Page 15 of Elsie at Home


  Lucilla was in bed but not asleep. She had retired to her room when theguests went to theirs, and without a formal good-night to her father,trusting to his coming to her there for a few moment's chat, as healmost always did. But he had not come, and she felt sorelydisappointed. It was a beautiful, luxuriously furnished room, this bedchamber of hers--the view from its windows, a lovely one of carefullykept grounds, cultivated fields, woods, and streams; all looking theirloveliest just now as seen by the silver light of the moon, which shonein upon her through rich lace curtains, gently wafted to and fro by thesummer breeze as it came in laden with the sweet scent of flowers fromthe garden below.

  "What a sweet, lovely home I have! Oh, how much to be thankful for! goodhealth, kind friends, and such a dear father!" she said half aloud; "butI want a good-night kiss and a word or two of fatherly affection, andit does seem as if I can't go to sleep without it. Oh, dear! can it bethat he is displeased with me about anything? I am not conscious ofhaving done anything he would disapprove."

  "Nor have you, so far as I know, daughter mine," said a pleasant voiceclose at her side, while a hand was laid tenderly on her head.

  "Oh, papa!" she cried joyously, starting up to a sitting posture as shespoke. "I did not know you were there--did not hear you come in; but Iam so glad you have come!"

  "Are you?" he asked, seating himself on the side of the bed and drawingher into his arms. "Well, daughter, it is only for a moment, to bid yougood-night, as usual, and see that you are in need of nothing. Tell me,are all your wants supplied?"

  "Yes, sir; now that I have my father here to give me his good-night kissand blessing. Ah! papa dear, I do not know how I could ever live awayfrom you again. I am so glad you no longer have to go sailing away overthe ocean, leaving your children behind."

  "I am glad of it, too," he returned, "but I sometimes fear that the daymay come when my dear eldest daughter will want to leave me for a homewith someone else."

  "Indeed, father dear, you need not have the slightest fear of that," shesaid, laying her head against his breast with a low, happy laugh. "I amsure there isn't in the wide world any other man whom I could love halfso well as I do you. I am just as glad to belong to you now as ever Iwas."

  "And don't want me to give you away?"

  "No, no, indeed!" she cried with energy. "Oh, papa! you surely are notthinking of such a thing? You have said, over and over again, that youwould not,--at least not for years yet,--even if I wanted you to."

  "And I say the same now; so don't be wanting me to," he returned injesting tone, and laying her down upon her pillow as he spoke. "Now goto sleep at once, that you may be ready to rise at your usual early hourand join your father in the morning stroll about the grounds. 'The Lordbless thee and keep thee; the Lord make his face shine upon thee, and begracious unto thee; the Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, andgive thee peace,'" he added in tender, solemn tones, his hand restingupon her head as he spoke.

  Then, with a good-night kiss upon her lips, he left her, and contentedand happy she speedily passed into the land of dreams.

  The captain, passing through Grace's room to his own, paused for amoment at her bedside, bent over her, and kissed the sweet lips; but sheslept on, unconscious of the caress.

  He found Violet still awake, repeated to her his little talk withLucilla, and added, with evident satisfaction, "I feel convinced that,as yet, no one has made any impression upon her heart, that I, herfather, still hold the fort there."

  "Yes; I have hardly a doubt of it," returned Violet; "and it may be manya long day before she is deluded into thinking there is any other manwho begins to compare to him; something that I have known for years wasnot the case," she concluded with a happy laugh.

  The sun was hardly above the horizon when Lucilla awoke; but she sprangup hastily, with the thought that her father would soon be out in thegrounds, and she wanted to be with him. There would be a great deal toattend to in preparation for their expected guests, and perhaps shecould be of some assistance; at all events she would like to see allthat was going on, and give her opinion on any doubtful subject.

