colonies of, 107, 340
Constitution of, 354, 359, 404–5, 513, 597
economic crises in, 341, 526, 527, 660–61, 693, 694
education in, 361–63
enclosures in, 340–41, 342
government of, 354–58
industry in, 125, 126, 340, 341–43
labor in, 343–45
literature in, 408–51
manners in, 368–71
morality in, 363–68, 377
philosophy in, 394–407
population of, 3, 341, 342, 493, 502
religion in, 358–61
science in, 322, 386–93
sports in, 369–70
theater in, 371–74
IN FRENCH REVOLUTIONARY WARS (1792–99): in 1st Coalition against France, 53, 54, 517–19
war with France begins, 53, 344, 517
defeated at Hondschoote (1793), 64
peace overtures to and from, 55, 75, 114
takes and loses Toulon, 62, 74–75
blockades French ports, 80, 89, 126, 142
takes Corsica (1794), 519
war continues, 85, 97, 425
war subsidy to Austria (1796), 97
driven from Italy and Corsica, 103
naval war against Spain (1796–97), 519–20
victory at Abukir Bay (1798), 111, 520
in 2d Coalition against France, 116, 521, 670, 676
aids King of Naples (1798–99), 116, 545
takes Malta, 114, 115
IN NAPOLEONIC WARS (1800–15): aids Turks against French, 170, 174*, 179
new subsidy treaty with Austria (1800), 175
enforces blockade by search of neutral ships (1800–01), 178, 663–64
destroys Danish fleet (1801), 178, 664–65
treaty with Russia (1801), 178
and Peace of Amiens (1802), 178, 179, 180, 184, 188
subsidizes Bernese oligarchs, 187
refuses to evacuate Malta, 188–89, 522
resumes war, 189, 345, 522–27, 592
declares war on Spain (1804), 201
subsidy treaty with Russia (1805), 201, 212, 686
in 3d Coalition (1805), 201–2
in naval war against France and Spain, 202–4, 522–25
blockade strengthened, 525, 547, 548
helps King of Naples hold Sicily (1806), 216
declares war on Prussia, extends blockade (1806), 207, 210, 595
peace negotiations with France (1806), 207, 208
bombards Copenhagen (1807), 526, 665
allied with Portugal, 213, 222, 225, 532
in Peninsular War (1808–13), 225, 229–30, 236, 536–39, 581, 697
new subsidy alliance with Austria (1809), 231
sends expedition to Walcheren, 526
alliance with Russia (1812), 697
subsidy treaty with Allies (1813), 714, 717
operations in southwest France, 719, 721
and 1st Treaty of Paris, 730
and Congress of Vienna, 731–33
in Triple Alliance (1815), 733
and Waterloo campaign, 744–49
in occupation of France (1815), 752–53
IN WAR OF 1812 AGAINST U.S., 526, 527, 733
England, Church of, 359, 392, 516
and benefit of clergy, 355
Blake and, 414
and Catholic emancipation, 360
Coleridge and, 425, 447
and education, 362
Evangelical Movement in, 359
in Ireland, 508, 510
restrictions imposed by, 354, 363
utilitarianism denounced by, 404
Wordsworth and, 452, 478
English Bards and Scotch Reviewers (Byron), 456, 460
Enlightenment, Scottish, 303, 346, 503
Enlightenment, Spanish, 222
Enlightenment, Swedish, 661
Enquiry Concerning Moral Good and Evil (Hutcheson), 406
Enquiry Concerning Political Justice (Godwin), 397–99, 400, 421, 468, 471, 638
Enragés, 54, 63
Epaminondas of Thebes (418?–362 B.C.), 129
Epipsychidion (Shelley), 482, 484–85
Epstein, Sir Jacob (1880–1959), 416
Érard, Sébastien (1752–1831), 278
Erdmann, Johann Eduard (1805–92), 657
Erfurt, Congress of (1808), 225–28, 241, 285, 623
Erfurt, University of, 606
Erlangen, University of, 303, 630, 641
Ernest II, Duke of Saxe-Gotha (r. 1772–1804), 588
Erskine, Thomas (1750–1823), 503, 517
Erste Entwurf eines Systems der Naturphilosophie (Schelling), 644
Escóiquiz, Juan (1762–1820), 223
Esprit de conquête (Constant), 307
Esprit des lois (Montesquieu), 93
