Curzon, Lady, 271
Cutler, Arthur, 41, 82
Daggett, Mabel, 577
Dakotas, 10, 263, 349, 643
Dallas, Tex., 426
dams, 306, 352–53
Dana, Fanny Smith, 38, 112–13, 117–18, 120–21
Dana, Paul, 294
Dante Alighieri, 150
Darrow, Clarence, 356
Darwin, Charles, 233
Daudet, Alphonse, 176
Davenport, Iowa, 169
Davenport (Iowa) Daily Times, 163
Davis, Agnes, 58, 90, 92, 93, 146
Davis, Oscar King, 287, 574, 729, 731, 732–33
Davis, Rebecca Harding, 227
Davis, Richard Harding, 208, 227–30, 515, 720
Dawson, William, 535
Day, William Rufus, 214, 398
Debs, Eugene, 186, 215, 297, 731, 739
Decatur, Ill., 508, 689
Decatur (Illinois) Republican, 131
Decoration Day, 537
Delaney, Matthew, 580–82
Delta Kappa fraternity, 30
democracy, 159, 302, 449
direct, 731
TR’s view of, 564
Democratic National Convention:
of 1904, 407–10
of 1908, 548
of 1912, 712–14
Democratic party, 25, 60, 83, 105, 154, 155, 187, 191, 204, 211, 212, 226, 236, 246, 272, 301, 360, 374, 410, 418, 426, 429, 430, 547, 549, 572, 628, 667, 729, 735
anti-Tammany element in, 156
anti-trust proposals by, 342
attack on trusts by, 307
bosses and machine politics in, 68–69, 378, 713, 714; see also Tammany Hall
in Cincinnati, 53, 62
civil service bill and, 78
factions within, 409–10
Folk in, 375, 377, 378
gold standard in, 407, 408
Hearst as, 480–81
labor support for, 415
Lodge’s critique of, 543
in Minneapolis, 371
in New York State Assembly, 68, 75–76
in 1902 elections, 319
1910 victories of, 634, 650–52
in 1912 elections, 740
northerners in, 572
in NYC, 127
in Ohio, 434–36
on Philippines bills, 397, 498
populists in, 456
progressives in, 368, 407, 457, 552–54, 722
radical, 416–17
railroad regulations and, 454, 458
on reciprocity, 660
in St. Louis, 369
in Senate, 481
in South, 422, 561, 730
Taft’s oration on continued vitality of, 31
Taft’s Supreme Court appointments from, 724
Tammany Hall and, 237
on tariff, 595
TR accused of elitism by, 414–15
TR’s criticisms of, 76
TR’s outreach to, 345
trusts opposed by, 307
Democratic press, 242, 249, 318, 415, 458, 466
dengue fever, 290
Denmark, 2, 204
Denver, Colo., 188, 402, 524, 548
Denver Post, 536
Depew, Chauncey, 481–83, 683, 712
Depression of 1893, 158, 169, 176, 184, 199
Des Moines Daily News, 442, 607
Detroit, Mich., 214, 309
Detroit Free Press, 466
Dewey, George, 223–24
Dickens, Charles, 23, 77, 116, 148, 190
Dickinson, Jacob, 561
Dingley tariff, 309, 585
distributive justice, 195
District of Columbia:
child labor law for, 517, 538
employer’s liability law in, 466, 538
dividends, stockholders’, 186
Divonne-les-Bains, 329, 469, 471, 473, 477
“Dixie,” 306
Dixon, Joseph M., 683, 714
D.K.E. Society, 44
Dodsworth, Allen, 118, 212
Dolliver, Jonathan, 263, 454, 547, 592, 620, 627, 633
Dolliver/Hepburn bill, 454
Doubleday, Frank, 328, 463
Doubleday, Page & Company, 461, 489
Doubleday & McClure, 328
Dow, William, 110, 125
Doyle, Arthur Conan, 167, 169, 476
Dreiser, Theodore, 368
Dresden, 40
Drew, Samuel, 53
Drummond, Henry, 169
due process of law, 78, 457
Dumas, Alexandre, 176
Dunne, Finley Peter, 257–58, 295, 358–59, 467–68, 483, 491, 494, 724
Dutton, Samuel, 23
Duxbury, Mass., 335
Dwight, Theodore W., 68
East, 524
industrial, 583
manufacturers in, 309
overcrowding in, 353
