died.

  Because I want here to become a stronghold, so I left a few members of the close guards in the village.

  All the rest of slaves were let go by us, but no matter what, Lily didn't want to go to the Darkness city with them together. I looked at her, my mood was very bad. If it weren't for that I had hugged you last night, I would not care about whether you want to die or not!

  "My best friends all died anyway, if you don't want to keep me," she held Abu tightly and not let it go, "you just can make me into a wine glass as well."

  "I say, Kone," Feshert spoke to me, "then we just bring her to go with us, so that we no longer need to hire a maid when we arrive Wanpu."

  When she mentioned the wine glass, my heart had a pain without any cause, I nodded my head, and then we brought her with us to set off. Before we left, I also reminded her kindly, if she couldn't loose her hands a bit, Abu would be going to die.


  The third day after we set off, we arrived Wanpu! Wanpu! This is Wanpu!

  We this group of people stopped the horses on a hill outside of the Wanpu city, I looked at this booming city carefully. She is not very large, more than half of the city are the dense small houses built closely to the port, a seemingly capacious street divides the city into two parts clearly, those with small garden houses on the side of the inland are very conspicuous.

  "This is our money jar?" I have to admit, Wanpu is a little bit different from what I thought.

  "I'm sure that this is Wanpu," Fdshert said, "but whether she will become your money jar or not, it is up to what you can do..."

  I know setting fire or killing people, but making money... I'm not feeling well, I have a headache, my stomach hurts and I want to lie down, I also want to roll on the ground and moaning at the same time... Oh right, I also want to speak the swear words.

  "Master..." Lily looked at me in the face carefully, "Can I speak?"

  "You are not talking right now?" I didn't have the good mood to look at her, to her, I really can't say the rude words, "and, don't call me master, you can call me lord or Childe!"

  "Yes, lord." She said, "I can tell that you're not very familiar with here... But I have been to here before."

  "Really? Tell me about it then."

  "It's like this, I... Before I was sold..." She hung her head down, "I had been living in here, with my good friends."

  Feshert came over to pat on Lily's shoulder, but he didn't say a word.

  "This... You can tell us slowly," I took a look at the sky, "if you are sad, I or Feshert can borrow a shoulder to you to lean on."

  Lily had a smile, she pointed at Wanpu and began to explain to us. Then we knew, this small city in my fiefdom, it's really a true commerce city, in every day, the port has tens of cargo ships to the shore, all kinds of trades are like the raging fire...all different kinds of people are numberless as the sand, people in all walks of life are in the flood... But because there is no official management, this city is in deep disorder.

  "It looks like that it's very interesting..." I said, "so that I can fish in the trouble waters, hey hey..."

  "What are you laughing at?" Feshert asked me.

  "Nothing, but there are so many business which we can do, I'm just a little bit excited..." I thought about it for a while, "we can just do it one bright way and one dark way!"

  "What do you mean one bright way and one dark way?"

  "Ask the Darkness city to send a castellan over here!" I made up the decision, "bring two hundred soldiers with him, "scrape the land and have some taxes..."

  "You think about it, how much you can have in the short time like taxing on here?" Feshert said, "and what's the use for just two hundred soldiers?"

  "The castellan is just a cover!" I think that my laughter must be very exaggerated, because even Feshert was frowning his brows, "I want to make Wanpu the biggest smuggling port in the whole continent!"


  "Yes!" I said, "I just thought of this, since there are such good conditions over here, and it's impossible to be completely banned by us... Then the best way is to control the smuggling in our hands, we will do the smuggling very impressive and also very formal. Furthermore, I will also want to develop some special people over here..."

  "What kind of people?"

  "Smuggling, we can not do this by ourselves!" I said, "besides, Lily just said that the folk management in Wanpu is very good!"

  "Are you saying..." Feshert got it right away, "the things we can't do, we shouldn't do, we are inconvenient to do..."

  "Right! All let them come forward to do it. And, the smuggling thing I also count your share in as well!"

  "My goodness..." Feshert holds his head, "you even count me in? Then what should I be counted in there? Do I become the guy digging the corner of his own house?"

  "Either you should do the smuggling, or you should ask your father to give me the money."

  "Just say that I'm afraid of you," Feshert said in pain, "I think, I should still better do the smuggling."


  After we got into the city, we found a hotel to stay first. The pretended to be the mercenaries close guard members moved to live in as well, but they didn't have a such good life, many people were sent out by me immediately, before occupying a city, shouldn't it sweep clean the small rural villages around the city first?

  "If there are more people like the kind of Sunset Bath, don't let me know." I gestured once on my neck with my hand.

  After a day off, I loitered around the street with Feshert, and see what kind of business we can do by the way. Of course, Lily followed behind us holding Abu in her arms.

  Because we thought that we might show up in some social occasions, so we all appeared as the businessman.

  I'm Mr. Turner now, Feshert now is Mr. Phil, Lily now is... I think I just still call her Lily.