Essai analytÍque sur les lois naturelles de l’ordre social (Bonald), 332
Essai de tactique générale (Guibert), 93
Essai historique, politique, et moral sur les révolutions anciennes (Chateaubriand), 312–13
Esśai philosophique sur les probabilités (Laplace), 324
Essai sur la géographie des plantes (Humboldt), 609
Essai sur le principe générateur des constitutions politiques (Maistre), 333–34
Essai sur les maladies … du coeur (Corvisart), 325
Essay on the First Principles of Government (Priestley), 406
Essay on the Principle of Population, An (Malthus), 345–46, 400–403
Essay on the Slavery and Commerce of the Human Species (Clarkson), 368
Essays of Elia (Lamb), 448
Essay toward the Correction of the Public’s Judgment on the French Revolution (Fichte), 637–38
Essen, 593, 600
Essling, battle of (1809), 232, 245
Esterházy, Anton, 569
Esterházy, Prince Miklós József (1714–90), 565
Esterházy, Prince Miklós Nicolaus (1765–1833), 565, 576
Esterházy, Prince Pál Antal (1786–1866), 294
Esterházy family, 563
Esthwaite Water, 418
Ethics (Spinoza), 644*
Eton College, 362, 369, 467–68, 535
Ettenheim, 191
Eugene of Savoy (1663–1736), 247
Eugen of Württemberg, Duke (1788–1857), 613, 718
Euripides (480–406 B.C.), 618
European union, N.’s dream of, 215, 221, 243, 257, 698
Evangelical Movement, 367
Evans, Mary (fl. 1794), 425
Evelina (Burney), 410
evolution, theory of, 329, 394, 447
Évolution créatrice, L’ (Bergson), 397
Évrard, Simonne, 21, 58
Examiner, 408
Excursion, The (Wordsworth), 443, 445–46
Executive Council (France, 1792), 40, 45, 53, 55
Existentialism, 658
Exposition du système du monde (Laplace), 142, 323
Eylau, battle of (1807), 211, 249, 276, 279, 525, 668, 701
Gros’s painting of, 282
Fabre d’ Églantine, Philippe-François d’ (1750–94), 76, 78, 145
Factory Act (England, 1802), 343–44
factory system, 126, 343–45
Faguet, Émile (1847–1916), 308
Fain, François (1778–1837), 246, 700
Falconet, Étienne-Maurice (1716–91), 683
Falier, Giovanni, 554
Fall of Robespierre, The (Coleridge and Southey), 424
Faraday, Michael (1791–1867), 387, 391
Farther Pomerania, duchy of, 593
Fatal Marriage, The (Southerne), 371
Faubourg St.-Antoine, Paris, 84, 214, 245, 272, 288
Fawkes, Guy (1570–1606), 360
Feast of Reason (1793), 73, 146
Feast of the Federation (1790), 28–29
Feast of the Supreme Being, 141
Fédérés, 38, 39–40, 44, 94
Fénelon, François de Salignac de la Mothe-(1651–17
15), 137
Ferdinand III, Duke of Parma (r. 1765–1801), 101
Ferdinand III, Grand Duke of Tuscany (r. 1790–99, 1814–24), 583
Ferdinand IV, King of Naples (r. 1759–1806, 1815–25), King of Sicily as Ferdinand III (r. 1806–15): accession and marriage of, 541, 543
and the Papacy, 542
and Emma Hamilton, 519
truce with N. (1796), 101
welcomes Nelson to Naples, 521
drives French from Rome (1798), then is driven from Naples, 116, 544–45
resumes throne (1799), establishes terror, 116, 117, 545, 553
agrees to close ports to British, 177, 546
evicted again by French (1806), keeps Sicily, 216, 547
restored to throne (1815), 548, 771
Ferdinand VII, King of Spain (r. 1808, 1814–33), 223–24, 534, 535, 540
Ferdinand of Aragon, King of Castile as Ferdinand V (r. 1474–1504), King of Aragon as Ferdinand II (r. 1470–1516), 533
Ferrara, 104, 183, 542, 544
Fersen, Count Hans Axel von (1755–1810), 9, 31
Fesch, Joseph, Cardinal (1763–1839), 220, 269, 319, 767
Festival of Peace (1802), 179
feudalism: abolition of, see feudalism and serfdom, abolition of, below;
in Austria, 560, 562
in France, 4, 7–8, 11, 16
in Germany, 596, 600, 619, 637
