Page 6 of Quest: Book 4


  Suddenly, an only one finger wide narrow sword appeared, it broke through the door and stabbed into the tall robber's chest, the violent punch didn't reduce a bit and it stuck out through his back! The two inches blade point showed on the tall robber's back flashed the cold light. It's as fast as a silver lightning, the tall robber was even too late to make a sound.

  I had my jaw dropped, Feshert had his jaw dropped, all the people had their jaws dropped!

  The taken away from the tall robber body blade point shook slightly a couple times, and it was got stuck a bit on the door of the wagon, finally it was retrieve back into the wagon. The retrieving sword action has a world of difference from the stabbing out that one earlier.

  That smelly woman did this! I and Feshert had a look at each other.

  Hit the nail right on the head, the tall robber dropped his dagger to the ground, his right hand gripped hold to the blooding wound and swayed his head, he walked to the short robber step by step, he reached out his left hand to his partner... Finally he couldn't hold on to it any more, his body got weak, and collapsed to kneel down on the ground.

  "Stand up! You this blockhead! Give me stand up quickly!" The short robber shouted.

  "Help me... Help... Me..." The tall robber climbed to him, "you said... It's very easy... How come... It would be like this..."

  The short robber had his head full of sweat, and his breath was hoarse... He swayed his dagger which was in the hand a few times, turned around, held his hat and ran into the shadow of the roadside. The sound of the footsteps faded away, the tall robber hung his head down, and he could never lift it up again.

  The driver shook the horse rein, the carriage continued to start off again, it seemed like that it was not the first time he met the things like this.

  "What do you think about this matter?" The remained in situ I asked Feshert, "tell me about it."

  "I think..." Feshert said, "if you have the same way like this... Either you die or she die... Mostly she will die. Even though today her behavior was a bit too excessive as a fair lady, but you shouldn't treat her like this, right?"

  "You are right," I began to turn my horse back, "we are done for today."

  Should say, I don't get to the situation that I have to fight against this smelly woman yet, I just take this accident as an excuse to turn my way around, moreover, I worried about her just now.

  This smelly woman... Is also really a bit interesting.

  "What about this," Feshert said to me, "let's make a bet."

  "Don't you never want to bet against me?"

  "But this time is not the same!" Feshert had a grinning smile on his face and said, "this is an unusual circumstance."

  "Tell me about what it is."

  "It seems like that this lady is very good in doing business..." Feshert said, "even though it's somewhat strange for a noble to go into business, but you can draw her over to make money for you."

  "Well... Very interesting, keep saying."

  "If you can make her fall in love with you successfully," Feshert laughed disgustingly, "I will accept one of your requirement, you can just ask me to do whatever you want me to do!"

  "Fall in love with me?"

  "Right! Fall in love with you! But you can't use any violent means!"

  "......" Could this be regarded as a good idea?

  "Not so sure?" Feshert said, "I have already known that you just know bragging."

  "Who said that!" Of course I won't be convinced, "I'm just thinking how to explain to my three wives at home if I do it successfully."

  "If you succeed! I will help you to explain... Further more, you do this all just for the money, this also is a risk with your life and sacrifice for the country."

  "This..." I was still thinking, "you mean, if I go to do this, not only no one would blame me, but also they will feel grateful to shed the tears for my this great behavior?"

  "Yes!" Feshert nodded his head repeatedly.

  Oh? I'm like a fool to be cheated easily by you? Just let you believe that you had already cheated me once.

  "So, since it's like this," I said, " but I do need your help."

  "It's no problem," Feshert thumped on his chest, "I'm definitely sure that I will help you, I'm an adult!"

  "You are an adult? You are just the most exalted young chicken in the empire!"

  "I! I... You are not the same as me? Even though you have already had wives..."

  "To ensure that we will abide by the bet rule, I think that we should become the adults today!"

  "That's easy to say, it's not such easy to become..."

  "It‘s fine, let's find a brothel to have a practice..." I ignored Feshert's protest, I grabbed his rein and went.


  In the red-light district in the Wanpu, all kinds brothels line up in the street, the lantern lights are over the upstairs everywhere, the hookers are all over downstairs, I got my eyes dazzled, I don't know where to start from.

