CHUPACABRA--a medium-sized reptilian immortal animal. Its face has been compared to an "alien hyena." They have leathery green skin, quills all down their backs, and legs like a kangaroo. They are carnivorous, and they primarily live in the forests and jungles of Central America.

  CODEX AETERNA--an ancient Norse book made of 50 vellum leaves, each covered in songs and limericks. The name means "The Eternal Book" in Latin. It is thought to have been written in the 1270s CE. The poem "Friggadraumr" is located within it.

  THE COURT OF ZIANNA--the court of divine immortals that make decisions for the citadel of Zianna. The leader as well as the members are democratically elected and serve for a hundred years at a time. The current leader is Sedna, and her court consists of Bastet, Aphrodite, Apsu, Yemaya, Tsukiyomi, Altjira, Bochica, Danu, Hi'iaka, and Gersemi.

  CRYPTOMERIAN FOREST--a dark underworld forest that surrounds the exit to Kurnugia. It is home to many aggressive cannibalistic plants, most notably the Cryptomeria vorax (Latin "hidden parts" + "devouring") trees, a subgenus of the trees known for the Yakushima forest in Japan.

  CYCLOPS--a large humanoid immortal with only one eye in the center of their head, typically of Grecian ancestry.

  DANTE'S LAGER--cheap terrible beer infused with ghost peppers.

  DEVI/DEVA--Hindu celestial immortals that commonly take a human form to do good works on earth. They are divine beings, known for helping others and encouraging compassion and love. "Devi" are female, and "Deva" are male. Their name comes from the Sanskrit word for "shining," referring to the light of goodness that glows within them.

  DILLINGER'S CORNER MARKET & APOTHECARY--a corner market in New Edgewater that sells basic groceries and a few supernatural items. Owned and managed by Fufluns Dillinger.

  DRAUGR--an immortal that a Valkyrie has failed to return. The name comes from the Old Norse word for "undead." They are a very rare, dangerous occurrence.

  DYRNWYN--a magic flaming sword created in fifteenth-century Wales. It only burns when the wielder's quest is true. It is an arming sword with a black blade, deep red hilt, and the cross-guards shaped to look like flames coming out of the grip. Roughly thirty-six inches in length.

  EARTH--planet where all known life exists. Immortal and mortal beings have coexisted together for more than ten millennia, and by the year 2137 CE the population will have skyrocketed to 24.28 billion. Approximately 25 percent of that is composed of immortals, or 6.07 billion.

  EIR--a Valkyrie sword in the possession of Quinn Devane. It has a black handle and blade of blue. It once belonged to one of the original nine Valkyries, Eir. Name roughly translates to "help" or "mercy" in old Norse.

  EL NOVENO ANILLO--a shantytown-like suburb outside the Gates of Kurnugia. The name translates to "the Ninth Ring" in Spanish, alluding to Dante's Inferno. To the NE, it connects the Gates of Kurnugia to Belmopan. To the SW (toward Caana City), it's even more rundown. It is part of the Belmopan metro area population of 2.1 million, with roughly 1 million of those residents living in El Noveno Anillo.

  EMI--the Yoruba word for "spirit" or "life" or "soul." It is the thing that gives one the ability to execute magic, whether the being is mortal or immortal.

  EMMANUEL WOODED GARDEN--a forest and garden in Skarpaker Park. Named after twentieth-century Chicago activist Dr. Fannie Emmanuel.

  ENOCHIAN--the original language of angels, based on Dr. John Dee's sixteenth-century occult writings.

  ENOCHIAN MAGIC--a system of ceremonial magic with the invocation and commanding of various spirits. It is based on the sixteenth-century occult writings of Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelley, who claimed that their information, including the revealed Enochian language, was delivered to them directly by various angels.

  EOSTRE'S LAGOMORPH CHOW--a perfectly balanced diet for jackalopes, wolpertingers, rabbits, pikas, and colugos.

  ERALIM--the immortal beings that tell the Valkyrie where to go and who to kill. They work as intermediaries between the Vanir gods in Vanaheimr and the Evig Riksdag on earth. They are the offspring of Valkyries and Seraphim, and they cannot have children themselves. Their blood is slightly thinner than human blood and is dark purple in color.

  ESHIK MITU--a geyser in the Gates of Kurnugia behind the Merchants of Death. It connects to the underworld, but it is filled with scalding water, sulphuric sludge, and a magic that makes it impossible for immortals to pass through, and nearly impossible for mortals. The name comes from Sumerian. Eshik means "door" and Mitu means "death."

