by André Fernandes

  Notes On Poetry, Book II

  (Written in January 2013 / Published in January 2015)

  2nd Edition ~ The Bard & The Hidromel


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  “The Souls Of The Ship” is a journey. You embark in a ship full of sailors unattached to the land, who seek only the mysterious fortunes beyond the shivering horizon.

  I wrote this book in a strange season of my life. I was madly in love with a girl, and I strived to forget her. There is one good thing about poetry when you are in love: it’s the best poetry you’ll ever write. And so, back in those days, I really felt that, because I was able to write down all those emotions and painful feelings, I had some light to guide me in the darkness.

  Between howls of pain and songs of hope, sea storms and summer isles, endless days and magical nights, “The Souls Of The Ship” is, much like The Door’s song, “The Crystal Ship”, a tale about a man who ran away from the land to seek for new thrills and new horizons, to refill his magic and survive the night, and write down a letter after all ends are met.

  If this book wishes to say anything, it is that, sometimes, true love assumes the strangest forms and comes when you least expect. Ultimately, that’s what this is all about: the meaning and search for true love.


  The Dark Side Of Dawn //

  O, Souls Of The Ship

  I Am Myself Again

  Underwater Forests

  Under The Moonlight

  The Wind Won’t Blow

  A Season Of Fevers & Dreams

  The Beatitude

  The Arrow

  Sweet Satyr

  The Bright Side Of Dawn //

  At First Sight


  A Piece Of Heaven

  It’s Merely Psychic


  The First Kiss Lasts Forever

  The Hyacinth Of The Garden

  Summer’s Almost Gone

  Solitude And A Beer

  Sadness On A Summer’s Day

  Through The Withering Glass

  To A Certain Grummet

  Morning Star

  True Love Is Eternal

  Ode To The Moon

  The Souls Of The Ship


  Know how to hoist a sail;

  Draw the horizon;

  Identify the X;

  Write and sing poetry;

  Celebrate black beer and mead;

  Live the life you love;

  Love the life you live;

  And with a degree in freedom

  you are good to go.

  PART I //



  O, souls of the ship -

  to sail with you until

  Reason deserts us to dive

  below the mountains.

  I have sung the tale

  that brought me to you,

  I have spilled in you

  secrecies of my world

  and my shattered heart.

  And now I belong to you,

  prisoner of your will.

  I am a soul bound to strive

  in a tournament of lusts and old age sins.

  But hear me, heed my words well

  for I wish to be cleansed.

  We were pure at birth, and yet so fragile.

  It is said that God can only touch us

  when we breath the first breath;

  After that, we are on our own.

  And so, this is our song.

  Fate is the tragic idea of what has not been achieved it.

  Let us play with that for a while.

  My voice is fragile but it can still touch your hearts,

  or you wouldn’t be listening.

  Tomorrow is and always will be our duty.

  After this ship sets its wings to fly,

  never again will we pay our sins

  with the blood of our dreams.

  Our quest will begin in a moment.

  The gold mines shall be ours once we

  replenish our wills with

  glimpses of the future.

  And in the end, after all kingdoms have been seized,

  I shall borrow an island to live with my beloved one;

  We two lost in the forest, with rain falling on our window,

  where we celebrate life as men were meant to do.

  But before the ship finds the river,

  and the river finds its course,

  we have to forget and forgive a medieval past

  and face the last storm of our old lives.

  Only then will we be worthy

  of the future that lies

  beyond the golden horizon.

  I must deal with this last sea

  and search for the missing pieces that once

  belonged to my shattered soul.


  To stare an eclipse

  from the board,

  lines begin to draw

  the vast shore

  that fades.

  I can touch the ship

  w/ my own eyes.

  I can move it to another channel

  & change the course

  of the wind.

  I am myself again,

  killing the day, wishing away,

  wishing I had a fire to light

  my own way.

  Still unwanted

  to fill the glass.

  But I’m on my own, now.

  I left my hometown and put my past behind,

  and now there’s no going back.

  Tracing eatable dreams

  in my sleep,

  as the stars and the moon and the world

  grow fond of me.


  There was a time

  when gold shined as fiercely as the sun

  and anything could be ours

  for the sake of a laugh.

  A time when we

  would seek for shelter from the hot noon,

  and we’d bath and hide beneath the

  cool smooth underwater forests.

  A time when we children

  were angels, not serpents, and peace

  would endlessly bloom

  in the battlefields.

  A time when we were Knights

  of the Round Table and all our deeds were

  told and enlarged by the drunken voices

  of the moonlight tavern bards.

  There was a time, dear friend,

  when he had the El Dorado in our sight

  and all we had to do was step inside.

  That time has since gone by.

  Now, we daydream about what we had

  and we don’t look at what we have

  right under our feet.

  Are we bound to lose that as well?

  My friend, my sweet village friend,

  what about our future?

  The endless sun will endlessly burn

  but you and me are candles dripping wax,

  wasting away the gold of our days

  in the wind.


  She slept in a coffin,

  under the sea,

  in the edge of
the day

  she would reason,

  and the skies and the stars

  would never set their eyes

  on her.

  Distant dreams of distant summers,

  when I wrote your name under the stars

  and slept on a roof.

  Now I have lost the keys

  to the kingdom.

  It’s a sad tale, but well known.

  I drink this beer with no desire or hope,

  a rock in the middle of the sea

  bathed with waves of nostalgia.

  She traveled to the desert -

  my love is there, sleeping with my scarf,

  riding with her friends.

  She’ll never come back to me.

  All I have

  belongs to the wind.


  The wind won’t blow

  and the ship won’t move thru these

  eerie lands of dark water.

