Page 7 of Touching Ice

  Ice released her and rose to his full height. “You shouldn’t ever strike a woman, damn it.”

  “She’s not a woman. She’s a bot, remember?” Blackie took a step to the right to clear his path to Megan. “Move out of the way now. That is a direct order.”

  “Ice,” Onyx warned softly. “Move away. He’s here on the behalf of the council and we’ve been ordered to give him whatever he needs to get what he came for.”

  “Stay out of this.” Ice didn’t even look at his friend, instead he glared at Blackie. “I won’t allow you to abuse her. Ask her your damn questions but keep your hands to yourself.”

  “You’re fucking it, aren’t you?” Amusement suddenly curved Blackie’s lips. “Is it that good? If so, I’ll find out for myself soon if she won’t break since that’s my next option.” His smile died. “Don’t make me order your own team to restrain you because I will have them do it. After I’m done here I need to report to the council.” He paused. “Do you really want me to have to tell them that you tried to protect it?”

  “She’s not an “it” so stop referring to her as such.” Ice’s voice deepened into an angry tone. “Megan, get up.” He reached back, holding out his hand. “Now.”

  She tried but as soon as she pushed against the floor to rise, the room spun and black dots blinded her. The dark-gray cyborg had really clocked the side of her head hard. She made a soft moaning sound as she collapsed back to the floor and then suddenly two arms slid under her. She stared up at Ice as he lifted her gently into his arms, cradling her against his chest as he rose to his feet and turned to face her attacker.

  “Get me a medic, damn it.” He glared at Blackie. “You injured her.”

  “That’s the least of her problems. Put her down and leave if you can’t handle watching a little blood spilled. This is too important for you to intervene.”

  “I won’t allow you to kill a damn woman on my ship.”

  “It isn’t yours. The Rally belongs to all of Garden.”

  “Today it is mine,” Ice snarled. “Today I’m in command so move out of my way so I can get her medical help.”

  “Damn it,” Blackie cursed. “You really did fuck her, didn’t you? I never thought you’d honestly touch one. Is that it? Is she that damn good in bed that you feel the need to protect her? If she’s that great then I need to change my tactics. Show me to a room with a bed and leave her with me. I’ll get answers from her with pleasure instead of using pain.”

  “I said move out of my way.” Ice’s voice grew harsh, a frightening sound to Megan even though she knew it wasn’t directed at her.

  They knew she wasn’t an artificial woman and yet Ice protected her. That knowledge astounded her. Had he known all along? She went over everything that had happened between them and realized that he probably had. He’d even fed her so she didn’t go hungry when he’d brought in that tray of cold food, pretending he couldn’t eat it, even leaving her alone so she could gulp it down. She hesitated and then wrapped her arms around his neck.

  Ice’s beautiful blue gaze flickered to hers for a few heartbeats before he glared back at the cyborg in his way. “I said move, Blackie.”

  “You have no authority over me.” The man crossed his arms over his chest. “Put her down and leave this room. You’re obviously too involved with the woman to be rational. You need to go.”

  “Onyx,” Ice’s voice lowered into an even deeper pitch. “Forward now.”

  Onyx moved to stand next to Ice, who turned, shoving Megan into the other man’s arms to both their surprise, leaving Megan being held by one unhappy cyborg. Ice stepped away and closed the distance between him and Blackie. Ice grabbed the man and threw him hard against the doors, gripping the front of his shirt with his fists, and hauled the shocked cyborg a few inches off his feet.

  “The Rally is under my command today, everyone on it follows my orders, and now you’re on my ship.”

  “Ice,” Onyx warned softly. “The council sent him. They are going to be alarmed by your actions and take it as a direct violation of orders if you don’t stop now.”

  “I don’t care.” Ice continued to glare at Blackie. “I won’t stand by and watch abuse on a helpless female. If those are the orders from a council member, he’s wrong in giving them. I’m taking her to medical and then I will get the answers they seek from her my way.” He released the other cyborg, dropped him to the floor, and stepped back. “That is how it will be.”

