“Why do you always close and lock the door?” She glanced at it and then him. “Does someone else live here? I thought you lived alone.”

  “At the moment I’m solo in the house but I have a few brothers who wander home sometimes. I’d rather not take any chances since it’s happened before.” He grinned. “Talk about embarrassing.”

  She laughed. “You got caught with your pants down, huh?”

  “And then some.” He winked. “I learned that women get kind of irate if one of my brothers stops in here to make comments about what they see.”

  “You’re kidding, right? Oh, you have to give details.”

  He grinned. “I was dating this woman a few years ago who was into being tied up, thinking the whole cowboy thing was hot. I tied her to my bed and was busy when my youngest brother, River, came home unannounced. One minute I’ve got a mouth full of breast and the next she’s screaming because River said I should have put cloth between the rope and her skin so it didn’t get scratched up or red.”

  “I can’t even imagine. Poor her and you.” She laughed though. “That would be embarrassing.”

  Navarro nodded, still grinning. “She dumped my ass and accused me of having a weird family, saying my brothers and I were perverts.”

  “I just thought you had the one brother.”

  “Nope. There are five of us in all. I’m the second to oldest.”

  “Wow. So where are the rest of them?”

  “Drake is the oldest and he’s an attorney who lives in Dallas. I would have hit him up for the money but he just went through a nasty divorce that left him broke so he didn’t need to worry about this on top of it. There’s Dusty. He’s the shit who put up the ranch for a loan because he’s got a lot of problems.” Navarro almost growled those words, looking pissed. “And last but not least, there are the twins, River and Ryder, but they are hardly ever home. Ryder is in a band—he sings and plays guitar, stays on the road more than not, and only shows up a few times a year to stay a day or two between gigs. River works the rodeo circuit, he used to be a bull rider but he got busted up so now he works with livestock. He’s living about fifty miles from here, the pay is shit but he loves his job.”

  “Wow. Is the brother in a band anyone I would have ever heard of?”

  He shook his head. “Not unless you have a thing for native music. He’s a full-blooded mix and his way of showing his heritage pride is playing guitar and a little singing. They aren’t really popular except to their followers, who are mostly other Native Americans.”

  Trina gave him a curious look, opened her mouth but then closed it. She was dying to ask but she didn’t want to be rude. Navarro hesitated and almost seemed to read her mind.

  “Drake, Dusty, and I have the same father and mother. My father was Apache and my mother was Dutch. We’re considered half-breeds in the sense we’re half Apache and half white. My mother died when we were really young and Dusty was only a few months old. Back then my dad had to travel far to sell horses and I guess she didn’t want to worry him when she cut her hand bad, not really thinking she needed a doctor but she got a blood infection. By the time she called for help she was too sick to fight it off. Dusty was a hard pregnancy for her so she was already weak. It about killed my father, losing her. He loved her that much, and was totally devastated when she was suddenly gone. That’s probably why he ended up bringing a hooker home to us for a year.”

  Trina was shocked but she tried to hide it, giving him her best sympathetic look. Navarro studied her with a grin, looking highly amused.

  “Yeah. I know. She really was a hooker that he picked up in a truck stop on one of his trips. She was a pretty thing and full-blooded Cherokee. He said he wanted to save her.” Navarro chuckled. “I was five and even I thought she was sexy, not even knowing what sex was. Anyway, he brought her home and she ended up getting pregnant with River and Ryder. They aren’t half-breeds like my other brothers and me. My dad offered to marry her but she wasn’t really happy here, it was too remote and my dad worked hard so he had to leave sometimes. He was getting the better deal, to be honest, paying her to sleep with him and to take us kids on while he was gone on the road. She was a bad cook but she watched us good. After the twins were born she wanted to leave even though dad tried to talk her into staying but her mind was made up. She left the twins here, knowing she couldn’t take care of them and they’d have a more stable life growing up on a ranch than her nomad way of living. My dad hired another woman to take care of all of us after she left and they were involved for a long time but he never remarried. He died four years ago, causing Dusty’s shit.”

