Last night they’d showered together after he’d fucked her against the couch. She loved bathing with the man because he’d let her wash him, had almost purred when she scrubbed his thick, silky-to-the-touch hair. It fell to his shoulders and she loved it. He had washed her next and they’d both been excited by the time they were clean. Navarro had given her one more thing she’d never experienced. He’d lifted her against the wall of the shower stall, had her wrap her arms and legs around his body, and he’d taken her against the wall, standing up, holding her.

  She hadn’t come but it had still been an incredible feeling, being held that way. He knew she hadn’t gotten off so he’d reached up afterward, grabbed the removable showerhead and taught her about water pressure. She shivered, remembering him pinning her to the wall with one of her feet on the floor while his thigh had pinned her other leg high up and wide open. He’d made her come hard with the showerhead pouring water over her clit. They’d fallen into bed after that already worn out and half asleep.

  Standing on his porch still, Trina dragged her thoughts to the present once again, and glanced at her watch. It was eight-twenty-five.

  Where is Navarro? She knocked as loud as her fist would allow, thinking he really needed to get a doorbell. It was a big house not to have one. He still didn’t come to the door so she walked to the porch swing and placed the baked goods on the seat. She didn’t have paper or a pen but she hoped he’d guess who had brought them. Depression hit her. Had Navarro forgotten? It hurt. She walked down his steps to climb into her SUV.

  She had just put on her belt and started the engine when the lights of a vehicle drew her attention. It was heading her way. She killed the engine, got out of the SUV and put a smile on her face while she stood there waiting for Navarro to park. Relief hit her hard that he hadn’t stood her up. Thank God, he was just running late. But, it wasn’t Navarro’s truck. She frowned when a blond man climbed out of the vehicle.

  “Hi. I’m Adam. Are you Trina?”

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  “Navarro was hung up so he wants you to follow me out to the north barn where he is.”

  “Okay.” She was a bit surprised but Navarro worked with horses and she knew he had a barn since he’d told her he’d cleaned stalls. She just was stunned that he wanted her to come to him. “Lead the way.”

  “He said he’d be there for a while so you might be spending the night in the barn. He wanted me to give you the option of staying or going. One of the horses is having a hard birth so it could be a long damn night.”

  Indecision hit her. Was Navarro going to be annoyed with her if she actually came to the barn? Was he just too polite to call a rain check? Adam watched her as he rubbed his thigh, looking impatient.

  “He told me to tell you he’d like for you to come out there.”

  She nodded. “Okay. Hang on.” She ran up the porch steps to grab the tub and took it back to the SUV. “I’ll follow you.”

  He climbed back into his truck. The road wasn’t much more than a dirt trail through the high grass. Adam drove slowly and she wondered if he was doing it for her benefit. She smirked. Her SUV was tougher than the Ford the man in front of her drove because she had purposely bought a heavy-duty SUV knowing she was living in the boonies. They drove for about twenty minutes when she saw the barn with lights coming from an open door. Adam parked so she parked her SUV beside him.

  Adam opened the truck window and said, “He’s inside and I’m going home.” He tipped his cowboy hat. “Night.”

  Trina watched the guy drive away before getting out. Examining the open barn doors, she moved forward. Inside she saw stalls, a loft with an opening and ladder, but no Navarro. She smelled hay and then spotted a few horses that stared back at her over their stalls.

  “I’m here, babe,” Navarro called. “In the back to the left.”

  Trina followed his voice through the barn, finding him in the last open-door stall. She stared at Navarro, unable to help it. He was barefoot, shirtless, and petting a very pregnant mare that was leaning against the back stall wall. Navarro had his hair pulled back in a ponytail and as she studied him she noticed how tired he was.

  “How is she?”

  The smile didn’t reach his eyes. “It’s her first foal and she’s having a rough time of it. She’s not too stressed and the foal is turned right but I think it’s going to be a long labor. If things change I’ll call Mike Arles, the local vet. I don’t know if you met him in town or not yet.”