  So she lost no time about attending to the duties of the hour and place,spending a little time upon her knees, asking for the watchful care ofher Heavenly Father through all the day, that she might be kept fromfolly and sin, and have strength and wisdom to do every duty and meetevery trial, and beseeching his blessing upon all her dear ones, notforgetting the dear brother so far away from home and kindred. Then shemade a rapid but careful toilet, and hastened, with light, swiftfootsteps, down the broad stairway and out upon the veranda, where shefound her father in consultation with Christine, the housekeeper.

  Blithe good-mornings were exchanged, Christine went back into the house,and father and daughter walked out together into the grounds.

  Preparations were going on for the entertainment of the expected guests,old and young, and Lucilla was not only permitted, but invited to giveher opinion in regard to them all, and any suggestions that might occurto her; which she did frankly and fully, and with the result that morethan one of them was adopted; for her father wished to please her andhad great confidence in her opinion of such matters. There were croquetand tennis grounds, swings in the shade of the trees in the grove;inviting-looking seats there, and in other suitable places; there wereshaded walks and winding paths through the woods; indeed, every sort ofarrangement for recreation and pleasure that could be thought of andprepared for in the allotted space.

  Captain Raymond and his daughter walked about inspecting everything,until they had gone over the whole place, giving all needed directionsto the workmen who were busied here and there with some alterations thecaptain had decided upon the previous day, then returned to the house,for it was nearing breakfast time.

  They found Violet, Grace, and the two younger children on the veranda.Morning greetings were exchanged, then Lucilla hurried to her rooms tomake some changes in her dress and was coming down again when thebreakfast bell rang.

  It was a cheerful, even merry, party that gathered about the table topartake of the meal, an excellent one; for the captain and Violet weremost hospitable entertainers.

  The talk ran principally upon the sports that would enliven andentertain the company during the day; suggestions from any and every onebeing in order; and, by the time the meal was concluded, all felt thatthey had every prospect of a most enjoyable holiday.

  "The weather could not be more propitious than it is," remarked CaptainKeith. "You began your enjoyment of it early, Miss Lu," turning toLucilla. "I happened to be at my window and saw you and your father outin the grounds."

  "Yes," she said, "papa and I usually do take a stroll about them beforebreakfast. He is always an early riser. I inherit the taste for it fromhim and, being in excellent health, can indulge it without injury."

  "Which is something to be thankful for," he said with a smile.

  "Yes, indeed!" she returned heartily. "Health and strength are thegreatest of earthly blessings. I would not part with them for any amountof money."

  "No; money cannot buy health and strength, though they may give one theability to earn money. You, however, have a father able and willing tofurnish all you may need of it."

  "Yes," said the captain in his pleasant way, "but that daughter of minelikes to make herself useful to me, and does so to such an extent that Ireally think she earns all she gets."

  "Oh, no, papa, not half!" exclaimed Lucilla, blushing with pleasurenevertheless. "And that reminds me that I have not asked about your mailthis morning. Are there some letters to be answered on the typewriter?"

  "I have been as forgetful as yourself, daughter," her father answeredwith a slight laugh. "Scip" (to a servant in waiting), "is the mail bagon the library table?"

  "I think so, sah. Shall I fotch it hyar?"

  "Yes; bring it here to me."

  It was brought, opened, and found to contain letters for family andguests, besides newspapers and magazines.
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  They were speedily distributed to the owners, read,--some of themaloud,--and their contents talked over.

  Then all adjourned to the library for the morning service of prayer,praise, and reading of the Scriptures, after which they scattered aboutthe house and grounds.

  Captain Raymond's share of the mail had included some business letters,and he called upon Lucilla to use her typewriter in preparing hisreplies, which she did promptly and cheerfully.

  "Thank you, daughter," he said when they had finished, "you and yourtypewriter make my correspondence far less burdensome than it would beotherwise."

  "I am so glad, papa! so glad that I can be of at least a little help toyou," she said joyously. "It is such a privilege, and such a pleasure!"

  "Dear child!" he said in response. Then, as the sound of wheels on thedrive without came to their ears, "Ah! our guests are beginning toarrive, and we must go out and bid them welcome."

  Several carriage loads were already there, and others quickly followedtill, in a very short time, all the expected relatives were present.

