Page 140 of The Bully Pulpit

  Bowen, Herbert, 30

  boycotts, 215–17

  secondary, 102–3

  Boyden, Albert, 383, 438, 477–79, 487

  at American, 491–92, 494, 496, 723–24

  Boyesen, Hjalmar H., 166

  Bradley, James, 276

  Brady, Albert, 163–64, 169

  Brady, Curtis, 479, 488

  Brady, Ed, 488

  Brady, Kathleen, 334

  Brady, Oscar, 488

  Brandegee, Frank, 498

  Brandeis, Louis, 619, 622–26, 656

  Brewer, David, 106, 219

  Bricklayers’ Union, 102

  Bridgeport, Conn., 308–9

  Bright’s disease, 81

  Brinkley, Douglas, 245, 351

  Brisbane, Arthur, 226, 395

  Bristow, Joseph, 593, 597

  Britain, 302, 538

  Bering Sea fishing rights and, 148

  as colonial power, 267, 269, 397

  deference to, 228

  in War of 1812, 65

  British Museum, 199

  Brookline, Mass., 64

  Brooklyn, N.Y., 82, 356

  Brooklyn Eagle, 70, 71–72, 75, 84

  Brooklyn Times, 70

  Brooks, John, 364

  Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, 415

  Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen and Firemen, 217

  Brotherhood of Railway Train Conductors, 318

  Brown, Henry Billings, 152, 497–98

  Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 118

  Browning, Robert, 123, 129

  Brownlow, Louis, 286

  Brownsville, Tex., 511, 515

  Brownsville Herald, 512

  Brownsville incident, 511–15, 537

  Brunswick Hotel, 121

  Bryan, William Jennings, 194, 281–82, 422, 527, 728

  “Cross of Gold” speech of, 187

  in election of 1896, 187–88, 195, 212, 407, 552

  in election of 1900, 253, 272, 273, 407, 552

  in election of 1908, 15, 501, 548, 552–54

  legacy of TR claimed by, 552–54

  on 1912 Republican National Convention, 697

  as progressive, 548, 722

  silver standard advocated by, 407

  Bryce, James and Elizabeth, 646

  Bryn Mawr College, 545, 559, 577, 581, 646, 729

  Buchanan, James, 76

  Buckle, Henry, 93

  Buffalo, N.Y., 555

  McKinley assassinated in, 278

  Buffalo Express, 75

  building contractors, 362–64

  building strike of 1903, 362

  Bull Moose Party, see National Progressive Party

  Bulloch, Anna, 35, 37, 80

  Bulloch, Martha (grandmother), 35

  Bulloch, Martha “Mittie,” see Roosevelt, Martha “Mittie” Bulloch

  Bulloch Hall, 35

  Bunyan, John, 480

  Bureau of Mines, 638

  Burke, Edmund, 94

  Burroughs, John, 349, 351

  Burton, David, 28, 30

  Burton, Theodore, 545

  Butler, Edward, 370, 372–73

  Butler, Nicholas Murray, 281

  Butler, Thomas S., 18

  Butt, Archie, 227, 563, 579, 634–35, 638, 649, 652

  background and personality of, 565–66

  at Beverly house, 582

  on Edith, 566, 678

  on Nellie, 571, 577–78, 580–81, 646, 661–62, 664

  in Philippines, 277, 566

  on Taft, 13, 57, 571–72, 575, 595–98, 600, 604, 620–21, 638–39, 652–53, 666

  on Taft’s response to Nellie’s stroke, 16, 582

  on Titanic, 690–93, 695, 696

  on TR, 542, 545, 555, 567–68, 571–72, 671, 678

  on TR’s Beverly visit, 640–41

  and TR’s return from Africa, 2–3, 5, 7–8, 10, 19–20, 636–37

  on TR-Taft schism, 634–37, 643, 645–46, 647–48, 653–54, 677–78, 682–83

  Butt, Clara, 13, 643, 677, 683

  Butte, Mont., 349–50, 351

  Butterworth, Benjamin, 54, 55, 60, 62, 86, 105–6, 135

  Bynner, Witter, 471, 488

  Byrnes, Tom, 207–8

  Byron, George Gordon, Lord, 461

  Cadwalader’s, 104

  California, 91, 148, 149, 263, 327, 351–53, 379, 394, 396, 532, 603, 609, 667, 674, 705, 708, 712, 714, 721, 724, 729

