“I’m clean and I can’t get you pregnant.” His mouth tensed. “I had an accident when I was younger that left me sterile.”

  Sympathy welled in her. “I’m sorry. Are you all right?”

  “If you’re asking me if everything works, it does, but I can’t have kids.”

  The look in his eyes bothered Trina, spotting real anger there and perhaps a little resentment as well. “My husband couldn’t have children either.”

  Shock paled Navarro’s features for a second. “Excuse me?”

  “Ted had leukemia when he was a teen and it left him sterile. You looked so angry when you said you couldn’t get me pregnant. I’m sorry for your loss. It didn’t bother Ted since he didn’t want children, always saying he worked too much to have kids anyway.”

  Navarro’s mouth twisted into a tense line. “Did he tell you after you married him?”

  “No. He was upfront about it on our first date and wanted me to know before we got close.”

  “You didn’t want children either?”

  She hesitated. “I wanted them but I loved Ted. I talked to him a few times about adoption but his work schedule was pretty hectic and he said we were happy enough without them. He just really didn’t want to discuss it so I let it drop.”

  Navarro was staring down at her with a strange look on his face. “Spread your thighs wide open for me.”

  “Wow.” She was stunned. “Zero to sixty, huh?”

  He smiled. “Spread for me.”

  Licking her lips, Trina spread her legs wide. She was grateful for the yoga she’d picked up after Ted’s death. She was pretty flexible and she kept her to a routine, in the morning and at night. She was slightly embarrassed as she watched Navarro tear his gaze from hers to look slowly down her body until his only focus was on her exposed sex.

  She saw him take a deep breath. “Beautiful.”

  Arching her eyebrows, she watched him watching her. His gaze rose to meet hers and a grin curved his lips.



  He nodded. “Oh yeah, babe. Do you enjoy looking at my body?”

  “You’re in shape and you look great. You’re a hard body and everyone loves one of those.”

  He chuckled. “If I liked really hard bodies I don’t think I’d be into women. Have you ever heard the saying “opposites attract”? Well, I’m damn attracted to you and I’m hot looking at your softer body and your curves. Your skin reminds me of milk and I love it a hell of a lot.”

  She swallowed, relaxing a little on the bed, and was relieved he wasn’t turned off by her. She met and held his look, certain that she saw passion in his eyes. Her gaze lowered down his body to the bulge in his briefs, an obvious sign he was definitely turned-on. She jerked her gaze back up to his face to see that he was smiling again, looking amused, and hoped it wasn’t at her expense.

  “Close your eyes and just feel, okay? You look ready to flee.”

  She obeyed him and forced herself to relax, ready and willing to trust him. Two large hands gently touched the insides of her thighs. His hands were rough textured and the sensation made her jerk a little in surprise, her eyes opening to see Navarro smiling again.

  “Did my touch startle you?”

  “Your hands are rough.”

  “They are calloused from work. Am I hurting your skin? You’re so damn soft.” His hands brushed her inner thighs again.

  She shook her head. “It just surprised me. It actually feels good.”

  He chuckled. “Close your eyes again and keep spread wide for me. I’m going to show you the finer points of oral sex, babe. I promise you that you’ll take pleasure in what I do.”

  She forced herself to relax even though her heart pounded, reminding herself that this was what she wanted. Navarro is a stranger so if things go bad, well, I rarely see him in town, she thought. I’ll make the loan to him but I don’t have to talk to him to have him mail a check every month if the sex thing doesn’t…

  He stretched her labia open with his thumbs while he brushed his fingers over her mound. She tensed, though she didn’t mean to. The guy was spreading her wider, causing air to hit her clit. No, it isn’t just air, she thought, it is warm. Her heart skipped a beat with the realization that he was breathing on her and a second later his hot tongue slid across her sensitive bud. She jerked a little at the strong lick but didn’t try to slam her thighs closed. Navarro’s shoulders still pushed against her to pin them open as his mouth closed completely over her clit. Trina frantically grasped at his comforter while the man proceeded to suck on and lick her sex, tugging on it in strong pulls.

