“It’s all right. I know people cheat. We, I mean, I’ve had friends who had their marriages end over that. It wasn’t just always the men who cheated. Some of the women did it.”

  “Did Ted ever cheat?”

  She shook her head. “I would have left him. Some of my friends kind of put me down for being a housewife minus kids but I wasn’t the doormat they accused me of being.” Her chin rose. “I was loyal to him and I deserved that right back.” She paused. “And Ted wasn’t the affair type.”

  “All men are, under the right circumstances.”

  “Not Ted.”

  “He was a saint?” Navarro questioned.

  She hesitated. “He was five-foot-five, went prematurely bald, wore glasses, and was a little overweight. He wasn’t outgoing and he wasn’t a flirt. Women weren’t drawn to him and he wasn’t one to draw attention. He was really smart and he was really funny but you had to know him well to see that side of him.”

  Navarro blinked a few times, looking stunned. “How did you meet?”

  “We met through friends. I’d just come out of a bad relationship and I’d sworn off men but Ted was nice. He took me out to dinner a lot, we got to know each other and fell in love. He was a good husband. I…” Emotion hit her and she closed her mouth.

  Navarro walked toward her slowly then gripped her arms above her elbows. The expression on his face turned tender. “You miss him.”

  Tears filled her eyes but she blinked them back, swallowing the knot in her throat. “I am getting past it. At first I was paralyzed. He was my entire world and it was just gone in blink. Him. Our life together. My life.”

  “What’s the hardest thing to still deal with?”

  She hesitated. “Being alone all the time. I get lonely.”

  “Why did you move away from all your friends? You had to have them.”

  “Some of them felt sorry for me and they stopped treating me like a person. I became something to pity. Half of them avoided me after Ted died. I think seeing what happened made them afraid it could happen to them. I was devastated at first and withdrew from some of them because I was in my own world of grief. And I gave some of Ted’s friends the wrong impression.” She was still a bit humiliated over it.

  “How?” Navarro tugged her to the couch and made her sit while he sat on the edge of the coffee table. “Tell me about Ted’s friends getting the wrong impression.”

  Trina forced a laugh. “This is kind of embarrassing but I was used to taking care of Ted and some of his friends through Ted. When his friend Luke got divorced he mentioned to Ted he missed home-cooked meals so sometimes when Ted went there to hang out with him I’d send some meals to Luke so he could just reheat them and eat a few good meals a week. Ted’s friend Gene loved my baked goods. I love to bake so I’d bake extra and send them with Ted to work. Gene was his office partner and also single.”

  “And what wrong impression did you give?”

  She hesitated as her smile faded. “I was bored and needed something to do after Ted wasn’t there anymore to take care of. I swear it’s embedded in me after all these years. I started making Luke meals and I baked Gene some treats. For a few weeks I dropped them off at their houses. Then…” She blushed.

  Navarro rubbed her arms. “Then what?”

  She sighed. “This is so embarrassing.”

  “Tell me anyway.”

  She stared into his beautiful eyes. “Gene showed up one night at my house out of the blue and he hit on me. I was shocked. He was Ted’s best friend and they worked together. I didn’t react well. Actually, I kind of freaked out. It was just a few months after the funeral and he came onto me pretty aggressively. Gene told me, because of what I was doing with him and Luke, that he felt sorry for me and that’s why he was there offering to spend the night with me. He said I seemed desperate for a man’s company or he wouldn’t have come over to give me a pity fuck.”

  Navarro’s hands stilled and anger gripped his features. “That guy is an asshole. What you did was nice and he hit on you because he’d always wanted you. Trust me. He tried to take advantage of you and when you shot him down he turned the blame for his shitty behavior your way. What an ass.”

  “I probably did seem desperate and it wasn’t appropriate for me to keep cooking for them. I was never comfortable around either man again so I stopped talking to them.”

  Navarro stood and pulled Trina to her feet. “Let’s go upstairs.” He kept hold of her hand until he closed the door to his room. He locked it and turned. “Strip.”

