“Death had to take him”: Edward Renehan, Jr., The Lion’s Pride: Theodore Roosevelt and His Family in Peace and War (New York: Oxford University Press, 1998), p. 222.
“brave little adventure”: Finley Peter Dunne to IMT, [n.d.], IMTC.
Relentless money troubles: John E. Semonche, “The American Magazine, 1906–1915,” Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly (Winter 1963), pp. 40–42.
“The test of” . . . 600,000 readers: RSB, Notebook V, April 14, 1915, RSB Papers.
Prize contests . . . and marriage: Semonche, “The American Magazine, 1906–1915,” Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly (Winter 1963), p. 43.
“strangled by commercial considerations”: RSB, Notebook V, April 14, 1915, RSB Papers.
White and Tarbell had been sent to Paris: IMT, All in the Day’s Work, pp. 336–37.
Ray Baker was serving President Wilson: WAW, The Autobiography, p. 546.
over one hundred American correspondents: Bridgeport [CT] Telegram, Jan. 15, 1919.
“absolute fairness . . . intimate it was”: IMT, All in the Day’s Work, p. 350.
“Again and again . . . without Roosevelt in it”: WAW, The Autobiography, p. 551.
“It was my father’s wish”: Morris, Colonel Roosevelt, p. 554.
Taft had discovered with delight: WHT to Irving Fisher, Dec. 1, 1922, WHTP.
“You’re a dear personal friend”: WHT to HHT, Jan. 9, 1919, WHTP.
“no pomp . . . profoundly impressive”: “Theodore Roosevelt’s Funeral: An Impression,” Outlook, Jan. 22, 1919.
“a mound of flowers”: New York Tribune, Jan. 9, 1919.
“widow’s custom”: Morris, EKR, p. 437.
“with all the passion”: EKR to TR, June 8, 1886, Derby Papers.
“an isolated figure . . . from the others”: Bisbee [AZ] Daily Review, Jan. 9, 1919.
“I want to say to you”: WHT to ARC, July 26, 1921, in Pringle, Life and Times, Vol. 2, p. 913.
At noon on October 3, 1921: Washington [DC] Times, Oct. 3, 1921.
“as strongly as a man”: HHT, Recollections of a Full Life, p. 263.
“to administer justice”: “Judiciary Oath,” U.S. Code, Title 28, Part 1, chap. 21, sect. 453.
“the famous Taft . . . greatest day of my life”: Sweetwater [TX] Daily Reporter, Oct. 4, 1921.
“The people of the United States”: Washington Post, Oct. 4, 1921.
“antiquated . . . federal courts”: Allen Edgar Ragan and Harlow Lindley, Chief Justice Taft (Columbus: Ohio State Arch. & Hist. Soc., 1938), p. 104.
“great skill . . . old Senate chamber”: Robert Post, “The Supreme Court Opinion as Institutional Practice: Dissent, Legal Scholarship, and Decisionmaking in the Taft Court,” Minnesota Law Review 85 (2011), pp. 1267–68.
“We call you Chief Justice”: Oliver Wendell Holmes et al., to WHT, Feb. 10, 1930, in Pringle, Life and Times, Vol. 2, p. 1079.
“unbreakable quality . . . but interrupted”: IMT, All in the Day’s Work, p. 406.
the “old Crowd”: RSB to IMT, Oct. 30, 1917, IMTC.
“a hundred, yes a thousand”: IMT to Alice and Cale Rice, Jan. 21, 1933, IMTC.
“saving the world”: RSB to LS, April 28, 1930, RSB Papers.
“muck-raked never to . . . speedily corrected”: RSB, Notebook LIV, [n.d.], p. 22, RSB Papers.
how “hard-boiled” the world really was: RSB to LS, April 28, 1930, RSB Papers.
“the star . . . the publishing business”: IMT to Viola Roseboro, Nov. 6, 1937, IMTC.
His “old fire”: IMT to JSP, Oct. 6, 1937, IMTC.
“We sat enthralled”: IMT, All in the Day’s Work, p. 406.
Tarbell wrote . . . “flame steady and lasting”: IMT to JSP, Oct. 6, 1937, IMTC.
“that wonderful adventure . . . a mission and a call”: JSP to RSB, Dec. 20, 1920, RSB Papers.
Numbers in bold roman type refer to illustrations in the inserts; numbers in bold italics refer to book pages.