Holy Roman Empire and, 588
in Russia, 673
feudalism and serfdom, abolition of, 253, 258–59
in Alsace, 275
in Austria, 559
in Denmark, 663
in England, 516
in France, 22, 167, 181, 513, 515, 597
in Naples, 547
in Papal States, 550
in Pomerania, 627
in Prussia, 597–98
in Rhineland, 516, 590, 594
in Scotland, 502
in Spain, 229, 540
in Warsaw grand duchy, 213
in Westphalia, 591
Feuerbach, Ludwig Andreas (1804–72), 657
Feuillants, 34
Fichte, Johanna Maria, nee Rahn (d. 1819), 637, 640, 643
Fichte, Johann Gottlieb (1762–1814), 587, 630, 636–43
appeals to the nation for moral renewal, 599, 605–6, 641–43
Beethoven and, 582
at Berlin University, 607, 641–43
Coleridge and, 442
death of, 647
Hegel and, 639, 646, 649, 653, 658
at Jena University, 606, 627, 631, 638
in the Romantic circle, 632–33, 638, 640
Schelling and, 643, 644
Schopenhauer and, 639, 645
and War of Liberation, 643, 712, 714
Fielding, Henry (1707–54), 409, 410
Fiesole, art in, 611
Fighting Téméraire Towed to Her Last Berth, The (Turner), 384
Filangieri, Gaetano (1752–88), 543
Fingal (Macpherson), 416
Finkenstein, 211
Finland, 213, 661, 663
First Abdication of Napoleon (1814), 727
First Coalition (1792–97), 50, 53, 55, 62, 87, 517, 519, 661
First Estate, 126
First French Republic, founding of, 47
First Restoration, see Restoration, First
Fischer, Kuno (1824–1907), 657
Fitzherbert, Maria Anne, nee Smythe (1756–1837), 358
Fitzwilliam, William Wentworth, 2d Earl (1748–1833), 509
Fiume, 233
Flachslander, Comte de, 64–65
Flagellant, The, 424
Flahaut, Adélaïde de Filleul, Comtesse de, 165
Flahaut, Comte Charles-Auguste-Joseph de (1785–1870), 165, 217
Flanders, British invasion of (1799), 535
Flanders Regiment, 24, 25
Flatford Mill (Constable), 382
Flaxman, John (1755–1826), 377, 413
Flesselles, Jacques de (1730–89), 19
Fletcher, William, 457, 459, 500
Fleuriot-Lescot, J.-A.-C. (d. 1794), 82, 83
Fleurus, battle of (1794), 80
Fleury de Chaboulon, Pierre (1779–1835), 735
Flore française (Lamarck), 328
Florence, 103, 542, 549, 553, 554
arts in, 547, 611
Cathedral, 555
Florence, Treaty of (1801), 177, 546
Foggi, Elise, 480, 488
Foggia, 543
Fontaine, Pierre-François-Léonard (1762–1853), 246, 280
Fontainebleau: N.’s abdication at, 725–27
N.’s court at, 271, 285
Pius VII at, 185, 198, 549
Fontainebleau, Treaty of (1807), 222
Fontainebleau, Treaty of (1814), 726–27, 734, 757
Fontanes, Louis de (1759–1821), 230, 313, 314, 315
Fontenay, 72
Fonthill, 377
Foote, Captain Edward, 545
Forster, Georg (1754–94), 605, 619–20
Forster, Therese (b. 1764), 605
Fort-Royal, Martinique, 95
Foscolo, Ugo (1778–1827), 552–53
Fouché, Joseph (1759–1820), 250, 272
leads Terror in provinces, 69–72 passim;
and fall of Robespierre, 80–81
in new leadership, 83
minister of police under Directory, 117
appointed and dismissed twice by N., 164, 187, 197, 236, 297
and “infernal machine,” 176
on Enghien’s execution, 192
is made duke of Otranto, 221, 270
is spied on by secret police, 250–51
N. writes to about Mme. de Staël, 294–95
conspires with Talleyrand, 230
and N.’s invasion of Russia, 698
plots to depose N., 710
in Hundred Days, 741, 750
in Provisional Govt. (1815), 751
serves Louis XVIII, 320, 753
death of, 753
Foundlings’ Hospital, London, 392
Fouquier-Tinville, Antoine-Quentin (1746–95), 54, 65, 66, 78., 80, 83
Fourcroy, Antoine-François de (1755–1809), 64, 265
Fourès, Lieutenant, 111
Fourès, Pauline, 111
Fourier, François-Marie-Charles, social scientist (1772–1837), 260, 262
Fourier, Joseph, physicist (1768–1830), 108, 323
Fourth Estate, 128
