My hand instinctively went to my chest, where my heart hammered away. "Yeah, I know what you mean." I looked at him, and as the elevators opened to the deserted twenty-ninth floor, I asked, "Did we do the right thing?"

  "I think we did." Samael nodded as we walked down the long corridor toward his office. "It's impossible to ever really know for certain. Would the world be safer if there were still no free will?"

  He stared down at the black marble floor as he spoke. "Maybe, but it never really felt all that safe to begin with. Immortals will probably be unhappy, but I think trading in an endless lifetime of predestination for a mortal one with choice--that has to be better."

  "What do you think is going to happen now?" I asked.

  "I don't know," he said with a heavy sigh. "It's going to take a while for everyone to adjust to the new world order, and some won't be happy about it. Especially now that Kurnugia is closed."

  "So everyone in Kurnugia is just ... gone?" I asked. I was surprised by the strange sense of loss and guilt that washed over me at the thought of all the creatures and immortals I'd met in Kurnugia and Zianna being snuffed out in the blink of an eye. Lyra, the kirin, Kalbi the Kting Voar, Sedna and the whole court.

  "I can't believe that would be the case." He shook his head. "Odin and Frigg's son is still down there, and I can't see Frigg writing a prophecy that would kill him. But they can't come up to the surface, either. So I assume they'll be allowed to live out their one lifetime down there, only now those who are mortally wounded will die instead of getting up again. Within a hundred years or so, I imagine it will be empty."

  "What will happen to the immortals that live on earth?" I asked, even though I wasn't sure if Samael knew any more than I did.

  "The same thing will happen to you or me--we'll make our lives, hopefully filling them with loved ones, hobbies, and careers that make us happy, and, eventually, we will die."

  "But not today," I said, knowing that I should feel relief and pride in that.

  "Not today." He looked at me then, smiling warmly. "You did good. I think your mom would be proud."

  "You really think so?"

  "I do," Samael said emphatically. "She would've made the same choice, if she'd been able to."

  "Do you think..." I swallowed hard, gathering the courage to finish my question, delaying hearing an answer I feared I already knew. "If she had free will, do you think she would've loved me?"

  "It would be easy for me to say yes, of course, but I've always taken you as the type of person that prefers the truth over kindness," Samael answered carefully. "And the truth is that I don't know. I don't know how much Marlow's personality and dysfunctions were endemic to her or Frigg's predestination. It's impossible for us to ever fully understand where our choices ended and the prophecy began. And sometimes some people make really shitty parents."

  "Sometimes life deals you a bad hand," I agreed wearily.

  He stopped short then, just before the doors to the office, and he put his hand on my shoulder, so I would look him in the eye. "But Malin, listen to me--you are not the sins of your mother," he said, speaking with conviction. "You cannot let yourself be defined by her or her actions or whether she loved you or not.

  "You spent the first nineteen years of your life trying to earn the love of a woman who would never give it to you, and whether that was by her own choice or design, it doesn't matter," Samael went on. "We've done something really spectacular here tonight--you've done something. And it would be a shame if you let resentments and transgressions from the past overshadow your future."

  Tears were stinging my eyes, so I looked away and wiped at them roughly. "At least we have each other, right?"

  "That we do." He put his arm around my shoulders. "And though we'll never understand what went on in Marlow's head, she definitely had her own demons to battle. But despite all that, and even after her death, she still managed to help save the world. If she hadn't gathered those four swords, I don't know if we would be free now."


  I sat on the couch in my apartment, with Bowie lying on his back beside me so I would pet his fat belly. I had promised him plenty of cuddles and carrots if we made it through that whole mess, and we had, so I was more than happy to deliver on that promise.

  Right now we were watching NorNewsNow, because it was good to check in and see how everybody was handling all the changes.

  "It has been forty-two days since Ereshkigal's failed attempt to open up the underworld," Ellery Park was saying at the news desk. "And while officials still don't understand how her actions led to the end of immortality, most are making the best of the new situation.