The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley: 15
Culver Pictures, Inc.: 54
Courtesy of the Ida M. Tarbell Collection, Pelletier Library, Allegheny College: 324, 19, 24, 43
Kansas State Historical Society: 21
Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division: 87, LC-DIG-hec-15220; 239 (right), PR 13 CN 1980: 167 Container (AA) 3; 557, LC-DIG-hec-15221; 583, LC-USZ62-121727; 25, LC-USZ62-132301; 30, PR 13 CN 1980: 167 Container (AA) 4; 38, LC-DIG-ppmsca-26036; 40, LC-USZ62-48773; 41, LC-USZ62-48769; 42, LC-USZ62-95893; 44, LC-USZ627757; 49, LC-USZ62-7634; 50, LC-DIG-hec-01006; 51, LC-USZ62-95701; 53, LC-DIG-hec-01007; 55, LC-USZ62-53971; 56, LC-USZ62-10309; 58, LC-DIG-hec-15169; 61, LC-DIG-hec-07123; 68, LC-DIG-hec-15127; back endpaper, LC-USZ62-32737
Courtesy, The Lilly Library, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana: 157, 16, 17, 18, 20, 66
Courtesy of Mark Rohling and the Taft Museum of Art, Cincinnati, Ohio: 47
Theodore Roosevelt Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard University [photographs]: 1, TRC-PH-1 560.62; 21 (left), TRC-PH-2 520.11-003; 109, TRC-PH-2 570.R67ed-003; 134, TRC-PH-2 520.21-001; 239 (left), TRC-PH-2 560.41-020; 385, TRC-PH-4 560.52 1906-072; 401, Roosevelt R500.P69a-088; 655, Roosevelt R560.6.C71; 1, TRC-PH-2 520.12-003; 4, TRC-PH-4 560.11-018; 5, TRC-PH-2 520.11-009; 6, MS Am 1541.9 (136); 7, TRC-PH-1 570.1 R67r 1878; 8, *87M-102; 10, TRC-PH-1 520.13-003a; 11, TRC-PH-2 560.14-149; 12, 520.14-001; 14, TRC-PH-1 560.22-001; 22, TRC-PH-2 520.23-007; 27, TRC-PH-2 560.41-066; 32, TRC-PH-1 560.41-057; 33, Roosevelt R500.P69a-050; 34, TRC-PH-1 560.51 1902-156; 35, TRC-PH-1 560.51 1903-115; 36, TRC-PH-1 560.52 1905-002; 37, TRC-PH-5 560.52 1905-019a; 39, TRC-PH-3 541.51-001; 48, TRC-PH-1 560.52 1909-017; 52, Roosevelt R500.P69a-064; 57, Roosevelt R500.R67-056; 59, TRC-PH-2 560.6; 60, Roosevelt R560.6.C71; 62, TRC-PH-1 560.7; 64, TRC-PH-1 560.7; 65, TRC-PH-1 560.7; 67, TRC-PH-2 541.9-010; front endpaper, TRC-PH-1 560.52 1905-012
Theodore Roosevelt Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard University [political cartoons]: 203, TRC-PH-1 560.23; 279, 348, 366, 444, 467, 497, 516, 534, 605, 634, 672, 697, 718; 13, 23, 31, 45, 46, 63, preceding illustrations TRC-CT-1
Courtesy of the University of Chicago Library: 50, 26
Courtesy of the U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center: 29
Courtesy of the William Howard Taft National Historic Site, National Park Service: 21 (right), 2, 3, 9, 28
Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.
Abbott, Lawrence, 2, 639
Abbott, Lyman, xi–xii, 397–98, 501
Abbott Academy, 164
Aberdeen, S.D., 350
abolitionists, 25, 163, 452, 537, 540
Adams, Henry, 141–42, 557
Adams, Samuel Hopkins, 332, 465
Adams, William, 45–46
Addams, Jane, 585, 720–22
Addyston Pipe case, 218, 386, 399
Addyston Steel and Pipe Company, 218
Adirondacks, 97–98, 245
advertising, patent medicines and, 465
Advocate, 44
Africa, 41
TR’s safari in, 1–2, 3–4, 6, 8, 43, 541, 560, 605, 621, 630, 633, 639, 653
African-Americans, 270, 622, 700
Baker on, 492, 493–94
and Brownsville incident, 511–15, 537
at Bull Moose convention, 719, 723
TR’s inclusion of, 321, 350, 380
Agassiz, Louis, 162–63, 172, 181
Agricultural Appropriations Act, 517
Agriculture Department, U.S., 461–62, 464, 608
Aix-les-Bains, 329
Akron, Ohio, 413, 435
Alabama, 321, 650, 698–99, 710
Alameda Opera House, 504
Alaska, coal lands in, 611, 617, 620, 621, 632
Albany, N.Y., 71, 80, 81, 82, 83, 200, 235, 239–40, 243, 259, 262, 283, 320, 720
Albany Argus, 242
Albany Express, 70
Albuquerque, N. Mex., 64
nbsp; Aldrich, Nelson, 346, 473, 659
