“Cosmopolitan Address” (Wieland), 620–21
Cottbus, Circle of, 593
Cottle, Joseph (1770–1853), 409, 424, 429
Council of Ancients (Les Anciens), 88, 106, 114, 117–18, 159
and coup of 18th Brumaire, 119, 120–23
Council of Five Hundred (Les Cinq Cents), 88, 90, 106, 114, 117–18, 159
and coup of 18th Brumaire, 119, 121–23, 216
Council of State (Conseil d’État), 161, 162–63, 168, 239, 250
and Acte Additionel (1814), 742
and Code Napoléon, 180–82
and Concordat, 184
and Jews, 275
N.’s antimilitarist speech to (1802), 186
N.’s tirade against Talleyrand in (1809), 231
Courier, The, 408
Courland, duchy of, 212, 226
Cousin, Victor (1792–1867), 331, 657
Couthon, Georges (1755–94), 60, 69, 70, 72–73, 80
arrest and death, 82–83
Covent Garden Theatre, 371, 372, 374, 614
Cowper, William (1731–1800), 368, 513
Crabbe, George (1754–1832), 417
Cramer, Johann Baptist (1771–1858), 571
Craonne, battle of (1814), 723
Crétet, Emmanuel (1747–1809), 239
Crimea, 670, 672, 680, 697
Crisis, The (Paine), 394
Critical Latin Grammar, A (John Coleridge), 422
Critique of Pure Reason (Kant), 143, 298, 602, 637
Croatia, 233
Croker, John Wilson (1780–1857), 359
Crome, John (1768–1821), 381
Cromwell, Oliver, Lord Protector of England (r. 1653–58), 381
Crosby, Richard, publisher, 411
Crowning of Napoleon, The (Cortot), 280
Curia, 198, 542, 549
Curiosities of Literature (Isaac Disraeli), 360
Curran, John Philpot (1750–1817), 511
Curran, Sarah (fl. 1803), 511
Custine, Adam-Philippe de (1742–93), 49, 50, 67
Custine, Delphine de Sabran, Marquise de (1770–1826), 319
Cuvier, Georges- Léopold- Chrétien (1769–1832), 142, 266, 322, 325–27, 328, 331
Cyclopoedia (Chambers), 409
Czartoryski, Prince Adam Jerzy (1770–1861), 678, 680, 687, 732
Czerny, Karl (1791–1857), 582, 586
Dalberg, Karl Theodor von (1744–1817), Archbishop-Elector of Mainz, 207, 589, 660
Dale, David (1739–1806), 347, 348
Dallas, Robert (1754–1824), 491
Dalmatia, 733
Dalrymple, Sir Hew Whitefoord (1750–1830), 536
Dalton, John (1766–1844), 347, 386, 389–90, 662
Damas, Roger de (1765–1823), 716
Dame blanche, La (Boieldieu), 278
dance, 136, 370
Dannecker, Johann Heinrich von (1758–1814), 610
Dante Alighieri (1265–1321), 291, 380, 416, 487
Danton, Georges-Jacques (1759–94), 40–42;
antireligion campaign opposed by, 74, 76
arrest and trial of, 77–78
in Assembly, 42
and atheism, 41, 74
in Committee, 55, 59, 61
in Convention, 47ff.
