Page 13 of Jade

  Jade colored slightly. “It was my life he saved.”

  “I understand,” the doctor said more gently. “But your life won’t be worth much if you don’t take care of your health.”

  “I will.”

  He patted her arm. “Good. I’ll let myself out, Miss Jewel.”

  “Thank you, Doctor,” she called as he strode away.

  “How is he?” Lily paused in the doorway. Behind her was a maid with a linen-covered tray.

  The members of the household had determinedly gone about their daily routine, while Jade had remained confined to her rooms, refusing to leave Nevada’s side.

  Now that darkness had fallen, the sounds drifting up the stairs had become a chorus of voices talking, laughing, occasionally cursing. The high, sweet notes of a violin rose above it all, adding a soothing note.

  “He’s in much pain, I’m afraid. But he’s alive. And for the moment that’s all that matters.” Jade glanced at the tray. “What’s this?”

  “Since you won’t join us downstairs, I’ve brought you a meal”

  “I’m not hungry.”

  “Then you will eat to please me,” Lily said as she walked past Jade and signaled for the maid to follow. “You refused breakfast and lunch. Since you have decided to be both nurse and servant, you need to keep up your strength.” Lily paused to study her young friend. “Did you manage to get any sleep at all?”

  “A little.” Before Lily could issue a protest she added quickly, “I’ll rest later. I promise.”

  “Drink this.” Lily poured tea and thrust a cup into Jade’s hand, then uncovered the tray and placed it before her young friend. “Eat,” she said imperiously.

  Jade did as she was told while perched nervously on the edge of the chair, her gaze never leaving Nevada. It was plain that she was eating simply to appease Lily. She didn’t even pause to taste the food.

  At a knock on the door she looked up tiredly, but before she could call out, Lily hurried across the room to admit several servants carrying an ornate tub and buckets of steaming water.

  “I didn’t order a bath,” Jade said.

  “I did.” Ignoring her protests, Lily instructed the maids to pour the water. When that was ready, she took the cup from Jade’s hands and said crisply, “You need to refresh yourself.”

  Jade was too weary to argue. Besides, the sight of steaming water and perfumed soap weakened her resolve. Without a word she stripped and stepped into the tub. A short time later, when her hair had been lathered and rinsed and her body wrapped in warm towels, she sighed in contentment.

  “Thank you, Aunt Lily. As usual, you knew better than I. This was exactly what I needed.”

  “But not all,” the older woman said. She held out a silk wrap and nodded approvingly as a maid tied it. “Now you must sleep.”

  Jade shook her head. “I don’t think I could close my eyes. But I’ll rest here in the chaise beside the bed.”

  The older woman seemed prepared to argue, then thought better of it. With a sigh she said, “See that you do.” She bent and kissed Jade’s cheek, then followed the servants from the room.

  As soon as they were gone, Jade moved to the edge of the bed and touched her hand to Nevada’s forehead. She sighed in relief. His skin was cool to the touch. The fever had weakened.

  For long moments she sat beside him, listening to the silence, broken only by the hiss and snap of the log on the fire.

  “Have I died?”

  At the sound of Nevada’s deep voice, she jumped. “You startled me. I thought you were asleep.”

  “And I thought I must surely be in heaven.”

  When she arched a brow he explained, “I saw a vision. The most beautiful woman in the world stepped from a tub, her skin glowing, her dark hair flowing about her like a veil. And she was wearing nothing but the perfect flesh she’d been born with.”

  Jade couldn’t hide her shock. “You saw me?”

  A smile tugged at the corners of his lips. “Why, Miss Jewel. Was that you? I thought it was an angel.”

  She started to push away. “’And all this time I believed you to be gravely wounded and fighting for your life.”

  He caught her hand, stilling her movements. “If I was, an angel’s touch saved me and brought me back from the brink.”

  She allowed herself to relax. “Oh, Nevada, are you truly feeling stronger?”

  He caught his breath against the pain. Even the slight movement of his hand had started a fire burning in his chest. “I feel like I’ve been in a gunfight. And lost.”

  “You didn’t lose. You won. It was your opponent who lost the gunfight.”

  Funny. He didn’t feel like a winner. At the moment the pain was engulfing him in flames. He struggled to hold on to the vision of the beauty he’d seen emerging from the tub. But even that image began to blur and fade.

  He paused again, struggling for breath. “As long as you stay with me, I’ll know I won.”

  “I’m staying. I have no intention of leaving your side,” she whispered.

  “Care to—” he indicated the space beside him “—join me?” When she stiffened, he added, “It’s called cuddling.”


  “Mmm-hmm. And that can lead to all kinds of… interesting things. Of course, in my condition, it will probably only lead to sleep. In which case, you’ll manage to get all the rest you need.”

  Oh, it was tempting. Too tempting. She scurried off the bed and sank onto the lounge, relieved to have put some distance between them.

  But as sleep claimed Nevada, Jade listened to his slow, easy breathing and found herself wondering what it would be like to take him up on his offer. To snuggle close beside him. To fall asleep touching him, feeling the steady cadence of each breath.