  anti-Japanese legislation in, 653–54

  direct primary in, 684, 696, 699–700

  Southern Pacific Railroad in, 445

  California, University of, 267

  at Berkeley, 197, 198, 238

  California National Bank, 196

  Calkins, H., 70

  Cambridge, Mass., 4, 410–11

  Cameron, Don, 141–42

  Cameron, Elizabeth, 141–42

  campaign contributions, xi, 291, 346, 482

  corporate, 417–20, 517

  Hanna’s, 381

  public record of, 548, 721

  Taft’s, 552

  Campbell, Philip, 437, 439

  Campbell, Thomas C., 53, 58–62, 71, 86

  Camp Wikoff, 232

  Canada, 23, 163, 215, 219, 302

  reciprocity agreement and, 658–61, 665–66, 688, 694

  Canfield, James H., 190–91

  Cannon, Joseph, 397, 453, 465, 504, 524, 543, 571, 596, 597, 629, 630, 632

  insurgent triumph over, 628

  protectionism championed by, 585–88

  Canton, Ohio, 380

  capital, 386, 396, 400, 403–4, 425, 679

  concentration of, 676

  labor vs., 183, 318, 324, 351, 414–15, 679

  capitalism, capitalists, 206, 296, 300, 324–25, 354, 356, 380, 397, 416, 461, 472, 535

  Hanna as representative of, 292

  Capitol Building, 107, 185, 569

  Manila, 269

  Capitol Hill, 344, 396–97, 701

  Carlyle, Thomas, 94

  Carnegie, Andrew, 31, 297, 667

  Carnegie Hall, 673, 686–87

  Caroli, Betty Boyd, 118

  Carow, Charles, 113–17, 121–23, 133

  Carow, Edith, see Roosevelt, Edith Carow

  Carow, Emily, 115, 122–23, 154, 240, 264, 367

  Carow, Gertrude Tyler, 114–15, 117, 122

  Carpathia, 691

  Carpenter, Frank, 134–35

  Casals, Pablo, 566

  Cascade national forest, 517

  Cass, Levi, 161

  Cather, Willa, 159, 170, 488–89

  Catholic University, 17

  Catskills, 245

  Central Park, New York, 36

  Century magazine, 111, 128, 163, 167, 168, 177, 178, 353, 359

  McClure at, 166

  Chafee, Adna, 301

  Chamonix, 469

  Chandler, William E., 456

  Chanler, Margaret, 142

  Chanler, Winthrop, 142

  Chapin, Harry, 120

  Chapman, Orlon, 106

  Charles River, 44

  Charleston, N.C., 733

  Charleston News and Courier, 455

  Chase, Salmon, 25, 26

  Chautauqua Institution, 173, 411

  Chautauquan, 173–74

  Chernow, Ron, 528

  Chesapeake Bay, 596

  Chestnut Hill, Mass., 4, 47, 64

  Chevy Chase, Md., 701

  Chicago, Ill., 158, 183, 187, 188, 216, 231, 361, 363, 552, 601, 670, 689, 731, 732

  Bull Moose Convention in, 718–21

  Municipal Voters’ League in, 368

  National Progressive Party convention in, 714, 717

  1904 Republican National Convention in, 405–7

  1908 Republican National Convention in, 542–47

  1912 Republican National Convention in, 697–98, 700–704, 709–10, 713

  reformers in, 385

  Steffens on corruption in, 369, 372–73

  stockyards in, 459–64

  Chicago & Alton Railroad, 441

/>   Chicago Daily Tribune, 339–40, 663, 669, 702

  Chicago Evening Post, 538

  Chicago Record, 179–80, 183–87, 297

  Chicago Record-Herald, 285, 295, 309, 361, 626

  Chicago Times-Herald, 250, 257

  Chicago Tribune, 6, 9, 178, 462, 519, 536, 604, 687–88

  Chicago Wigwam, 187

  child labor laws, 244, 517, 538, 548, 564, 644, 679, 721


  in coal mining, 311–12

  rights of, 736

  Children’s Aid Society, 37

  Children’s Bureau, 716–17

  Chimney Butte ranch, 110

  China, 432, 525

  cholera, 304, 387

  Christ Episcopal Church, 114

  Christian Science, 489

  Chugach National Forest, 611

  Cigar-Makers’ Union, 77–78

  cigars, 414

  home manufacture of, 77–78, 85

  Cincinnati, Ohio, 29, 33, 88, 104, 146

  Alphonso Taft and, 23, 26–27

  in Civil War, 25

  general strike in, 103

  Longworth and, 430, 738

  Nellie in, 90, 100–101, 133, 149–50, 220–21, 301

  Notification Day in, 549–51, 715

  Phelan in, 215–16

  political corruption in, 58–62, 71, 83–84, 381, 383, 434

  progressive Republican Club in, 436

  Taft and, 21, 51, 57, 99, 100–101, 106, 107, 144, 152–54, 214, 252, 265, 301, 532–33, 553, 555, 737–38