in Cordeliers Club, 34, 40, 59
death of, 41, 78
and Desmoulins, 40, 59, 76
and Fabre, 145
and Girondins, 41, 48, 49, 56
and Jacobin Club, 54
and Louis XVI, 41, 51, 52
and Marat, 41, 49, 56
marriage of, 59
as minister of justice, 40, 41–42, 48
peace policy of, 48, 55, 59, 75, 77
Robespierre and, 41, 48, 56, 76–78, 79, 81, 83, 128
and September Massacres, 41, 45–46
and Thuriot, 82
urges end to Terror, 75, 77
Danube River, 231, 261, 562, 563
Danzig, 210, 211, 213, 270, 593, 698, 733
Dardanelles, 201, 458, 676
“Dark Ladie, The” (Coleridge), 429
Darmstadt, 516, 612
Darthé, Augustin-Alexandre (1769–97), 90
Daru, Pierre-Antoine (1767–1829), 226–27
Darwin, Charles (1809–92), 324, 327, 329, 391, 397, 403
Darwin, Erasmus (1731–1802), 391, 440
Dauphin: son of Louis XV, see Louis de France, Dauphin
son of Louis XVI, see Louis-Charles de France, Dauphin
Dauphiné, uprisings in, 22, 44
David, Jacques-Louis (1748–1825), 16, 140–41, 145, 281–82
in Convention, 47, 141, 281
and coronation of N., 198, 281–82
death of, 282
designer of festivals, 79, 136, 141
in Institute, 107, 266
and Marat, 58, 141
neoclassicism of, 134–35, 555, 611
portrait of Mme. Récamier, 273
statues by, 58, 67, 79
and Talma, 138
Davidov, Evgraf (fl. 1827), 684
Davies, Scrope, 467
Davout, Louis-Nicolas (1770–1823), 270, 730
at Auerstedt and Berlin (1806), 209
at Eckmühl (1809), 231–32
in 1805 campaign, 202, 203, 204
in Hundred Days, 742, 751, 752
in Russian campaign, 699, 704, 708, 710
Davy, Humphry (1778–1829), 322, 386, 390–91, 440
Death of Chatham, The (Copley), 380
Death of Socrates, The (David), 141
Death of Wolfe (West), 380
Debrel, Commissioner (fl. 1793), 64
De Buonaparte et des Bourbons (Chateaubriand), 320
Décade (deportation ship), 115
Decembrist rising (1825), 684
Declaration of Independence (U.S.), 23, 405
Declaration of the Rights of Man (France, 1789), 23–24, 25, 28, 76
Bentham and, 404
and freedom of the press, 23, 86, 128
and the Jews, 275
revised, 86
and rights of woman, 86, 364–65
Wordsworth and, 419
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, The (Gibbon), 477
Decrès, Denis (1762–1820), 165, 230
Dedham Vale (Constable), 381
Defence of Poetry (Shelley), 493, 633
Defence of Usury (Bentham), 405
Degas, Edgar (1834–1917), 385
Dego, battle of (1796), 98, 99
deists, English, 358, 516
“Dejection” (Coleridge), 433
Delacroix, Eugène (1798–1863), 155, 282
De la Littérature (Staël), 289, 290–91
De l’Allemagne (Staël), 289, 293, 296–99, 300
Delambre, Jean-Baptiste (1749–1822), 142
De l’Amour (Destutt), 330
De l’Esprit (Helvétius), 406
Delille, Abbé Jacques (1738–1813), 266
De l’Influence des passions (Staël), 151
Delia tirannide (Alfieri), 552
Delmas, Antoine-Guillaume Maurilhac (1766–1813), 185–86
Delphine (Staël), 148, 289, 292, 293
Democritus (c. 400 B.C.), 389, 636, 657
Démophon (Cherubini), 137
Denmark, 663–67
allied with France (1813), 717
capital bombarded (1807), 526, 665
destruction of fleet of (1801), 178, 521, 546, 664
literature in, 666–67
Norway ceded by, 722
population (1780), 3
in 2d League of Armed Neutrality, 178, 663–65
theater in, 665
Dennewitz, battle of (1813), 718
Denon, Dominique-Vivant (1747–1825), 114, 279
De Quincey, Thomas (1785–1859), 392, 417, 448–49
and Coleridge, 439, 446, 447, 449
opium addiction of, 392, 439
Derbyshire, weavers’ revolt in, 345
De rerum natura (Lucretius), 467
/> Dernières Vues de politique et de finance (Necker), 291
Desaix de Veygoux, Louis (1768–1800), 170, 173–74, 241, 242, 244
Desastres de la Guerra, Los (Goya), 224
Descartes, René (1596–1650), 290, 636
Descent from the Cross (Rubens), 279
Description de l’Égypte, 110
Descriptive Sketches (Wordsworth), 420
“Deserted Cottage, The” (Wordsworth), 446
Desmoulins, Camille (1760–94), 5, 47