  Then mirth and jollity ruled the hour, all--old and young--seeming ingayest spirits and ready to join in any amusement that might beproposed. Mr. and Mrs. Croly were among the guests. She had gained somaterially in health and strength that she was able--resting in aneasy-chair upon the veranda--to watch the sports of the younger andhealthier ones with interest and enjoyment; and to converse with one andanother as they came in turn to chat with her for a time. At length,finding herself alone with Grandma Elsie for a while, she turned to her,saying in a sprightly way:

  "I am getting so much better under the skilful treatment of Dr. Conlythat I ventured on quite a drive this morning, and we went to look at alittle place, some ten or more acres in extent, about which your sonDoctor Harold was telling us yesterday. It is on the river bank, thelawn sloping down to the water, and it is hardly farther from Ion thanthis place. It is for sale. The house is small, but pretty, and couldeasily be added to, and so made as large as one might wish."

  "Riverside is the name of the estate?" Mrs. Travilla said inquiringly.

  "Yes; a pretty one we both--Mr. Croly and I--think, and we have aboutdecided to buy it and enlarge and beautify the dwelling for ourchildren,--our son and your daughter,--if you think that would pleasedear Rosie."

  "I think it could not fail to do so," Mrs. Travilla replied, her eyessparkling with pleasure. "It will be a great pleasure to me to have ourchildren so near, and I was thinking of making the purchase for themmyself. It was only this morning I learned that the place was for sale."

  "Ah!" laughed Mrs. Croly, "don't try to get ahead of us. We want theplace ourselves, and it won't hurt the young folks to wait for it tillwe are gone; especially as we intend it to be as much a home for themimmediately as if they were sole proprietors."

  "And they will enjoy it all the more for having their kind parents withthem," was Mrs. Travilla's pleased response.

  Then they fell to talking of alterations and additions to the dwelling,and plans for furnishing and decorating it and the grounds.

  "I am very glad indeed that you and your husband have decided to settlein this neighbourhood," said Mrs. Travilla; "glad that we are to havethe pleasure of your society, and that Rosie's married home will not beat a distance from that of her childhood. I have been very fortunate inbeing able thus far to keep all my children near me."

  "Yes, I think so; and I do not wonder that they and you wish to keeptogether. I feel just so in regard to my one. Ah! who are those twoladies approaching on the driveway?"

  "One I call mamma," Mrs. Travilla said with a smile; "she is my father'ssecond wife, and has been my dear mother since I was a little girl often. The other is Aunt Adelaide, a half sister of my father, whomarried a brother of Mamma Rose--Mr. Edward Allison of Philadelphia."

  "Ah, yes! I recognize Mrs. Dinsmore, now that they have drawn nearer,and Mrs. Allison as someone to whom I have been introduced; but I havemet so many strangers in the last few days that I suppose I may beexcused for not remembering her name and connection with you and ourRosie," she concluded with a smile, adding, "You will excuse me, I know,for claiming Rosie as mine as well as yours, because it is so sweet tome to have a daughter at long last."

  "I am very glad you feel it so," Mrs. Travilla returned with a sweet,sympathising look and smile, "and I hope my Rosie will prove to you thesweet and lovable daughter that she has always been to me."

  Just at that moment the other ladies joined them, and the four enteredinto a lively conversation, talking of Riverside and the improvementsneeded there, what a lovely home it would make for the Crolys, howpleasant it would be to have them so near, and how delightful for Rosiethat thus she would escape the dreaded separation from her mother.

  "Yes," said Mrs. Croly, "I cannot tell you how glad I was to learn ofthis beautiful place, so near to Ion, for sale; for I felt badly overthe thought that we were robbing Mrs. Travilla of the companionship ofso sweet a daughter. Besides I am anxious to remain in thisneighbourhood, that I may continue under the care of Dr. Conly; for hehas helped me more than any other physician I ever tried."

