Page 6 of Touching Ice

  Her breast pressed to his rib cage taunted him and his hand itched to cup that soft mound that rested there. He admitted that what he really wanted to do was roll over, pin her under him, and fuck her again. He couldn’t get enough of the little human and no other female had ever affected him that strongly.

  He had avoided growing attached to any female. He’d seen his friends join family units, the females controlling every aspect of their lives. The women scheduled when her males got to see her, right down to when she would have sex with them, and controlled their careers to help keep her males from being near her at the same time. As a male in a family unit contract he wouldn’t be permitted to touch other females. Even bots would be off limits to him, the females stating that it wasted precious sperm and lowered their count for breeding purposes.

  Ice enjoyed his freedom. He needed to be in control of his career, deciding when he would have sex, and scheduling visits to Folion whenever possible between missions they were assigned. Attachments to females were mistakes other males made, in his estimation, and now he felt things for a human. She’d said they were enemies and that statement was correct. He couldn’t trust her, didn’t even know her real reason for being with him or why she had come aboard the Rally, yet he refused to do the logical thing. That would have been to return her to the cargo hold, place her under arrest, and allow Gene to interrogate her until she gave up every secret she kept.

  Megan moved and he focused solely on her as her hand slid lower to his hipbone, her small fingers curving around it, and her thigh slid upward to rest against his balls. The soft glide of her skin against his sensitive sac had his cock twitching to life, blood rushing there, and the urge to roll her grew stronger.

  Disbelief welled inside him. So did frustration when he ordered his body to ignore his physical reactions to Megan, attempting to shut down the part of his brain that controlled his sexual desire, and it refused to be denied. His cock hardened instead of softening and lifted higher, pressing against the bedding, throbbing. He tried again, mentally ordering his body to shut down in that regard but his sex taunted him by continuing to ache for Megan’s body. It made it worse when her hand shifted a little lower, lightly pressing against the shaft.

  He locked his teeth together and lay there for a long time, too aware of her breathing, the way every breath pressed her breast against his chest and then eased. She tortured him with her pinky pressed to the side of his cock, only she wasn’t even aware of what she did to him. He wondered what type of flaw plagued him to make him act the way he had recently. Perhaps Onyx was correct in stating that he had become irrational. His control had slipped and so had his common sense. He had a weakness suddenly and her name was Megan.

  Ice discovered that when his sexual need eased, he found enjoyment in having a woman sleeping in his bed. He’d never had one share a sleeping cycle with him before. Sexual encounters with cyborg females were arranged, timed, and once the intercourse completed, they separated. That had always been the case since Ice had never joined a family unit. A yawn threatened that he stifled and he allowed his brain to totally shut down so he could sleep.

  * * * * *

  Megan woke up to darkness, confused for a moment, and then smiled as she remembered where that wonderful source of warmth came from. She slowly lifted her leg, cradled snug between Ice’s thighs, realizing that he’d stopped snoring, and regretted it when she turned over to face away from him. She hesitated and then wiggled so her ass and backside were still pressed firmly against his warm body.

  Ice suddenly rolled, faced her back, and his arm wrapped around her waist. She was stunned as he spooned her and became outright astonished when she realized Ice’s hard cock pressed against her. A grin curved her lips at the proof that cyborgs men got hard-ons when they slept, just the way human ones did.

  A large, hot hand moved and gripped her breast. Megan’s eyes flew open as Ice shifted his big body, grinding his cock against her ass. Desire flared inside her, even though she was still half asleep, and she lifted her thigh to make room for him. His cock ended up pressed against her pussy. She wiggled her ass again and the body behind hers suddenly tensed as the hand holding her breast squeezed.