  Annoyed at such thoughts, she pulled the blanket up to her chin. And fell into an exhausted sleep.

  For the next week Jade found herself caught up in bursts of frantic activity by day and long, solitary hours at night. Because she refused to leave Nevada’s side, all her business had to be conducted in her upper suite of rooms. Through her parlor passed a steady stream of lawyers and prospective buyers for the Golden Dragon. Some saw the elegant building as simply a hotel and restaurant. Others intended to turn it into an exclusive gentleman’s club. And one, an Oriental man who had befriended Jade’s mother many years before, was willing to pay a fortune to continue operating it as a house of pleasure.

  “There is one stipulation, however,” he said as he and his lawyer faced Jade across her desk.

  A servant poured tea, then discreetly exited the suite.

  Jade sipped in silence.

  “I want everything to remain as it is,” he said. “From the paintings on the walls to the rugs beneath our feet.”

  Jade arched a brow. “The furnishings are worth a great deal. Some were brought from China. Others from Europe. I could never replace them.”

  “I know their value. And I am willing to pay a fair price. But they are a necessary part of my plan to continue the tradition established by your honorable mother, Ahn Lin. Without them, the customers-will seek their pleasures elsewhere.”

  Jade swallowed. She had intended to take much of this with her, to soften the harshness of her new Texas venture. But this was a chance to simplify. She wouldn’t have to deal with the confusion of inventory lists and shipping, not to mention the items that would be damaged en route.

  “I suppose we can come to some sort of arrangement.” She nodded toward a framed portrait on the wall, showing her mother as a young girl in China. “There are some items I cannot part with.”

  His smile broadened. “Of course. If you will draw up an inventory, my lawyer and I will exclude those items of a personal nature.”

  She studied the document that he presented her. It offered more money than she’d ever hoped for. How could she refuse? But still she demurred.

  “I will consider your offer, Chang Lu. But the women who work here are not part of the deal.??

  His dark brows drew together in a frown. “Yours are the finest women in San Francisco. My patrons will demand the best. Why can they not remain with me?”

  “The decision must be theirs,” she said firmly. “They must be free to stay or go.” And she desperately hoped they would choose to go with her. To a new beginning in Texas.

  As his wounds slowly healed and his strength returned, Nevada saw Jade in a new light. Always before, he had assumed she led a pampered life of ease, surrounded by wealth and luxury. Now he regarded her also as a businesswoman, who worked hard to maintain a high standard of living, not only for herself but for all who were employed at the Golden Dragon.

  Through the closed door of the bedroom he overheard everything. The business meetings. The occasional reprimand when one of the employees disobeyed a rule of the house. And Lily’s carefully chosen words of advice, usually delivered in a voice devoid of emotion.

  He saw, too, the long hours, when the others were asleep, that Jade spent going over the expenses, checking invoices, recording everything in her ledgers.

  Despite her sheltered upbringing, she had an amazing well of knowledge and an excellent business sense. But in one area of her life she was woefully lacking. Though she directed an army of women trained to please men, she had never joined their ranks.

  A smile touched Nevada’s lips as he listened to the sound of her musical voice in the next room. As soon as his strength returned, he vowed, he would be the one to teach her.

  Besides the potential buyers to deal with, there were the women looking for work. Some of them were recent immigrants desperate to survive. A few were girls from the street, hoping for something better. Because there were so many of them in San Francisco, Jade could afford to choose only the best. But even with Lily’s help, she found the interviews distasteful. The tales told by many of the young women brought tears to her eyes. Tales of beatings, of brutality by men who claimed to love them.

  After one especially unpleasant interview, Jade entered her bedroom and sank onto the chaise.

  “You should be here,” Nevada said gruffly, patting the bed, “where you can get your proper rest.”

  At the sound of his voice she sat up. “You’re awake. Do you need anything?”

  He shook his head. “Nothing.”

  “I could have a servant bring you a tray.”

  “Later. Right now I don’t want you to move. You’ve been through enough for one day.”

  She glanced at him, amazed that he should be concerned for her when he was the one who had suffered so greatly. “What are you talking about?”

  “I overheard the interview with the young French girl. She painted a pretty grim picture.”

  Jade gripped her hands together and looked away. “I should be used to it by now. It is always the same. Abuse at the hands of cruel fathers or husbands. No safe place to sleep. A woman alone, afraid, desperate. None of the stories are new. But each time, I find myself getting angry. It isn’t fair. Everyone should have a mother and father to love and protect them.”

  For the space of several moments he was quiet. Then he muttered, “Nobody ever said life was fair, Jade. For every girl like you, who had loving parents, there is one like the girl who just left here.”

  “What about you, Nevada?” she asked suddenly. “Were your parents kind and loving?”

  Before he could reply there was a knock on the door and a servant entered, carrying a tray. Jade directed her to set it on the nightstand beside the bed.

  It took the efforts of both women to help Nevada to a sitting position, with mounds of pillows supporting him. When the maid took her leave, Jade picked up a fork and began to feed him.

  “You’d better be careful,” he muttered between bites. “I may learn to like this kind of treatment.”

