Page 7 of Quest: Book 4


  I and Feshert sat at the table and listened to Jack's report.

  In the last two days, Jack and Marf have been bring the subordinates to comb through the more than ten small villages around Wanpu, he was sure that its clean level is absolutely no less than the royal kitchen, so those garbage in my opinion or some other things are not even a little slag left.

  "We saved many people, according to boss your last time's way, we sent them all back to the Darkness city," Jack said, "the people sent from the Darkness city there must have already been on the way."

  I took a look at Feshert, but he hinted me to speak.

  "Good, you guys have done it pretty well!" I said, "but we still have two things in our hands, we must get them started right away."

  "You just tell us what we need to do!" Marf had a smile on his face, "we have been waiting for a long time."

  "The first thing, you must find out who is the boss in charge in Wanpu right now, how many people he has, where their activity places are, where his lair is..." I thought about it for a moment, "I want to pick a right time to visit him."


  "The second thing, do you know that clothes store which one is selling the ready-made clothes in the city?"

  "Yes," Marf said, "haven't you already bought some clothes from there?"

  "I want to know everything about this store, especially the things about the shopkeeper," I said, "the store, the home, the things all about her! Marf, you listen up, I want to know everything about her! The things more detailed the better!"

  "Rest your heart, boss!" Marf said, "I enjoy to do this since I was little..."


  I can tell, Marf did have this hobby, in just one day, he not only checked everything about the boss of Wanpu out, but also even got what color of the underwear the clothing store boss wear yesterday.

  "The owner of the clothing store is a female, her name is Deere Merlin, a noble. Her father is Ian Merlin, the title is a baron," Marf sat down next to me, he told me all he got word by word, "the Merlin family originally had many business in empire Leewa domestically, but because this Ian Merlin baron had too many hobbies, so that their family financial situation consisted in the decline... Besides they have a clothing store in the Wanpu city, they also have a luxury house, and they have a house by the seashore village outside of the Wanpu city..."

  "Villa." I corrected him.

  "Yes, villa." Marf kept going on, "Miss Deere Merlin has a strong will since she was little, she can do anything no lose to the man, she can ride the horse without the lady side saddle, her fencing is also can get by, she even takes care for the household and is responsible for his father all by herself after her mother died, if not for her to maintain this store, I think that Ian Merlin would have starved to death..."

  "What kind of people this Ian Merlin baron is?" I asked Marf.

  "A standard noble, he has a lot of hobbies of the standard nobles, like hunting, especially like to play cards, he once lost the money which his daughter earn hard in half year on the table in a very short time, it made her nearly bankrupted. In addition, he is particular about face very much, he never quarrels with his daughter in front of others."

  "They are father and daughter, and they still quarrel?"

  "Yes, according to what their cook said, his daughter wants him to give up a couple of hobbies..."

  "Then what did our this baron say?"

  "When quarreled to the extreme, this Mr. baron even took out a short sword against his own throat to threat his daughter..."

  "Ha ha! It will be good enough that we have this," I laughed, "according to your estimate, how much property they have in Wanpu?"

  "Hmm..." Marf thought about it for a while, "there will be no more than fifteen hundred gold coins, even count the real estate in!"

  "It's like this ... So what else?"

  "Her... Villa! It's very close to our preliminary selected smuggling location!" Marf said.

  "What?" This really make me surprised, it took me a lot of energy to pick the smuggling site, and I also went there to check it out personally with Feshert at that time. That's an abandoned small castle close to the shore, the condition of the deep-water wharf under the castle is very good, and the residents around there are very few. Feshert admired very much to a country house building nearby, surprisingly, it's Deere Merlin's house unexpectedly.

  "It's too late to select another place," I breathed a sigh out, "I hope that we won't get any troubles!"

  "Boss..." Marf asked me with concerns, "are you alright?"

  "That’s nothing, the things you have over here are done," I shook my head, "I give you three days, bring some people to go the first ship."

  "Yes, boss."

  "And send people to the Darkness city once again, ask them to send more people to here, hurry up!"


  I haved a sigh and laid on the bed, I took over the towel which Lily handed to me, and wiped my face absent-minded.

  "What happened to you?" Feshert gave me a kick with his foot, "why are you downhearted?"

  "If she found out that we are smuggling..." I said, "our bet will be dismissed automatically, I'll kill her right away."

  "That's alright," Feshert not cared a rap to say, "I am just afraid that you will let somebody else to find out intentionally..."

  I took a look at him with no good temper, Feshert shut up immediately.

  "Go to have some preparations, we will go to visit the boss of Wanpu when it's getting a little bit darker," I closed my eyes, "s a boss, no matter what, he should also have some money in hand..."

  I'm a boss, the doomed to be robbed by me guy is a boss as well, ah... The bosses really have the hard lot.


  Chatin stood in front of the door, his legs were in shaking.