  “I don’t think I’m ever going to get used to you just telling me to get naked the second we walk in here.” She removed her shoes and slowly started to undress.

  He laughed. “I’m just happy you do it. I don’t want you in your clothes.” He tossed his discarded shirt to the floor. “I’m stripping too.”

  “No clothes in the bedroom rule?”

  “I like that one. I also want you to follow my orders in here.”

  She nodded. “I can do that.”

  Something in his eyes flickered and he really looked turned-on. “Seriously? You’ll take all my orders in here?”

  “I can do that,” she repeated then paused. “I just don’t want pain or humiliation.”

  A frown tempered his lips. “I wouldn’t do that to you. What made you say that?”

  “I mentioned that I read books. Sometimes I read these master and slave type books. They turn me on right until it gets degrading or painful. I don’t find it sexy or stimulating and I wouldn’t want to be with a guy who wanted to inflict that on me. I also don’t want to feel icky by doing something I’m not comfortable with.”

  He was naked as he moved slowly to Trina. “I won’t ever hurt you and I don’t want to humiliate you. So you get turned-on by light bondage?”

  Nodding, she met his curious gaze. “I enjoyed the ropes.”

  He reached up so his thumb brushed her nipple. “Still tender?”

  “A little.”

  “I was thinking about you today.”

  “Were you dealing with more shit?” She grinned up at him.

  “Nope. I was breaking in a few horses.” His heated gaze ran over her.

  Her body instantly responded to his words. The idea of him on the back of a wild animal made her have some racy thoughts. He’d have to be a tough guy to risk life and limb to climb on the back of a strong, wild animal. She didn’t look away from him as he stared into her eyes. “So what were you thinking?”

  “Do you like toys?”

  “Sex toys?”

  He nodded. “I went into town today to pay off the loan after I cashed your check. The ranch is safe. Thanks, by the way. When I got home I went online and ordered some toys I thought you’d enjoy. They won’t arrive until next week but I want you to get used to the idea.”

  “What kind of toys?”

  He smiled. “Nothing painful. I got things I think will make you feel really good. It will be a surprise.”

  “I hate surprises.”

  He laughed. “You are unique then.”

  “I’m impatient too.”

  Reaching out, he lifted her onto the bed. “Me too.” His focus went down her body.

  Trina eyed his cock, seeing he was rock hard, and licked her lips. When her attention lifted, there was no missing the passion in his gaze. She moved on the bed. With him standing next to it he was at the perfect height for what she had in mind. She rolled onto her stomach, reaching for him, hearing him suck in air.

  “What are you doing, babe?”

  Easing closer to him, Trina caressed his cock with her hands, inching her mouth closer. “What does it look like I’m doing?”

  He didn’t pull away as she licked the crown of his shaft. His cock jerked in her hold as her fingers wrapped around the base. She took him into her mouth, licking and sucking, coaxing a groan from Navarro as his hand caressed her cheek.

  “You’re too damn good at this. I won’t last long but I’m not going to say
no. I believe in payback so when you’re done it’s my turn.”

  The memory of his mouth on her made her passion kick into overdrive. She took his cock deeper into her mouth and moved on him faster. Navarro groaned as his hips slowly thrust a little, moving with her.

  “Fuck, babe.” His voice was husky. “Your mouth is so damn hot and good.”

  She let her teeth lightly scrape his shaft and took him deeper, feeling him in her throat. She swallowed over and over. Navarro cried out as he came hard. She swallowed everything he gave her before easing him out from between her lips. His hand was fisted in her long hair but he hadn’t hurt her. His hold eased as she looked at him while she sat up. His head was thrown back, his eyes were closed and a satisfied smile was firmly planted on his lips. Beautiful eyes opened as he lowered his head.

  “You’re so damn amazing at that. I’m damn near embarrassed about how fast I came but I won’t be because you’re just that good.”

  She laughed. “Thank you. To be honest, I’m glad I can get you off fast. After a few minutes my jaw starts to hurt. You’re pretty big.”