  “I haven’t. What can I do?”

  He patted the mare one last time before walking to Trina. “I’m sorry about this. How do you feel about camping out? Ever had sex in a barn before?”

  She looked into his eyes, trying to read his expression, and what she saw verified he was exhausted but trying to hide it. He was a proud man and he’d given her his word about her having him five nights a week. It seemed as though he was going to give her those evenings even if it killed him. He looked ready to fall on his face. She took a deep breath.

  “I’d love to spend the night. It’s my time, right?”

  “You know it, babe.”

  “Good. Here’s what I want. Tell me where we’re sleeping. Are there sleeping bags? Are they put down?”

  “I haven’t done that yet but I had Adam bring me a few and drop them in my truck bed. He also brought me a cooler with drinks and a few sandwiches since I missed dinner.” He reached for her. “Come here.”

  Trina shook her head. “My time, my dime, right?”

  A frown marred Navarro’s handsome face. “Are you mad? I’m sorry about this but Adam couldn’t sit with Willow. His brother is getting married and it’s the bachelor party tonight. He’s the best man.”

  “I swear I’m not mad. I’ll be right back.”

  She turned around and walked out of the barn to go in search of the sleeping bags, found them, and carried them back into the barn. Navarro was still standing where she’d left him with the same frown on his features until he saw her walk in with the sleeping bags. He looked surprised before moving toward her.

  “Let me do that, babe.”

  “Let me. Where are we sleeping?”

  He pointed. “There, so I can keep an eye on her but we’re outside the stall so she doesn’t step on us. I can do this.”

  She met his concerned gaze, smiling. “You take care of her and I’ll take care of this. Let me do it, okay? It will make me happy.” She winked at him. “I like to feel needed.”

  The smile he gave her was relieved and genuine as his tense body relaxed. “Okay.”

  Navarro returned to the stall while she unzipped one sleeping bag to spread it out and used the second one for a top blanket. She left the barn to find the cooler in the back of Navarro’s truck and carried in the heavy box, setting it down by the sleeping bag bed she’d laid out. On her last trip outside to her SUV, she grabbed the tub along with her purse. She hesitated before grabbing the towel she kept in the SUV to put on her seat when it got hot and tossed it over her purse while she carried everything into the barn. With a glance down at the soft dirt floor, she kicked her shoes off.

  “Is anyone going to show up or is it just us tonight?”

  Navarro looked over his shoulder at her. “Just us. Adam won’t be back until tomorrow. He’s the only one who is working with me right now.”

  She reached under her shirt to unfasten her bra, removed it, and dropped it on the tub, and then removed her jeans. Navarro grinned, watching her get comfortable now that she just wore her undies and shirt. She smiled back at him and then went to her knees on the sleeping bag to open up the cooler. She took out two sandwiches for him and got out a coke. She met his gaze.

  “Come eat.”

  He petted the mare before walking to a hose first to wash his hands and used his jeans to pat them dry. He thanked her when he took a seat on the edge of the bed she’d made. As Navarro inhaled both sandwiches she studied him closely, taking note of the exhaustion in his eyes and in his s
agging shoulders.

  “You’ve had a rough day.”

  “It’s been a long one.”

  “You need rest. Can you lie down and take a nap?”

  He frowned. “You’re here and we have plans. We’re in a barn so I was thinking up what I wanted to do to you here.”

  “Navarro,” she said softly. “Take a nap first. Please? That would make me happy. I can see that you’re beat.”


  “My dime, my time. I want you to lie down and let me touch you until you drift to sleep. You need some rest. We can have sex later.”

  “If you touch me we’re going to have sex before I get some sleep.” He grinned. “Hang on. Let me turn down the lights so we can settle in. If Willow gets into trouble we’ll know it. She’s not shy about making a ruckus if she needs attention.”

  Trina watched Navarro get to his feet to close the barn doors before he switched the overhead lights to a dimmer setting. The door was wood with large gaps in the gate so they could see Willow clearly when he closed that door to keep the horse corralled. He stripped out of his jeans and briefs, down to bare skin.

