Page 13 of Dreamland

  “I got it, Theocoles,” I snapped, thinking it was certainly a mouthful, but it’s not like it mattered, his name was pretty much the least of my concerns at that point. “What else?” I stared straight ahead, hoping to appear confident despite the way my fingers were twisting in Buttercup’s pale yellow fur.

  Bodhi squinted through his heavy fringe of thick lashes, his voice low and deep as he said, “According to the Council, he’s been haunting the Colosseum for a very long time.” I turned to Bodhi, arching my brow, in need of a little more detail, watching as he shrugged, then pulled a dented green straw from his pocket and shoved it in his mouth, where he proceeded to gnaw on it like a dog on a bone. “This guy is intense,” he continued. “He truly is a lost soul. He’s so completely immersed in his world, he has no concept of anything outside of it, or just how many years have passed since his death, which, by the way, number into the thousands.”

  I nodded, giving Buttercup one last scratch on the head before allowing him to leap from my lap to the ground so he could go sniff all the diners and beg for table scraps—clueless to the fact that they couldn’t even see him.

  “Sounds like business as usual,” I replied, with a little more bravado than I felt. While the Colosseum was certainly intimidating, nothing Bodhi had said sounded like all that big a deal. “Pretty much all the ghosts I’ve dealt with were intense,” I continued. “And yet, I was still able to reach them, still able to convince them to cross the bridge and move on, so I’m pretty sure I can convince this Theocoles dude to cross over too. Easy-peasy.” I nodded hard to confirm it, turning just in time to catch the wince in Bodhi’s gaze.

  “There’s something more you need to know,” he said, his voice quiet and low. “Theocoles was the champion gladiator back in his day. Feared by all—defeated by none.”

  “Did you say gladiator?” I gaped, thinking surely I’d misunderstood.

  Bodhi nodded, quick to add, “They called him the Pillar of Doom.”

  I blinked, tried to keep from laughing, but it was no use. I knew the name was supposed to sound scary, but to me, it sounded like some silly cartoon.

  My laughter faded the second Bodhi shot me a concerned look and said, “He was a champion gladiator. A real primus palus, that’s what they called them, which, just so you know, translates to top of the pole. Widely considered to be the toughest, scariest, strongest, most fearless creature of the bunch. This is nothing to laugh about, Riley. I’m afraid you’ve got some serious work cut out for you. But then again, you did beg for a challenge.”

  My shoulders slumped and I buried my face in my hands, my short burst of confidence dying the moment the reality of my situation sank in.

  I mean, seriously—a gladiator? That’s the challenge the Council saw fit to assign me?

  It had to be a trick, or maybe even a joke of some kind.

  It had to be the Council’s way of getting back at me for always ignoring their rules in favor of making my own.

  How could I—a skinny, scrawny, semi-stubby-nosed, flat-chested, twelve-year-old girl—how could I possibly take on a big, strong, raging hulk of a guy who’d spent the better part of his life chopping his competition into small, bloody bits?

  Just because I was dead—just because he couldn’t technically harm me—didn’t mean I wasn’t quaking with fear. Because I was—I really, truly was. And I’m not afraid to admit it.

  “I know it seems like a lot to ask of a fairly new Soul Catcher such as yourself,” Bodhi said. “But not to worry, the Council only assigns what they know you can handle. The fact that you’re here means they believe in you, so it’s time you try to believe in you too. You have to at least try, Riley. What is it Mahatma Gandhi once said?” He looked at me, pausing as though he actually expected me to provide the answer, and when I didn’t, he said, “Full effort is full victory.” He paused again, allowing the words to sink in. “All you can do is give it your best shot. That’s all anyone can ever ask of you.”

  I sighed and looked away. Believing in myself was not something I was used to struggling with—if anything, I bordered on dangerously overconfident. Then again, the situation I faced wasn’t the least bit normal, or usual for that matter. And even though I knew I’d asked, if not begged for it, I still couldn’t help but resent the Council just the tiniest bit for indulging me.

  “And what about those other Soul Catchers?” I asked.

  “The ones who were sent before me and failed? I’m assuming the Council believed in them too, no?”

  Bodhi chewed his straw, ran a nervous hand through his hair, and said, “Turns out, it didn’t end so well for them … .”

  I squinted, waiting for more.

  “They got lost. Sucked so deep into his world that they …” He paused, scratched his chin, and took his sweet time to clear his throat before he said, “Well, let’s just say they never made it back.”

  I stared, my mouth hanging open, empty of words.

  I was outmatched. There was no getting around it. But at least I wouldn’t have to go it alone. At least I had Bodhi and Buttercup to serve as my backup.

  “But please know that Buttercup and I will be right here if you need us. We’re not leaving without you, I promise you that.”

  I looked at him, my eyes practically popped from their sockets, my voice betraying the full extent of my hysteria when I said, “You expect me to go in alone?” I shook my head, unable to believe how quickly things had gone from very, very bad to impossibly worse. “I thought that as my guide, it was your job, not to mention your duty, to guide me. And what about Buttercup? Are you seriously telling me that I can’t even bring my own dog to protect me?”

  I turned, my gaze sweeping the restaurant until I’d zeroed in on my sweet yellow Lab all crouched under a table, chewing on a shiny gold stiletto a diner had slipped off her foot. Reminding myself that historically speaking, he’d never proved to be all that great of a backup. When push came to shove he was actually more scaredy-cat than menacing guard dog—but still, he was loving, and loyal (well, for the most part), and surely that was better than going alone.