  She avoided meeting his gaze, and busied herself with his food. But when she looked up, she felt the jolt of those clear amber eyes all the way to her toes. To cover her confusion she commanded, “Open your mouth.”

  He did as he was told, and accepted the food from her hand. As her fingers touched his lips, Jade realized it was the most purely sensual feeling she had ever known. The act of feeding him was such an intimate gesture, she found herself trembling.

  She tried to turn away, to hide the color that stained her cheeks. He caught her chin. As his gaze burned over her, she felt a rush of heat that left her weak.

  He brought his other hand to her shoulder and drew her fractionally closer, all the while staring into her eyes. “One day soon my strength will return.” His voice was low and deep and rough with anger as his thumb traced her lips. “On that day I’m going to see that you stop pushing yourself so hard. I’ll be strong enough for both of us, so that you can get the rest you need.”

  His touch was as shocking as a kiss. With her hand against his chest she resisted being drawn into the web of his charm. “I’ll never let anyone else be strong for me. I was taught to depend on myself, Nevada.”

  He pulled her close and kissed her, hard and quick. It was as shocking as a jolt of lightning, and both of them reacted as though they’d been struck.

  Jade pulled back until his hand at her shoulder stopped her. But even that simple movement had taken its toll, and Nevada was forced to lie back against the pillows.

  “You see. Your strength has not yet returned,” she said as firmly as she could manage. “You know the rules. You need to eat if you’re ever going to leave that bed.”

  “Soon, Jade. Very soon,” he muttered. “And then we’re going to toss out all the rules. And write new ones.”

  She could feel his heartbeat strong and steady against her palm. Her own was racing like a runaway stage.

  He felt it, too. And experienced a sense of satisfaction that he could have such an effect on her. It would seem that the cool proprietor of the Golden Dragon was feeling more than a little flustered.

  He intended to cause her a great deal more discomfort before he was through. Oh, yes. A great deal more discomfort, he promised himself. He’d test her strength to the limit. And his own.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Jade discovered that, as the days passed and Nevada began to mend, sleep was increasingly difficult. To her horror, much of her night was spent thinking about the man enjoying the comfort of her bed. And what it would feel like to join him there.

  Such thoughts ran counter to everything she had been taught. She could hear her old tutor’s voice as she’d instructed, “Remember, child, that lust is like opium. It weakens, even while giving the illusion of strength. In order to be strong, a woman must not need the things a man offers. Instead, the woman must make the man desire what only she can give. Then she will be in a position of power, of strength.”

  Why, Jade wondered, must everything come down to power and strength? But when she’d asked her tutor, the old woman’s reply had always been, “If you had ever endured bondage, you would not question. You would know that the weak are always dominated by the strong. It is enough to know that you must never show your enemy your weakness. Instead, show only strength.”

  “Are men our enemies?” Jade had asked.

  “I look upon them,” the old teacher had said with a smile, “as necessary evils.”

  With such words ringing in her mind, Jade again studied the sleeping figure of Nevada. It was true that a man had tried to hurt her. But it was also true that another had risked his own life to save hers. Surely that was not the sign of one who would dominate.

  Oh, if only her honorable father was alive. She knew he would have had answers to all her questions. And would have helped her chart a course through this maze.

  She turned away, fighting a wave of confusion and frustration.

  Jade climbed the stairs, her mind reeling from the documents she had just signed. As she stepped into her bedroom she stopped in midstride. Nevada was standing by a basin of water. All he wore was a towel.

  “What are you doing out of bed?”

  He turned.
“I never thought I’d say this, but I’m tired of being pampered. I’m sick of feather beds and satin sheets. And being spoon-fed by an angel.”

  “But the doctor said you needed more time to heal.” She started across the room, then skidded to a halt.

  It was one thing to see him weak and wounded, fighting for his life. But now, standing here half-naked, he exuded strength and masculine virility.

  The towel rode low on his hips. His feet were bare, as was his chest. Little drops of water still clung to his hair and lashes.

  He shot her a dangerous smile. “I think I might have taken on too much. Would you mind helping me back to bed?”

  She stepped beside him and he draped an arm around her shoulder. Up close he smelled of lavender soap. It was such a contrast to his rugged looks, it made her smile. The feel of his bare arm and chest was deliciously wicked, causing her breath to back up in her throat.

  Leaning heavily on her, he moved slowly across the room until they reached the bed.

  “Can you make it?” she asked.

  He brought his lips close to her ear. “You might have to ease me down a bit.”

  She couldn’t hide her trembling response. That only made him bolder. “I’m losing my balance. You’d better hold on to me.”

  Alarmed, she caught him around the waist just as he tumbled backward. He landed on the bed, pulling her down on top of him.

  He moaned slightly and she struggled to free herself. “Oh, dear, I’ve hurt you.”

  “Mmm.” His arms came around her, pinning her to the length of him. Her lips hovered a fraction above his. “But it’s a good hurt.”

  “A good…?” She lifted her head and shot him a look of disbelief.

  But in that same instant he tangled both hands in her hair and forced her head down until her lips were brushing his.

  “I think you should kiss away the hurt.” The teasing laughter in his eyes faded, to be replaced with a look that had her heart almost stopping.