Arlana stepped outside of the family chateau for a breath of air. Inside her father was deciding her fate. It was not fair that she had no say in his decision. Soon she would be betrothed to a man she had never met. She knew that she should be grateful that he was able to find someone that would want to marry her since she was so old. All the girls in the village had married when they turned 14 but Arlana had had no offers of marriage at that time. Her upbringing had been unconventional because her mother had died giving birth to her.
She walked down the lane to her dear friend’s, Bernadine, house. She probably should stay at the chateau but she couldn’t bear the thought of what was happening. She loved walking to Bernie’s house. This time of year was always her favorite. It was the end of summer when the fields of wheat turned to a golden color. It was time to reap the fields and soon the haystacks would be everywhere. She and Bernie used to jump in the haystacks when they were little. Bernie’s mother would always scold them but it was so much fun she couldn’t help but do it time and time again. Her family did not own the wheat fields but they had always surrounded their land. She always wished that her father grew wheat instead of running the dairy. Cows were so loud and smelly. She hated having to milk them every morning. If she had to marry she hoped her father would have the decency to avoid any suitors that owned smelly animal farms.
A woman was walking towards her on the lane. As she drew nearer Arlana saw that it was Bernie. “Bernie! I was just coming to see you!” She called out.
Bernie looked at Arlana and smiled. “Fifi! I was coming to see if your father negotiated your betrothal. Do you know who the suitor is? I have been wracking my brain and cannot think of anyone in the village who is available. Well, other than old man Louvre and well he is on his death bed so it couldn’t be him.” Bernie said with enthusiasm.
She was married the day she turned 14. Her parents had arranged her marriage the year she was born. She was lucky she grew up knowing her husband. He was 10 years older than her and extremely handsome and kind. Not many of the village girls had such fortunate pairings.
“No, I’d rather not know. I realize I should be happy that I will finally be getting married but I just feel like there is more to my life than being married and having babies. Speaking of which how is young Jacque? Who is watching him right now?” Arlana was surprised that Bernie’s son was not with his mother. She doted on him day and night as all good mothers did. When Bernie had Jacque Arlana felt a tinge of jealousy. The sweet boy took all of Bernie’s time and Arlana soon saw her friend only on rare occasions.
“Oh Fifi, you always had such funny thoughts. What more should a girl want but to be married and with children? I think growing up without a mother truly addled your brain. Your father should never have taught you to hunt. It has given you to thoughts that only men should have.” Bernie said with a mocking grin. In actuality Bernie always envied Arlana’s freedom. While she was forced to stay at home with her mother and learn to sew and cook, her friend got to roam the countryside wild and free. Bernie’s Mom tried many times to take the place of her friend’s deceased mother but it never worked out well.
Arlana smiled at her friend. She truly did love hunting. She did not so much enjoy killing things but when she held her bow, aimed it and shot an arrow she felt content. Another thing she would never be allowed to do when she was married. “Bernie, what if he won’t let me hunt? What if I will be forced to stay inside and cook and sew and clean and…” Arlana said feeling more and more panicked.
Bernie laughed “Truly he will be in for a rude awakening if he expects you to do any of that. After all you did ignore any of my mother’s tutelage on such things. He will be lucky if you are even able to boil water. It didn’t help that your father paid for servants to do all of that for you. He may need to negotiate that you take Christina with you.”
Arlana laughed. Her friend was right. She never did learn how to keep a house. The skill she could bring her husband was keeping the house full of meat. As she was about to respond she heard a sound coming from the chateau.
“Josephine! Where are you? Your father requires your presence,” called out her maid servant Christina.
Arlana sighed. “Well I guess I shall find out my fate. Come with me Bernie! I can’t face this on my own!” She pleaded.
Bernie smiled “That is why I came here without my son. You are the only thing in this world that would have me leave him for even a brief moment in time.”
Arlana smiled and grabbed her friend’s hand. She turned and walked back to the Chateau.
When she arrived inside her father was in the salon. With him was the solicitor who was acting on behalf of the man who wanted to marry her. She had no clue who the man was and felt very uneasy about the whole situation. “Ah, Josephine! There you are. This is Monsieur Bedel. His employer has asked him to negotiate for your hand in marriage. We have come to an agreement!”
“Hello Monsieur, it is a pleasure to meet you,” Arlana said with a curtsey. He was an elderly man with thinning gray hair. Arlana prayed that he was older than his employer. Whatever would she do with an old man?
“Ah Mistress Josephine! It is a pleasure to meet you! You are as lovely as my employer has described you. Please have a seat,” responded Monsieur Bedel
“Merci Monsieur.” Arlana said and sat down next to her father. He gave her a sad smile which caused her much concern. “Father what is it?” She asked trying not to sound alarmed.
“It is nothing my child. I was thinking about how much I will miss you.” He said kindly.
“Miss me? What do you mean? Where will I be going? When will I be going?” She asked in a rapid fire of questions feeling extremely uneasy.
“Mistress Josephine, we will be leaving tomorrow for my employer’s home. Your maid servant, Christina will be coming with us. He is most anxious to meet you. It is uncommon for an arrangement to happen so fast, but I doubt that it would be seen as problematic. Being that you are so many years past the common marrying age.”
Arlana blushed in anger. She dropped her gaze so that Monsieur Bedel would not see how he insulted her. Bernie came and sat next to her to offer her support. “Josephine this is wonderful news!” she gushed with happiness.
“Yes Bernadine it is wonderful news!” Arlana replied with false happiness. “Monsieur, where does your employer live and may I ask his name?” She asked as politely as she could.
Monsieur Bedel smiled at her. “We will be traveling to a village outside Loudun. Monsieur Seraphin’s family home is there.” He responded.
At the sound of Loudun Christina gasped. Arlana looked at her perplexed. Christina had been in Arlana’s life since she was a baby. Never had Arlana heard her gasp or look as fearful as she did at this moment. “Christina? Are you alright?” Arlana asked worried.
“Yes Mistress. I am sorry I was surprised to hear that we would be headed towards Loudun. My family left after the, um, unfortunate times there. “
“Oh but that was a long time ago and Monsieur Seraphin does not live in Loudun so we are safe from its disrepute.” Monsieur Bedel responded hastily. At that the meeting was adjourned by Arlana’s father.