  “Lights on,” Ice rumbled, his voice gruff. Harsh, strong lighting blinded Megan as the room brightened to full capacity. Before she could get her bearings, Ice released her, and rolled away. She thought she heard him utter a soft curse. She blinked rapidly, trying to adjust her vision to the bright lighting as she turned her head. She watched the naked backside of one sexy

  cyborg walk quickly across the room to the foam cleansing unit. It stunned her when he stepped inside without even glancing at her and hit the button. The wall rose, enclosing him.

  She sat up and yawned, having no idea how long she’d slept but knowing it had been a few hours at least. Her body was rested and obviously not exhausted still since she’d physically responded to a turned-on cyborg. She could hear the unit working as Ice foamed up to start his day.

  Do I get up and get dressed? Stay in bed the way a good bot would since he didn’t tell me to move? Damn, she thought, staying put, deciding a bot wouldn’t assume anything, just wait for orders.

  Minutes later the cleansing unit door lowered and a very naked and still aroused Ice stepped out. His blue gaze locked on Megan and her heart pounded in her chest when she recognized that look he gave her. He slowly approached her.

  “Get up,” he ordered. Megan forced her body to move and she stood next to the bed totally naked, staring up at Ice as he stopped just feet from her. Ice let his attention lower from her face down to her breasts. His tongue slid out between his full, sexy lips, and he wet his lower lip.

  “Turn around, face the bed, bend over, and grip the edge of the frame now to brace for me while I fuck you.” Her heart raced, knowing for sure what he would do to her. She was ready—she could feel the wetness between her thighs still, proof that her touching him and sleeping next to him had affected her the way it had him. His proof of passion pointed straight up and out, impressively standing at attention just for her. Megan slowly followed his orders, presenting him with her ass as she bent. Her fingers curled around the edge of the bed just as he’d demanded, her palms on the mattress to hold her weight up.

  “Spread your thighs wider apart.” She widened her stance by two feet and she could see between her own legs as Ice took a step closer, then surprised her when she saw him lower his body to crouch

  behind her, his weight resting on his bent legs. His hands gripped her inner thighs high and he gave her a little nudge so she spread her thighs wider by another foot. “You’re wet,” he whispered softly. Megan wished she could see his face but with the way he had her positioned she’d have to twist her waist to peer at him around her hip. She knew that was a no-no. She pretended to be a bot and she’d been given orders. She had no guess what he’d do to her but she really wanted to find out, certain it would involve pleasure. Every time Ice touched her he made her come.

  The large, warm hand curved around her thigh moved and his thumb brushed through the cream of her desire, rubbing through her slit to her clit, coating her more and teasing her. Her eyes closed and she licked her lips to wet them. Her breathing increased as he slowly rubbed back and forth. His other hand left her thigh and then curved around her ass cheek. He slowly rose and his thumb left her. Megan’s eyes flew open as his feet moved to the outside of hers and the hand on her ass curved around her hip. His cock brushed her as he used his free hand to adjust it and then he entered her pussy with one long, slow drive of his hips.

  “Yes,” he rasped. “If there’s sheer pleasure, feeling how damn tight and hot you are, how ready you are for me, this is it.”

  Megan couldn’t agree more as he seated his cock deep inside her body, her vaginal walls stretching to accommodate his thick shaft. He paused there for a moment, his hand on her hip tightening his hold, and then he started to move. He withdrew almost completely and then slid back in, keeping his pa
ce slow.

  A moan rose that she fought to contain as she pressed her lips tightly together. She couldn’t decide what felt better—Ice fucking her slowly or when he took her hard and fast. Both brought her immense pleasure as he continued to pace his hips leisurely, taking his time to enjoy the feel of them together. She knew with all certainty that she preferred him without the use of a medicondom. The sensations were better, he wasn’t constricted at all in one of them, and the texture of skin against skin was heaven.

  “Put your hands on the mattress higher at your shoulders,” he ordered.