  "Many feel happier, and most are reporting that they feel like they have more control over their lives, as cleanups continue all over the world. Old regimes are falling, and new ones are being put in their place," Ellery went on. "Some are speculating that this might be the beginning of the twilight of the gods--"

  No one knew about our part in it, other than Samael and a few Seraphim at the Riks. They feared immortal retaliation against the nine of us involved, and the reality was that Ereshkigal's actions helped bring about the change.

  Oona came out of her bedroom and cast me a disapproving glare. "Are you seriously going to sit in front of the TV all day again?"

  "I don't sit in front of the TV all day," I corrected her, but I stopped petting Bowie long enough to start picking up some of the take-out boxes that had piled up on the table. "I just don't know what to do with myself now that Valkyries are no longer a thing. And I did get a job at Dillinger's, so it's not like I'm doing nothing."

  She sat down on the couch beside me and clicked off the TV, so I would give her my full attention. "I really think you should consider going back to Ravenswood. Now that nobody can live forever, there's a bigger demand for supernatural-related careers, especially thaumaturgy and apothecary. I've already got an apprenticeship lined up for sorcery in January. The demand is so high they're fast-tracking me."

  "It also helps that you're really good at it," I said, but she brushed off my compliment with a demure smile. "I'm happy that you found a path that speaks to you, but you know that magic and all that has never really been my forte. I haven't figured out what I want to do or who I want to be yet. I am deciding what I'm going to do with my life for the first time, so I want to take my time."

  "Fair enough," Oona allowed and stood up. "I just don't want you getting depressed."

  "Honestly, I feel happier than I have in a very long time," I said. "Maybe ever. You don't need to worry about me yet."

  "I'm always going to worry about you. It's my job. You're my best friend." Oona grabbed her book bag from where she'd left it by the front door. "I have to get to class now, but I should be home around five if you wanna grab some dinner together."

  "Yeah, that sounds great." I smiled at her.

  As soon as she opened the door, she bumped right into Asher, who had his fist raised like he was about to knock. Once they both apologized to each other, multiple times, about their awkward clumsiness, Asher came in, and Oona left.

  "I come bearing gifts." He held up a bag of kibbeh, then sat down on the couch beside me.

  "Ooh, thank you!" I leaned over and kissed him quickly on the cheek. "I'm starving."

  "So what's your plan for today?" he asked.

  "I don't have to work, so I was gonna watch bad movies and hang with Bowie," I said around a mouthful of the delicious fried croquettes. "What about you?"

  "There's a recruitment going on downtown at the old Riks building. They're creating a special forces unit with the police to handle the new overflow, now that there aren't Valkyries to help keep order. I thought I might check it out."

  "You think you might want to join that?" I asked.

  He shrugged. "It's a wide open world, you know?"

  "I do."

  "Oh, my grandma wanted to know if you want to come over on Friday for supper?" Asher asked.

  "We have that doub
le date with Quinn and Valeska that night, remember?" I asked, and recognition flashed across his face. "I think we'll probably end up going to Carpe Noctem or something, but I still don't want to bail on plans with them."

  "No, that's fair, I just forgot." He reached over and snagged a kibbeh out of the bag before I ate them all. "I'll tell my grandma another night."

  As I munched on my food, we lapsed into a comfortable silence.

  "Are you still happy?" he asked finally.

  "Why do people keep asking me that today? Yeah, I'm happy."

  "I meant, you still think we made the right decision?"

  "Yeah, of course." I tilted my head. "Do you?"

  He nodded. "I just wanted to know, now that the dust has settled from everything, that..." He shifted and cleared this throat. "I wanted to know if you still felt like your choices for, um, life and ... everything, were still your own. If you still wanted to make them."

  "Are you asking me if I still want to be with you?" I asked.

  "Yeah." He rubbed the back of his neck. "You told me before that it's the choice that makes something real, and I wanted to know if you would still choose me."

  I set down my food and turned to face him more fully. "I don't know if I would've chosen you on my own. But that doesn't matter. Because every day since we did the Drawing of the Nine, I have chosen you. I have wanted to be with you and see you and kiss you and love you. And I will choose you every day from now on, no matter what the gods say."

  "Good." He leaned down and kissed me gently but sweetly.

  Before we could get too deep into it, my phone began to ring. I thought about letting it go to voice mail, but the ID said it was Samael.