  That remark seemed gratifying to all three of her listeners, and Mrs.Dinsmore said: "We are glad to hear it; for Dr. Conly is dear to us all,as relative, friend, and physician."

  "He has a lovely young wife," was Mrs. Croly's next remark; "and adarling baby boy of whom they are both very proud and fond."

  "Yes," said Mrs. Travilla, "it does one good to see how happy they arein the possession of it and of each other. Arthur remained single foryears; I think to provide, or assist in providing, for his mother,sisters, and younger brothers, but he seems to be reaping his rewardnow in having a wife who is a great comfort and blessing to him."

  "She is that, indeed!" said Mrs. Allison emphatically. "Ah! speak ofangels--here they come!" as Dr. Conly and his young wife were seenapproaching, followed by a nurse carrying the infant.

  In another minute they had joined the group on the veranda, where thedoctor speedily ensconced his wife in an easy-chair, placed himself inanother by her side, and taking the baby from the nurse, held it up witha look of fatherly pride, asking the older ladies, "Isn't this a prettyfine specimen of babyhood, considering that he is my son?"

  "Yes, indeed!" laughed Mrs. Allison, "it is singular that so poor aspecimen of manhood as my nephew, Arthur Conly, should have so fine ason. But he may have got his good looks from his mother; though I do notperceive that she has lost any."

  "Now, Aunt Adelaide, after that you will do well to take care not tofall ill and get into the doctor's hands," laughed Marian.

  "My dear," said the doctor, "can you suppose I object to having my wifepraised? or my son, even at his father's expense?"

  "No, I know you do not," she returned. "I verily believe you wouldsacrifice everything for him except his mother."

  "Did he let you take part in any of the games?" asked Adelaide.

  "Oh, I didn't ask to!" said Marian. "I have grown so lazy that I thoughtit more fun to watch the others."

  "Captain Raymond and Violet seem to be enjoying tennis as much as any ofthe rest," remarked Mrs. Dinsmore, who was watching the game with keeninterest.

  "Yes," said Dr. Conly, "all--old and young--seem very happy andinterested in their various sports; and I think are gaining health andstrength from the vigorous exercise in this pure air."

  Most of the company were engaged in games of one kind or another, butsome few were wandering about in the alleys of the garden or wood, orsitting on the grass or some rustic bench, chatting sociably, as cousinsand connections might be expected to do. Dr. Dick Percival and MaudDinsmore were among the latter. They had had a game of tennis and werenow refreshing themselves with a saunter through the wood.

  "I admire this place--Woodburn," said Maud. "Captain Raymond has, Ithink, made a sort of earthly paradise of it; though for that matter onemight say pretty much the same of The Oaks, Ion, and several of theother family estates."

p; "Yes; including those down in Louisiana," returned Dick--"Viamede,Magnolia Hall, and a few others. By the way, you have never been downthere, have you?"

  "No, never; but I am hoping that Cousin Elsie will invite me one ofthese days."

  "Suppose you don't wait for that, but accept an invitation from me,"suggested Dick, giving her a very lover-like look and smile.

  "From you?" she exclaimed, her tone expressing surprise and a littlebewilderment, "are you staying there?"

  "At Viamede? No, not now. I have bought a plantation not very far fromthere, and am trying to make it equal in beauty to Viamede. It will, ofcourse, take some time to accomplish that; but, to me, Torriswood seemseven now a very winsome place. And if I had my cousin Maud installedthere, as mistress, I should be one of the happiest of men."

  "Oh! you want me to become your housekeeper?"

  "Yes; housekeeper, homekeeper, heartkeeper--everything! Oh, Mauddarling! can't you understand that I love you and want you for my wife,my best, nearest, and dearest friend, my heart's idol? I love you in away that I never loved anyone else. Can't you love me in the sameway--as something nearer and dearer than a mere cousin?"

  Maud was blushing, trembling--wholly taken by surprise and hardlyknowing whether to be glad or sorry. "Oh, Dick! how can you?" shestammered. "We are cousins, you know, and--and cousins ought not to--tomarry. I have often heard Cousin Arthur say so."