  We’ve been stuck for days on end

  and the wind won’t blow

  our ship to land.

  Hurry, wind, please hurry.

  We feel the hunger again.

  The grummet is trying

  to heave the lead.

  If I die tonight,

  the whole world will never know

  a single thing about me.

  I was a crazy old sailor -

  a man with a salty beard, bust of sins;

  one who sought a cavern full of emeralds

  and shined mentally from a

  strange fever.

  I was lost and I took my chances.

  Gods and stars above,

  I am at mast, for once, and I will drown

  only when I’m thru.

  So roll the dices

  because only one of us can win,

  and I don’t even have a soul to lose.


  I slept for a thousand dreams

  in a febrile state of mind,

  and though I slept with my head

  turned to the nightside,

  I would still hear the sides of the ship quiver

  as we journeyed further into the unknown.

  As we journeyed into the unknown,

  songs were written, words were spoken

  and friendships were made.

  At night, one of our sailors would rise

  above the sea of barrels, to sing us

  the songs from the ships of old age.

  Lips holding the pipe,

  hands dancing between the frets

  and how they danced a beautiful dance.

  “Hey, good lad! Fetch us the brew,

  won’t ya?”

  The lad stood out of the crowd

  and went to the kitchen.

  He fetched us alright.

  Poor lad. Poor me. Poor us,

  if we die now without a glimpse of


  There’s only so much

  a man can take before he’s given

  the chance to rise.


  Remember the cosmic dance of the stars.

  They alone could shake the entire cosmos

  with their dead light, dead fever.

  Remember the young woman who lost

  the eyes of her inner child;

  now she lost sight of the wonders

  at her window.

  Remember how dull and uncertain

  are the things your soul can’t carry,

  for they don’t belong in the

  world of dreams and beliefs.

  Remember how wise can be

  the words of an old pirate who

  lived life at its fullest, and failed in all

  there was to fail.

  Remember the elder days when

  the end was not so near.

  And please remember

  how good it must feel to be alive

  and import and export life

  between lungs,

  and watch the trees change their colors

  between seasons.


  We are not constant.

  We are an arrow in flight,

  in a wind of changes

  that shapes us.

  During the throw, we seek

  the answers

  for great two questions:

  “Who shot the bow

  and to where did it targeted -

  from whence we came

  and from where we go.”

  We will never know.


  Bald and in agnostic feet,

  in the suave thrill of life,

  makes the river flow with its doubts,

  the sweet satyr that drinks in hiding,

  waiting for his season.

  All soul is a soul’s avenue.

  A silver light.

  The city woman.

  The woman of the city.

  The reel of life. Passion has no price -

  and so the sweet satyr drinks,

  laid there, in hiding,

  in the wintery palms of her hands.

  “She doesn’t love you.”

  “Yes, she does. And she’s a drug

  I refuse to live without.”

  In love with an idea, in his mental jail,

  in the suave reel of life,

  makes the wind blow with nostalgia,

  the sweet satyr that drinks in hiding,

  in the cistern of sorrows and

  lost ambition.

  All soul is a soul’s avenue.

  And so the sweet satyr drinks,

  to forget a life he never

  aimed to live.

  PART II //



  We left hunger behind

  to die, and refilled our hopes and futures

  with a bottle of mead.

  Now to forward,

  towards that big bright gigantic horizon -

  we deserve its majestic colors.

  A strange vibe

  connects me to the tide

  of this starry sea.

  The ship dances,

  as if in the middle of a dream,

  carried & driven by the waves

  of an ocean with a purpose.

  At first sight

  we watch a pale horizon

  dressed with blue horses

  that spit water from

  their shins.


  Is this the land

  of our dreams?


  Around the docks of the fortunate island

  we watch in pride the sunrise,

  as the golden dawn reverbs itself

  in a feast of colors and febrile moods.

  Here we land,

  too tired to sing our songs

  and continue our tale.

  Here we settle,

  we call home and live in peace

  for a little while.

  The ancient line divides the essential plans:

  the heaven from the sea, the man from the infinite.

  To each one of us

  a moment is given, so that we can try our luck

  and hit the world with our song.

  Will I waste it too?


  Every day we walk towards the end.

  It’s up to me all that I can be.

  Life can seem simple

  when you feel the sun shining in your skin,

  from above.


  Again the edenic flow of my heart

  begins to race. What a thrill,

  when she sets her hair to play in the air

  and I watch it all and all is not enough.

  I must drink

  of her paradise.

  “I see freedom in your fingers.

  A blaze in your eyes.”

  Her eyes.

  “Your sweet tundra-eyes.”

/>   The dawn is yet to rise.

  The day has barely begun

  and I feel that all else will mean nothing

  if I don’t have you right now.


  I find it all so wonderful. To chase

  all these mental pictures of you and me.

  It’s merely psychic, I know,

  but still.

  Perhaps if we were always together,

  the desire would cease, and the passion

  would gradually fade, leaving

  our dreams to die

  like plants without sunshine or water.

  I picture you,

  in that way. You know

  what I mean.

  Sweet woman of mine,

  let the sun shine and the raindrops fall

  on our window,

  it’s all part of a beautiful life

  that we create

  when share it together.


  The eternity is so vast.

  To her serve only the mad and

  the unreasonable.

  Never let me live forever:

  The eyes could slip away

  in the infinity of the impossible.

  The mind could erase past memories

  that I wish to keep forever preserved.

  The spirit could dissolve itself

  in the dawn of the temples.

  Never did Love tasted so sweet.

  Never did I dared to climb thru

  all the possibilities.

  And I am here. And you

  are with me. All else, as they say,