arrest, trial, and death of, 77–78
in Cordeliers Club, 34, 40
and Danton, 40, 59, 76
and fall of Bastille, 17–18, 78
Hébert attacked by, 76
journals of, 20, 33, 76
Robespierre and, 77, 83, 128, 424
Desmoulins, Lucile (d. 1794), 78
Destutt de Tracy, Antoine-Louis-Claude (1754–1836), 266, 330, 331
Deux Journées, Les (Cherubini), 137
Devonshire, Lady Georgiana Spencer, Duchess of (1757–1806), 273
Devonshire, William Cavendish, 5th Duke of (1748–1811), 353
Devrient, Ludwig (1784–1832), 615–16
Deym, Countess Josephine von, 577
dialectics, 648–52, 655–57
Dictionnaire, 266
Dictionnaire philosophique (Voltaire), 470
Diderot, Denis (1713–84), 6, 35, 41, 143
and Catherine II, 677, 684
influence on German thought, 619, 628
and Romanticism, 139
his war on religion, 74*, 127
Didot, Firmin (1764–1836), 145
Didot, François (1689–1757), 145
Didot, François-Ambroise (1730–1804), 145
Didot, Pierre (1761–1853), 145
Didot, Pierre-François (1732–93), 145
Dieppe (Turner), 384
Digte (Oehlenschläger), 666
Dijon, Museum of, 280
Dillon, Charles Dillon, 12th Viscount (d. 1813), 761
Dinan, Collège de, 309
Dino, Dorothea von Bühren, Duchess of (1792–1862), 226
Dio Cassius (A.D. 155-C. 240), 227
Diogenes (Wieland), 227
Directoire, Consulat, et Empire (Lacroix), 145
Directory (Directoire; 1795–99), 88–123
art spoliation by, 102, 115
arts under, 280, 283
Bonaparte given reception by, 106–7
campaigns of, 97–105, 108–14, 116–17, 119, 659
Campoformio Treaty ratification, 105, 107
communes under, 163
and coup of 18th Brumaire (1799), 120–23
and coup of 18th Fructidor (1797), 106
decline of, 114–19
economic conditions under, 89, 118
government of, 88–89, 106, 117–15, 117, 162, 165
invasion of England planned by, 107
Jacobins under, 106, 117–18, 121, 122
Law of Hostages enacted by, 118
literature under, 146
manners under, 134, 136, 271, 272, 369
monarchists under, 105–6, 126, 332
morals under, 114–15, 117–19, 130, 132, 269
Pius VI and, 542, 544
religion and education under, 127
press and censorship under, 128–29
science under, 142
taxation under, 115, 117–18, 160
and Mme. de Staël, 115, 288
women’s position under, 133–34
Disraeli, Benjamin (1804–81), 360
Disraeli, Isaac (1766–1848), 360
Dissenters, 359, 507, 510
Divine Comedy, The (Dante), 416
divorce: in England, 364
in France, 133, 159, 181, 183
Dix Années d’exil, Les (Staël), 290, 300
Djezzar Pasha (Ahmed Pasha; 1735?–1804), 113
Dnieper River, 697, 702, 708
Dniester River, 670
Dol, Collège de, 309
Dombrowski, Jan Henryk (1755–1818), 709
Donauwörth, 231
Don Carlos (Schiller), 569, 621–22
don gratuit, 4
Dönhoff, Countess Sophie, 594
Donizetti, Gaetano (1797–1848), 506
Don Juan (Byron), 454, 455, 458, 479, 487, 489, 494, 497
Dörnberg, General Wilhelm Caspar Ferdinand (1768–1850), 747
Dorpat, University of, 680
Dos de Mayo massacre (1808), 223, 535
Douai, 24, 372
Douglas, Charles (fl. 1795), 421
Douro River, 538
Drake, British agent in Munich (1804), 190
drama: in France, 137–39
in Germany, 616–18
Dresden, 711
arts in, 592–93, 610
battle of (1813), 193, 718
N. entertains German rulers at, 285, 700
N.’s headquarters (1813), 716, 717
patriotic group at, 617
Dresden, University of, 635
dress: in England, 368–69
in France, 134–35, 136, 272
Drouet, Jean-Baptiste (1763–1824), 31, 90
Drouet d’Erlon, Comte Jean-Baptiste (1765–1844), 744–45, 746
Drury Lane Theatre, 371–73, 465
Dryden, John (1631–1700), 412, 417, 456
Dublin, 372, 508, 509
Dublin Castle, 510
Duccio di Buoninsegna (1255?–1319), 611
Duchâtel, Deputy (d. 1793), 52
Duchesnois, Mlle. (Catherine Joséphine Rafin; 1777–1835), 284
Ducos, Roger (1747–1816), 117, 121, 159, 162
Du Deffand, Marie de Vichy-Chamrond, Marquise (1697–1780), 288
dueling, 130
Dufour, M. (fl. 1792), 420
Dumas, Alexandre, père (1802–70), 285