  She released the edge and did what he said. Her palms flattened on the messed-up bedding and her arms locked to hold herself still as he moved against her. Ice’s other hand wrapped around her as he bent over her, pinning her. He balanced his body by bending his knees slightly, and his hips moved faster, his hand bracing on her hip so she kept them both from falling forward. His hand slid between her thighs, pressing against her clit as he fucked her harder, faster, drawing the level of rapture higher.

  The moans tore from Megan now, unable to hold them back as he pounded his hips against her ass, his cock driving in and out of her, hitting every nerve ending inside her pussy in a way that had her fighting to keep her legs locked. Her knees wanted to buckle, the sensations that intense from the double stimulation of his cock inside her and his thumb rubbing her clit.

  The climax gripped her and Megan cried out loudly. Her elbows gave way and she found herself pressed tightly over the bed. Ice shouted out behind her right as he pulled his cock completely out of her to spill his release on her thighs then collapsing down on her back, his weight nearly crushing her but she could gasp in air.

  Chapter Five

  When they both got their breathing under control, Ice didn’t move away. He had her pinned over the side of his bed. His thumb, still against her clit, moved though and he rubbed her slowly. She didn’t think she could handle him touching her oversensitive clit but she was wrong because ecstasy shot through her system at his mere touch.

  “What is your directive, baby? Tell me,” he ordered softly. She tried to lift her head but he released her hip, lifting his chest from her back a few inches, but keeping his other hand firmly against her clit. He pushed her head back down, pressing her cheek against the bed again. He held her there firmly, not allowing her to move.

  “I don’t understand,” she panted the words, still trying to recover.

  “I can do this for hours.” He leaned over her so his weight pressed against her ass and his still-hard cock ended up trapped between her thighs. “I’ll fuck you over and over. Tell me what you want or need from me, Megan. How much can you take before you break? I want you to answer me.”

  Her thoughts were jumbled with him rubbing her clit. “I”

  A bell sounded loudly in the room and Ice cursed, he straightened and moved away.

  “Get under my sheets now and cover up. Someone is at the door.” He sounded irritated.

  Saved by the bell, she thought, shaking as she did what he told her. She fought the covers free of the jumble they were in and moved under them, covering her body as she turned to face him. Ice had his back to her as he jerked up his pants and fastened them. He walked the few feet to the door, slapped his palm on the scanner, and it swished wide open.

  She couldn’t see who stood there with Ice’s big body in the way but she could hear just fine.

  “We have company. The Bridden just docked with us. The council contacted them and they were still close by.” The male’s voice wasn’t one Megan recognized. “They sent Blackie here to deal with the problem.”

  “That’s not necessary.” It was clear that anger ruled Ice’s emotions. It showed in his tense body and the way his hands fisted at his sides. “He has his orders and you have yours from the Council. He’s waiting in the cargo bay with the bots not in use. He’s ordered all of them returned there immediately.” The cyborg paused. “All of them.”

  “I understand.” Ice stepped back. “I’m on my way.” The doors slid shut. Questions filled her mind about Blackie. She really wanted to ask but she didn’t as Ice softly cursed and moved to the side of the room with the built-in drawers and shelves. He yanked open a lower drawer, shoved stuff around, and then straightened, fisting a few articles of clothing. He turned to meet her curious gaze.

  “Get dressed now.” He threw the clothes at the bottom of the bed. “I have to return you to the cargo hold and talk to someone.”

  Unease gripped Megan while she stared uncomprehending at Ice. He jerked his gaze from hers and returned to the open drawer, grabbed out a shirt, and kept his back to her while he put it on.

  “Hurry up, Megan. We need to get there now. That’s an order.”

  She moved slowly, dressing, and kept darting glances at Ice. He kept his back to her as he bent to put on his boots, not bothering to even put on socks first. His movements were jerky and she could tell he was upset for some reason as he straightened and ran his fingers through his silky hair. His chin lowered. He turned to face her and then he stared at her with an icy gaze.

  “Let’s go. Do exactly what I say, Megan. Am I clear?”

  “Yes.” She swallowed the lump that formed in her throat.