  "Not first cousins, nor second, but we are neither; we are far enoughremoved to be entirely safe so far as that is concerned. So dearest,you need not hesitate on that account, if you feel that you can love mewell enough to be happy as my wife. Can you? If you cannot now, I may beable to teach you to by clever courting. But I need a wife--I do indeed;and I don't know how to wait. Don't make me wait. Can't you give me yourlove--at least a little of it?"

  "Oh, Dick! do you really care so much for me and my love--really love mein that way?" she asked low and tremulously, her eyes full of happytears. "I never thought of such a thing before; but--but I do believe Ican--I do love you better than any other of my cousins; betterthan--than anybody else in the world."

  "Ah! dearest, you have made me very, very happy," he said joyously;"happier than I ever was in my life before, and I shall go home farricher than I came."

  As he spoke he drew her to a rustic seat in a nook so concealed by thetrees and shrubbery and the winding of the path that they were entirelyhidden from view, and, putting an arm about her he held her close withsilent caresses that seemed very sweet to her; for she had been anorphan for years, and often hungry for love greater than that of brotheror sister.

  "Maud, dear," he said presently, "we have given ourselves to each other,and why should we delay the final step? I do not want to go back to myhome alone; will you not go with me? It would make me the happiest ofmen."

  "But--but you are going very soon, I understood--in a few days."

  "Yes; it would hardly do for me to wait longer than that; but what isthe use of waiting? We know each other now as thoroughly as we ever cantill we live together as man and wife."

  "But I should have no time to prepare my wardrobe----"

  "It is good enough, and can be easily added to when you are Mrs.Percival," he said with a low, gleeful laugh. "I am ready to take you,my darling, if you were without a single change of raiment. I do notthink you know it, dearest, but I am no longer the poor relation I usedto be. I have had a large practise, worked hard, and made some veryfortunate investments, so that I can truly say that I am a fairlywealthy man. Ah, do give yourself into my keeping at once. I am heartilytired of my lonely bachelor life, and it will be great joy to me if Ican go back, not to it, but to that of a happy married man. How a dearlittle wife--such as my cousin Maud would make--would brighten and makecheery that lonely home. Can you find it in your heart to refuse me thefavour I ask, sweet one?"

  "I do not like to refuse you anything, dear Dick," she returned; "but itis all so sudden and unexpected; do let me have a little time to thinkit over and--and consult my friends and yours."

  "Ah, well! I will try to wait patiently," he sighed; "wait, hoping youwill grant my request."

  "Oh, Dick, dear Dick! I really do feel like doing anything in the worldthat I can to make you happy. I will do whatever you wish, no matterwhat other people may say. Only," she added, as if with suddenrecollection, "I suppose we must ask Uncle Dinsmore's consent."

  "Yes; but I have no fear that it will be withheld. He and I are nostrangers to each other; he is my uncle, too, you know, and was myguardian while I was young enough to need one. I think he will bepleased that we are going into partnership,--you and I,--and will agreewith me that the sooner we begin the better."

  "Provided that allows me time to get properly ready," she supplementedwith an arch look and smile.

  "What preparation do you need?" he asked. "I am more than willing totake you just as you are. You look perfectly charming in that dress,and, for a wedding dress, the one you wore as bridesmaid to Cousin Rosieseems to me entirely suitable. Indeed, my darling, you look bewitchinglypretty in any and every thing you put on."

  "Oh, you flatterer!" she laughed. "I can't expect other people to seewith your eyes; but, after all, the principal thing is to please you.That will be my business for the rest of my life, I suppose," she added,giving him a look of ardent affection.

  "And mine to please you, dearest. Shall we not follow Rosie's goodexample in making no secret of our engagement; at least so far as ourown people here assembled are concerned? Will you let me take you backto the house now and introduce you there as my promised wife?"

  "Do just as you please about it, Cousin Dick," she said. "You are olderand wiser than I."