and Federal Reserve Banking System, 601
Philippines tariff reduction opposed by, 307, 397–98, 592
power of, 292–93, 481, 483
Pure Food and Drug Act opposed by, 464
on railroad regulations, 453–54, 456–58
Taft and, 571, 573, 592–93, 595–98, 630, 632
tariff machinations of, 309, 592–98, 601, 604
TR challenged by, 565
see also Payne-Aldrich Tariff Bill
Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 165
Alexander, Eleanor, see Roosevelt, Eleanor Alexander
Alexandria, 40
Allegheny College, 172
Allegheny Mountains, 185, 330, 600
Allen, Henry, 710
Allison, William B., 292, 309, 457–58
Allotment Commission, U.S., 36
Alps, 65, 470, 632
Altgeld, John Peter, 159, 186, 194
Alvord, Thomas, 73
Amalgamated Copper, 608
Amazon River, 743
American Bar Association, Taft’s 1895 address to, 219
American Dilemma, An (Myrdal), 494
American Historical Association, 158
American Ideals and Other Essays (White), 250
American Indians, 350
American Magazine, 490–96, 539, 540, 584, 627, 656
Bull Moose party support at, 723–24
as insurgent, 628, 670
opinions on Taft at, 629–33
sale of, 746–47
American Peace Commission, 747
American Railway Union (ARU), 186
American Red Cross, 646
American Tobacco Company, 442
Ames, Albert “Doc,” 324
Amherst Academy, 22
Amoco, 443
amoebic dysentery, 392
Amos, James, 745, 746
anarchists, 158–59, 278, 295, 406, 552
Anderson, Jennie Herron, 581
Andover, Mass., 164
Andrews, Avery D., 204
Androscoggin, 6, 8
Annapolis, Md., 701
Ann Arbor, Mich., 182
Anthony, Carl, 90
Antietam, 222
Antiquities Act, 466
Taft and, 504, 539, 667–69
TR and, 218, 297–300, 313, 317–18, 321, 322, 386, 398–400, 669
anti-trust legislation, 254, 443, 565, 586, 731
anti-trust suits, xi, 218, 292, 539, 554
against Northern Securities Company, 218, 297–300, 313, 317–18, 321, 322, 386, 398–400, 669
against Standard Oil, 441–43, 445, 669
TR’s record on, 667–70
against U.S. Steel, 667–68
aphasia, 581
Appalachian Mountains, 47
Appeal to Reason, 459
Arabian Nights, 115
Arbitration Commission, for coal strike, 317–18
Archbold, John D., 341
Ardsley Country Club, 341
Arena, 328, 378, 403
Arizona, 234, 297, 351, 360, 361, 492, 658, 710
irrigation project in, 352–53
statehood for, 466, 638
Arizona Republic, 371–72, 622
Arizona Republican, 353
Arkansas, 650, 710
Arlington Hotel, 346, 394
Armour & Co., 299–300
Armour family, 450
Army, U.S., 114, 223, 285, 296, 395, 499, 511, 513
Brownsville incident and, 511–15
Inspector General of, 512
mining strike and, 317
in Philippines, 267–70
and Samar massacre, 288–89
Army and Navy Club, 249
Army Band, 547
Arnold, Matthew, 94, 129
Arthur, Chester A., 44–45, 55–57
as Collector of Customs for the Port of New York, 44–45
as machine politician, 45
as president, 55–56
as presidential candidate, 84
Ashland House, 179, 180
Associated Press, 229–30, 280, 407, 556, 663, 734, 736
assumption of risk, doctrine of, 217–18
asthma, 34, 37
Athens, 40
Atlanta, Ga., 559, 657, 733
Atlanta Constitution, 2, 169, 287
Atlantic Monthly, 167, 168, 206, 488
Atlantic Ocean, 161, 532
Auburn Advertiser, 71
Audubon, J. J., 38
Audubon Society, 245
Augusta, Ga., 558–59, 560, 693
Augustinian order, 18
“Auld Lang Syne,” 570
Austin, Tex., 426
Australia, 302
Austria, 2
Austria-Hungary, 57
Autobiography (Roosevelt), 39, 41, 67–68, 83
Autobiography (Steffens), 196, 204
Bacon, Augustus, 573
Bacon, Mrs. Robert, 507
Bacon, Robert, 294, 318, 505
Badlands, 109, 110, 112, 113, 123, 125–26
Baer, George, 312–13, 315
Bailey, Joseph, 565, 572
Baird, Spencer, 38
Baker, Alice Potter, 180–81
Baker, Harry, 182, 184
Baker, Jessie Beal, 182, 187, 354, 402, 480
Baker, Joseph Stannard, 180–84, 355, 446, 459, 467
Baker, Lafayette C., 179