  “Then I’m glad you turn me on so much that I can’t last past a few minutes when your mouth is wrapped around me. Lie back and spread wide for me, Trina. It’s my turn to cause devastation in your body.”

  Moving on the bed, Trina stretched out on her back. She hesitated, still not really comfortable with exposing herself to him but she did it, wanting to feel his mouth on her that much. She really wanted to get off, aching with the need to come. Watching and hearing Navarro climax, tasting him, had turned her on completely.

  He got on the bed with her, on his knees. His gaze ran down her body, fixating between her thighs. “Do you always shave?”

  She nodded. “Does it bother you? I shaved tonight before I came over. I didn’t want you to find stubble.”

  He chuckled. “Ever waxed?”

  “Ouch. I tried it once but it hurt so bad I screamed.”

  His response was a deep chuckle. “Sorry. Why shave?”

  She hesitated. “Ted wanted me to try it about eight years ago, wondering how it would look. I preferred it so I kept shaving.”

  His fingers brushed her outer lips. “Soft. You did a really good job. If he didn’t go down on you why did you like to keep shaving it all?” He locked gazes with her. “Please be honest because I want that between us always.”

  “I like the feel of it when I…” She blushed as discomfiture burned her cheeks.

  “Touch yourself?”

  She nodded.

  “Do you do it often?”

  She looked away. “Do we have to really talk about this?”


  Her attention jerked back to him, his dark blue eyes pinned her where she lay. She sighed. “I have a high sex drive and Ted didn’t. I think I’ve hit my prime or something. I masturbate a few times a day and every night because it helps me sleep.”

  A soft groan came from his parted lips as he stretched out flat on his stomach between her thighs. “Fuck, that’s hot.”

  “What is?”

  He smiled at her from between her thighs. “You, babe. Most women aren’t that into sex. You’d let me fuck you morning, noon, and night, wouldn’t you?”

  She nodded. “If you did, I wouldn’t masturbate anymore.” She smiled, relieved that she hadn’t shocked him with her honesty, and encouraged to keep talking since he seemed turned-on by her answers. “You’re better at getting me off than I am. Thank you, by the way. You don’t know how—” She shut up. “Just thank you.”

  “Close your eyes and feel.”

  She let her head fall back. Navarro used one of his hands to spread her pussy lips open to give him freer access to her. She gripped the bedding when he breathed on her sex an instant before his hot tongue teased her clit with a slow, lazy swipe and then another. She remembered to breathe until his mouth covered it entirely. A shiver went through her body when he used his teeth to lightly scrape the sensitive bud.

  Navarro played with her clit and slid two fingers inside her pussy and slowly teased her in another way. She bucked her hips as the bud tightened, swelled, and the aching inside her grew to a dull pain of need.

  “Please,” she panted.

  Full lips fastened over her clit and his strong tongue licked her with more pressure. His fingers moved fast and deep, pumping her hard in tune with what he was doing to her with his mouth. That was all it took. Trina arched her back, crying out his name, as the climax gripped her. He didn’t stop, making her cry out again and again until he let her go, removing his fingers.

  A deep growl penetrated her blissful haze of sexual satisfaction. Navarro. The sound surprised her, not used to a man making that sound as he gripped her. Trina didn’t protest as he flipped her over onto her stomach. Strong hands spread her thighs wide a second before his body came down on her as his hips settled between her legs.

  “Babe?” His lips were by her ear. “Relaxed?”

  She smiled. “Oh yeah. If I got anymore so you’d need a spoon to pick me up.”

  “I want you to stay that way.”

  She nodded. “I can’t move now but give me a few minutes.”

  A cry of surprise and pleasure burst from her when Navarro entered her slowly from behind. He was hot and hard as he pressed deep into her pussy. She moaned at the sensation of being stretched and filled by his rigid, thick cock. His legs spread her wider and he slowly fucked her in deep, long strokes as he totally pinned flat to the bed.

  She moaned, pushing back into him as best as she could but his weight was holding her down pretty effectively. He braced one arm for his weight and then shoved his hand between her hip and the bed to curl his palm between her thighs from around her hip until his fingers ended up rubbing her clit. He fucked her harder and faster, pounding against her ass where he had her pinned.