  The current boss of Wanpu is behind the door, because I want to firmly control Lucy, so I brought Chatin out to do something for me, before Lucy can fully prove her sincerity, Chatin is a covert hostage. Of course, I would compensate him in the future.

  "Young master, I..." Chatin was about to cry, "I... Am afraid to do this."

  After he heard that Lily called me young master, he has been calling me like that, I don't want to get the distance too much far away between us, so I didn't correct him.

  "Don't be afraid," I patted on Chatin's back, "just remember what I teach you to say?"

  "Remember... I remember!"

  "Good, you trust in me, you will be fine if you have me by your side." I'm lazy to tell him what the truth is, I kicked him in with my foot.

  The door collapsed inward, Chatin broke in and fell in the courtyard, and he couldn't get up for a long time.

  "Who the fuck is that!"

  A sudden violent shout came! Tens of people rushed out of the house, some people had the wine pot in the hands, some guys were still chewing the chicken thighs.

  Chatin stood up finally, he stood in front of tens of fierce strong men, and he was like a lamb going to be butchered.

  "Ah... Ha ha ha ha!" A boss look like people began to laugh, "after all, it's Chatin, whether your sister promised my conditions, then she asked you to please me to go over?"

  The tens of people were all burst out into laughter.

  "No, no!" Chatin's voice sounded very hoarse, "I have... Other... Other things for you."

  "You this pile of shit," the boss began to raise his hand, "you think that you and you sister have the condition to talk about with me? Let me tell you! To ask your sister to sleep with me is which I think highly of her! If not your sister looks like having some taste... Heh heh... I would rape her first and then kill her, brothers, don't you think that I'm right?"

  "That's right! Boss fucking woman is very severe!"

  "That's right, boss, you just simply rape her and kill her first, then we can rape her again and kill her again... Ha ha ha ha"

  Chatin's body had a sway, but he stood well once again.

  "I... I come here to tell you
..." Chatin said, "if you want to save your own lives..."

  "Pa!" The boss gave Chatin a box on the ear.

  "Then... Immediately pack all your things..." Chatin kept saying.

  "Pa!" Chatin got another box on the ear, Jack wanted to go to help, he was pulled and held by me.

  "Leave all of your money behind... Get the fuck out as far as you can!" Chatin finally holding his nose finished his words.

  After heard Chatin's words, the current boss of Wanpy looked like silly, the brothers by his side looked like silly, then everyone laughed out loud together very happily.

  "Hey... Hey hey... "He laughed his tears out, and he grabbed Chatin, "What... What are you saying?"

  "I... I'll take your position!" It looked like that Chatin was ready to risk everything.

  All the people were dumbfounded once again.

  "Spoke very well," I clapped my hands and walked in there, Jack was behind me, "it's really good."

  "I said how dare you this boy come here to look for death," that boss said, "after all, you got some helpers."

  "Yes, that’s right, I'm a helper," I said kindly, "do you have any objection?"

  "What do you want to do?" That boss kicked Chatin into the corner with a foot.

  "I'm not interested in "What"," I said, "I'm interested in your money... All of it, I come here for your money."

  "Don't think that I will be afraid of you, even you are a dark mage! No matter what, I'm also... Ah..."

  Just same as how he just kicked away Chatin, he was also kicked away by me. Saw that I began to fight, Jack and the close guards of course would not stay idle, the fighting sounds were everywhere in the yard, the other side just a few small bludgers, they can scare the people like Chatin this kind at the ordinary time, how can they beat these came down from the battlefield guys?

  The reverberation cries came over, the bludgers fell down one by one, but I didn't have anything to do on the contrary.

  "Young master..." Chatin touched his lower abdomen, he move slowly to my side step by step and crouched down, "you are very terrific."

  I saw that he was in severe pain and had the look very bored, I thought about it, since I also have nothing to do temporary, so I don't mind to sit down with him for a chat.

  "I said, why do you have Chatin this name?" We began to chat under the environment which time to time there were some screeches coming.


  "Tell me!"

  "Well, it's like this, I... I have been bullied since I was little." He said, "when I was young, I was often tied with rope to hang high up to be played, they were laughing at me and chatting my name. Thus... After a long time, they began to call me Chatin."

  How can this be? I coughed roughly.

  After I relieved my cough and got it ease, I found out that Chatin was looking at me with a kind of very innocent eyes.

  "Young master! Can you please help me to change my name?" Chatin said eagerly, "you can read, and you are also so terrific, and you have so many terrific subordinates! You help me to change a terrific name, and let people not dare to step on me once they hear about it that kind!"

  Damn! Why do people always want me to change their names?

  "Young master... Please..."

  "You want that kind others not dare to step on you after they hear your name..." I thought about it for a while and said, "then what about just call you dogshit, then nobody will step on you if you are called this name..."

  "No, young master!" Chatin grabbed hold my leg, "this name is really stinky..."

