is but the sound of wind.

  We are bees of one kind

  looking for the honey of life.

  The honey is in our souls.


  The first kiss lasts forever

  and nothing will never break

  its well-deserved magic.

  You fixed me. I was a soul

  without a purpose.

  Look at me again, with those eyes of yours

  that can make one

  feel special, even when they’re not.

  I’m a poet and always will be,

  but I would trade all my poetry,

  all my gold,

  if I could preserve this moment

  forever in my mind.

  The marble horse rides

  the western night.

  There were times when

  I would flee from all sorts of

  love and compassion.

  Now I have everything -

  and my hands on the future.

  (She watches the world go by

  as an innocent child

  eager to understand its shapes and purpose)

  The policy of lovers.

  The endless will to live the moment

  and never let go of it.

  To choose someone to live with,

  and share hopes and dreams,

  and a place in the sun.

  The gods knew what they were doing

  when they made us.


  Life is beautiful

  when you have your eyes,

  and the music

  and the premise of another

  unforgettable day

  with an unforgettable woman.

  Endless dusks we wasted

  in the harlequin of your garden.

  “Who are you, for real?”

  she asked me.

  “I am the atom of reason, of love,

  of the thrilling battle

  of feelings.

  I am the one who will grant you

  eternal beauty.

  I can feel,

  if I write.”


  Summer’s almost gone,

  and all we’ve spoke,

  all the things we wondered

  will forever remain


  And if it weren’t for the endless nights

  we tried to stay awake,

  would you still deserve an eternal place

  in my placid and everlasting heart?

  No, I’ll never set another foot in those lands.

  I’m tired and old. And we both know

  the future will stain our smile.

  The summer’s almost gone,

  but I prefer the aching rain

  to the warm palace

  of a king a posteriori.

  When the winter arrives,

  there will be no heat

  for the blacksmith

  to forge the moment

  you and I asked him

  to build with the anvil

  of dreams.

  When the summer’s gone,

  the fireplace will awake

  and burn a thousand dreams,

  promises of wonder years,

  two souls in adolescence

  forever lost to manhood.

  “Can you promise me

  you’ll stay here,

  and wait for me?”

  “I promise.”

  I will never forget

  the times we had,

  but the summer’s losing

  its warm colors.

  So I leave you,

  before we grow too fond of each other

  to regret.

  The summer’s gone,

  the birds are gone,

  and the ship is waiting.

  And we both knew

  the future would one day soon

  stain our smile.


  I opened a beer in the morning.

  I’m losing her sight, bit by bit,

  now that the horizon is fading away.

  You still are and always will be

  the only ship I would dare to sail.


  Do androids dream

  of electric sheep?

  Sadness and sorrow

  on a summer’s day.

  I picked a lion’s tooth.

  Thought it’d taint your heart,

  but I lost mine instead.

  Will I ever grow

  in dry land?

  About those birds

  that grieve with me

  by my window,

  do they ever fly?

  Does Love knows

  she made a promise to me?

  Does Love knows

  we dream about him

  day by day, night by night?

  Love. Do you know?

  You exist, and so do I.

  Electric sheep in dreams.

  I walk the night alone,

  and I stay away from lighthouses -

  Love will have to figure out a way

  to find me in the darkness.


  There’s an agenda

  in the lost temple of acid.

  Solipsisms again.

  Merciful magic grows

  inside our brains.

  Come along with me.

  Let’s stain the world.

  I have a poem we can use.

  Pills of fantasy,

  take me to her,

  where I can see her, and talk to her,

  and tell her how I love her again;

  where I can assiduously keep on

  loving her again.


  Death is competing

  for the core of his soul.

  Racing again,

  with snakes in the edge

  of her jaws.

  That poor lad is dying,

  and what an horrible death it is

  to die so far from home,

  in the middle of the sea,

  where no name can be

  carved in a stone.

  “Will you do the grave for me?”

  “O, my sweet friend,

  the soul of this ship -

  do not let her conquer

  your world.”

  But she always has a way

  with words.

  There he goes.

  Last moments of a friend

  who burns with the fever

  of living.

  Leaving the throne to the king slayer,

  he finds his peace again,

  and his brown eyes turn to blue.

  “Please, do the horse kiss

  and forgive the past.”

  were his last words to me.


  The goddess woke up

  and greeted the day.

  All flowers began to blossom

  as the rivers and the grass

  regained their true colors

  in the sun.

  I grab my pen

  & let my hand shake viciously.

  The day is only

  half away ahead of me.


  The night you and I kissed,

  I felt the space of the sky

  in the sight of your eyes.

  In the old taverns, when I was

  still living from the land, I heard the tales

  of those who sought in the horizon

  more than just a beautiful sight.

  So I followed them, and aspired their dreams.

  I dreamt of a new love, a new home

  and a new wolf pack.

  I found it all of that,

  and for that I am grateful dead.

  Now I must travel again,

  far from the languid western night,

  with dead eyes and a dry mouth,

  and a knapsack filled with melted drea

  My wonder years are over

  now that I’ve learned what it means

  to be a man.


  Ceased moon that once enlightened me,

  from your millennial death you reborn,

  in my eyes that seek you,

  to guide me back to where you left me.


  The lost ship sails his last doubts

  & finds himself again.

  The souls are free from sin,

  at last.

  A nautical feeling blends

  with the empty head in the morning.

  I want to tell you

  that all that I’ve learned with you

  I will carry with me


  My love for you,

  that which is unique and perfect,

  will remain untouched

  by the sweet bird

  of youth.

  Howl of the living wolves

  who burn forever

  with the hot fever

  of endless love.

  Now I must leave this ship

  and seek again for another light.

  Somewhere, it is said, there’s a fountain

  where men drink in peace

  and dream together

  in harmony.

  For as long as I’m blessed with the gift of life,

  I will thank the sun every morning,

  and I won’t need a reason to do it,

  because I am at mast.



  André has been alive for 19 years and he enjoys writing bios in third-person. He began writing at the age of 15, and during that time he discovered the lyrics and sounds of The Doors, Jimi Hendrix and Led Zeppelin. He found them so beautiful he wanted to be a poet and a musician too. And so he hit the road.

  At the age of 17, André got lucky and had 50 poems published in a book called 'Poesia Nua' («Naked Poetry» in english), with the help of Corpos Editora. After that, he spent two years writing and watching his words changing tone and growing bold.

  While in his first year at college, he started worshiping Bukowski and Hank Moody in the television show 'Californication'. André decided to leave poetry aside for a while and try his luck in prose. And so he wrote a novel.

  With endless collections of poems written in both portuguese and english, and a first novel already finished, this is a guy whose biggest goal in life is to be as cool as Bukowski. Nah, he's just kidding. André just wants to write.

  Aside from all that shenanigan, André believes everyone has a unique vision of the world and that is why everybody just write it down and turn it into something as everlasting as words and books.

  Afterall, anyone can write. All it takes is a the will to do so.




  Poesia Nua (2012)

  Verdes Verões Distantes (2014)

  Dias de Juventude (2015)


  At The Gates Of The Golden Sun (2014)




  2nd Edition

  Notes & corrections made in this edition //

  - Corrected gramatical errors;

  - Corrected formatting errors;

  - Other updates include the section ‘About The Author’, ‘Other Published Works’ and ‘Where To Find Me’.




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