  ET INGRESSUS EST PRAETORIUM CANERET--a room in Sacrorum library devoted to epic poems and songs. The name means "The Hall of Minstrel and Adventure" in Latin. This is where Codex Aeterna is stored.

  ET VIRGINES IN MORTE--a room in the Sacrorum library devoted to Valkyries. The name means "Death and the Maidens" in Latin.

  EVERY FEELING ACT--a federal law in the United States that makes it illegal for any sentient being to consume the flesh of another sentient being. The drafted law frequently quotes eighteenth-century philosopher Jeremy Bentham, particularly the argument "The question is not Can they reason? nor, Can they talk? but, Can they suffer?" This law was acted in the mid-twentieth century, when genetically modified substitutions were created that allowed carnivorous immortals to eat and survive without relying on living flesh. While the consumption of nonsentient flesh is still allowed, rigorous testing is done to ensure that only approved beings are slaughtered. It is a controversial law, with the Kurnugia Society often pushing back against it to no avail.

  EVIG RIKSDAG--the global office where the Eralim work. The name means "Eternal Parliament." Of the 215 countries on earth, 172 of them have their own Evig Riksdag office that works in conjunction with their individual governments. Some countries refuse to acknowledge the laws of the Vanir gods, but Valkyries are still sent from other offices to return the immortals. They are often accompanied by armed Vordr guards for missions in hostile countries. Each office is overseen by an Arch Seraph, who works directly with a Vanir god (each Vanir god oversees a specific country or occasionally several smaller countries). Working beneath the Arch Seraph are other lower-level seraphim who solve the Mortal Equation. Directly beneath them are the Eralim, who train and handle the Valkyries, and the Valkyries themselves are the lowest-level officers of the Evig Riksdag. The United States Evig Riksdag is located near the center of the country, in Chicago, Illinois. It is in the State District, only a few blocks from the Willis Tower.

  EXOUSIA--warrior angels that make up a divine protection service in the citadel of Zianna in Kurnugia. They venture beyond the walls to help those in dire situations, but only at the behest of the Court of Zianna. They also defend the citadel--and the Court in particular--if there are any attacks on Zianna. Their name comes from the Greek, meaning "authorities" or "powers."

  FEAST OF THE DEAD--a day to celebrate and remember the many gods and goddesses that have returned to Kurnugia. Over time, it has become a wild party where it's customary to dress up and gorge yourself on libations and food. In North America, it is celebrated on the first Saturday in October.

  FOUNTAIN OF FATES--a fountain in Skarpaker Park that incorporates sculptures of the trio of Greek Fates.

  FRIGGADRAUMR--a prophecy that is sometimes quoted in the Norse poem "Voluspa." The name translates to "Frigg's Dream" or "The Dream of Frigg."

  GATES OF KURNUGIA--an independent sovereign entity in Belize. It is governed--in a very limited capacity, that is--by demons and other impious immortals. When it was first settled ten millennia ago, it was called In Sabatu Kurnugia, but around 1500 BCE, it was mislabeled on an official record as Baba Kurnugia (Baba meant Gates). In the fifteenth century, during the English conquest, the name was officially changed to the English translation. In Sabatu--the original name--meant rings, since they didn't have a different word for labyrinth, and was a reference to the maze of walls that surround it. The city itself encircles the Bararu Mutanu Ossuary, which houses the carefully guarded and supernaturally locked entrance to Kurnugia. The walls
are instilled with magic to keep in those that cannot leave (many immortals are exiled there as punishment, while some demons choose to give up their freedom willingly to enjoy the more depraved life in the city). It is surrounded by the shantytown El Noveno Anillo. The Gates of Kurnugia is 20 miles (31 km) SW of Belmopan, and 40 miles (65 km) NE of Caana City. It's approximately 2,080 miles SE of Chicago. It is part of the Belmopan metro area population of 2.1 million, with roughly 400,000 of those residents living in the Gates of Kurnugia.

  GOLD COAST--an affluent neighborhood in northern Chicago, with high-end commercial and luxury residential properties. It is also home to one of the most prosperous and lavish gentlemen's clubs in the world, Nysa.

  GONDUL--one of the original nine Valkyries created by Odin; also the name of her amber sword. Name roughly translates to "spear-wielder."