  "I say..." Feshert whispered, "we should still just better go back."

  "No!" I didn't promised him, today I must have the ammunition which this boy go into the brothel to fall in my hand, otherwise I don't need to be a man in the future.

  "Sir!" A guy with the same age as us walked to us, his clothes is clean and has his face wreathed with smiles, "do you want me to be your guide?"

  I looked at him, he has the delicate look, a no perverse trend young man, how would he do this?

  "Do you need one?" He said, "I won't collect any of your money."

  "Don't collect any money?" I had a haha laugh, "then what do you rely on to live?"

  He was about to explain to us, a hand put on his shoulder and pushed him out very far away... I have seen many general fights, but interrupting my question would made me in a very bad mood.

  "Very good! Chatin you are really not afraid of death, you come to our place to pull our customers again!" A big fellow took hold of his clothes and said.

  "I have not, I have not..." He explained in a hurry, "I just saw that these two gentlemen didn't go into any one of them in a long time, so I think that maybe they are not very satisfied with..."

  I used the end of the magic rod to tip on the big fellow's neck, hinted him to put down his ready to hit people hand.

  "The dark sorcerer..." He took a look at my magic rod, and took a look at my black cloak again, then he got his face pale.

  "Sorry, sorry." He put his hand down right away, "I didn't know that he is sorcerer your friend."

  Oh... After all, it's so useful for the sign of the dark sorcerer! I waved my hand, let the big fellow get lose.

  "Thank you! Thank you, sir!" This named Chatin guy gave us the salute.

  "Find us a brothel," I said to Chatin, "the environment must be a bit quiet, the women... Must be hot and pure, oh yes, also must be clean."

  "No problem! No problem, gentlemen," he took over the reins from us, "please come with me!"

  We walked cross two streets, then we stopped in front of a not very big yard. We got off the horses, Chatin have already tied the horses very agilely by the side, then he asked us to please go in.

  The yard is very quiet, heard someone come in, a woman came out of the main building, the pale blond hair is tied with a silver ribbon and is on the shoulders at will, the blue dress can set off her good figure more. When she walked to us with the smile on her face, her shoulders not sway, her waist not twist, only the knee-long embroidery belt is in the flickering swing.

  "Welcome welcome, two gentlemen," she introduced herself first, "I'm the boss of here, you can call me Lucy."

  "It's very rare to see a boss so beautiful," I laughed haha, "I'm Turner, and this is my friend, Mr. Phil. Phil, please say hello to this beautiful boss."

  "I'm Phil... How... How are you, my beautiful boss." Obviously, the flushed Feshert was absent-mind.

  Lucy had a stare blankly, and then she came over to understand, she smiled to bring us into the hall and sat down, all the way she didn't me
ntion anything about our identities. The displays in the hall are not that many, but are placed very proper.

  "What do you want to have for a drink, gentlemen?" Lucy asked, in the bright lights, I can tell Lucy is a bit older than us.

  "Alright, then give us some red wine," I took off the cloak, what I had inside is a casual dress.

  "Alright, please wait for a moment." Lucy walk out of the hall.

  It looks like the business over here is just so-so, there are only two of us customers in this big hall. I asked Chatin to come over, I asked what happened.

  "Actually before this, sister Lucy's business was very good, you can say it's the best in Wanpu," Chatin sat by the side, "but there came a new boss in Wanpu several months ago, he drove the original old one away, and he took over all the business of here. Because sister Lucy won't bowed down her head to him, so..."

  It's like this, no wonder Chatin will be beat when he goes out to get a guest.

  "Several months, is it hard to maintain the business?" Feshert asked Chatin.

  "Yes, all the drudgeries and girls in our here are scooped out by other brothels... Now there are only more than ten people who were sheltered down by sister Lucy left.

  It seems like that this Lucy is also not bad at the ordinary time, there are still some people don't want to leave in this kind of situation.

  Lucy held the wine and meals coming from the outside, Chatin shuts his mouth in discretion. The boss serves the guests by herself, this is really hard for Lucy.

  "Two gentlemen," Lucy said with a smile, "what kind of girls do you like? Or you want me to arrange a couple for you two gentlemen?"

  Heard the girls this word, Feshert looked at me with the eyes begging for mercy.