  Ice took Megan from Onyx, cradled her in his arms once again, and stormed toward the door. Onyx moved, slapping his hand to the panel to open it, and Ice left the cargo hold with her. Megan hesitated and then wrapped her arms around his neck, staring at his angry features. He refused to glance at her, keeping his attention on where he walked.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “Not now.” He sighed. “You’re trouble, Megan. Is that even your real name?”


  He grunted. “I’m not sure I believe anything you say.”

  “It’s the truth.”

  “We’ll talk later. For now, are you all right?” He finally glanced at her for a few seconds before looking away again.

  “I’m a little dizzy and my ear hurts. He nailed me pretty hard.”

  “You’re bleeding.” His tone turned gruff.

  She licked her lips and tasted blood. She hadn’t noticed that at first, too taken aback by the unprovoked attack. A cyborg waited in a hallway a few turns later and Ice stopped.

  “Onyx said you were coming with a human.” He waved his arm. “Bring her in.”

  The room appeared to be the same size as Ice’s quarters, obviously not a medical room but instead the cyborg’s private quarters. Ice gently placed her on the man’s bed. The new cyborg brought over a bag, dropped it at the end of the mattress, and his darkbrown gaze studied Megan for a few seconds before he focused on Ice.

  “Onyx informed me she took a hit to the head and a tumble to the floor. What are her complaints?”

  “I don’t like being hit,” Megan said softly.

  Ice’s lips twitched but he didn’t smile. “The side of her lip is bleeding, her ear on that side hurts, and she’s dizzy, Varion.”

  “She’s too damn small for one of our males to strike.” The medic frowned at Ice.

  “I’m in agreement.”

  “Then why did you do this to her?” Varion moved, pushed Ice out of his way, and bent over Megan to stare at her mouth. “Open up wide and allow me to see the damage.”

  “I didn’t hit her.” Ice sounded insulted. “Blackie did.”

  “He’s such an asshole,” the medic muttered, gently touching the side of her mouth and it made her flinch. “The cut is small but facial cuts bleed a lot. I don’t see any inner cheek damage.” His gaze locked with hers. “Open your eyes as wide as you can and do not look away from me. I am checking the extent of your injuries.”

  Megan did as he asked and then realized the guy had strange eyes. His pupils weren’t rounded exactly but more squared. She frowned but didn’t mention it, not wanting to be rude. She had to blink but he didn’t complain when she did since she looked right at him again every time. A few minutes passed and then he straightened and turned away to face Ice.

  “I scanned her. She has no internal bleeding, no swelling, no cranial fractures, or trauma to the brain. She has a slight concussion but she will be fine. It’s mostly shock trauma from the blow. She may experience dizziness for a short period of time and perhaps a headache. I’ll give her something for the pain.”

  “You scanned my brain?”

  The medic turned his head after he removed something from the bag at her feet, meeting Megan’s curious gaze, and nodded as he gave an injection in her arm. “I’m a medical model implanted with special features such as enhanced vision that can perform medical scans. They created me to be a medic unit.” He faced Ice again. “I heard”

  The doors suddenly opened and Blackie stormed in, looking smug as he gave
Ice a cold smile. “I informed the council of your behavior and they have made a ruling. They were not pleased with this turn of events. They are confident she’s working alone since she’s not being tracked or attempted to send a distress signal to any co-conspirators now that she’s aware her cover is blown. Councilman Zorus was very persuasive in his argument due to the fact that we’re close to home on how threatening the female is.” The man shifted his stance as he paused for long moments, seeming to silently communicate something with a flash of his cold gaze to the other two cyborgs. “You know how Zorus is. They voted in his favor. More of them agreed with him than not.”

  “Son of a bitch,” the medic hissed.

  Megan had a sinking feeling that, whoever this Zorus was, whatever vote he’d won, it would be very bad news for her.