  “I’m sorry for your loss. What does that have to do with Dusty? Is he still missing your father that bad?”

  Navarro sighed. “Dusty took Dad out for his birthday, they drank hard and met up with a few hookers over in River Bend. Dad insisted he was sober enough to drive them home instead of wanting to pay the women to stay in their rooms all night. Dusty was so shitfaced that Dad ended up dumping him in the back of the truck where Dusty passed out but it ended up saving his life. Dad was too drunk to drive and he ended up rolling the truck. Dad was killed when the truck hit and wrapped around a tree at the bottom of the hill but luckily Dusty was thrown clear since he was in the open truck bed. The truck was so totaled it was impossible to know what it was so Dad must have really been hauling ass. Dusty blames himself no matter how many times we’ve told him it wasn’t his fault. Hell, he was so drunk he was passed out and Dad was the one who loaded him up in the back and decided to drive that way. We’re just grateful Dusty survived and no one else was hurt.” He paused. “My dad drank often and had some DUI’s on his record so it wasn’t a shock.”

  “How did that get Dusty to take out a loan?” Trina blushed, realizing she was being nosey after she’d spoken. “Sorry. It’s none of my business.”

  An eyebrow arched. “Isn’t it? Your money is saving the ranch. Dusty gambles. He can’t hold down a job because of his drinking but this time he gambled with the wrong person and got in really deep. They were threatening to kill him from what he said so he took out the loan against the ranch. It wouldn’t have been so damn bad but he put off telling me until the bank was ready to foreclose. He had all the statements sent to some chick he hangs with instead of here. I had no damn idea or I would have made payments. By the time I found out, I was looking at having to pay it all off in one lump sum to stop the foreclosure and I just didn’t have that kind of money that fast. Ryder is impossible to track down since he lost his cell phone last month. River is easy to get hold of but he’s flat ass broke. Dusty offered to try to win the money to save the ranch and in return, I offered to shove both my boots up his ass if he did. I just made him take his name off the deed so he’d never get the chance to do this again.”

  “So you all own the ranch?”

  Navarro nodded. “Now only four of us do.” He let his gaze run down her body. “That’s enough talking, babe. Get out of those clothes. I’ve been thinking about what I want to do to you all damn day.”

  She laughed and reached for the waist of her shirt. “Great. You were thinking about sex with me while you were shoveling shit,” she teased. “How romantic.”

  “You’d be surprised at the things I was thinking.”

  “You could share with the class.” She stripped naked.

  Navarro let his heated gaze drift down her body as he gripped the waist of his sweat pants, just pushing them down to reveal that he wasn’t wearing anything under them. He was aroused and that sight took Trina’s breath away. He was gorgeous, all tan skin and muscles, with a major erection that was impressive. Her gaze rested there for a few seconds before she looked up at his face to find him grinning at her.

  “I hope you like what you see as much as I like what I see.”

  “Judging by the weapon at your hips, you’re as turned-on as I am.” She laughed. “So how do you want me?”

  “Are you into cowboys, darlin’?” He emphasized th
e drawl in his speech.

  “If you’re a cowboy then I am now.” She winked at him.

  He walked over to an armless chair that hadn’t been in the room the night before and sat in it, pushing his hips to the edge of the chair. He motioned her to him with a finger and pointed to the floor in front of him as he spread his thighs open to make room for her. Trina walked to him but hesitated.

  “I think I’m pretty decent at oral sex,” she said softly.

  His eyebrows shot up as he grinned. “I bet you are but that’s not what I had in mind. This is about you, darlin’. I’m plenty happy. Turn around.”

  She had no idea what he was up to but she turned to give him her back, more than willing to put her trust in Navarro. His hands gripped her hips firmly while he moved one thigh against her leg.

  “Step over. I want you on my lap facing the door.”

