Page 20 of Taunting Krell

  Krell stared at her. “I’m proud of you.”

  She wasn’t sure what to say but her chest tightened over the compliment. “Thanks. I feel the same way when it comes to you.”

  His gaze drifted away. “I put you in danger. I should have left you on Garden where you would have been safe.”

  Irritation flashed through her. “That’s bullshit. They would have tortured the location of your planet from at least one of you if those metal heads had captured your people. They would have gone there next.”

  His silence wasn’t exactly an agreement but she let it slide. They hit the sector of small moons and she released the six weapons, leaving them in their wake, and changed direction, steering around the moons until she passed through the cluster.

  “Where do we go now?”

  Krell hesitated.

  It hurt. Cyan released the controls and stood. “Fine. I’m going to go somewhere else. You have the helm since you don’t trust me enough to tell me how to reach Garden.”

  She refused to meet his gaze though she knew he watched her as she spun away and marched toward the lift. He didn’t call out to stop her and she hadn’t expected him to. Krell only trusted her up to a certain point. It sucked and it hurt her feelings but the important thing was they’d escaped. They’d reach Garden alive.

  Krell snarled and took the helm. He wanted to set it to autopilot but couldn’t trust it since the Markus Models had previously had control of the shuttle. He needed to monitor it closely to make sure it wasn’t programmed to send out any signals to the other androids’ shuttles. He should have told Cyan the coordinates to Garden. Trust didn’t come easy to him but she’d earned it tenfold.

  “I’m an ass,” he muttered, wishing he could go after her. He would apologize when she returned.

  Part of him wished they didn’t have to return to Garden immediately. The idea of spending time alone with Cyan was a pleasant one. The council couldn’t issue any orders regarding his female and he wouldn’t have to deal with other males wishing to gain Cyan’s interest. The moment they reached orbit he’d have to issue a request to meet with them, order Mavo to attend to verify her previous human identity, and argue for her to be given special concessions.

  He hoped the council would take Mavo’s word that Cyan had once been Emily Pleva. He’d call on Councilman Zorus as well to help sway them to approve his demands to give her human status on Garden despite her body’s origins. The male owed him a lot of favors and he’d call in every one to prevent Cyan from having to take other males into their family unit.

  She may not even want to stay with me. That haunting thought made him snarl. His fingers wrapped around the controls tighter at the idea of losing her. He had to make it right with her and indecision tore at him again. He wanted to seek her out and apologize. He always seemed to screw up when it came to her. He’d spent too many years alone, didn’t have friends for a reason, and he’d lost his ability to communicate well.

  I need to try harder, he admitted. I need to tell her how much she means to me.

  * * * * *

  Hours had passed and Cyan hadn’t returned. It worried Krell but internal sensors confirmed that she remained on the lower deck in the crew sleeping quarters and he hoped she at least rested well.

  The coms alerted him to a signal and he opened a channel to listen. Silence greeted him but then a soft beep sounded.

  He smiled, recognizing the signal for what it was. “This is Krell. I am piloting the Genesis Four.”

  The com remained silent for a moment. “Prove it.”

  He flat-out grinned. “You’re an asshole for nearly dumping my female onto her ass just because she proved you are incompetent at reading her, Gene.” He paused. “Where are you hiding?” His gaze drifted over the radar, impressed with the Bridden’s abilities to cloak, avoiding being detected easily by sensors.

  “What happened to the Markus Models?”

  “Cyan killed them and we left their remains on the planet surface.”

  “All of them?”

  “The eight Models who were previously on this shuttle have been deactivated. We encountered two more shuttles when we broke the surface of the hostile planet but she lost them.”

  “Continue on. We’re in range.” A blip suddenly showed on the radar screen, but only for a second, and Krell grinned. The other shuttle flew portside, pacing him, and had purposely revealed its location.

  “What is the status of the Vontage?”

  “Safe and ahead of us. We backtracked, searching for you and to verify it wasn’t a trap when we received your original transmission that you were traveling in the attack shuttle. We didn’t believe it.”

  “Now you have verification.”

  Mission accomplished on getting the Vontage home. A sense of peace hit Krell. He’d done his job and now he just needed to convince Cyan to keep him as her primary and only male. His body tensed. He’d do that after he convinced the council to revoke her cyborg female status and change it to give her human rights.

  * * * * *

  Cyan stared at the ceiling of the crew cabin. She’d napped a little but nightmares had plagued her. She’d probably have them for a while after her encounter with the Markus Models. The damn things would continue to search for cyborgs but she’d do her best to make sure they never captured any. She’d share all her information about them with Krell and make sure they carried weapons that would be effective. He might not trust her completely but she’d make him listen.

  She was in love with a guy who might never fully believe what she said. He was stubborn and could make her angry more than anyone else ever had but he was worth the trouble. A smile curved her lips. Convincing him could be fun. The memories of making up after they argued made her climb off the bunk.

  She left the crew cabin and found the kitchen. The Markus Models needed to sustain the organic parts of their bodies but the food stores were nearly depleted. She managed to put two plates together and hoped they weren’t in for a long trip. They’d starve.