  Trina reached for her purse, wishing she had lotion but she did have sunscreen, deciding it would have to do. It was greasy but not too bad and it smelled really good as she spread it on both hands. Navarro’s eyebrows arched.


  “Lie down on your stomach.” She moved the top sleeping bag with her thumb. “Stretch out so I can give you a backrub.”

  He looked shocked. “A backrub? Seriously?”

  She smiled at him. “I took a class.”

  A grin split his lips. “Seriously?”

  A laugh burst from her. “No, but I could. Now stretch out here and let me rub you down, sexy.”

  As tired as he was, Navarro was hard, still ready to have sex. She watched him grin at her as he sat on the sleeping bag. Staring at his aroused, stiff cock, she realized what she needed to take care of.

  “I changed my mind. I want you to lie on your back first.”

  Without protest, he stretched out on his back. “You want to ride me?” He tapped his thighs, spreading his legs apart a little. “Climb on, babe. I’ve wanted you all day.”

  She poured more sunscreen on her hands, the scent of coconut filled the air, smelling really good. She grinned and moved between his thighs. He opened wider to give her room, and she stared into his eyes.

  “Relax and enjoy.”

  The sunscreen made her hand slippery as it moved over his shaft, coating him. Her other hand cupped his balls, playing with them, stroking and massaging. A groan came from Navarro as he exhaled. Smiling, Trina watched his body react as she slowly rubbed him for a while, his soft moans and uneven breathing telling her how much he was enjoying her touch. When he tensed up and his balls tightened in her hand telling her he was going to come, she squeezed his shaft just a little tighter, and moved her hand faster. Navarro threw back his head and said her name loudly when he came. She used the towel to clean them both as Navarro lay spent, trying to catch his breath.

  “Roll over on your stomach now that you don’t have a kickstand.”

  Navarro chuckled at her joke but he really looked exhausted at that point. “Lie on your back. It’s my turn.”

  “Please roll over.” As much as she wanted him between her thighs, making her feel the kind of pleasure she knew he could give her, she wanted to take care of him more. “I am going to give you that back massage.”

  The second he rolled onto his stomach Trina straddled his ass. She knew he could probably feel how wet and turned-on she was even through her panties. To her amusement he turned his head to grin at her knowingly, verifying he definitely was aware of her state of sexual awareness of him. She grinned back and inched upward to straddle him higher, to get a good position.

  “I want you to relax and just enjoy what I do to you.” She poured a healthy dose of sunscreen on her hands. “You’ve had a hard day and you deserve this.”

  Something flickered in his eyes, an emotion she couldn’t read, then it was gone. He hesitated and then nodded. She was relieved that he wasn’t going to argue with her. She really did want to do something nice for him and a good massage would relax him enough to sleep, something he desperately needed.

  “Only if you wake me if I fall asleep. It’s my turn, babe. I want to make you come.”

  “I will,” she lied easily, a smile on her lips.

  Navarro laid his cheek against the bedding as she started to spread lotion on him. She waited until he closed his eyes before she leaned forward to spread her hands out on his broad shoulders. She loved touching his warm skin and the muscles she gripped revealed he was tense. A soft grunt came from him.

  “Damn, babe. That feels amazing. I can’t remember the last time someone rubbed me.”

  “It’s my pleasure.”

  Navarro’s body relaxed even more under hers as she rubbed him, massaged his shoulders and his lower back. She knew when he drifted to sleep as he quietly started to snore, just verifying to her once more that he was as exhausted as he’d looked. She eased off him, careful not to wake him, and used the towel to clean her hands. The scent of coconut filled the air, masking some of the horse and hay scents that filled the barn.

  The mare stood silently in the stall and looked fine when Trina glanced that way. She stretched out next to Navarro as she covered him with the other sleeping bag. Gently, she tugged his hair free from the band that held it.