  Pleasure tore through her. She’d never experienced anything that felt that way before. It was too much, too intense, but she didn’t fight to get away from that mouth. She was aware of her harsh breathing, panting really, and a louder moan tore from her lips. In her passion-filled haze, her mind barely worked but she realized the difference between the man touching her now and the man she’d spent sixteen years with.

  Ted never did this to me. He’d never done much for her clit but play with it a little with a finger before sex. Navarro’s hot mouth and tongue were going to kill her.

  “Oh God,” she panted.

  Her nails clawed at the comforter but she wanted to claw her fingers into Navarro’s hair. She resisted the urge, afraid he’d stop if she touched him and she didn’t want him to. The raw sensation of pleasure tore through her as her body tensed, her back arched even though she didn’t mean to do it, knowing it was pushing her pussy against Navarro’s mouth harder. She whimpered and then screamed out as she came hard, her climax tearing through her body almost violently.

  The hot mouth and tongue released her clit, only for him to blow cool air on her. Her heart was beating erratically and her eyes were squeezed together as her muscles inside twitched from the aftermath of her coming. She was no stranger to masturbation since she did it often but what she’d just experienced made what her own fingers and what her vibrator could do seem damn mild in comparison.

  Navarro gently pushed a finger inside her, shocking her by the sudden entry that caused her to moan. Navarro softly cursed, forcing her to open her eyes to see what was wrong as she fixed her full attention on him.

  He was bent over her and his face was a foot above hers, one of his hands braced on the bed at her side while his other hand was between her still spread thighs. His finger was inside her and he moved it, sliding in deep and withdrawing as their eyes locked.

  “Fuck, babe. You’re so damn tight. When is the last time you had sex?”

  “With a person or with my vibrator?”

  A grin split his lips as he chuckled. “Both. Either. When is the last time something besides my finger was inside you?”

  “I have one of those small, thin vibrators that I used last week. The last time I had sex was with my husband, a week before he died, and that was fourteen months ago.”

  Navarro’s eyes darkened with passion as he withdrew his finger completely before entering her with two fingers, stretching her as he slowly pushed both digits deep into her sex. Trina moaned at the sensation, reaching up and gripping one of his pillows. She realized her hips arched to meet his fingers.

  “Damn. You’re so damn hot and tight but I don’t want to hurt you, babe.”

  Trina shook her head. “You won’t. I know it’s been a long time but I want you. I really want you.”

  His fingers withdrew as Navarro straightened up to reach for the waistband of his boxer briefs. “Oh, you’re going to get me, Trina. I’m so fucking hard I could break bricks right now. It’s just that you’re so damn tight and it’s been so long for you that I’m afraid I’m going to make you sore.”

  Trina looked down as Navarro shoved his boxer briefs down his thighs and had to bite back a gasp, seeing that while he wasn’t freakishly big, he was much bigger than any man she’d ever been with and he was thick. He was also as hard as he claimed. Judging by the weight and the size of his
cock, gravity should have lowered his mass but he was pointed up. She’d never thought a man’s penis could be attractive but his was.


  She drew her focus away from his cock. “Yes?”

  “I don’t want to wear a condom. Is it all right with you? It kills some sensation for me and I want to feel everything with you.”

  She nodded. “Fine. Please…”

  “Are you sure because once I’m inside you it would kill me to try to stop. I want you too damn bad and I know you’re going to feel like heaven. My dick is jealous as hell of my fingers from the feel of you.”

  “I’m sure.” She did want him but as she glanced down at his thick erection, she had her doubts about taking him without pain. “I want you.”

  He climbed on the bed a little more and his large body slightly hovered above hers before he lowered so she was pinned under him. His skin was hot as he settled on top, careful not to crush her, his elbows bracing his weight.