  TR in, 221, 309, 524

  Cincinnati, University of, 91

  Cincinnati Bar Association, 59–60, 61, 63

  Cincinnati Civil Service Reform Association, 219

  Cincinnati Commercial Gazette, 51, 52–53, 58, 61, 63

  Cincinnati Enquirer, 100, 322, 411

  Cincinnati Evening Star, 28

  Cincinnati Free Kindergarten Association, 103

  Cincinnati Law School, 33, 50–52, 219

  Cincinnati Reds, 220

  Cincinnati Southern Railroad, 215–16

  Cincinnati Superior Court:

  Alphonso Taft on, 25–26

  Taft on, 62–63, 101–2, 105–7

  Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, 220

  Cincinnati Times, 28, 556

  Cincinnati Times-Star, 29, 174

  Citizens’ Union, 235

  Civil Service Commission, 11, 108, 130–31, 135–41, 143, 232

  Civil Service News, 139

  civil service reform, 45, 55–56, 78–79, 85, 86, 409

  Civil Service Reform Club, 219, 221

  Civil War, 31, 35, 48, 168, 180, 285, 496, 537, 554, 689, 741

  Carow business decline in, 114

  growth in corporations after, 157

  perspectives on Spanish-American War and, 222, 226

  Clapp, Moses E., 627

  Clark, Champ, 713

  Clark, Edgar E., 318

  Clarke, Hovey C., 371

  class hatred, 417, 449

  Clemens, Samuel L. (Mark Twain), 334, 349, 441, 488, 658

  Cleveland, Frances, 291–92

  Cleveland, Grover, 408

  in 1884 presidential election, 60

  in 1888 presidential election, 130

  as New York governor, 78, 83–84, 242

  as president, 186, 291–92, 406, 554, 661

  and Pullman workers’ strike, 186

  TR and, 83–84, 154–55

  Cleveland, Ohio, 52, 214, 252, 368, 369, 379, 381, 383, 413, 434, 508, 509, 587

  Rockefeller in, 334, 336–37

  Cleveland Gas Company, 393

  Cleveland Press, 563

  Clews, Henry, 280

  Clifton Hall, 90, 93

  coal, 292, 596

  anthracite, 311–19, 367

  barons, 323

  children in mining of, 311–12

  coal strike, 311–19, 321, 322, 367, 415, 416

  Baker on, 354–59

  coal trust, 312–19

  Cochems, Henry, 732

  Cockrell, Francis, 345

  Cocks, Charles, 651

  Cold Spring, 121

  Cold Spring Harbor, 715

  Cole, George, 368

  Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 100, 117, 123

  College Hill, Ohio, 33

  College of Emporia, 190

  Collier, Robert, 619, 622

  collieries, 291

  Collier’s, 326, 616–17, 619, 623, 686

  patent medicine investigation in, 464–65

  Collins, Eli, 88

  Colombia, 427

  Colón, 428

  Colonial Express, 582

  Colorado, 263, 425, 426, 477, 727

  irrigation project in, 352

  labor wars in, 401–5, 416

  Colorado City, Colo., 402

  Colorado State Committee, 534

  Colson, John, 356–57

  Columbia Law School, 27, 68

  TR at, 48, 63–65

  Columbia Roadster, 165

  Columbia University, 281

  Columbus, Ohio, 381, 524, 536, 677

  TR’s speech in, 678–80, 682, 684, 687, 700

  Commerce and Labor Department, U.S., 348, 406, 451

  Bureau of Corporations of, 344–47, 418, 437, 456, 461, 561, 669

  passage of, 346–47

  TR’s proposal for, 293–94, 296, 306–7, 321, 343–44

  Commercial Club, 657–58

  Committee on the Cities, of NY Assembly, 79, 83

  communism, 247

  competition, prices and, 338

  Confederate Army, 35, 267, 306

  Congress, U.S., xi, 155, 192, 224, 280, 296, 302, 348, 412, 439, 445, 504, 505, 526, 535, 536, 594, 629, 630, 653, 716, 728, 749