  "You say that I'm very stinky to name a person?"

  "No, young master, I'm not this meaning... I mean, the name you gave to me sounds very stinky..."

  "What's the difference?" I said, "you are still saying that I'm very stinky to give people a name..."

  "Young master... I... I..."

  "Alright alright! I am afraid of you!" I thought about it for a while again, "then you can just call Tingel..."

  "Angel??" Chatin had his eyes stared blankly for a bit, "no, young master, I don't have wings..."

  "Wings? What do you want wings for?"

  "Angels all have wings..."

  "You heard it wrong! I shook off Chatin's hands, "the name I gave you is, Tin-gel! It's the dogshit of heaven, how about it? Power and prestige enough? Even the deity would not dare to trample on you easily..."

  Chatin had his mouth flat and wept, there were some falling down sounds around, I took a look, all the people fell down at the yard...

  "Boss," it was still Jack responded quickly, he climbed up from the ground right away, "we have cleaned up here already."

  "Oh," I nodded my head at him, "how many of them are still alive?"

  "Five! Including that boss."

  "Ask them where the money is first," I said, "and, don't kill them after finish the questioning."

  "Yes!" Jack turned around and walked away.

  "Get up for me!" I kicked Chatin a foot, "we have something to do."

  "You listen up for me, Chatin," I said to him very seriously, "your coward character can't be just changed by a name, you must demand on yourself very strictly from inside to outside, and say goodbye to that old Chatin."


  "Still crying! Cry your ass!" My hand had a turn, I put Chatin in a turn with a slap, "No crying allowed!"

  "Yes!" Chatin swallowed the bellow back.

  I handed a dagger to him, Chatin looked at me confused.

  "After Jack question out where the money is," I said, "you go to kill those several people, I'll wait for you outside."

  "Young master... I..."

  "Either you get rid of them, you are the boss of Wanpu," I walked out of the door without turning my head back, "or you bring your big sister to beg on the street, literally you can choose one way."

  I waited outside for a long time, the close guards have already gotten the money and come out, then Chatin appeared lowering his head.

  The following behind him Jack nodded his head at me, "he did a good job."

  I put my hand on Chatin's head.

  "In this world, there are no one can protect you anytime, most of the time, people all need to depend on themselves!" I said, "your body is weak, and your character is very soft, if you don't try your best as well, even your sister Lucy really will be raped and killed next time, I still can't do you any help."

  "I know, young master," he looked up at me, "but I want to drink a little bit wine... I also want to puke..."

  "No problem," I put my hand on his shoulder, and announced loudly to everyone, "from no on, there is no more Chatin this people! Our Wanpu's new boss's name is---Tincha!"



  "Tincha!" Everyone all had three cheers, and one by one came to give him a punch on his chest, and touch him on his head.

  This is his new name, which I just thought of. If I knew then that his name will be put into "the three bitches of the duchy", I swear, I would spend more time to think of a more awe-inspiring name for him.


  I was I low spirits in the room to think for a day, then I just thought of the way to deal with Deere Merlin, I wrote a long list to ask Tincha to buy the things for me. The first time to do the things like this, of course I should get ready sufficiently for it.

  In less than two hours, this new boss of Wanpu walked into my room, he put down a lot of things on the table.

  "Young master! Everything is ready," he said, "all the things you ask for are here, nothing is missed."

  "Good! You can go out now." I answered him, "you go to buy something for yourself, and change your this dress."

  Feshert picked up the things on the table and checked them out.

  "This is... I say Mr. Turner... Even though we got some money yesterday," Feshert was not very satisfied and said, "but don't have to buy so many noble clothing and accessories... And it's inferior to my taste..."

  "Nice try," I said, "these are the props for the
performance! And, how's your card playing?"

  "Playing cards?" Feshert didn't even have his eyebrows moved a bit, "no problem, what do you want to do?"

  "What do I want to do? Hey hey! Hey hey..."

  "Hey, you laugh to get your drools out of your mouth! What exactly do you want to do?"

  "I want..." I whispered on Feshert's ear.

  "You! You! You... Cruel!" Feshert scolded me, "and then?"

  "And then..."

  "You you you... Mean!" Feshert scolded me again, "and next?"

  "The next..."

  "You you you you... Shameless... The following?"

  "The last of course..."

  "I don't want to listen to it anymore!" Feshert cried out loud, "I can't hear it anymore!"

  "You have already heard it all..."

  "You still can be counted as a human? You can even think of this kind of move!"

  "It's forced out by you!" I said, "it's you who want to make a bet with me!"

  "Ah... Miss Deere Merlin! I'm sinful..." Feshert said painfully, "please you must forgive me!"

  "Knock it off, hurry up to go take the cards and let me teach you!"

  Just like that, a big conspiracy just for the commercial prodigy miss Deere Merlin has formally begun.