Page 21 of Taunting Krell

  He chuckled. “You’re officially my daughter. I insist on keeping that ruling in place.”

  “Awesome. I’m not calling you Daddy though. I’d need therapy.”

  He pulled back a little to give her a confused look. “Why?”

  “I had a crush on you once.”

  His lips parted in surprise.

  “Don’t worry. I’m so over it. We’re good.”

  “I didn’t realize.”

  “It doesn’t matter. What does is that Krell took off and I’m in love with him.”

  “I’ll find him and bring him back.” Mavo released her. “I’ll fix this. I’ll petition the council to reinstate your family unit immediately.”

  She shook her head. “Don’t. If Krell wants me, he can get the paperwork done to reinstate our marriage. I don’t want someone telling us how to live without each of us having a say in it first, this time around. I’m not leaving him unless he asks me to.”

  “He’s completely irrational where you are concerned.” Mavo grinned. “There’s no paperwork on Garden. We hold meetings. You’re irresistible and he never stood a chance. I should have seen through his rage to the reason behind it. He stopped me from taking you aboard the Vontage because he didn’t want the two of you parted. He loves you.”

  “I hope so.” She crossed her fingers. “Now could you leave and take the circus outside with you? I doubt he’ll return until they are gone.”

  Mavo chuckled. “Done on the condition that you see me often. We’re family.”

  “Try to keep me away. I’ve got to meet this wife of yours. She must be something to have landed you.”

  His smile faded. “It’s not a love match but we get along well and she’s given me two sons. I was her fourth addition into her family unit and I’m not her primary male.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  He shrugged. “Things are what they must be for our survival. They aren’t ideal but we’re striving to make them better. We’re happier now than we ever were on Earth.”

  “You know I’m going to raise hell for things to change.”

  “I look forward to it.” He laughed. “I almost feel sorry for the council after seeing what you used to do to your fath— When you disagreed with how things were run. Remember that you love me.”

  “Remember to ask me first next time you want to do what is best for me and we’ll be good. Otherwise I’ll reprogram something of yours to go haywire.”

  Mavo laughed. “I’ve missed you.”

  “Ditto. Go, and take them with you. I’ve got the grim cyborg to talk to.”

  “I’d tell you good luck but you won’t need it. You’re the most determined female I’ve ever met. He doesn’t stand a chance.”

  Cyan watched Mavo open the door and leave. She turned and walked through Krell’s home, wondering how long he’d be gone. Time might be a good thing considering she had some plotting to do.

  She never wanted to return to Earth. She didn’t have any ties there. The people she loved were on Garden. They were her family now. She belonged with the cyborgs and to one in particular.

  * * * * *

  Krell wandered aimlessly through the streets, attempting to think but hurt and anger made it nearly impossible. He’d been betrayed by his best friend, a male he considered a brother, who had taken his female. Cyan had an attachment to Mavo and they had a history.

  His teeth ground together. It had taken Mavo under a minute to identify Cyan as Emily Pleva, the daughter of their creator and the savior of cyborgs. He’d trusted her instantly, unlike Krell. She had every reason to wish to leave with Mavo and to live in his home.

  Krell’s hands fisted. Deviant, that devious cyborg, wants Cyan bad. He growled, drawing attention from passing cyborgs, but ignored them all. Loss and jealousy battled inside his mind as he wandered the streets.

  He regretted not having the time to talk to Cyan before the council and his friends had arrived at his door. He should have ignored it but he’d had no way of knowing they’d act so quickly to remove her from his home. For once he had something, someone, to live for. He’d learned to care and to feel happiness. The cold reserve he always carried had slipped away to admit the sexy and mouthy little female instead.

  He stopped walking and spun around on his booted heel. He wasn’t going to allow her to go without a fight. A plan formed in his head as he hurried home. He’d grab a bag, go after Cyan and steal a shuttle. He just needed a few days with her to convince her that he was the male for her.