  57th, 305–7

  59th, 462–66, 516–17

  61st, 637–39, 648

  anti-trust legislation and, 344–46

  Brownsville incident and, 514

  circuit courts created by, 151

  civil service reform and, 138

  conservation in, 618

  conservative bloc in, 19

  corporate regulation not addressed by, 307

  federal regulations passed by, 465–66

  liability act, 56

  New Deal in, 185

  Philippines and, 274, 526

  power over lands in, 606–7

  progressive legislation in, 12, 627

  railroad regulation in, 19, 447

  resistance to TR in, 14, 538, 548, 564–65, 588

  special interests in, 632

  trusts and, 306–7

  Congressional Record, 495–96

  Conkling, Roscoe, 45

  Connecticut, 292, 308, 413, 414, 498, 556, 651

  Conrad, Joseph, 489

  conservation, xi, 12, 244–45, 246, 351–52, 517, 570, 594, 741

  Conservative Party, Canadian, 665


  in Congress, 538

  enlightened, 254

  on New Nationalism, 645

  in Republican party, 12, 278–81, 287, 293, 380, 382, 402, 405, 407, 415, 416, 443, 444–45, 453, 457, 503, 504, 514, 517, 542–43, 553, 572, 586, 600, 627, 629, 638, 641–43, 647, 649, 650, 651, 655, 660, 669, 711, 726

  on Taft, 571

  on TR’s “Muckrake” speech, 486–87

  on TR’s policies, 296

  Constantinople, 40

  Constitution, Cuban, 506

  Constitution, New York, 255

  Constitution, U.S., 305, 411, 415, 452, 569, 645, 690, 716

  Nineteenth amendment to, 741

  and presidential role in labor-management disputes, 314

  separation of church and state in, 26

  separation of powers under, 607, 711

  Seventeenth amendment to, 741

  Sixteenth amendment to, 741

  TR’s proposals to amend, 296

  TR’s succession to the presidency and, 281

  used to prevent social reform, 78, 213–14, 564

p; Constitutional League, 513


  assumption of risk and, 217–18

  freedom of, 296, 386

  convict labor, 416

  Cooper, James Fenimore, 111

  Cooper’s Bluff, 118

  Cooper Union, 535

  copper, 291

  Copperheads, 25, 76

  corporations, 254, 292, 296, 314, 364, 405, 605, 657, 731

  campaign contributions from, 417–20

  campaign funds and, 258

  courts influenced by, 191–92

  federal licensing law for, 517

  federal regulation of, 11, 19, 296, 400, 466, 539–40, 564, 586, 630, 721

  growth of, 195

  improper influence by, 248, 291

  increasing concentration of power in, 253

  interstate business by, 294, 564

  political funding by, 644

  post–Civil War growth of, 157

  power of, 11

  tariffs and large, 548

  taxes on, 19, 246–49, 253, 258, 368, 594, 598, 603

  TR’s mixed message on, 321–22

  on TR’s “Muckrake” speech, 486–87

  Corsair, 317

  Cortelyou, George:

  and corporate campaign contributions, 417–20

  as head of Commerce and Labor Department, 347, 348

  presidential ambitions of, 524

  as Republican National Committee chair, 406

  as Treasury Secretary, 528, 531

  as TR’s private secretary, 308, 406

  Cos Cob, Conn., 495

  Cosmopolitan, 228, 326, 481

  Cosmos Club, 143

  Costello, Mike, 69

  cotton, 593

  Cove Neck, 112

  Cowles, Anna “Bamie” Roosevelt, 6, 36, 39, 112, 120, 122, 735

  Alice cared for by, 80, 109, 113, 125, 128

  Edith and, 127, 156

  homes of, 123, 257, 281

  marriage of, 212

  spinal curvature of, 37, 113

  TR encouraged by, 156

  TR’s letters to, 4, 42, 65–66, 82, 83, 84, 111, 121, 129, 132, 140–41, 142, 150–51, 155, 159, 209, 319, 650, 734

  Cowles, William S., 212, 224, 281

  Cox, George, 383, 434–36

  Coxey, Jacob, 184–85

  Coxey’s Army, 184–85, 194

  Craig, William, 308–9

  Crane, Stephen, 170, 225, 311–12, 322

  Crane, Winthrop Murray, 308

  Creelman, James, 521

  Cripple Creek, Colo., 402, 404–5

  Critic, 482

  Croker, Richard, 237, 281–82, 363

  Croly, Herbert, 643–44

  Cromwell, William, 552

  Cuba, 8–9, 275, 566

  elections in, 504–6, 508

  sovereignty of, 390, 505

  Spanish-American War in, 221–23, 226–27, 229–31, 235, 238

  Taft in, 504–8, 512, 519, 521

  tariff on exports from, 307

  turmoil in, 504–8

  war authorized in, 224

  Cummins, Albert B., 213, 547, 593, 627, 709, 711, 714–15

  Cunningham, Clarence, 611–13

  Cunningham coal scandal, 610–21

  Current Literature, 619, 658