  "No need to be hurry, miss Lucy," I smiled and said, "I want to buy you a drink, Chatin."

  The smart Chatin stood up in a hurry and poured the wine for us.

  "I heard, miss Lucy has some troubles for this time being." I swayed the glass in my hand gently, looking at the shaking red liquid in the glass.

  "This..." Lucy didn't expect that I would talk about this, "Mr. Turner's meaning is..."

  "Oh! I just come to Wanpu today," I said, "I've heard that this place can make some good money, so I just come here to check it out first. And, I have to find a place for my brothers to stay who are on the road to come over here."

  "You do your business, I do my business," Lucy has had no smile on her face, "we don't have to get into what relation."

  "You don't have to be nervous." Why today I can't meet a good temper woman?

  "I'm not nervous."

  "Exactly to be said, I want to cooperate with you, I thought of the words, "you can listen to my offer first."

  "It's like this," seeing Lucy didn't say anything, I continued to say, "I can give you a good environment, guarantee there won't be anyone coming to harass you, I can also give you a part of the fund, I will give you all the helps you need."

  "Then what do you want me to do?"

  "In a month, I want you to get back to the first back in Wanpu, squeeze down all the other brothels in three months." I took a sip of the red wine, "half a year later, there are only three brothels can be left in Wanpu. And the boss of all of these three brothels, must be you."

  "Probably the boss of all of these three brothels is you for sure," Lucy had a light laughter, "it's just another boss, don't say that you don’t have the appetite to take down all of these first, what's the benefit this will be for me? Can you just let me go?"

  "No matter what, it's still better than your now this look, right?"

  "I don't have this ability, you can just find another one."

  "No this ability? Don't say that you can't maintain the business for several months in such circumstance like this, we should take a look at our beautiful boss first..." I stood up and said with the smile on my face, "looks like dressing in very simple and elegant, the makeup is not novel neither, but why my this friend will be flushed whenever he sees you this boss? Beautiful boss you have your good way to deal with man, it will be very wasteful if I can’t use you."

  "I... I have no flushed!" Feshert was in protest.

  "You see," I put my hand on Feshert's shoulder, "the beautiful boss is in light makeup, as common as an old shoe, but the silver ribbon has some gems on, the style is elegant and dignity, waiting on the guests is just having a smile but not like other female bosses to glue with their bodies, huh huh."

  "And the clothes, it looks like very serious, not showing her chest or back, even the arms are covered as well... But it has the most destructive lethality on this beautiful boss."

  "Really? Tell me about it." Lucy stayed calm and collected.

  "If I can tell it out, you must promise me, no rascal."

  "Ha ha," Lucy had a smile biting her lips, "many men know that my this clothes attracts people, but nobody can tell what's the reason why."

  "I just take it as your promise," I said, "I don't talk about the others, let me talk about your this belt. As we all know, the belt should be put inside of the clothes, but you put it outside of the clothes instead, the belt is very long, dragging to the knee, whenever you move or walk, the waist belt will sway nonstop, it's this only moving belt on your body luring the guys, it lets men think of your underwear by the waist belt, think of your body by your underwear, think of sex by your body! When a thought of sex man sees your this serious and dignity dress, he will be more impulsive... If I think it right, the beautiful boss you should be still just a girl!"

  Lucy looked at me confused, she spoke after a while, "you, who are you?"

  "I'm Mr. Turner!" I said, "you forgot it so quickly?"

  "Who are you indeed?"

  "It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that I really want to cooperate with you."

  "Alright," Lucy thought for a long time, "but you have to realize your promise, otherwise there is no cooperation this thing."

  "Deal!" I put a purse which has two hundred gold coins in her hand, "at most five more days, there will be a new boss show up in Wanpu. But it's different from before those bosses, he will call you sister Lucy, you can go get ready with these money."

  "I hope so," Lucy held up the wine glass, "wish us every success!"

  "With success!" I drank up the wine in one bite, "where are our ladies? My friend has been waiting anxiously."

  Lucy clapped her hands, there were four girls coming in from the outside, although they are not heaven beauties, but absolutely they can make guys can't help loving them upon seeing them.

  "Let you two gentlemen incur ridicule." Lucy stood up, she introduced the girls to us while she was arranging the girls sitting by our sides.