Baker, Ray Stannard, xii, 164, 170, 179–84, 195, 198, 339, 383, 467, 467, 468, 478, 485, 487, 488, 655, 746–47, 749–50
at American, 490–95, 540, 627
attempt to leave McClure’s by, 233–35
childhood and education of, 180–83
on coal strike, 354–59
on Colorado mining strike, 402–5
as “David Grayson” on country life, 492–93
on labor in election of 1904, 415–17
as labor reporter, 183–87, 194, 201, 324, 326, 358–59, 445, 472, 494
La Follette and, 670, 673, 675
on lynching, 493
at McClure’s, 179–80, 196, 201, 324
Morgan profile by, 297–98, 322
nervous breakdown of, 233–35
on Northern Securities Company, 297–98, 399
Parks expose of, 362–65
on Phillips as editor, 476
as progressive, 235, 656
on race, 492, 493–94, 530
on railroads, 445–48, 449–53, 455–59, 479, 494
reading by, 180–81
as reporter, 179–80
on Republican schism, 627–29, 631
resignation from McClure’s by, 487
on Salt River, 359–62
and Spanish-American War, 225–26
Taft and, 558, 589–90
Tarbell and Phillips supported by, 479–80
on tariff, 590
TR and, 402, 404–5, 446, 461, 530–31, 540–42, 633, 649–50
on TR and Bull Moose party, 722
TR profiled by, 231–33
on TR’s “Muckrake” speech, 486
on Wilson, 722, 727–28, 738
as Wilson’s press liaison, 747
Balangiga, 288–89
Baldwin, Simeon, 651
Ballinger, Richard, 629
Pinchot’s disagreements with, 605–19, 621–27, 630, 633, 639
Taft’s appointment as Interior Secretary of, 561–62
Baltimore, Md., 81, 318, 363, 508, 663
Democratic National Convention of 1912 in, 712–13
Baltimore Herald, 383
Baltimore Post Office, 139–40
Baltimore Railroad, 217
Baltimore Sun, 20, 595, 599
banks, 169, 191, 193, 292, 434, 527–28, 542
big, 638
in depression of 1893, 159
federal deposit guarantee for, 548
insolvency of, 199
investment, 528
postal savings, 193, 547, 564, 570, 589,
594, 630, 638, 716
runs on, 638
Bannard, Otto, 677, 683
Barnes, William, 647, 701
Barney, Charles T., 528
Barrie, J. M., 167, 476
Bass, Robert, 682
Bath, Maine, 504
Bath-Tub Trust, 668
Battery Park, 8–9
“Battle Hymn of the Republic,” 720, 727
Bay City Armory, 685
Beal, William, 181–82, 354
Bear Lodge national forest, 517
Bedford Gazette, 494
beef trust, 299–300, 312, 330, 461, 463, 468, 585
Belgium, 2
Bell, Alexander Graham, 168
Bellagio, 470
Bellamy, Edward, 159
Benton, Thomas Hart, 123, 129
Bering Sea, 148
Berlin, 198, 470
Berlin, 683
Berner, William, 58–59, 61, 83
Berryman, Clifford, 320
Beveridge, Albert, 462, 465, 547, 592, 633, 650
Beveridge bill, 462–64, 465, 466
Beverly, Mass., 582, 596, 599–600, 612, 614, 624, 639, 640, 643, 649, 665, 724, 726, 729
Beverly Republican Club, 726
Bibliothèque Nationale, 170
bicycles, 165
big business, see corporations
Big Four:
at McClure’s, 201
in Senate, 292–93, 322, 398, 457, 481
Billy Possum, 559
birds, endangered, 245
Bishop, Joseph Bucklin, 199, 207, 210, 211, 256–57, 291, 307, 320, 398–99
Bisland, Mary, 332, 472
Bismarck Tribune, 54
Blackstone Hotel, 743, 744–45
Blaine, James, 60, 84, 110, 142
Blankenburg, Rudolph, 674
Blocksom, Augustus, 512
Blue Ridge Mountains, 547
Boardman, Mabel, 646, 691
Board of Aldermen, New York, 83
Board of Building Trades, New York, 363
Board of Health:
NYC, 124
Philippine, 290
Board of Trade, 196
Boise, Idaho, 508–9
Bok, Edward, 464
Bon Air Hotel, 558–59
Bonaparte, Charles J., 139–40, 361
Bonnet, Mme., 174
Booth, John Wilkes, 179
Borah, William, 714
Boston, Mass., 4, 22, 45, 95, 121, 165–66, 220, 601, 656, 684, 728
Taft’s primary speech in, 693–95
Boston American, 136
Boston Arena, 694, 695
Boston Chamber of Commerce, 601
Boston Daily Globe, 5, 399, 536, 716
Boston Evening Times, 141
Boston Evening Transcript, 340, 412
Boston Journal, 595–96
Boston Journal of Education, 491
Boston Traveler, 345