  She was intrigued, having been on top during sex plenty of times but she’d never been asked to straddle a man facing away from him. She lifted her leg to step over his, one of his thighs between hers now. He bumped her with it so she stepped again until her legs were straddling his legs. He used his hold on her hips to ease her down until she sat on his thighs with his rigid cock pressed against her back.

  “Do you trust me to not hurt you?” His voice was soft.

  Licking her lips, Trina looked over her shoulder to meet his gaze. “I do trust you.”

  Studying her eyes for long seconds, he nodded. “I want you to know that I’d never hurt you. Have you ever been bound?” One hand released her hip to reach down to the floor behind the chair.

  She hesitated. “I’ve had my wrists tied once but that was about it.”

  He lifted the rope and showed it to her. She was nervous suddenly, unsure what he was going to do with it. The rope was fisted in his hand as he moved it closer to brush the rough-textured, thick coil softly across her skin, creating an odd but good sensation. Chills started where he rubbed the rope against. He watched her expression carefully.

  “I want to bind you with rope, just your upper body but not near your throat. It won’t hurt you, babe. I’d never do that. It will feel good if I wrap you in it but it won’t even be tight. Image that roughness across your nipples when I fuck you and how it’s going to make your breasts bounce while your nipples rub against the rope. Will you let me do that?”

  It sounded erotic and she wanted to try it, her body warming up just thinking about what he described. His other hand slid from her hip around to her front. With her thighs spread wide open he easily slid it down to her sex, rubbing her slit where she was getting wet. She wiggled against his fingers that slid upward to tease her clit.

  “That idea of it turns you on. You’re a joy and you make me so hot, babe.” His hand moved away from her pussy, which he had been touching gently. “Put your arms behind you and cross them for me over your lower back.”

  She barely hesitated before doing what he wanted, putting her arms back and crossing them so her forearms and the backs of her hands were against her skin. Navarro started to wrap the rope around her shoulders, just inches above her breasts. He tested how tight the rope was every time he wound another loop around her body, making her appear similar to a mummy in snug rope but it wasn’t constricting her breathing or near her throat. He knew that would scare her.

  Trina shivered as he bound the rope around her breasts, the rough material a little scratchy to her skin but not too abrasive as he wrapped her. She had to press her lips together to stop the moan that wanted to escape as the rope rubbed her nipples. The rough texture rasping against her sensitive skin was an incredible sensation. Navarro wound the rope until she was wrapped to just under her bent elbows at her waist. He secured it there.

  She realized why he’d had her position her arms crossed behind her back now that he’d bound her. She couldn’t get her arms free or have the ability to touch him. He could do anything to her and she was helpless without her hands.

  His hand slid down her back and moved between her spread thighs to stroke her sex with his fingers, teasing her clit by rubbing slow circles over it with the tip of a finger.

  “You’re so wet,” he said softly, and spread his thighs more to force her legs farther apart. One hand gripped the rope at her waist in the back to hold her steady so she couldn’t fall off his lap in any direction. “Just feel and relax, Trina.”

  Nodding, she closed her eyes to do what he said. She relaxed and just enjoyed the bliss he was building in her body. With every breath she took, her skin rubbed on the rope, making her experience new sensations—wonderful, carnal ones that made her ache for more. She knew she should probably be embarrassed about how wet she was getting but she was too sexually excited to care. A moan broke from her lips when Navarro rubbed her clit with his thumb.

  “Does it feel good?”


  “Just wait until I’m inside you.”

  “Now would be good. I want you.” Her belly quivered when she imagined him doing just that.

  Navarro chuckled. “Not yet, but soon, babe. Just feel.”

  Trina enjoyed the ecstasy of it all as he teased her with his thumb but her body was tensing with need to come. He slid his thumb away from her throbbing clit to push inside her pussy, entering her without warning and she cried out sharply from his abrupt entry, surprised at the wonderful feeling of gratification. She’d wanted him inside her and he was. He curled his thumb inside her, tapping her inside on the wall behind her clit over and over. She gasped and then groaned at the new sensation.