  She’d argue and perhaps fight with him physically when he kidnapped her but a smile played at his lips as he considered that concept. He enjoyed making up with Cyan. She’d get over her temper soon enough. They had chemistry and feelings were involved.

  The hallway in front of his door had emptied and his rage returned. Cyan had been taken and there wasn’t a reason anyone would stick around his home any longer. They had taken the one thing they wanted. He unlocked the door, stormed inside and headed for his bedroom to grab weapons from his closet.

  He may have to fight his way to one of the shuttles if an alarm was triggered when he broke into Mavo’s home to retrieve Cyan. It wouldn’t matter. They wouldn’t risk shooting at him with her over his shoulder. He’d move swiftly, steal a shuttle and blast off from the planet. He’d figure out a way to lose whatever ships they sent after him. He could hide for a few days to give him the needed time to make Cyan see they belonged together.

  He marched into his bedroom and headed quickly for the closet, but something caught his attention, jerking him to a halt. Cyan sat on his bed staring at him silently. Her boots were removed, along with her pants, and her naked, pale legs were crossed. She wore one of his shirts, the only item she appeared to have on, and her hair had been unbraided to fall in a black mass over her shoulders onto his bedding. The blue of her eyes drew him in as he held his breath before stumbling a step toward her.

  “It took you long enough to come home. What did you do? Walk the entire city?” Her dark eyebrows arched and her lips curved downward. “I thought I was going to have to send a search party after you but didn’t know who to call.”

  “Cyan?” His gruff voice came out sounding harsh and he regretted it but he was shocked to find her there.

  “Who else? Do I look like the maid? Strike that. I’m not into cleaning and I’m not exactly dressed for it either unless you want to see me bend over to scrub the floor just to flash my ass at you.” She suddenly grinned. “That sounds kinky and I might consider it.”

  He took another step closer, stunned that she was really there, confused too, but happy. “You didn’t leave?”

  “Duh. Hello!” She gripped her shapely inner thighs and leaned in his direction. “Are you all right? You look a little pale.”


  “You look it.” Her grin widened. “Why don’t you take a seat? I thought we should talk.”

  His heart raced and dread tensed his body. “You stayed to say goodbye to me?”

  “Sit.” She released her thigh and pointed to the mattress next to her. “I’m starting to get a crick in my neck from staring up at you. Damn, you’re tall.”

  Krell inched closer and sat on the edge of the bed, turned to face her and realized he had an opportunity to convince her to stay. He might not have much time, Mavo and Deviant would return for her, but for now they were alone. Worst-case scenario, he’d toss her over his shoulder, grab what he needed and take her off the planet if she refused to consider remaining with him.


  Cyan launched at Krell and straddled his lap, cutting off his words. She cupped his face, couldn’t miss the shock at her swift actions, and she studied his beautiful eyes. “Here’s where we’re at. The council disbanded, divorced us, or whatever they call it.” She shrugged. “Mavo adopted me as his daughter. That’s disturbing yet sweet in a kind of creepy way, considering I used to fantasize about him. That puts a whole new spin on that sex-daddy thing.” She shivere
d. “I’m so not into that. Ewww.”

  It amused her when Krell’s eyes widened with shock and he just gaped at her. She refrained from laughing, her fingers traced his scars softly and she scooted higher up his thighs until they were chest to chest. She liked being on his lap since it helped them even out their heights.

  “I’m really tired of people telling me how to live. Aren’t you? We have a clean slate now. We’re both free to do what we want.”

  His hands suddenly gripped her hips, yanking her tighter against his groin, and her eyebrows lifted when she felt more than his thighs under her. The smile returned, knowing how she affected him. He was more than happy to see her—he was aroused, hard, and obviously turned-on.

  “I want you, Cyan. Don’t leave me. I know that other males would probably be easier to live with and I’m aware of my flaws but I will work on them.”

  “What flaws?” Her fingers traced his scars again. “I think you’re incredibly hot, Krell. You’re strong, brave, smart and very sexy.”