  Ice’s features hardened and he moved to the wall. He planted his hand on a panel there and it came on. He stood there with his back to the room and his body tensed noticeably. He jerked his hand off the panel and turned to glare at Blackie.

  “I just read the order.”

  “Did you think I would attempt to deceive you?” A black eyebrow arched.

  “Get off my shuttle. I just sent a message to the Bridden that you are on your way and they can undock with us in minutes. Go now and return to your original mission.”

  “I’m not leaving yet. I am to verify the council orders are followed so I will do it myself.” He took a step toward the bed.

  Ice moved fast, shoved Blackie back hard until he slammed into the bulkhead wall next to the door. “I understood the order and I will take responsibility for the female since I am the one who chose to take us to Folion. I’ll take her to my quarters and make her as comfortable as possible.”

  That didn’t sound bad or terrifying. Megan relaxed. “What’s going on?”

  No one answered until Blackie met her gaze. He sighed. “You are going to gain your freedom from us. We’ve been ordered to drop you and the bots off at Hixton Station as previously arranged.”

  “Don’t,” Ice snarled.

  Blackie frowned. “I have my grievances against humans but I’m not totally without sympathy. I see that you care what happens to her and that you don’t want her last moments with us to be frightening. I’m not leaving until the order is followed and she’s no longer a threat but I will allow you to take her to your quarters to say goodbye.” He paused. “I’ll have a special meal sent to your quarters so she has a good meal first. That’s the most I can do for you both. It will make things easier to end this.”

  The tension eased from Megan’s body. “Thank you. I swear I really won’t tell anyone about the existence of cyborgs. I’ve known about your people for months and never once reported you.”

  Blackie ignored her as he stared at Ice until Ice broke eye contact and faced Megan.

  Ice studied her carefully and then nodded, taking his attention from her to glare at Blackie again, who still stood by the door. “I understand.”

  Blackie’s mouth tensed in a firm line as he nodded, spun around, and quickly left the room. “Don’t take long.”

  The medic had a grim expression on his pale-gray features. “You can leave and I’ll take care of her until she departs.”

  Ice shook his head. “I’m the commander today and my orders put us in this situation. We’re going to my quarters now.”

  “Of course.” The medic nodded.

  Ice met her gaze. “Would you like me to carry you again? Are you feeling weak or dizzy still? I apologize for Blackie striking you. It never should have happened and it wouldn’t have if my council wasn’t afraid you were a threat to our future. You lied about what you were, which makes them wary of you.”

  Megan sat up slowly and realized the shot had made her a little lightheaded but she moved fine. She didn’t suffer any dizzy spells or disorientation. She swung her legs off the side of the bed and then got to her feet. The room didn’t spin and her knees held her weight easily. She looked up, having to raise her chin a lot since he stood so tall, just to meet Ice’s concerned gaze.

  “I’m fine. I can walk.”

  “Good. Follow me. It is just down the corridor.”

  Megan started to follow behind him as he moved toward the door but then she paused, giving the medic a small smile. “Thank you for being kind to me and treating me.”

  He froze, his dark gaze locking with hers. “You are welcome.”

  “Come with me, Megan,” Ice urged softly.

  Four doors down he paused, placed his hand the scanner, and they entered his quarters. Megan was glad to be back in a familiar setting and moved to his bed. She sat and faced him, only to realize he stayed far from her, just inside the door. The grim set of his lips had her feeling ill at ease again.

  He said nothing for long moments and then he took a deep breath. “You said you knew of our existence for months?”

  She nodded. “I’m not normally allowed to see the clients on Folion but you came onboard with a weapon so it triggered the alarm. When that happens I have to monitor the situation visually on the security cameras. That’s when I saw you.” She didn’t mention that she’d ordered Clara to deem him a high-security risk so that every time he returned to the station she’d be informed. She really didn’t think he’d meant to bring a weapon onboard or that he was dangerous, it being just the only way she could see him again. “I only got to monitor verbal interaction between the main computer and incoming ships unless there was a problem that arose.”

  “We were unaware that there were any live employees aboard.”