  “It should feel pretty good,” he said softly. “Right here.” He tapped his thumb against her again and then pressed against her inside with firmer pressure where he rubbed.

  “God, I ache.”

  “Use my name, Trina. God isn’t touching you. I am.”

  He touched her and played with her, rubbing and tapping her inside and then withdrew from her body only to slide his thumb forward to torture her clit with teasing rubs. She wiggled on his lap as she moaned. When he entered her again with his thumb, she bucked her hips on his hand, trying to force him deeper, needing him to move in and out of her.

  “Please, Navarro. I ache.”

  “I do too, babe.” He hesitated. “Lift up a little.”

  She braced her feet on the floor and lifted her body off his lap. It was hard to do with his thighs spread wide but she managed it, thanks to his hands that kept a firm hold on the rope to steady her balance.

  “Ease down slowly on me,” he ordered her.

  Navarro adjusted his rigid cock under her so when she lowered her body the thick head of it pressed against her entrance. She lowered on him more, a loud moan tearing from her lips as inch after inch of him stretched her pussy. She let her body sink down on him until he was buried deep inside her as she settled on his lap. She tried to lift up to move on him but his arm wrapped around her waist, halting her and pinned her on his lap.

  “Easy, babe. I’m in charge of this ride.” Navarro’s voice had deepened. “I set the pace. I’m in total control and you just get to feel.”

  “You’re going to kill me.”

  “Never. I promise though that I’m going to make you scream my name. I won’t let you fall. I have you so just trust me. I want you to lean forward and I want you not to use your legs. Relax and this is going to rock your world…literally.”

  “Please…I hurt. I need…”

  “I know,” he told her. “Here we go. Do as I say, babe.”

  She leaned forward as Navarro gently adjusted her on his lap until she worried she was going to drop face first off his lap and crash into the floor, the only thing that kept her from doing so was his hands gripping her and the rope. He moved his hips before she could protest. His hard and sudden thrust up inside her pussy made her cry out in bliss. He was strong and with her off balance she was helpless as he hammered up into her. The ropes rubbed on her skin and nipples as her body bounced with Navarro’s movement. Sensations flooded her o
n all levels, swamping her in pure ecstasy.

  “Oh God,” she cried out.

  “Navarro.” He suddenly froze, buried in her deep. “Cry out my name, Trina. Say it.” He started to move again, this time slower, deep thrusts, while angling her body a little more forward since he had her effectively and completely under his control. “G-spot. Remember my thumb? Now feel this, babe.”

  She could totally feel everything as he angled into her from a slightly different position, pushing deep into her and then slowly pulling back. When she was afraid he was going to withdrawal completely from her body, he pushed into her again, filled her, stretched her and made her pant.

  “Ready, babe? You’re so damn tight and sexy that I won’t last much longer this first time. I’m going to take you hard and fast because I’m ready to explode.”

  She didn’t get a chance to answer him before he moved just as her mouth opened to tell him she was ready. The arm wrapped around her body tightened at her waist while his other hand dived between her thighs, cupping her mound from the front, his fingers against her clit, rubbing her there with every movement. He drove up into her fast and hard, using his legs on the floor to brace as he bucked her on his lap. The rope rubbed her nipples as she bounced harder on Navarro’s powerful body. Inside and out she was on sensory overload until the climax hit her brutally. Blinding pleasure tore through her body as she screamed from the force of it.

  Navarro cried out something she didn’t understand. He pulsed inside her, a pumping fist sensation, when he shot his release into her pussy. He pulled her back from the bending position on his lap to wrap both arms around her, holding her to his chest. They were both breathing heavily. He held her that way for a good long minute, while they both recovered, and their breathing slowed to a more normal pace.

  “So, what do you think of cowboys now? You’ve been roped and branded, darlin’.”

  Trina laughed. “Branded, huh?”