  He softly growled and it turned her on more. There was something untamed and wild about him when he did it, so far from the reserved guy he tried to be.

  “And then there’s that. I love when you make those noises and let some of that iron control of yours go.” She spread her thighs wider, snugly fitting her pussy over the hard length of his cock, trapped in his pants, and slid her hands around his neck until their lips nearly touched. “There’s not a damn thing wrong with you in my book.”

  “I do have flaws.”

  “Who doesn’t? I happen to have a few myself. I’m so not a morning person sometimes. I’m actually kind of scary.” She smiled to soften the words. “And I speak bad English, according to you.”

  “I think it’s endearing.”

  Her heart melted. “Really?”

  “Yes.” He held her tighter. “I don’t want to lose you, Cyan. I need you. I wanted to tell you that and make you understand that you are deeply valued by me.”

  “I’m looking for more than value here.” She bit her lip. “Have you ever loved anyone before? Do you think it’s possible for you to one day fall in love with me?”

  His gaze narrowed. “Not one day.”

  It hurt and she lowered her gaze, tried to lean away from his body, but he suddenly fisted a handful of her hair at the base of her neck to keep her in place. She stared at him in surprise.

  “I love you, Cyan Eous. It’s not going to come to pass one day because it has already occurred. I believe it happened the moment you walked up to me inside the interrogation cell and touched me. You made me feel with your light caress, the way you pressed against me and the look in your eyes when I stared into them.”

  “I think that was sexual attraction.”

  “You’re not my female type but you’ve become it.” His hold on her hair loosened. “It was deeper than that. You saw me and not just the scars. I didn’t terrify you or repulse you. I was a male.” He released her hair and cupped her face. “You make me feel happy to be in your presence and fear at the same time that you may one day leave me. You anger me but I enjoy arguing with you. I’m alive with you and you make everything possible for me. I may not have experienced love before but I’m an analyst.” His lips curved upward into a smile. “I’m smart enough to figure out what I’m feeling. I am in love and I believe you love me as well. You could have left but you are here, wearing my shirt, on my bed, and you had a choice.”

  Tears filled her eyes. “I love you too, Krell. I don’t want to leave. This is where I belong, with you, and it’s the only place I want to be.”

  “I’ll never let you go and I’ll never share you with other males.” He hesitated, his smile gone, and anger darkened his eyes. “The idea makes me feel rage thinking about them baring your body, getting to know you, and you touching them. You’re mine. I want to be your primary and only male.”

  “I told you I’m not into that multi-partner thing. Ewww. You’re more than enough for me and I don’t want anyone else. The council will be very sorry if they try to pull that cyborg, messed-up law bullshit on us. I can be a real bitch and I—”

  Krell’s mouth covered hers and she moaned against his kiss. His tongue delved inside to tease her with light caresses that left her panting when he finally pulled away. He stared into her eyes.

  “I do remember some things about humans.”

  “Okay. Would that be how to annoy someone when they want to have sex and you stop instead?”

  He chuckled and lifted her off his lap, despite her protest. He set her on the edge of the bed and he slid to the floor. He knelt before her and she hoped he was about to get kinky. She longed for him to turn her around and do it doggy style. Her body ached for him but instead he took her hand, lifted it to his lips, and pressed a kiss to the back of it. His dark gaze locked with hers while he kept hold of her.

  “Cyan Eous, will you marry me? I promise to love, honor and cherish you. I will protect you with my life, give you my alliance above all others, including the council and other cyborgs, and swear loyalty to you for as long as I draw breath. I will put your needs above my own, always attempt to make certain you are happy, and I—”

  She yanked him off balance, using his hold on the hand he clutched, and took him to the floor by launching her body against his. Krell landed flat on his back with her straddling his lap. She leaned over him, her hair falling forward to curtain around them, and laughed.

  “You had me at ‘will you marry me’. Yes!”

  He chuckled. “You’re very strong.”