  “The company wants people to believe that. They had an incident where someone tried to hijack Folion once. The hijackers who grabbed the programmer tried to use him to steal the station. They murdered him when he refused to order Clara to move the ship into deep space. It keeps me safe from the same fate if no one knows I’m there. I’m a programmer and I’m permitted to override the main computer for emergency situations, making it possible to move Folion in case something happens that it wasn’t programmed to respond to. As an example, I ordered Clara to move when that freighter didn’t slow as it came at us because she’s not programmed for that kind of situation but it happened too fast for us to totally get out of the way. If it had been a meteor she would have automatically moved to avoid the hit. No one foresaw a drunken captain not reducing his speed, and since Clara had already given him clearance to dock, her automated collision alarm wasn’t triggered as it approached. Normally when the alarm is activated it would have her start the engines to avoid it.”


  “She is the main computer that runs and oversees the ship and the bots. She’s got artificial intelligence and can learn from interaction with the clients just as the bots do but after a few problems arose with the bots, they knew someone needed to monitor what they were learning. Clara couldn’t do that.”

  “What kind of problems?” He shifted his weight and his body seemed to relax.

  A grin curved Megan’s lips. “Well, as an example, one of the clients happened to be into a little rough sex.”

  “And you find this amusing?” His eyebrow arched.

  “He taught one of the bots to spank him and told her what a turn-on that was so when the next client came, she grabbed him, bent him over the bed, and spanked his ass. She thought that would arouse him.” A laugh escaped her. “He wasn’t amused. He became really angry about the whole experience and wanted the company to pay for the bruising he suffered from her smacks. Now I have to go over what they’ve learned from clients and delete some of it so that doesn’t happen again.”

  A muscle in his jaw jumped. “You have reviewed everything my men and I have done with your bots?”

  “No.” She shook her head. “Not exactly. The bots are programmed to ask questions if a client does something outside of their programming parameters and I answer their questions. Now they would question if it were acceptable to spank a client. I tell them no and they delete that information.”
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  “Have you ever had to review anything I’ve done?”

  She shifted her weight on the bed, fidgeted, and her gaze lowered to his chest. “Um…” Heat flushed her cheeks.

  “What did you review?” His voice deepened.

  She glanced up at him, seeing his tense expression, and she found his black boots suddenly very interesting. “It was just once and you didn’t teach her anything I had to have her erase from her programming.”

  “What did I do?” He took a step closer.

  Wow, is it hot in here? No, it’s just me, she thought. She forced herself to meet his gaze and just open her mouth. “You have a preference that the bots weren’t programmed for.”

  “What did I do?”

  “You examined her vaginal area very closely when you had her pose with her lower region exposed to your view. Clients don’t do that normally. It had her questioning if she should use that with other clients to turn them on or if it should be deleted.”

  Megan could have sworn the man blushed as he glanced away, the color in his cheeks darkened just slightly. He moved slowly to his bed and he sat down on the edge of it hard, making it creak under his heavy weight, just a few feet from her. He didn’t look at her.

  “I’m curious by nature.”

  “No need to explain. I find them fascinating myself.” She shrugged when he met her gaze again. “I’ve had to repair a few of them. They are very lifelike.”

  “You’re a programmer and you do hardware repairs as well?”

  “Minor ones. We have a maintenance bot onboard Folion that does it but she goes offline for upgrades from time to time so I handle repairing units for that day when it happens. I’ve actually only had to repair two of them. They don’t get damaged often.”

  “What happened to them?”

  “One had skin damage from a client who scratched her and the other one a breast problem when one of the gel packs under her artificial skin ruptured. I had to replace it.”

  Ice smiled. “That’s what is under there?”

  She nodded. “They feel pretty close to the real thing.” A grin split her lips again. “I never thought I’d have to grope breasts but I had to so I could get them just right. They have to be perfectly aligned with each other.” She paused. “There I was, hand on each breast, squeezing to make sure they felt and looked the same. I had to adjust the gel a few times.”