  “Wrap your legs high around my waist,” he urged her softly. “And keep your arms above your head. I love your breasts thrust up like that.”

  Following his instructions to the letter, she wrapped her legs around his waist and adjusted until her heels settled on his tight ass, feeling the firm skin and muscle. Navarro’s probably got an amazing ass, she thought. She hadn’t seen it yet without jeans covering him but she could imagine it looked firm and rounded. Navarro adjusted his arms higher and to her surprise one of his hands encircled her wrists to lock them together between his thumb and fingers. Her gaze flew to his.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m big and I don’t want you to move. Hold real still and relax for me.”

  He was starting to scare her but she relaxed, not fighting his hold on her wrists. Navarro shifted his hips, making her feel amazed that he didn’t need a hand to guide his sex to hers as he just shifted his hips closer, and lifted his body a little higher. His thick-tipped cock brushed against her wet and waiting pussy, teased her, and rubbed along her slit to her clit and then back before he shifted a little more and pressed against her entrance.

  Navarro breached her pussy, entering her torturously slowly. Her body gave way to his hard flesh penetrating her, stretched to accommodate his wide cock. It had been over a year since she’d had sex and her little handheld vibrator was tiny, thin, and only about four inches long. Navarro was so much bigger than that.

  “Oh God,” she moaned, as he slid into her deeper.

  “Not God, babe,” Navarro’s voice was deep and harsh. “It’s all me. Fuck, you are tight. Am I hurting you?”

  She swallowed as he froze inside her. “No. I can feel you stretching me and it burns but it feels good. Are you all the way in?”

  He snorted. “Not hardly, babe. You ready to take the rest?”

  “Fuck me,” she whispered.

  Her words sank in the second she uttered them, it being one of her favorite sayings. She opened her mouth to explain but Navarro just groaned, taking her words literally.

  “You got it, babe.” He pushed into her all the way, hesitating for only a moment when she gasped but then he started to move inside her body.

  Trina threw back her head, crying out at the sensation of Navarro filling her as he pumped in and out of her, slowly increasing the speed. Their harsh breathing and her moans filled the bedroom along with the sounds of his bed creaking. He shifted his hips, driving into her from a new angle and it made it feel even better to her. She was shocked minutes later when another climax hit her and pleasure gripped her as Navarro rasped her name as his cock jerked deep in her pussy, coming hard until he stilled his hips.

  “Oh my God,” she panted.

  Navarro lifted his chest off hers slightly as their gazes met. He looked sexy as hell in the afterglow of sex with his flushed features, parted mouth, and narrowed eyes. His lips curved into a satisfied grin.

  “That was amazing, wasn’t it, babe?”

  Swallowing the lump in her throat, Trina nodded. “Wow.”

  Chuckling, Navarro winked at her as he released her wrists. “You have to stop saying God though. I think I earned having you yelling out my name instead of his.”

  She laughed at his humorous words, totally not expecting him to be funny after sex. “Maybe I think you’re a god.”

  He laughed with her, slowly withdrawing from her body. “I like that.” He moved off her to stretch out on his side and propped his head up, using his bent arm to rest his cheek against his hand. He kept one of his thighs over hers, pinning her leg where she lay. “That was really something, Trina.”

  She smiled. “So I take it that you won’t mind this?”

  His grin died. “The only thing I mind is you offering to pay me to fuck you. I don’t think its right.”

  A blush bloomed in her cheeks as she stared at him. “Please don’t change your mind. Was it that bad? I mean, I know I’m older than someone you’re used to but I promise I won’t get attached or expect anything but sex from you. I’m blonde but I’m smarter than that. I know the score here.”

  “Let me rephrase that. I feel guilty all of a sudden about taking your money for doing something that I want to do anyway. I’m not worried about you getting attached to me.”

  Chapter Three

  It was crazy but Trina parked her SUV in front of the Raine home at eight o’clock the next night. Nervousness settled in the pit of her stomach. Last night had been amazing. After their little talk Navarro had offered to let her spend the night but she’d needed some alone time so she’d said she needed to get home. She hadn’t really but she had needed to think.