  Bodhi looked at me, his voice full of sympathy when he said, “Sorry, Riley, but the Council made it crystal clear that this was your Soul Catch. Yours, and yours alone. They asked me to stay out of it, to supervise only, and leave you to work it out on your own. But we’ll try to throw you a lifeline if you need it—or should I say soul line? And while I thought about letting you bring Buttercup along, for the company if nothing else, the thing is, thousands of wild animals died in that arena, and some of them are still lurking in ghost form. Being chased by a lion or a bear could be pretty terrifying for him since he doesn’t really get that he’s dead.”

  I squinted into the dying light, gazing at the long, rectangular space filled with rows of narrow, crumbling, roofless structures that sat just below us—yet another ancient ruin. From what I’d seen, Rome had no shortage of them.

  “It’ll be dark soon,” Bodhi said, his voice softly nudging.

  “The sooner you get started, the better—and you might want to start there.” He gestured toward the ruin just below us. “It’s the Ludus Magnus.” He looked at me. “One of the biggest, most important gladiator schools in Rome’s history. Could be a good place to begin, get your bearings, get a feel for the place … you know, before you hit the arena.”

  The arena.

  I gulped, nodded, and tried not to think about my fellow Soul Catchers who never made it back. I mean, if the Council thinks I can handle it, well, who knows? Maybe I can. Maybe they knew something I didn’t.

  So I pushed my bangs from my face, took one last look at my dog still gnawing that shoe, then pushed off the ledge. Hoping more than anything that the Council was right, that I really was capable of more than I thought.

  But already betting against it, as I made my way down.


  I’m incredibly grateful to work with such an amazing team of talented people who help bring th
e Riley Bloom series to life—including, but not limited to—Jean Feiwel, Rose Hilliard, Jennifer Doerr, Eileen Lawrence, Jessica Zimmerman, Elizabeth Fithian, Mariel Dawson, Samantha Beerman, Angela Goddard, Bill Contardi, and Marianne Merola.

  Thank you to Sandy, for more reasons than I could possibly list.

  But mostly, thanks to my readers, for allowing me to live this incredible dream!

  Questions for the Author

  In what ways are you similar (or different) to Riley Bloom?

  Actually, Riley and I share a lot in common. I know what it’s like to be the baby of the family, and though I hate to admit it, I’ve also been known to hog the microphone while playing Rock Band on the Wii!

  How do you come up with your characters?

  Honestly, I’m not really sure! The story idea usually comes first, and then as I’m busy working on all the ins and outs of the new world I’m creating, the cast just sort of appears.

  What was your inspiration for the Here & Now, the magical realm where Riley lives?

  Back when I first started working on the Immortals series, I did quite a bit of research on metaphysics, quantum physics, ghosts, spirits, and the afterlife, etc., all of which sort of fed into the concept of the Here & Now. I guess, in a way, it’s how I hope the afterlife will be.

  Do you believe in ghosts?

  In a word—yes. I’ve definitely experienced enough unexplainable phenomena to ever rule it out.

  Did you grow up with an older sister the way Riley did? How many brothers and sisters do you have?

  I have two older sisters, both of whom I completely idolized. There’s a bit of an age gap between us, one is ten years older, and the other five years older, and trust me when I say that I did my best to emulate them. I listened to their music, watched their TV shows, and read their books—all of which was way more appealing than my own, more age-appropriate stuff. And like Riley, I used to try on their clothes and makeup when they were out with their friends, though I suspect that revelation will come as no surprise to them!

  Where do you write your books?

  I have a home office where I put in very, very long hours seven days a week—but I have the best job in the world, so I’m not complaining!

  Have you always wanted to be a writer?

  Well, first, I wanted to be a mermaid, and then a princess, but ever since sixth grade when I finished reading my first Judy Blume book, Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret, I decided I’d rather write instead. I’d always been an avid reader, but Judy Blume’s books were some of the first that I could directly relate to, and I knew then that someday I wanted to try to write like that too.

  What would you do if you ever stopped writing?

  Oh, I shudder to even think about it. I truly can’t imagine a life without writing. Though I suppose I’d probably start traveling more. I’ve traveled a good bit already, both when I was working as a flight attendant and just on my own, but there are still so many places left to explore. Oh, and I’d probably enroll in some art classes too—painting, jewelry making, crafty stuff like that.

  What would your readers be most surprised to learn about you?

  Not long ago, every time I finished writing a book I would celebrate by cleaning my house, which, I have to say, was sorely in need of it by then. But recently, I’ve come to realize just how very sad and pathetic that is, so now I get a pedicure instead (and save the housecleaning for another day)!

  DREAMLAND. Copyright © 2011 by Alyson Noël, LLC. All rights reserved.

  Sons Company, Harrisonburg, Virginia. For information, address Square

  Fish, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010.


  An Imprint of Macmillan

  Square Fish logo designed by Filomena Tuosto

  Cover design by Angela Goddard

  Book designed by Susan Walsh

  eISBN 9781429935685

  First eBook Edition : August 2011

  Square Fish and the Square Fish logo are trademarks of Macmillan and are used by St. Martin’s Press under license from Macmillan.

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Available

  First Edition: September 2011

  Cover illustration by Juliana Kolesova

  Flowers and grass © Gerald Nowak/photolibrary; tree © Shutterstock



  Alyson Noel, Dreamland

  (Series: Riley Bloom # 3)




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