  "Sorry, I should grab this," I said as I untangled myself from Asher and answered the phone. "Hello?"

  "Are you busy?" Samael asked.

  "Why?" I hedged.

  "I have something that I want your help with," Samael said. "You were one of the more promising Valkyrie students I've had, and with the upheaval in the world right now, I'd like you to join me."

  "Join you in what?"

  "Just because Valkyries are out of work and immortals don't live forever anymore doesn't mean that crime or scheming have gone away," Samael explained. "A lot of the new faux-mortals are pretty pissed off. But I think if you and I worked together, we could stop innocent lives from being lost. What do you think? Would you ever consider working with me again?"

  I thought for a second, but the truth was, I'd probably decided as soon as I answered the phone. "I'm in."


  ACHERON GORGE--a gorge in Kurnugia. It was once called the "river of woe," but it has long since dried up. It is a home to lost souls, who cry out in agony for all of eternity.

  ADITYAS ELIXIR--an energy drink from Southeast Asia made with mangoes and caffeine, named after the Sun God in Hinduism.

  AIZSAULE DISTRICT--a neighborhood in the northwestern part of Chicago. It's home to many demons and other impious immortals. While it is still within the bounds of both United States law and the Evig Riksdag, the demon Velnias has a large amount of influence. The name comes from the Latvian underworld, where Velnias is revered.

  AKKADIAN--an ancient language used prominently by the Akkad people in Mesopotamia, circa 2334-2154 BCE. While it is considered an extinct language, many of the immortals in Kurnugia primarily spoke Akkadian before being sent to the underworld.

  ALKONOST--winged immortals, similar to sirens, with the heads of women but also the feathers, wings, and other parts of a bird. They have beautiful singing voices, but unlike sirens, their voices and songs do not have any power over anyone. They most commonly live in Northern Asia.

  AMRITA--beverage of the gods, believed to grant renewal or peace. It is made from churning the salty river that flows through Kurnugia. Slightly syrupy with a sweet but earthy taste. Also referred to as "nectar" or "ambrosia."

  APOTHECARY--originally a person who dispensed medical advice and medicine, the term has shifted to mean a person or place that sells various herbs, potions, and crystals with alleged medicinal value. An apothecary may also dabble in thaumaturgy as well as more alternative medical treatments.

  APSARA--beautiful, divine Hindu female spirits of clouds and dancing who often inspire others to create and do good works in the world.

  ARMARRIA INCANTATION--a protection and cloaking spell that works best in conjunction with the armarria potion. The incantation is: "Ez geala, ba geala, kalte seguru, geala" which means "we aren't, we are indeed, safe from harm, are we," in the old Basque language, derived from the songs and spells of the Sorginak (a Basque witch).

  ARMARRIA POTION--a potion made of mugwort, obsidian flakes, and water from the Bidasoa River, among other more mystical ingredients. Armarria means "shield" in the Basque language. Used in conjunction with the armarria incantation. It must be applied directly above the heart to be most effective.

  ASAKKU--evil demons from ancient Sumeria. According to Odin's letter to Baldur, they fought against Gugalanna in the great battle that left thousands dead, buried in mass graves in the city of Nawar.

  ASWANG--ghoulish, vampiric immortal demons with huge mouths full of teeth. Originally from the Philippines, there is a growing population living in the Aizsaule District.

  AVONDMARKT--a large black-market bazaar in Chicago, where any number of supernatural items can be procured--for the right price. From the Danish, literally meaning "night market."

  BABA YAGA--an immortal being and birdlike witch from Russia.

  BAIAO DE DOIS--a Brazilian dish made of rice and beans, mixed with curded cheese.

  BARARU MUTANU OSSUARY--an ossuary is the final resting place for human and immortal remains, similar to a crypt. Unlike a crypt, an ossuary is usually decorated with (if not entirely made out of) bones as a way to honor the dead. The Baruru Mutanu Ossuary is one of the oldest ossuaries in the world, dating back several thousand years, and it is located in the Gates of Kurnugia in Central America. Many of the remains there have been calcified to such a degree that they have an appearance of being crystalized, which is how it was given its name. Bararu Mutanu translates to "Crystal Death" in Akkadian (the language of ancient Babylonians). Babylonian historians were determined to mark out all the most mystical places on earth, and this particular ossuary is located right outside the entrance to the underworld. Before the Babylonians named it, it had been used as a place to sacrifice to the gods in Kurnugia or to honor the dead.