Dumont, Pierre-Étienne-Louis (1759–1829), 407
Dumouriez, Charles-Francois (1739–1823), 36, 37
in Belgium, 49–50
in Holland, 53–54
at Valmy, 46
Dunciad (Pope), 456
Dunkirk, 189, 522
duodecimal system, 154
Du Pape (Maistre), 335–36
Duphot, Léonard (1769–97), 544
Duplay, Maurice (fl. 1789), 14, 82
Du Pont de Nemours, Pierre-Samuel (1739–1817), 13, 34
Dupuis, Charles-François (1742–1809), 184
Dürer, Albrecht (1471–1528), 611, 630, 642
Duroc, Géraud-Christophe-Michel (1772–1813), 244
Düsseldorf, 220, 600
Du Tertre, Vicomte Alexandre de, 307
Dvina River, 697
East Friesland, 593
East Mark, 558
East Prussia, province of, 593, 596, 713
Ebro River, 225, 531*
Ecclesiastical Polity, The Laws of (Hooker), 447
“Ecclesiastical Sonnets” (Wordsworth), 452
Eckermann, Johann Peter (1792–1854), 623
Eckmühl, battle of (1809), 231–32
École de l’Académie Royale, 378
École de Médecine, 143
École des Arts et Métiers, 261
École des Langues Orientales, 266
École Militaire, Paris, 93
École Normale, 265
École Polytechnique, Paris, 87, 128, 265, 322, 724
Écoles Centrales, 128
economics, 345–46, 402
Écouen, girls’ school at, 256
Edgeworth, Maria (1767–1849), 410
edicts of fraternity (France, 1792), 50, 516
Edinburgh, 342, 347, 470
Edinburgh, University of, 303, 503, 505
Edinburgh Review, 408, 446, 456, 460, 503
Edinburgh Theatre, 371
education: in England, 348–49, 361–63
in France, 4, 11, 127–28, 142, 159, 264–67
in Germany, 605–7
in Italy, 547
in Russia, 673–74, 680
Egremont, Sir George O’Brien Wyndham, 3d Earl of (1751–1837), 363, 376, 384
Egypt, 105, 107, 669
French conquest and occupation of, 108–11, 115, 169, 170, 670
given up by France, 179
N.’s later designs on, 201
Eichendorff, Joseph von (1788–1857), 628
18th Brumaire, coup d’état of (1799), 121–23, 159, 179, 216, 304
18th Fructidor, coup d’état of, 106, 122, 129, 160, 323
Einige V orlesungen über die Bestimmung des Gelehrtes (Fichte), 638
Eisenstadt, Hungary, 576
Ekaterinoslav, 680
Ekenhead, Lieut. William (fl. 1810), 458
El ‘Arish, 112
Convention of, 170
Elba, 177, 726
N.’s exile at, 734–35
Elbe River, 592–93, 596, 600
blockaded, 210, 295
French at, 711, 715
Elective Affinities (Goethe), 623
electricity, 322, 387, 551–52, 608, 662
electrochemistry, 322, 390
electromagnetism, 665
Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard (Gray), 146, 416
Éléments d’idéologie (Destutt), 330
Elements of Political Economy (James Mill), 504
Elgin, Thomas Bruce, 7th Earl of (1766–1814), 377
Eliot, George (Mary Ann Evans; 1819–80), 506
Élisabeth de France, Madame (1764–94), sister of Louis XVI, 19, 25, 50, 65, 66
Elizabeth I, Queen of England and Ireland (r. 1558–1603), 374, 408, 451, 467
Elizaveta Alekseevna (Luise Elisabeth of Baden-Durlach), Czarina, 677, 678, 681
Elster River, 719
Emancipation Proclamation (U.S., 1863), 679
Embaba, 110
Emerson, Ralph Waldo (1803–82), 451
émigrés, 19, 22, 25
army of at Coblenz, 36, 312, 561
art and, 139
and Brunswick’s manifesto, 39
and Convention, 47, 64–65
in England, 150, 312–14, 360
and “great conspiracy” against N., 190–91
in invasion of France, 44
Quiberon landing of, 85
return of, 105, 126, 136, 177, 214, 270
Émile (Rousseau), 79, 629
Emma (Austen), 411
Emmet, Robert (1778–1803), 510
Emmet, Thomas Addis (1764–1827), 510
Empire style, 281
enclosure of common lands, 7, 340–41, 342
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 403, 409, 503–4
Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences (Hegel), 647
Encyclopédie, 41, 51
Encyclopedists, 394, 534
Endymion (Keats), 485
Engels, Friedrich (1820–95), 329
Enghien, Louis-Antoine-Henri de Bourbon-Condé, Duc d’ (1772–1804), 191–92, 231, 319, 321, 686
England (Great Britain), 339–527
agriculture in, 341
the arts in, 376–85
classes in, 343, 352–54
climate of, 339–40, 377