  "These two are the most beautiful and hot in our here," Lucy smiled and said, "these two are pure and cute, and it's the first time they come out to meet the customers, you can't bully them."

  There two girls sat next to me and Feshert each, one beautiful and hot, and one pure and cute. Feshert sat between two girl, he was sweating like raining.

  After drank a few glasses of wine, laughed haha, held the two sisters to stand up and walk to the room upstairs, when I walked by Feshert, I also lowered my head to speak to his that beautiful and hot girl, "it's the first time for my this friend, if you work hard, I will give you a red packet with great money."

  The beautiful and hot girl had a light flashed in her eyes, but Feshert's face got green.

  "Bye bye!" I laughed out loud haha, "I will go over your there to make the rounds of the wards tonight!"


  In the room, the magic lamp emits some weird red light, the two girls' hot as fire bodies twined on me, their eyes are full of femininities, their sounds sometimes were rapid and sharp, sometimes were commonplace and lazy low... I found out that, it seemed like that I coincided with my former life.

  Don't know how long later, I woke up from the addiction, I opened the window and stretched my arms, I saw that Feshert was in the garden down the stai

  I put on the cloak and walked out of the room, I have to go to comfort this poor guy, he was sitting in a corner of the garden and pulling out the leaves from the branch attentively.

  "What's the matter, my brother," I sat by Feshert's side, "whether your ability is inferior to others that you harm the army pride, so you just vent your anger on these flowers and grass?"

  "You impair me," Feshert was still pulling the flowers and the grass, "I feel sorry to my father, I feel sorry to my mother..."

  "You should also feel sorry to the whole world!" I said, "of course, including me."

  "You!" Feshert had the tears in his eyes, "you... I... You..."

  "If it's just that you couldn't resist the temptation?" I asked, "so what?"

  "You still have the face to say..."

  "Who do you live for?" I began counting my fingers to let him see, "for your father? For your mother? For your future wife? For your future lieges?"

  "I didn't think about it..."

  "Of course, what do you think about this for? You are living for yourself, of course, these are all important for you, but these are not the all of your life..."


  "Of course," even though I spoke to him like this, but I also don't know whether I'm right, "what is life, I don't know anyway, I just only know that there will be a lot of things happened in life, some will give us happiness, some will give us sadness, some will give us hope, some will give us regret... We can struggle, we can resist, we can be obedient, these all depend on your attitude."

  "Great! I choose resistance!" Feshert said, "you this devil, I want to duel with you!

  I kicked him very far away with my foot.

  "You this idiot!" I walked over there and grabbed him up, and whispered, "are you sure that you can beat me?"


  "Your highness... My brother," I said, "no matter you are going to resist or be obedient, it's inevitably that you will feel all of these... Duel for this kind of small matter, then what would you do if something big else happen?"

  "But ... It's really embarrassing... And... And..." Feshert whispered.

  "Which one?" I asked him, I have seen too many things like this.

  "Well... Uh..." Feshert had his face flushed.

  "Forget about it, I will tell Lucy tomorrow, all these four girls tonight will not serve any customers any more."

  "Oh... Good..."

  "But I want to remind you one thing..." I pulled him and walked to the room, "it's very normal to be precious for his first woman as a man, but you must know that they can never go to the front for your this identity..."

  "I understand... Just, I feel a little bit different from before... I also don't know what's the matter?"

  "Speak slowly, we are brothers."

  "To be honestly, I was really in a mess at first, it’s a very strange feeling," Feshert looked at me, "to tell you the truth, I was really mad at you when I walked out of the room, as you know, I have never done a thing like this before... I..."

  "Me neither."

  "Now, I just want to share the joy and panic as becoming an adult with you, for real, and a little bit of fear... Surprisingly, after walked out of the room, I have already become an adult..."

  "Congratulations, Feshert, you have already grown up."

  "You are not the same..."

  "Yeah, I almost forgot about that..."

  "Come on! For our ideal... Try our best!" Feshert held my hand, "but first, you can't lie down to feign death again, last time I was really worry!"

  "Ha ha, no more no more!"

  "That's good, let's go into the room," I was kicked into the room by him, he stood still and said, "we still have a lot of things to do tomorrow!"