  Krell turned his head when she entered the piloting section of the shuttle. His dark gaze widened slightly at the sight of the trays she carried. She slowly advanced toward him.

  “I thought you might be hungry.”

  “I am.” He turned to face her. “I apologize.”

  That brought her to a halt. She hesitated before she approached, took the second seat, and handed over a tray of food. “Thank you. What is the apology for?”

  “I do trust you. It is just not easy for me to do.”

  Her body relaxed. “That means a lot, Krell. Really.”

  He accepted the food, glanced at it, but didn’t show a grimace. Cyan wanted to do it for him. The pickings were slim.

  “It seems the Markus Models didn’t restock food. We’re kind of screwed in that department pretty soon. They don’t need to eat as much as we do and they can go longer periods of time without nourishment. This was the best of what was left.”

  “We’ll reach Garden soon. We’ve advanced on the Vontage but we’re keeping back enough to give them cover in case they find trouble on the return trip. This is the faster shuttle yet we are taking the rear position.” He used his head to indicate the sensors.

  Cyan glanced at them, seeing a faint blip on the radar. They were a good hour behind it at least. “That’s her? Where’s the Bridden?”

  “Cloaked but present. It is off our portside.”

  Cyan ate, her thoughts on returning to Garden and what that would mean for her and Krell. She glanced up when she finished to find him staring at her. “What?”

  “Would you enjoy flying us the rest of the way to Garden? We’re planning on docking to the Vontage when we reach orbit. A team is going to sweep this shuttle first before it’s taken to the surface and they will replace the onboard computers to make certain we don’t have any surprises in the future if they programmed them to send a distress signal or broadcast to the androids. We’ll board the Bridden and it will return us to the

  He was offering her an olive branch of sorts and she took it. “I’d love to.” She smiled. Krell stood, took both their trays and allowed her to fly the Genesis Four shuttle. Cyan spent the rest of the flight in comfortable silence with him.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Home sweet home,” Cyan chuckled, dropped her bag inside Krell’s door and turned her head to peer up at him.

  He dropped his own bag and moved out of the way so the door could close behind him. He hesitated. “We need to talk.”

  Her heart dropped. “That’s never good to hear a man say.”

  That drew a frown from him. “I don’t understand.”

  “Are you breaking up with me?” She used a teasing tone but inside she winced, expecting painful words to come out of his mouth. She hoped that wasn’t the case.

  “No.” He took a step forward, gripped her arms and yanked her against his body to face him. “I’m your primary male and you’re my female. We’re joined in a family unit and I do not wish to dissolve it.”

  She could breathe easier. “Okay. What do you want to talk about?” Her hands flattened on his chest.

  “I’m requesting an immediate meeting with the council. Mavo has verified your claims and therefore I’m insisting they issue you a new status.”


  “You were once fully human, you saved cyborgs from Earth captivity, and you deserve special concessions. I do not wish for males coming after you to gain your interest in hopes of them joining our family unit.”

  “That was clear enough.”

  “Will you protest my right to be with you?”

  “I don’t understand.”

  He leaned down a little closer. “We’ve had our disagreements but I wish for you to remain with me, Cyan. You could protest our joining, ask the council to give you to another male, but I don’t want that to happen.” He took a deep breath. “I value you greatly and wish you to know I would protest losing you. I’d battle the entire council if they attempt to assign you to another male. I wish to be your primary and only male on a permanent basis.”

  Her fingers traced the material of his shirt and she stared at it for a few seconds before lifting her gaze. “Why?”

  The baffled look on his face wasn’t amusing but it was cute. “Why?”

  “Why do you want to keep me?”

  “I find you attractive.”

  She hid her wince.

  “You’re intelligent, creative and mine.” He blew out a frustrated breath. “I want to keep you. I feel things with you that I never have experienced before.”

  That perked her up. “What kind of feelings?”

  “You want me to evaluate them and give you descriptions?”

  “It doesn’t sound real romantic put that way.” Her hands slid up to his shoulders and her chin lifted higher. “You could show me what you feel.”

  Passion flared in his gaze and Cyan grinned. Krell lowered his head to kiss her but the door chimed. They both groaned and she released him. He eased away from her and turned, his palm slamming hard over the pad next to them. The doors slid open to reveal a large group of people in the hallway.

  “No,” Krell hissed.

  Cyan was at a loss for words. Mavo and Deviant stood in front of some of the councilmen she’d met at Medical. There had to be ten or more of them and she was glad to see her friend but confused by his angry expression as he glared at Krell. Mavo dropped his gaze to seek her out.

  “I’ve come for you,” Mavo informed her softly. “You are no longer joined in a family unit with Krell. My son and I have the support of the council to take you away from him.”

  “What?” Surprise rolled through her.

  “I petitioned the council and they agree that you shouldn’t have been assigned to any male. I spoke to my female and while she wasn’t happy, she understands my association with you. You are officially considered my daughter, under my protection and that of my son Deviant. We’ve come to take you to my home.”