  Guilt ate at her a little over her husband, Ted. He was dead and she realized he’d want her to move on but he’d be shocked if he knew she was paying money to a man to have sex with her. It only made it worse that she was paying Navarro with money she had because of Ted’s death. She sighed as she climbed out of her vehicle. As bad as the guilt made her feel, it wasn’t going to stop her from visiting the Raine ranch again.

  The front door opened before she could knock and the sight of Navarro made her suck in air when she saw he wore nothing but a pair of loose fitting black sweat pants and his hair was wet. He always made her think of that saying “sex on legs” with his muscular, hard body. She let her gaze wander over his broad chest before looking at his face.

  Navarro appeared amused as he grinned at her. “Hi. You’re prompt. Come on in.”

  Trina walked into his house and he locked the door behind her. She slowly turned to find that Navarro was still grinning. Her body instantly responded to the memory of the night before. Her nipples tingled, wetness dampened her panties, and he hadn’t even touched her yet.

  “Did you write something out? I have a bank certified check.”

  His grin died. “Are you sure you want to do this, Trina? You don’t have to pay me.”

  She nodded. “You’ll lose your ranch otherwise, right?”

  His mouth twisted into a pained look. “Yeah.”

  “Then I’m sure I want to give you the check.” She paused. “I just hope your brother doesn’t do this again.”

  “I made him sign off on his part of the ranch. He can no longer take out loans on the property. Come with me to my office. I wrote it out, you can read it, and I made two copies. One I’ll keep locked in my safe and you’ll get the second one.”

  Trina followed Navarro down a hallway past the kitchen and into what looked to be a converted office that had probably once been a spare bedroom judging by the private three-quarter bath in the corner of the room. Navarro took a seat on the edge of a big old mahogany desk and reached for two sheets of paper lying inches from his ass. Trina sat where he waved her into a chair. Her purse ended up on her lap while she accepted the papers he offered and read them.

  She finally looked up after studying the page. “You were very specific.”

  He grinned. “When our contract is over we can burn these. I put in there that you’ll just st
ate it was a loan I paid off and you’ll give me a receipt so if there’s ever an issue of where the money came from or for tax purposes it will just seem like a no-interest, legal loan between friends.”

  She took the pen he handed her to sign both sheets and then handed them back with the pen, watching him sign while she dug out the envelope in her purse. Navarro hesitated before he accepted the check.

  “Are you sure about this, Trina? We could write up legal papers instead for a real loan. I really don’t feel right about taking money from you for sex.”

  She laughed. “You never thought you’d be a paid hottie, huh? I think I’ve heard the term cougar handler if you want a nicer but funnier description.”

  He laughed, relaxing. “I know what a cougar is and that’s definitely not you. You’re only two years older than I am. I’m thirty-six.”

  “Take the check because I honestly won’t miss it. I got the settlement, his life insurance policy, and I made a profit in real estate when I moved here. The housing market here is really low so I paid less than half of the selling price of my old house for my new one. Save your ranch and accept the money. I’m just glad you protected it against this ever happening again.”

  His smile died. “Me too.” He took the envelope and just dropped it into a drawer.

  “Aren’t you going to at least look at it to check the amount?”

  He shook his head, standing. “I trust you. Let’s go upstairs. I showered after I ate, figuring you’d appreciate not getting the cowboy smell on you.”

  She stood, grinning. “Cowboy smell, huh? What do cowboys smell like?”

  He grasped her hand in his, laughing. “Today it would have been horseshit. I cleaned stalls and I have a garden to plant so I used the fresh manure for fertilizer so you could say it’s been a shit day.”

  She laughed with him and followed him to his bedroom. When he closed the door and locked it, Trina walked over to his dresser to put down her purse. She kicked off her flats, faced him, and found that Navarro had moved by the bed to watch her with his sexy gaze.