  He turned, spinning away, and slapped the scanner hard with his palm, opening the doors. He paused. “Let’s go. Keep up with me.”

  The urge to confess to Ice about her lies became so overpowering that Megan actually opened her mouth as they marched quickly down a corridor. She didn’t know what was going on or why the council, whatever they were, had sent some man named Blackie. It worried her that Ice had taken her from his room. She took a deep breath to fill her lungs for the words that she knew she had to utter. Would Ice be furious? Would he hurt her? She wasn’t sure.

  A door opened in front of them and whatever she’d been about to say was lost to the shock of seeing a black-haired cyborg with dark-gray skin step into the corridor. He wore all black from his throat to his glove encased hands, all the way down to his chunky, military-style, black boots. The look of pure coldness on his harsh features stunned her enough to keep her mute. He had the coldest blue eyes she’d ever seen, even icier than Ice’s with his dark coloring amplifying the blue, before his intense gaze shifted to Ice.

  Ice stopped, his hold on her arm making her halt as well. “You aren’t needed here, Blackie.”

  “The council disagrees.” The man had a deep, harsh voice. “Bring it into the cargo hold.”

  Ice hesitated but then nodded. “Of course.”

  The “it” the new cyborg referred to was her and she knew it. Ice took a step, tugged on her arm, and the other cyborg stepped aside to let them pass. Megan did a quick head count and realized all twelve bots had been returned to the room. Ice stopped just inside the door and released her. She missed his touch.

  Ice turned to face Blackie as the cyborg followed them through the doors that closed firmly behind him. Ice spoke first.

  “What does the council want?”

  “The truth, regardless of what it takes.”

  “I have this under control.”

  The dark-skinned cyborg arched a black eyebrow. “They disagree. Step aside and stay out of this. That’s a direct order from Councilman Zorus. He put me in charge of this situation and if you’d bothered to read your orders they sent you, you would be aware of that.”

  The rage on Ice’s features clearly showed but he still moved to the bulkhead next to the door and leaned against it. Movement out of the corner of her eye had Megan turning her head to watch as four other cyborgs moved from behind the bots that had hidden them from her view at first. She had a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach as she looked back at the scary-looking cyborg.

  Blackie moved to the bot nearest him, studying it intently, and the bot responded to his presence.

  “How may I serve you?”

  He inched away from it to the next one, stopping in front of it, carefully examining it. The model smi
led at him.

  “How may I serve you?”

  He took a deep breath and then he stopped in front of Megan. Her heart pounded as she stared at his leather-clad chest, not daring to look up into his frightening blue gaze. She said nothing, unable to because of the fear that had her frozen where she stood. She had a really bad feeling that they knew she wasn’t a bot and didn’t know how to react. She was damned either way. If they knew the truth but she still lied, it could anger them more. If they didn’t know, she didn’t want to risk her life by giving herself away.

  Blackie’s hand lifted but she never saw the blow coming since she wasn’t following his movement. Pain exploded throughout the side of her head as she hit the unforgiving floor on her side. She lay there stunned, her ear ringing, and then suddenly someone crouched next to her. A warm hand gripped her hip and she turned her head, reeling from the shock and pain from the cyborg backhanding her, to see Ice next to her, glaring up at the cyborg who’d struck her.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Ice snarled the words.

  “I told you to stay out of this.” Blackie frowned. “Move away from it. I’m going to get answers.”

  Ice didn’t follow orders. He instead looked down, meeting Megan’s terrified gaze, and softly cursed under his breath just loud enough for her to hear him. He twisted enough to reach for her with his other hand and she flinched as his hand curved gently around her lower jaw. His thumb brushed the side of her mouth and she heard him growl. He twisted his head, glaring up at Blackie.

  “You don’t strike her.”

  Blackie shook his head. “You’ve gotten attached to one of them? Have you lost your reasoning, Ice? They are nothing to us. You know better.”