  “People always underestimate me.”

  He surprised her by bucking his hips, released her hand he still held, and rolled them. Her back hit the floor and the sexy cyborg pinned her tightly. He grinned as he yanked her arms over her head and snugly cradled his hips into the vee of her thighs. His cock pressed firmly against her clit, rubbed as he wiggled against her to get more comfortable, and she softly moaned.

  “Will you ever allow me to finish a sentence?”

  “Probably not.” She wrapped her legs around his hips. “Will you ever stop teasing me and shut up? Less talk, more clothes off.”

  He grinned. “There is so much I love about you.”

  “There’d be so much more of you to love if you’d take off the clothes.”

  “I want a joining ceremony and we’ll share markings.”

  “What does that mean? Could you speak English I can understand?”

  He released her arms and lifted up. “Tear my shirt off.”

  Cyan grabbed the material, more than happy to comply. She had no problems helping him out of his clothes. She loved to bare every inch of him. The sound was loud as she shredded it from his body. He held still to allow her to do it and she freed his upper body and tossed the destroyed shirt away. Her hands flattened on his impressive, muscular chest and slid downward to open the front of his pants. He suddenly lowered, trapping her hands between their stomachs.

  “Our males tattoo their names and who we are in our cyborg language across our arms and shoulders. I had enough scars to carry and never wanted more markings. That has changed with you.” He braced one arm to hold his weight, used his hand to brush his outer arm with his fingertips and trace them upward to his shoulder and across his upper back. “They would be placed along here.”

  “You created a language? Is it hard to speak? I’m pretty good at learning new ones.”

  “It’s just a written language. We did it to communicate with each other without others being able to understand it. I’ll teach it to you.” He paused, peering deeply into her eyes. “It would mean a lot to me if you’d carry my name, if we shared the same markings and were matched.”

  “Have you ever heard of a wedding band? You know, matching rings on our fingers?”

  Disappointment flashed across his handsome features. “Yes. I understand. Carrying the markings of another on your body is a hard burden to bear.”

  It mattered to him, meant a lot, and that matte
red to her. He’d carried the scars of his attack by humans, would always have that reminder, but now he wanted to sport something they’d share on their bodies. She got it and it made her heart melt.

  “I’d be honored to get matching tattoos with you.”

  He smiled. “Really?”

  “Yes. I just hope they are attractive. You’ll be looking at them for a very long time because you’re stuck with me for good. I kind of heal fast and hope tattoos take.”

  “Our bodies take them and so will yours. We use magnetic ink placed under the skin to manipulate the exact patterns we wish. Your skin will tolerate it and the wraps we use will hold it in place while you heal to keep the pattern. The cyborg written language is beautiful to view. I’ll have some of the males show you before it is done so you may see it. I’ll write out my name to show you what ours will be, exactly.”

  “Awesome but I’m sure I’ll love it. I really don’t want a bunch of guys stripping off their shirts in front of me. I’m content to just admire yours once we get them done.”

  He chuckled. “Awesome.”

  Cyan laughed. “You know, I’m totally going to be a bad influence on you. You’re already picking up my colorful sayings.”

  “I look forward to it.”

  “Now can we have sex?” She gripped his shoulders, trying to tug him down. “I want you.”

  He lowered his chest but instead of kissing her, he stared into her eyes. “I have one more request. You don’t have to answer now but I’d appreciate your consideration.”

  “Okay. What is it?”

  He hesitated.

  “Just spill it.”

  “I assume that means you want me to just say what is on my mind.”

  “Yes.” She grinned. “You know what I’m thinking about. Your pants are still on though.”

  “I would enjoy having a child with you at a future date.”

  That shocked her.

  “I realize there is no need, Mavo had one for me in accordance to cyborg law, but I would hope you would at least consider it. I gave up wanting a lot of things but you make me dream for more. I want to experience everything with you, Cyan. I want to live with you in every way possible, become a true family, and to create a life with you would be amazing.”