  The one light in the barn was dim enough that Trina knew she could sleep lying on her back next to Navarro without it disturbing her. She hesitated and then reached down as she turned her head, watching Navarro sleep with his face turned her way. He was so damn handsome that he took her breath away. In sleep, his features had softened, making him appear younger and more vulnerable. He was the sexiest man she’d ever met.

  Knowing she shouldn’t, she still slipped her finger inside the edge of her panties where she was soaking them. While watching Navarro sleep she rubbed tight circles around her clit with her fingertip and imagined it was his digit touching her. In record time she came, eased her finger out of her undies, and turned on her side to curl into his big, warm body.

  The fact that she was sleeping in a barn on the floor and she didn’t care because Navarro was next to her wasn’t lost on her. She curled tightly against his large frame, enjoying the closeness and his warmth. She yawned, drifting to sleep.

  * * * * *

  When Navarro got up, it woke her and she heard Willow panting hard. Navarro just put on his briefs and opened the gate to the stall, cursed, and turned around to run across the barn. The overhead lights came on, blinding Trina when she sat up in time to watch Navarro sprint back into the stall. She got to her feet as he walked behind the mare.

  “What can I do?”

  Navarro didn’t look at her. “Just stay back, babe. She’s about to give birth.”

  Nervousness hit Trina hard. Navarro moved around the mare examining her at every angle before he urged Willow to lie down on her side. The mare was freaking out a little and she looked scared. Navarro got down on his knees at her tail and Trina only hesitated a second before walking into the stall and going to her knees at the mare’s head to rub her face.

  “It’s all right, baby,” she crooned.


  Trina looked over the horse at Navarro, seeing his grim expression, meeting his worried gaze. “Is she going to be okay?”

  “She should be but this just isn’t going the way I wanted it to.” He was physically examining the horse. “I feel hooves so that’s good. Just talk to her and keep petting her. If she tries to lift her head, keep it down even if you have to lie across her. I don’t want her trying to stand.”

  The next twenty minutes passed in a blur while Trina tried to sooth and keep Willow down, having to hold her when the mare tried to get up a few times. Navarro had talked Trina through how to keep the horse calm. As he moved behind the m
are Trina saw him tense and watched in awe as Navarro helped birth the foal. He pulled as the mare struggled to push until the foal finally was free. Navarro grabbed towels to rub at the foal vigorously while Trina blinked back tears, watching with amazement as Navarro helped the foal to stand. It wobbled but it stayed up.

  “Let her up.”

  Trina moved back to get out of the way as Willow struggled but got to her feet. The new mother turned, heading for her foal, and Navarro backed away, taking the bloody towels with him. Both of them ended up outside the stall, watching Willow tend to her baby.

  “Damn. That was scary.”

  Trina stared up at Navarro. “You were remarkable and you didn’t look scared once.”

  “Willow is one of my favorites and I didn’t want to lose her. She had a hard time birthing so I don’t think I’m going to breed her again.”

  She wasn’t sure what to say so she just looked at Navarro, realizing he had blood and gore on him from the birth. “Why don’t I drive you to the house so you can shower?”

  He looked down his body. “Nah. Can you hold the hose? I don’t want to leave them alone until Adam gets here to watch over them.”

  He walked to a stall near the front of the barn, jerking his head so Trina understood. She opened the stall to see the space had been converted into a large shower with a drain in the floor and a spray-nozzle hose lying nearby. Navarro removed his briefs. They needed to be thrown away. He stood naked, staring at her, grinning.

  “The water is damn cold.”

  She winced. “Sorry.”

  “Hit me from the neck down and get my arms really well.” He made a face, grimacing. “There’s soap on the shelf there. Once I’m wet, please hand it to me.”

  The water wasn’t cold, it was freezing. Goose bumps covered every inch of his skin and guilt ate at Trina as she soaked Navarro from the neck down. She handed him a bottle labeled soap. He scrubbed every inch of his body while she hosed him off. He told her where the towels were so she grabbed two and ran back to the stall where Navarro waited with clenched teeth, his entire body shaking.