  With his fingers rubbing her clit and him moving inside her it was too much. She came again, screaming out, and clawed the bedding. Behind her Navarro bucked into her, groaning as he came, buried deep. He shivered, almost collapsing all of his weight on her after pulling his hand from beneath. He kissed her shoulder, trailing his lips up to her neck.

  “I’m going to wake you up in the middle of the night again. Can you take me in a few hours?”

  She smiled. “Please.”

  Navarro chuckled. “You’re really a gift, babe.” He kissed her shoulder. “I’m done in. I’m sorry about how early I go to bed.”

  “I’m tired too.” She closed her eyes. “I don’t want to move.”

  He laughed as he withdrew slowly from her body, lifting off her. “You’re on top of the covers so you have to get up. You tear them down the bed for us and I’ll get the light.”

  She forced her body to move, grateful when Navarro handed her a towel when he stood at the edge of the bed to help her stand. She used it to clean herself and then pulled back the covers. She got back into his bed as the light went out. In seconds he was flat on his back, pulling her into his arms.

  “You can make yourself at home here, Trina. If you want to sleep in, sleep. If you want to cook, eat with me.” He nuzzled her neck to place a kiss there. “I like you in my arms. Did you sleep good with me?”

  “Yes.” She burrowed closer to him. She didn’t mention that she slept too well for her own good.

  Chapter Five

  Trina walked up the porch steps, biting her lip, reminding herself that Navarro had told her to be herself. She loved to bake. So maybe I overdid it but I was bored today. This was the fifth night and she wouldn’t see him for a few days, just as their agreement stated. He’s been a real sport about me cooking breakfast. I hope he handles baked goods just as well.

  A smile curved her lips, remembering the night before when she’d arrived at his house. Navarro had met her at the door totally naked, hauled her into the house, nearly torn off her clothes, then lifted her naked body into his arms. She’d been shocked when he’d carried her into his dining room, sta
ring in stunned amazement at what he’d done to it.

  Candles lit the room. He’d tossed a sleeping bag on top of the dining room table and he’d promptly laid her on top of. He had chuckled as he ordered her to stay still. She had frozen in place, just allowing him to do what he would with her. He bent to lift something at the edge of the table. She’d stared at the scarf but said nothing as he’d bound her wrist. He had gone around the table tying her limbs to the four corners where he’d already attached the scarves to the legs. He’d smiled at her while informing her that he’d been thinking about doing that to her all day.

  Being in the dining room had made Trina a little nervous. What if one of his wayward brothers came home? She’d gotten the impression they weren’t good about calling to give a warning before they popped in but she’d forgotten that worry when Navarro had walked to a side table to hold up honey in a bottle he’d kept by a candle so it would be warm on her skin. It had been a sexually stimulating experience as he’d dripped the warmed substance on her breasts, stomach, and thighs.

  She’d been tied flat, bound so she could barely move and then Navarro had gotten on the table with her. He’d started at her breasts, licking to remove each drop of honey. By the time he got to her thighs she’d been so hot and bothered that she’d been begging him to fuck her. He’d finally untied her ankles, hiked her legs over his shoulders, and used his mouth to make her come. He’d damn near licked her to within an inch of her life.

  She knocked again at the door, her mind still on the night before. After she’d climaxed, Navarro had untied her wrists, tugged her off the table, and had gripped her hand to drag her into the living room. He’d spun her around, bent her over the back of the couch doggy style, and entered her in a heartbeat. The sex had been wild and fantastic with her pinned over the furniture, him driving into her from behind, hot, fast, and rough. She’d loved every second of it.

  When Navarro still didn’t answer the door, she backed up and frowned as she dragged her thoughts back to the present. Was he in the shower? She turned her head to glance at the long driveway, seeing his truck wasn’t parked there. It hadn’t been there last night either, yet he had been home. She debated on what to do. Should she just leave or wait a few minutes and knock again? She knew he came home, ate, and then showered before she arrived since he’d told her his routine.