  After we walked a big circle for a long time, I got my feet sore, I still couldn't find any business especially good to make money quick. I decided to go buy Lily a couple sets of clothes, those not covering the whole body clothes she always wears would make me no taste.

  But I didn't expect that there are no one suitable ready-made clothes shop in the few streets close to the wharf! Why the people here all like to buy the cotton cloth in rolls and rolls, the needles in bunches and bunches, the scissors in baskets and baskets, they want to bring those home to make clothes? Shit! How come they even sell the pepper in large bale?

  "Young master..." Lily walked close to me and said, "here is the wholesale place..."

  "Yes, young master, Abu seems to see a store has clothes to sell," the in Lily's arms Abu sent the consciousness to me, "Just in that broad street..."

  With a black face, I walked crisscross and then got onto that only broad street in the city, finally I saw that legendary ready-made clothes shop.

  "Lily, you pick clothes for yourself," I sat on the chair which is the shop exclusively ready for the guests in the first time, "your young master I'm tired."

  "Oh..." Lily held Abu in her arms and looked up in the store.

  I rubbed my damn calves and began to look at this not too small store.

  I should say that the owner of this shop is very good in doing business, this can tell from the crowded guests in the store. The arrangement of this store is also in perfect order, all the male or female clothes are hung up on the walls of the two sides by the shop owner in just the right places, they not only don't show any messy, but also let you feel very pleasing to the eyes.

  The more make me amazed is, next to each clothes, no matter it's the formal banquet outfit or the civilian clothes, no matter the male's clothing or the female's clothing, there are more than tw
o set of match tassel laces and buttons those accessories for people to choose, this kind of way doing business is really brilliant.

  "Sir," a clerk put a cup of water on the small table by my side, "please have a drink."

  I picked up the cup and took a sip, a light cool mint refreshed around my throat and didn't fade away for a long time.

  Such good reception, such fine mind, no wonder they have this such good business! Looked at the dress several store clerks wearing, I didn't expect that they could make such good money just by selling some clothes, I can't stop my admire to the owner of this shop, I don't know what kind of old fox this shop owner will be.

  "Young master," Lily was calling me, "I have already chosen my clothes!"

  "Really?" I walked to her and stood by her side, "let me take a look."

  Lily wanted to save some money for me, she just chose a plain clothes which price seems relatively cheap, with no tassel and lace accessories, pale blue with white floral cloth, it looks like, well, it's very simple and pure fresh.

  "Just only this one?" I asked her, Lily nodded her head seriously.

  "Hey!" I waved my hand at one of the clerks, "you, that’s right, it’s you! Come over here."

  "Yes, sir," the clerk came over, "what can I do for you?"

  "This style I want two pieces," I walked along the wall and picked over, "and this design also two pieces, and this..."

  "I'm sorry, sir," the clerk said to me, "all the clothes we have over here just one piece for each style, and, this style we have just already sold, you see, it has sold the mark on."

  "Oh?" I was very unsatisfied, "only one piece? And you just sold it out! Do you know how to do business?"

  "Sorry, sir," the clerk had already had the sweat on his face, "I'm really sorry."

  "Ask your boss to come out here!"


  "Go ask!"

  Lily was frightened, she stood behind me and pulled my sleeves gently, Feshert was still sitting primly and drinking his mint water, that expression, it clearly indicated that he doesn't know me.

  "Sorry, sir," a voice came from behind, "I'm the boss here."

  This voice doesn’t like the one of the old fox, it’s clear and melodious to the ear like the wind chime.

  I turned around and took a look at this boss, sure enough, she is not an old fox, precisely to say, this boss is more like a coquette. She is very young, almost the same age as lily's, under a head of like flame bright red hair is a pair of full of untamed eyes, her whole body up and down are all sending out the youth breath, although she can be said as an extremely beautiful woman, but I don't feel very well for her arrogant expression.

  "The boss?" I smiled contemptuously, "even the dog or the cat will have a name."

  "Sir, please pay attention to your words!" She raised her head and gave me a stare mercilessly, "since your property allows you to walk into my store, your behavior should be more like a gentleman!"

  "Gentleman? Sorry," I said, "I'm just a common businessman!"

  "It's very disappointing!" She said, "surely it doesn't mean that there are only the bumpkins left in the Wanpu?"

  "Let the young lady you disappointed," I said, "I'm really just a bumpkin, but now, I want to buy these several clothes!"

  "Sure," she said, "we will be responsible to pack them well and send them to where you live, please pay three clothes a total of one hundred and fifty silver coins, or you can pay fifteen gold coins, we refuse to accept copper coins."

  "Fifteen gold coins? Why don't you go to rob the bank?" this joke is getting big, couple years ago, when my poor Lily was sold, the price was just a little bit more than one gold coin.

  "We don't rob the bank, we only sell clothes, if you don't want to buy or unable to pay, please hang the clothes back to the wall."

  "Three clothes fifteen gold coins, if it's not robbing, then what else is it?"