  BEBEYAZ PANIR--a popular Turkish cheese similar to feta.

  BELIZE--an independent coastal country in Central America. It is most well known for being the home of the Gates of Kurnugia, which has led to a diverse, global society. It is particularly popular among immortals, with the densest population of immortals in the western hemisphere. As of the year 2137 CE, the total population was more than 9.3 million on only 8,800 square miles. The official languages are English, Spanish, German, and Sumerian.

  BELMOPAN--the second largest and capital city of Belize. It is located 20 miles (31 km) NE of the Gates of Kurnugia, separated from the immortal-controlled city by the shantytown El Noveno Anillo. Belmopan is an affluent and beautiful city with a bustling tourist industry.

  BIGUOL EN FRIIA--loosely translates to "encharment of Frigg" in Old Germanic. It is both the name of the ceremony and the incantation. The incantation is as follows: "Gang ut/ut fana themo marge an that ben,/ ut fana themo bene an that flesg,/ut fana themo flesgke an themo hud,/ ut fana themo hud an that leben /ut fana themo leben an that tod /ut fan themo tod an thesa strala/uuodan, uuerthe so!" In Old High German, this translates to: "Get out, away from the marrow to the bone, away from the bone to the flesh, away from the flesh to the hide, away from the hide to life, away from life to the death, away from death and into the atmosphere. Odin, make it so!"

  BOAL MADEIRA--a sweet, fruity wine from Portugal with high alcohol content.

  BORNITE--a gemstone with an iridescent finish, which gives it the name "peacock ore." Crystal
shards are used to enhance joyfulness and ward off negativity. A bornite crystal is inlaid in the cover of the Sorcellerie Grimoire.

  CAANA CITY--a city in Belize, nestled along the Caracol National Park. It gets its name from the nearby Mayan temple of Caana (the name of which means "the Sky Palace"). It is 40 miles (65 km) SW of the Gates of Kurnugia, traveling over jungle roads.

  CABRIOLET--light carriages, usually drawn by a horse. In Kurnugia, they are drawn by Kting Voars. The name is often shortened to "cab" in the mortal world.

  CACHACA--an alcoholic drink distilled from sugar cane, similar to rum.

  CAMAHUETO--immortal, unicorn-like calves born with a single platinum horn that lived among the Chilote people in South America. The horn was virtually indestructible and was the strongest material on earth, which led to the camahuetos being hunted to extinction on earth in the 1600s CE.

  CAMBION--the mortal children of either a human and a demon, or two demons of differing species (i.e., an incubus and a Pishacha). They inherit some of their parents' characteristics, such as horns or powerful sexuality, but as they are mortal, they are not subject to the law of Valkyries from the Evig Riksdag.

  CARPE NOCTEM--a dive bar located on the Chicago mainland, near the edge of Lake Michigan before the water district of New Edgewater. The name means "Seize the Night" in Latin.

  CE/BCE--CE stands for Common Era, which is a name for the current calendar era used around the world today. BCE stands for Before Common Era, the era preceding Common Era. The current year 2137 CE goes back two thousand one hundred and thirty-seven years, when time is referred to as BCE and counts back from one, so year 100 BCE is one hundred years after 200 BCE, and so on. The Common Era notation system can be used as an alternative to the Dionysian era system, and both notations refer to the Gregorian calendar.

  CHERUBIM--immortal angels with four flaming wings and skin that glows brightly. They are able to read auras for impurities or evilness, and they guard the entrance to Zianna. Singular is "cherub."

  CHICAGO--a megacity located on the lake in Illinois. According to the 2135 CE census, the dense city has a population over 31 million. It is divided into many boroughs, such as New Edgewater, Aizsaule District, and the Gold Coast. It is known for its vibrant night life and cuisine, as well as being home to the American headquarters of the Evig Riksdag. However, it is also known for its pollution, overpopulation, and crime.