Fox, Charles James (1749–1806), 165, 367, 371, 379, 526
death of, 208, 526
and French Revolution, 514, 526
peace policy of, 178, 180, 207, 526
and Prince of Wales, 357, 512
and slave trade, 368, 526
visits N., 180
warns N. of assassination plot, 206, 526
Fox, Henry, 501
Fragmente eines Ungenannten (Reimarus), 602
Fragment on Government, A (Bentham), 405
Fragment on Mackintosh (James Mill), 504
Fragonard, Jean-Honoré (1732–1806), 139, 140
France, 3–336
before the Revolution (1774–89), 3–12
during the Revolution (1789–99), see French Revolution and French Revolutionary Wars
Napoleonic period (1800–15), see Napoleonic France and Napoleonic Wars
post-Napoleonic period, see Restoration (France)
France, Anatole (1844–1924), 240*
Franche-Comté, Jacqueries in, 22
Francis II, Holy Roman Emperor (r. 1792–1806), Emperor of Austria as Francis I (r. 1804–35), 193, 560
accedes to Austrian throne, 36, 560
crowned Holy Roman Emperor, 588
Brunswick’s manifesto on behalf of, 38, 39
and N.’s advance on Vienna (1797), 104
gives passage to Russian troops (1798), 116
rejects N.’s peace overtures (1800), 170
and N.’s 1800 campaign in Italy, 173, 174–75, 176
flees Vienna (180
5), 203, 575
and battle of Austerlitz, 204, 546, 560
renounces Imperial title, 207, 590
and war of 1809 against France, 231, 561–62
and Treaty of Schönbrunn (1809), 232–33
and dau.’s marriage to N., 538, 714
at Dresden (1812), 700
in France (1814), 722–23, 724
entertains Congress of Vienna, 732
N. appeals to, 740
in Paris (1815), 752
Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus (Mary Shelley), 477
Frankfurt, Declaration of (1813), 720
Frankfurt, grand duchy of, 206
Frankfurt-am-Main, city of, 588
art in, 610, 611
French capture of (1792), 49
Jews in, 361, 603
national assembly at, 627
publishing in, 624
Mme. de Staël and, 292, 296
theater in, 614
Frankfurt-an-der-Oder, city of, 616, 631
Franklin, Benjamin (1706–90), 143, 394
Franks, 5, 193, 356
Frauenliebe und-leben (Chamisso), 626
Frederick, Crown Prince of Denmark, see Frederick VI
Frederick I, King of Württemberg (r. 1797–1805 as duke, 1806–16 as king), 218
Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor (r. 1215–50), 543
Frederick II the Great, King of Prussia (r. 1740–86), 207, 593, 594, 620, 675
N. and, 162, 209, 247
on Joseph II, 559
Maria Theresa and, 558
and philosophes, 6, 619
and religion, 601
statue of, 611
wars of, 594, 601
Frederick VI, King of Denmark (r. 1784–1808 as regent, 1809–39 as king), 665
Frederick Augustus I, King of Saxony (r. 1806–27), Elector as Frederick Augustus III (r. 1768–1806), 583, 593
adds his army to N.’s (1813), 716
entertains rulers, 700
heads grand duchy of Warsaw, 213, 593, 668
imprisoned, 732
restored, 733
Frederick William I, King of Prussia (r. 1713–40), 593–94
Frederick William II, King of Prussia (r. 1786–97), 65, 594–95, 605
and Brunswick’s manifesto, 38, 39
in invasion of France, 44, 46
and music, 594, 612
in partitions of Poland, 46, 594
and Pillnitz Declaration, 36, 559
Frederick William III, King of Prussia, (r. 1797–1840), 179, 193, 583, 595–98, 603
marriage and accession of, 595
in League of Armed Neutrality (1800), 663
is urged to lead crusade against N., 595, 624
signs pact with Russia (1804), 201
Mme. de Staël meets, 293
meets with Alexander at Potsdam (1805), 595
and Peace of Schönbrunn, 204–5, 595
resumes alliance with Alexander (1806), 207–8, 596
mobilizes after N. forms Rhine Confederation, 208, 596
flees to Memel after defeats, 596
at Bartenstein with Alexander (1807), 211