  "These three clothes are handmade by the best tailors in the continent, so the price will be a little bit higher," she slowly explained it to me, "furthermore, plus the freight fee, the decoration fee... And, you can't enjoy the discount of our store because you are not a noble, so the total will be fifteen gold coins, you can't buy it if you want to pay a coin less."

  "How much will it be if for the nobles!"

  "Four and a half gold coins, but you know that the common businessman like you can't enjoy this kind of discount!"

  "Alright! I will pay for it!" I gnashed my teeth and put my hand into m pocket, "you will pay for the price one day!"

  "I? I don't need you to worry about me." She swayed her hair, took over the clothes and left.

  Feshert seemed like that he got choked by the water at this moment, he was coughing very hard.


  "Bitch! Damn woman!" I was kicking the things in the room to let off my temper.

  "Don't kick anything any more," Feshert sat on the only intact chair in the room, "as a matter of fact, you are still not very embarrassing."

  "Still not embarrassing?" I kicked on the bed post once again with my foot, "then what else could be counted as embarrassing?"

  "It doesn't matter," Feshert said, "you can find a way to let her to lose face a well!"

  "Yeah! Why didn't I think of that?" I put on a black cloak right away, I pulled Feshert up and then walked down the stairs.

  "Wait a minute! Wait a minute! My Mr. Turner," Feshert said, "what do you want to do?"

  "Oh! My dear Mr. Phil, I think since you have already promised to join the smuggling with me," I turned my head back and said to Feshert, "you also don't care to have a robbery as the warm-up before the smuggling business, right?"

  "Wait a minute, what I said to make her lose face is not this meaning!"

  "Suit yourself, if I just go all by myself, that would be hooking the wealth and hooking the people at the same time. If you will go with me together, I can consider to give up one of them."

  "I... I think I should better go with you."

  "It's not that I force you to do it!"

  "Yes, yes, you allow me to go with you in my insistence."

  "Then let's go..."

  The business in the coquette store is unbelievably good, we wait until after it was dark, then she just leisurely got on a white luxury carriage to leave, the pulled by two white horses cart has a conspicuous noble symbol on, and even the driver's uniform has the silver edge.

  "Hey hey..." I was "pa pa" cracking my fingers one by one, "you this bitch..."

  The white wagon was driving to the residential area in the edge of the city, I rode on the horse to follow behind it slowly with Feshert, I knew that there should be a long slope, which is needed to be passed through from here to the residential area, and there are not even a streetlight over there.

  Hey hey hey... I will give the driver a fierce one, and then pull her out of the wagon, daub the mud on her hair and face which she is proud for herself, must be the most smelly that kind. And tear her clothes apart, must be the most thoroughly that kind, oh yes! Also scold her with the dirty words, must be the most savage that kind...

  The wagon has already come to under the slope, this section of the road is very dark, the lantern lamplight on the wagon also appears some pale yellow. The driver slowed down the wagon, I gave Feshert a hint with the eyes, we were ready to rush up over there to block the wagon, I had even thought of the first words what I supposed to say.

  Nobody could think of that, right at this moment, the wagon itself was halted to stop, and also some intentionally lowered voices came from the front of the wagon.

  "Robbing! Don't move!"

  This sentence was said cold, professional and shocking. But I'm definitely sure, this sentence is not said by me or Feshert, we were still about ten horses distance back behind the wagon!

  In the dim light of the night, I finally have seen, there are one short and one tall two men standing in front of the wagon, they were all wearing the hats to cover their faces, the daggers in the hands glowed
with the cold light, uh... It's not that great, we met the counterparts, should we go over to say hello to them?

  "You sit well over there for me, don't make any move!" The short robber said very fiercely to the driver, "we just want to get something..."

  It seemed like that the driver was terrified, not only he was not moving, but he also was not saying a word.

  "I knew that you these son of bitch are rich!" The tall robber walked to the wagon, "having this kind of beautiful wagon..."

  Well... This guy also knows to talk billingsgate? I just don't know, whether they will visit me and Feshert by the way after they rob this smelly woman?

  "Well... We," Feshert asked me in low voice, "do we need to help them?"

  "Which side?"

  "You!" Feshert said, "of course we go to help that lady."

  "I bah! I don't want to help her..."

  "If she is that that by those two guys first," Feshert persuaded me, "then you would lose the chance to revenge..."

  "Che, we need to wait for a moment even if we want to help them." I said, "we must show up in the most dangerous moment, let her to throw herself into my arms gratefully... Pay me back those fifteen gold coins and respond for our clothes for the rest of the life as well..."

  The tall robber has already walked to the door side of the wagon, he took a deep breath, and then he said to the short robber, "damn! Smell very good... I'm sure that it must be a little bitch inside..."

  "You this idiot!" The short robber scolded, "still not hurry up?"

  On the one hand, I feel excited for someone will make this smelly women humiliated, but on the other hand, I also feel that she should supposed to be robbed only by me, it's very antinomy...

  At this moment, the tall robber had the grinning smile on his face, his left hand had already touched the door handle...

  Your mama, you this smelly woman should just have a scream in the wagon! Otherwise how can I put down my face to save you?