  Krell suddenly surged forward, grabbed Mavo by the front of his shirt and the council members gasped. They scrambled to get out of the way as both men were propelled into the hallway. Cyan was so stunned she couldn’t move until Mavo’s back hit the wall and Krell roared out.

  “She’s mine and you had no authority.”

  Mavo gripped his hands. “You had no right to hide the news that she’d been returned to us and to keep her. Put me down and stop this immediately.”

  Deviant stepped into Krell’s home and held out his hand. “Come with me and my father, Cyan.”

  She stared at the unusually dark-skinned cyborg, letting it sink in that he was Mavo’s son. “No.”

  “You’ll be safe. My father and mother have adopted you, in a sense, and you’ll be safe living in my father’s home.”

  She gaped at him.

  “You want her, Deviant.” Krell dropped Mavo, spun, glared at the other cyborg and growled. “Don’t deny it.”

  Deviant shrugged. “I believe I know much about her after all my father’s stories. I’ve heard about her my entire life.”

  Jazel, the female council woman with the pale hair, shoved the men out of her way. “Enough. This is unacceptable. We are better than behaving as if we’re poorly trained humans. What is next? A fight with fists?” She turned her head to peer at Cyan. “You’ve been released from your family unit, your status has been changed to human regardless of your enhanced body, and Mavo has claimed you as his daughter. You may leave with your father.”

  Cyan threw up her hands. “Wait a damn minute. Doesn’t anyone care what I want?”

  “No,” Krell snarled. “They do not.”

  Her gaze landed on Mavo. “We need to talk.” She glanced at Krell. “Alone.”

  Anger tightened his features. “I knew you would choose him.” Pain flashed across his handsome features, he didn’t even attempt to hide it, and then he stormed down the hallway out of sight.

  Mavo smoothed his wrinkled uniform and approached her. “It will be fine, E—” He paused. “Cyan.”

  She reached out, gripped his arm, pulled him inside Krell’s home and shot Deviant a glare. “Get out.”

  “My father—”

  “Out!” She kept hold of Mavo and used her finger to point. “Leave.”

  Deviant wasn’t happy but stepped out into the hallway. Cyan tugged Mavo inside until the door slid shut to afford them some privacy. She realized it probably pissed off the council but she didn’t care. She released Mavo and faced him, her hands gripping her hips.

  “Why did you do that?”

  He appeared confused. “I’m saving you.”

  “From Krell?”

  “Yes.” His green eyes narrowed. “He was irrational, threatened to kill me, and prevented me from talking to you. You’ve found me and I mean to protect you.”

  “From Krell?”


  “Damn.” She sighed, staring up at him. “Did you think you might want to ask me first? You know how I hate people doing that crap. How many times did you used to listen to me bitch about how everyone would always make decisions for me in the ruse of protecting me?”

  “E—” He groaned. “I’m trying to adjust to your new name. I don’t want to harm you again by saying the other one.”

  “I appreciate that. The stabbing pain to my head sucks. Just talk to me without using names. You’ll adjust in time.”

  “Fine. Krell isn’t known for his ability to get along with others and he’s acting irrational when it comes to you. I imagined you would be relieved to be free of him. We can finally be together.”

  “You’re married.”

  He frowned. “Yes. I adopted you.”

  “I’m an adult. That’s kind of weird.”

  “I always thought of you as a daughter.”

  Ouch. Good thing I’m not infatuated with him anymore or that would really hurt instead of just sting a tiny bit. She hesitated.

  “I failed you o
nce when I abandoned you on Earth. I should have ignored your reasoning and carried you away.”

  “I would have died.”

  “I read the reports the council created on you as soon as we contacted Garden.” Rage darkened his features. “You did die. That’s how you ended up changed.”

  “True, but you’re missing the point. I’m still here because I stayed on Earth and this happened. I hated it at first. I was in shock after I woke, but it didn’t totally suck. The height thing gets to me but I adjusted and grew into being a new person. It’s me now. I’m not the same person and as much as I appreciate you trying to protect me, you’re not.”

  “No one will tell you who to be with.”

  “My point exactly. It’s my choice and no one asked me if I wanted to leave Krell.”

  Some of his anger faded. “You care for him?”

  “Duh. Yes. We have our problems but we’re trying to work through them.”

  Mavo’s features paled slightly. “I’ve made things worse. I’m so sorry.”

  “You didn’t know. You totally get an A for effort though. I appreciate that. It’s why I’m not yelling.”

  A smile tugged at his lips. “I’ve missed you.”

  She smiled back and stepped into him, wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him tightly. “I missed you too.”

  Strong arms wrapped around her and he placed a kiss on the top of her head. “I was hoping that you’d be attracted to my son. He’s very similar to me.” He chuckled. “I want the best for you.”

  She laughed. “Still as conceited as ever.”

  “Still as mouthy as ever.”

  “Some things never change.”

  He held her tighter. “You mean the world to me.” His voice grew gruff. “Leaving you behind destroyed me and I’ve grieved the loss all these years.”

  “It’s a good thing I’m tough to kill and your creator was a genius.” She fought back tears. “The new bod is pretty kickass and it was for the best. No more grieving allowed for a live person.”