  "I certainly am older," he said laughingly as they rose, and he gave herhis arm; "but if I am wiser in some respects, you doubtless are in someothers. Perhaps we will find out all about that when we get tohousekeeping together."

  Mr. Dinsmore had joined the group on the veranda. Mr. Lilburn and Annis,Captain Raymond and Violet were there, too, and some others of themarried people, among them Mr. Horace Dinsmore, Jr., of The Oaks, andhis wife, as Dick and Maud came up the steps together. He led herdirectly to his uncle.

  "We have come for your blessing, sir, Cousin Maud and I," he said inclear, distinct tones. "Will you give her to me? She is willing that youshould, and I promise to do all in my power to provide for her and makeher happy."

  "Why, children, this is a surprise--but a pleasant one," exclaimed Mr.Dinsmore. "Yes, I give you my blessing and wish you many happy yearstogether."

  Then the others crowded about with exclamations of surprise andpleasure, congratulations, good wishes, and questions. "How long hadthey been lovers?" "Did they expect to marry very soon?"

  "Yes, almost immediately," Dick answered to that last. "What was thereto wait for? They were old enough to know their own minds, he was wellable to support a wife, and had a home ready for her. It needed someimprovements to be sure, but they could be made all the better with Maudthere to give her opinion and advice."

  "But she must have time to prepare her trousseau," said young Mrs.Dinsmore.

  "I have just been coaxing her out of that notion," laughed Dick,regarding his promised wife with admiring eyes. "I want her, and thewedding finery can be attended to somewhat later. I don't think anythingcould be prettier or more becoming than the dress she wore at CousinRosie's wedding, and why can't she be married in that?"

  "Why, it would do, I suppose!" exclaimed Mrs. Dinsmore. "It is verypretty and becoming, and, with a bridal veil added, would make asuitable and handsome wedding dress."

  "A wedding dress? Who is going to be married now?" cried a girlishvoice, and Sydney and Walter were seen coming up the steps. All turnedat the sound of her voice, and Dick answered:

  "Your sister and I, Cousin Syd. Are you willing to take me for abrother?"

  "You!" she exclaimed, "you, Cousin Dick? Why, I never dreamed of such athing! But I have no objection; no, not the least in the world--exceptthat you'll b
e taking my sister away from me; I don't like that at all."

  "No, Coz, that is altogether a mistake," Dick hastened to say. "I don'twant to separate you and Maud, and you have only to come along with usto escape that. You will find plenty of room and a warm welcome atTorriswood."

  "Thank you," she said; "but it's so sudden I can't realise it at allyet. When did you make up your minds to get married?"

  "Half an hour ago, perhaps; I forgot to look at my watch to take exactnote of the time."

  "Oh! is that the way you do when you are taking note of a patient'spulse, or the time for administering a dose of medicine?"

  But Dick was saved the trouble of replying, as relatives, older andyounger, came crowding up to learn what was going on.

  Chester and Frank were as much surprised as Sydney had been, but by nomeans displeased. They liked Dick as a cousin and had no objection toaccepting him as a brother-in-law. The newly affianced had no frowns orobjections to meet; everybody seemed pleased and interested, and theonly queries were as to when and where the marriage should take place.

  "It should be at The Oaks, of course," said young Mr. Dinsmore. "That isher home, and has been for years."

  "And it was there mamma was married," said Violet, "and Maud might standin the very same place."

  "Yes, I should be glad to have her do so," said Mrs. Travilla; "and sheand Dick need ask nothing more than that their marriage may prove ashappy a one as mine."

  "Yes, Cousin Elsie, I agree with you in that," said Maud. "I will bemarried at The Oaks, if Dick is satisfied to have it so."

  "Entirely," he said; "and now it remains only to fix upon the day andhour."

  That question seemed more difficult to settle than the other; but Dickfinally had his way, and the morning of the day on which he was to startfor the far South was fixed upon as the time for the ceremony. The otherrelatives from a distance would delay their departure long enough to bepresent, the older Mr. Cyril Keith was chosen as the officiatingminister, and everyone seemed satisfied with all the arrangements.