TR’s popularity in, 263
West vs., 605, 736
East Lansing, Mich., 354–55, 357–58, 492
Ebbit House, 131
economic freedom, 31
economy, federal regulation of, 14
Eddy, Mary Baker, 489
Edison, Thomas, 168
Edmunds, George F., 84, 95
in Philippines, 269, 270, 526
public, 103
for women, 577
Edwards, Fanny Taft, 24, 51, 57, 93, 100, 149
Edwards, William, 149
Egypt, 40
El Carney (dog), 240
El Dorado, Kans., 189–90
El Dorado Democrat, 190
of 1860, 25
of 1881, 68
of 1882, 75–76
of 1884, 60
of 1886, 126–28
of 1888, 130
of 1892, 154, 193
of 1894, 200
of 1896, 187, 212–13, 253, 291, 292
of 1898, 236–38
of 1900, 250, 272–73, 292
of 1902, 319
of 1904, 1, 250, 252, 260, 273, 275, 277, 281, 291, 305, 321, 367–68, 393, 401, 405–23, 480–81, 523, 555, 556
of 1905, 504–6
of 1906, 503–4, 508–10, 512, 555
of 1908, 11, 14, 422, 497–98, 500, 501, 504, 531, 534–56, 586
of 1909, 508
of 1910, 634, 650, 651–53
of 1912, 603, 605, 645, 646–47, 650, 656, 658, 661, 663, 667–90, 693–717, 718–41, 743
of 1916, 674
Vermont state, 412
Electrical Trust, 668
electricity, 292
Eliot, Charles W., 410
Eliot, George, 98, 190
Elkhorn ranch, 110
Elkins, Stephen, 343, 481
Elkins Act of 1903, 343, 441, 445, 450
Elliott, Maud, 118, 120
Elysian, 349
emancipation, 25
employer’s liability, 548
in D.C., 466, 538
Employers’ Liability Act of 1906, 244, 536
Employment Bureau, U.S., 36
Emporia, Kans., 187, 189, 194–95, 282, 439, 474, 477, 492
Emporia Gazette, 194–95, 250–51, 377–78, 456, 457, 465, 626, 673
Endicott, William C., 142
“Enemies of the Republic” (Steffens), 375
Engadine Valley, 470
Engels, Friedrich, 198
England, 2, 12, 28, 38, 43, 100, 198, 430, 663
TR’s wedding in, 128
Esopus, N.Y., 408, 415
Essex Club, 582
Essex County Hunt Ball, 123
Estrada Palma, Tomás, 505–6
Europe, 41, 180, 304, 440, 556, 723
Carows in, 122–23
McClure in, 328, 331, 355, 438, 469–71, 476
Steffens in, 198–99
Taft and Nellie in, 100, 103, 133
Taft in, 57
Taft parents in, 27–28
TR’s Grand Tour of, 4, 116, 204
TR’s honeymoon with A
lice in, 65–66
TR’s “royal progress” tour through, 2–3, 640
Everybody’s, 326, 540
expansionism, 264
Exxon, 443
factories, 11, 157, 158
factory inspectors, 244
Fairbanks, Charles A., 406–7, 424–25, 427, 524, 543
Faller, George, 746
farmers, 157, 191–93, 201, 254, 327, 688, 736
in depression of 1893, 159
Filipino, 303
Farmers’ Alliance, 192–94
Farragut Square, 135
Federal Party, Filipino, 273, 276
Federal Reserve Banking System, 601
Ferris, Sylvane, 110
Field, Cyrus, 73
15th Cavalry, 394
Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church, 82
Filene, Edward, 656
filibuster, in New York State Assembly, 73
Filipino Bar Association, 389
Finance Committee, Senate, 293
Finger Lakes, 471–72
Finney, Edward, 623
firemen, salaries of, 77
Fish, Stuyvesant, 448
Fisher, Walter, 627
Fisheries, Game and Forest Commission, 245
Five Points Mission, 37
Flatiron Building, 358
Flinn, William, 706
Flint, Frank, 532
Flood, Theodore L., 173–75
Florence, 128
Florida, 226
Folk, Joseph W., 369, 372–78, 381
Folk Clubs, 373
food, processed, 465
Foraker, Joseph, 59, 62–63, 86, 101–2, 105, 379, 514, 519
Taft’s candidacy challenged by, 519–20
Foraker, Julia, 63
Ford, John, 246–47
Ford bill, 247
foreign policy, 406