  GORGON--immortal women with snake hair and scales on their skin. They can also turn a person to stone just by looking at them, but it is a power that they have control over.

  GUNGNIR--Odin's spear that was created as the only true way to destroy an immortal forever. The materials to make it were gifted to Odin by other Vanir gods: the dark silvery-blue shaft is made of camahueto horn gifted by Auchimalgen, the brassy red tip is made of orichalcum gifted by Poseidon, and the tip was dipped in glowing poison Halahala gifted by Brahma.

  HAKAWAI--large immortal raptors, similar to a Haast's eagle, known for their distinctive call.

  HALAHALA--the most vicious venomous poison in the world. The tip of Gungnir is dipped in it, after it is gifted to Odin by Brahma.

  HANNUNVAAKUNA--sometimes referred to as a "looped square." It's an ancient Finnish symbol of good luck.

  HARIRA--a Moroccan soup made of tomatoes and tomato concentrate, lentils, chickpeas, onions, rice, herbs (celery, parsley, and coriander), spices (mainly saffron, ginger, and pepper), and a teaspoon or two of olive oil.

  HEGEWISCH--an older community on the southside of Chicago. It is almost an hour and a half south of New Edgewater.

  HEMATITE--a gemstone with a mirror-like finish. Crystal shards are used in various protection spells, most notably the armarria incantation.

  HILDR--one of the original nine Valkyries created by Odin; also the name of her crimson sword. Name roughly translates to "battle."

  HUBUR RIVER--a river that flows through Kurnugia, from under the Eshik Mitu geyser, straight through the underworld and past Zianna, before connecting with the Cryptomerian Forest. The width varies, and the water is dark blue and salty.

  HYPERBUS--hoverbus that goes faster than a normal bus, with an average speed of 90 to 100 miles per hour. It is also more suitable for rugged terrain than a traditional wheeled bus.

  INCUBUS/SUCCUBUS--provocative nightmare demonic immortals, with a male called an incubus and a female called a succubus.

  ITAYAKKAL--a heartstone made of pink tourmaline that is enchanted so it enables the receiver of the stone to feel the love and warmth of the giver. The name comes from Tamil (an ancient language still used in Sri Lanka, where the gemstone is naturally found), literally translating to "heart stone." In Hindu, the gem is known for its properties of "love."

  JACKFRUIT SEEDS--large nutlike seeds from the jackfruit. Flavor is milky and sweet, similar to Brazil nuts or chestnuts.

  JENGLOT--a small doll-like immortal that likes to cause mischief, not unlike a gremlin. They are typically found in Indonesia.

  JINN--wish-granting humanoid immortals. They are generally smaller in stature than the average human, but otherwise they are physically indistinguishable. While they can occasionally fall into a trickster role, they are generally well-intentioned and kind. Their vast power to grant wishes is not available at all times to all beings, and in fact, most jinn require that certain ceremonies and rituals be performed before one can access their power.

  JOROGUMO--shapeshifting immortals that change from beautiful women to horrific giant spiders. They feast on the lust--and occasionally the literal beating hearts--of men, thus earning them a name that translates to "prostitute spider" in Japanese. In the United States, the Every Feeling Act allows them to feed only on the lust of consenting adults.

  KAHVALTI--a Turkish coffee house/breakfast diner.

  KALANORO--small, primate immortals with hooked claws, a piranha-esque appetite, and a penchant for hoarding "treasures." They are native to Madagascar, but a substantial population also exists in Panama.

  KALFU'S DAGGER--a dagger that belonged to the Haitian creator Petra Loa which has the power to kill other Petra Loas. It has a jagged blade of black tourmaline. The hilt is a deep red with a Veve symbol carved into it, right in the center of the quillons. It is twelve inches in length.

  KATMER--a Turkish flaky golden flatbread.

  KIBBEH--a deep-fried croquette stuffed with mushrooms, onions, and pine nuts.

  KIRIN--extinct divine immortal creatures, similar to unicorns. They possess two antlers and a horn, and have a pastel mane and prehensile tail. Iridescent scales are scattered along their body. Their extinction was actually the inciting act that caused Odin to create the Valkyries to help purge the powerful immortals before they destroyed the earth.

  KTING VOAR--a massive immortal bovine, similar to the gaur bison or the short-haired yak. Their dark fur is speckled with white. They generally stand over eight feet tall at the shoulder and can weigh more than 3,500 lbs. They have two-foot-long horns that curve and twist like snakes. They are reputed to eat snakes, and have a mouthful of sharp teeth, including two saber-tooth incisors. Despite their immortality, the Kting Voars have been hunted nearly to extinction, and they are a protected species in their native countries of Vietnam and Cambodia.