forest protection, 352
Forestry Bureau, 561, 605–27
Forestry Division, U.S., 245, 360
Fort Brown, 511
Fort Leavenworth, 511
Fort Reno, 512
Fort Sam Houston, 511
Fort Sill, 511
Fort Wayne Weekly Sentinel, 458
Foss, Eugene, 651
France, 2, 38, 100, 116, 128, 198, 245, 329, 443, 663
free enterprise, 78, 453, 731
free trade, 665
French Revolution, 170, 173
Frick, Henry Clay, 529, 667
frontier, closing of the, 158, 234
Fuller, Melville, 410, 498–99
Fuller Construction Company, 362–64
Gable, John Allen, 719
Galesburg, Ill., 162, 164, 169
gangrene, 290
Garfield, Helen, 440, 561
Garfield, James, 252, 434, 656
Ballinger’s reversals of, 607–8, 613, 616, 618, 619, 622, 633
as Commissioner of Corporations, 347, 409, 410, 418–20, 437, 461
as Interior Secretary, 561–62, 567, 607–8, 610, 613
Standard Oil report of, 440–41, 442
Taft’s dismissal of, 561–62, 605
Garfield, James A. (president), 661
Garfield, John, 561
Garland, Hamlin, 168, 208
Garlington, Ernest A., 512
Garrison, William Lloyd, 374
Gary, Elbert, 529, 667
gas, 292
Gaston, Joseph, 162
General Electric, 418, 606, 608
Geneva, 176
Geological Survey, U.S., 353, 359–60
George, Henry, 126–27, 157–59, 183
Georgia, 35, 573, 575, 650
Germany, 2, 28, 38, 40–41, 198, 233, 443, 471, 532
Gibbons, Cardinal, 663
Gibson, Charles Dana, 228
Gilberton, Penn., 356
Gilded Age, 31, 159
Gilder, Jeanette L., 167
Gilder, Richard Watson, 177
Gladstone, William Ewart, 100, 133
Glavis, Louis R., 611–17, 619–26
Glenwood Springs, Colo., 428
gold standard, 407, 408
Gompers, Samuel, 77, 577
Good Government Association, 656
Good Government Clubs, 235
Gooding, Frank, 510
Gorgas, William, 428
Goshen, N.Y., 178
Gould, Jay, 71–73
Gould family, 297
Grace, William, 124
Gracewood, 113
Gracie, Anna Bulloch, 113, 116, 118, 121–23
Gracie, James K., 150
“Graft in Minneapolis” (Steffens), 371–72
grain elevators, 340
monopolies among, 191–92
Grand Canyon, 351, 477
Grand Rapids, Mich., 219
Grangers movement, 192–93, 445
Grant, Frederick D., 204
Grant, Robert, 681–82, 684
Grant, Ulysses S., 26, 204, 537, 661
Graves, Henry, 621
Grayson, David, see Baker, Ray Stannard
Great Barrington, Mass., 308
Great Depression, 185
Great Lakes, 163
Greece, 331
Green-Wood Cemetery, 82
Grey, Sir Edward, 12
Gridiron Club Dinner, 395, 482, 653
TR’s “Muckrake” speech at, 483–87
Griscom, Lloyd, 640, 641–42, 647–48, 652
Grosscup, Peter, 442
Grosvenor, Charles, 432
Groton, 367
Gruber, Abraham, 648
Guatemala, 701
Guggenheim Exploration Company, 608
Guild, Curtis, Jr., 43, 514
Guthrie, Okla., 685–86
Hadfield, Lady, 580
Hadfield, Sir Robert, 580
Hadley, Herbert, 547, 705, 707–8, 709, 714–15
Haeckel, Ernst, 233
Hagedorn, Hermann, 212
Hagner James, Isabella, 320
“Hail to the Chief,” 17
Hale, Eugene, 395, 412, 573
Halifax, 695
Halloran, Matthew, 131
Halstead, Murat, 51, 53, 86, 422
Hamburg, 532
Hamburg, SS, 635
Hamburg-American Line, 233
Hamilton Club, 231
Hamilton County, 60, 102
Hammond, John Hays, 497, 559
Hampton Roads, 701
Hampton’s, 326, 617
Hancock, 267
Hanna, Mark, 188, 294, 309, 314–16, 346, 401
as “boss” of Republican party, 292, 293, 406
death of, 382, 405
and election of 1900, 272
election to Senate of, 382
reform opposed by, 378–80
Senate reelection of, 379–80
Steffens’s targeting of, 381–83
Taft and, 214, 301
TR disliked by, 274–75, 282
as TR’s rival, 281, 321, 368, 378–81
TR’s vice presidential nomination opposed by, 263
Hapgood, Norman, 616–17, 619, 623, 656
Harding, Warren, 651, 748
Hardy, Thomas, 168
Harlan, John Marshall, 145–46, 152, 399, 503
Harland, Henry, 168
Harmon, Judson, 62–63, 651
Harper & Brothers, McClure’s attempt to purchase, 328
Harper’s Monthly, 167, 178, 328
Harper’s Weekly, 83, 203, 228, 257–58, 268, 328, 718
Harriman, Edward H., 297, 380, 527
Harriman family, 299, 386
Harris, Mrs. Henry, 692
Harrison, Benjamin, 88, 105, 130, 139, 661
defeat of, 154
Taft and, 106–7, 143, 145–47, 153–54
TR’s deteriorating relationship with, 140–41, 143, 155
Harrison, Edith, 58
Harrison administration, 141, 155
Harte, Bret, 67
Hartford Herald, 663
Hartford Post, 105
ard College, 31, 76, 89, 294, 350
commencement of, 410
entrance exams for, 41, 42
TR at, 4, 42–48, 64, 65, 67, 82, 83, 85, 118–20, 172, 299, 366
TR’s thirtieth reunion at, 639
Harvard Law School, 50, 410, 464, 729
Harvard Overseers, 681
Harvard University, 163, 167, 181, 219, 364
Harvester Trust, 714
Hastings, Hugh, 70
Hasty Pudding Club, 44
Havana, 226, 505, 506, 507
Havana Bay, 506
Havana Harbor, 223
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 111
Hay, Clara, 141–42, 301
Hay, John, 141–42, 177, 301, 349, 350, 409, 426, 429
Hayes, Lucy, 88–89, 91, 661
Hayes, Rutherford B., 26
Nellie’s parents’ friendship with, 88–89, 91, 661
TR Senior nominated as Collector of Customs by, 44–45
Haymarket Square riot, 158–59
Hearst, William Randolph, 222, 229, 492, 520, 527, 531–32
as candidate for New York governor, 509, 510
as intended target of TR’s “Muckrake Man” speech, 480–83, 485
on Steffens, 374
Hecla Iron Works, 363
Heidelberg, 198
Heinze, F. August, 527–28
Henderson, David, 305, 347
Hendrick, Burton, 170, 488
Hendricks, Francis, 256
Heney, Francis, 492, 673, 708
Henry, Patrick, 328
Hepburn, William, 453
Hepburn bill, 453–55, 458
Herrick, Myron T., 222, 434–35
Herron, Harriet Collins, 87–93, 147, 220, 269, 300–301, 661
Herron, John W., 26, 87–91, 147, 661
Herron, Lucy, see Laughlin, Lucy Herron
Herron, Maria, 93, 94, 99, 100, 104, 147, 269, 277
Herron, Nellie, see Taft, Nellie Herron
Hewitt, Abraham, 126–27
Hill, George Griswold, 576
Hill, James J., 297, 299, 448
Hilles, Charles, 704, 725
Hitchcock, Frank, 543–45, 560, 562
Hitt, Robert, 407
Hoar, George, 178, 301
Hoch, Edward, 437, 439
Hoffman, Cy, 53
Hofstadter, Richard, xiii, 326
Holland, 2, 38, 100
Hollister, Howard, 29, 51, 91–93, 96, 99, 152, 154, 219–20, 410, 422, 436, 515, 520, 689
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 165, 386, 388, 399, 749
“Home, Sweet Home,” 8
Homer, 150
Homer, Winslow, 116
Homestead Act, 354
Homestead hotel, 547–48
Hong Kong, 224
Hooker, Charles, 305–6
Hoover, Irwin (Ike), 284, 287
Hot Springs, Va., 547–48, 551–52, 558, 587
Houseman, A. E., 469, 489
House of Refuge, 26
House of Representatives, U.S., 147, 188, 342, 651, 740
Agricultural Committee of, 463
anti-trust regulations in, 443
Appropriations Committee of, 601
Beveridge bill in, 463–64
Canadian reciprocity in, 659–60
conservatives in, 564
Finance Committee of, 592
inheritance tax in, 594