  KURNUGIA--the official name of the underworld, so named by the ancient Sumerians who first recorded its existence. It is a physical plane, separated from earth by the powerful magic of the Vanir gods, and it has a nearly unbreakable seal that keeps the immortals trapped in Kurnugia once they are returned by the Valkyries. The literal translation for Kurnugia is "Earth of No Return."

  KURTARI INCANTATION--the incantation that must be said in order to leave Kurnugia. The phrase is "atebamap adilz a odo," which is the backwards version of the Enochian phrase "odo a zlida pamebeta," which means "open the water unto me." While the chant is being said, the practitioner must spin counterclockwise, and they must be marked by the blood of an Eralim. The name comes from the Sumerian language, kurtari loosely translating to "land of return." The incantation only works if the practitioner is mortal.

  KUSANAGI-NOTSURUGI--a powerful sword that controls the wind. It was created in the first century in Japan. Midsized sword with a beveled blade, and both the blade and the hilt are made of a singular piece of a black obsidian-like material. Roughly twenty-three inches in length. It is not a katana.

  LEMPO--a capricious and sometimes evil god/goddess of love. Long wavy red hair, androgynous features, antlers, and a hannunvaakuna tattoo on their face. Originally ruled in Finland before being returned to Kurnugia.

  LENTILS UNLIMITED--a company that sells lentils to stock up for doomsday preparedness.

  LILIPLUM--chemical derived from the Lilium plumeria flower. It is a syrupy liquid that, when inhaled through a vaporizer or hookah, creates an opiate-like euphoria and occasional hallucinations. The smoke it produces is a dark violet, and it smells sweet, like the lily flower it comes from.

  LOBISHOMEN--werewolf-like immortal with huge fangs.

  LUFT--short for luftfahrrad.

  LUFTFAHRRAD--a German-engineered type of hoverbike.

  MAHAMBA--large reptilian immortal carnivores from the Congo.

  MANANANGGAL--Filipino vampiric demonic immortals.

  MANETO CANAL--the road/canal that Malin lives on, from the Native word for river serpent.

  MAUSOLEUM AV VETERANER FRAN KRIGET MOT ODODLIGHET--a mausoleum where deceased Valkyries are interred at the Rosehill Cemetery in Chicago. The name translates to "Mausoleum of the Veterans of the War on Immortality" in Swedish. It has a minim
alist design in white marble, giving it a very cubic appearance. The coat of arms is carved into the marble above: a shield emblazoned with the three horns of Odin and nine swords fanned out behind it.

  MERCHANTS OF DEATH--a market in the Gates of Kurnugia where immortal creatures sell taboo and often illegal items to various tourists--both immortals (who need permission and a shielding potion from the Evig Riksdag for a limited pass that allows them to exit and enter the Gates) and mortals (who can pass freely without permission from the Evig Riksdag). Because the Gates of Kurnugia is its own sovereign entity, it is an almost entirely lawless society, with the only law being enforced by Seraphim-controlled protection spells that don't allow the killing of visiting mortals or immortals. Many of the merchants get around that by paying smugglers to kill outside the walls of the city and then bring the valuable parts inside for the merchants to sell.

  MIST--one of the original nine Valkyries created by Odin; also the name of her teal sword. Name means "mist" or "cloud" in old Norse.

  MNGWA--immortal felines with brindle coats. They are among the largest of the big cats, at roughly the size of an average donkey. They have elongated fangs, razor-sharp claws, and a spiky mane of fur that extends down the backs like a mohawk. Typically from Tanzania.

  MORTAL EQUATION--a complex system handed down by Vanir gods to the Seraphim to calculate when immortals should be returned to Kurnugia. It is impossible for anyone outside of a Vanir god or a Seraph to understand, with infinite symbols, constantly shifting variables, and an occasionally untranslatable dimensional language.

  NAWAR--an ancient city, now more often known as Tell Brak. It was the site of early human civilization in Mesopotamia.

  NEW EDGEWATER--a district in Chicago, built out over Lake Michigan in an attempt to handle the population explosion. When founded a hundred years ago, it was designed as a luxury addition with canals for roads. However, due to pollution and the constant moisture, the neighborhood has sunk into poverty and dilapidation.