Page 16 of Elsie at Home


  It had been a very enjoyable, but an exciting day; the little ones wereweary with their sports, and all the guests, except those who weremaking Woodburn their temporary home, departed shortly after an earlytea, and directly after the evening service of prayer and praise theladies of the family retired to their rooms. At length Captains Raymondand Keith found themselves alone together upon the veranda.

  "Raymond," said the younger man, breaking a pause in their talk, "I havea great favour to ask of you."

  "Ah! what is it, Keith? Surely you do not need to be told that it wouldgive me pleasure to do you any favour in my power."

  "Ah, I fear you hardly realise how much you are promising. Do youremember the talk we had some years ago at West Point?"

  "Yes; but do you remember that the subject was not to be referredto--at least the question you asked not to be repeated--for six years,and that it is now only five?"

  "Yes; but one year cannot make much difference, and it is highlyprobable that I may not be able to get here next year. Am I asking toomuch in begging you to let me speak now--before I go? Understand I amnot asking leave to take her--your beautiful, charming daughter--awayfrom you now, but only to tell the story of my love; for it has come tothat, that I am deeply in love with her; only to tell the story and tryto win a return of my affection and a promise that, at some future day,I may claim her for my own."

  "I would rather not, Keith; she is only a child," Captain Raymondreplied in moved tones. "But since you are so urgent, and are so old andvalued a friend, I don't like to refuse you. You may speak to her; butwith the clear understanding, remember, that I will on no account allowher to marry for some time to come; I do not want to allow it before sheis twenty-four or five."

  "Thank you," said Keith heartily; "that will be a long time to wait,but she is well worth waiting for. But do you think I have any reason tohope to win her--that she likes me in the very least?"

  "I am certain she has no dislike to you; that she feels kindly towardyou as a relative and friend of the family; but I tell you candidly thatI am well-nigh convinced that she has never thought of looking upon youas a lover; and it is a great happiness to me to be able to believe thatshe still loves her father better than any other man living."

  "Still it is possible you may be mistaken," Keith rejoined after amoment's discouraged silence, "and since I have your permission, I shalltry what clever courting will do for me."

  A momentary silence followed, broken by Captain Raymond. "I fear I am afoolish, fond father, Keith. I have a very strong friendship for you,and there is no man to whom I would sooner trust my daughter'shappiness, but yet I cannot wish you success in winning her; because,being in the army, you would necessarily take her to a distance from herhome and me. But, as I have said, you may try, though with the fullunderstanding that not for some years to come will I resign my custodyof her. She is my own dear child, and, in my esteem, still much tooyoung to leave my fostering care and assume the duties andresponsibilities of wifehood and motherhood."

  "I don't blame you, Raymond, and shall not try to persuade her to goagainst her father's wishes in regard to the time of assuming the caresand duties you speak of," said Keith, heaving an involuntary sigh atthought of the years of bachelorhood still evidently in store for him."I only wish I were sure of her even after serving seven years, as Jacobdid for Rachel."

  "Well, I shall not cheat you as Laban did poor Jacob," returned CaptainRaymond pleasantly. "By the way, Cousins Dick and Maud made quick workof their courting, and the marriage is to follow very speedily. In mostcases such speedy work would be risky enough, but they know all abouteach other--at least so far as a couple may before the knot is tiedwhich makes them one flesh. I think very highly of both, and hope it isgoing to be a most happy marriage."

  "I hope it may, indeed," said Keith. "Maud will be hurried with herpreparations; more so than most ladies would like, I presume."

  "Yes; but really it will be just as well, I think, under all thecircumstances. To-morrow we are all to spend one half the day atRoselands, the other at Pine Grove; the next day we go to Beechwood;then Thursday we are to have the wedding at The Oaks, and that night, orthe next morning, most of the friends from a distance contemplatestarting for their homes."

  "Yes, I among the rest," said Keith.

  "I need hardly say, for surely you cannot doubt it, that I should beglad to have you remain longer with us if Uncle Sam would permit it,"said Captain Raymond with cordial hospitality.

  "Thank you," returned Keith, "but that is more than I could expect evenwere there time to ask it, which there is not." Then, rising, "Itstrikes me that it is high time to be making ready for bed. Good-night,Raymond, my good friend; sweet sleep and pleasant dreams to you," and,with the last word, he held out his hand.

  Captain Raymond grasped it heartily, saying, "Good-night, Keith; I wishyou the same. May He who never slumbers nor sleeps have us all in hiskind care and keeping."

  In the principal event of the past day--the engagement of Dick Percivaland Maud Dinsmore--and the talk of other days and events which ensued,Mrs. Elsie Travilla's thoughts had been carried back to the happy timeof her own betrothal and marriage to the one whom she had so loved asfriend, lover, and husband. She seemed to see him again as he was then,to hear his low breathed words of tenderest affection, and her tearsfell fast at the thought that never again in this life should theirsweet music fall upon her ear.

  But well she knew that the separation was only temporary; that theyshould meet again in the better land, where sickness, sorrow, and deathcan never enter, meet never more to part.

  She was alone in her boudoir, and, wiping away her tears, she kneltdown in prayer, asking for strength to bear patiently and submissivelythe loss that was at times so grievous, and craving God's blessing uponthe young relatives so soon to take upon them the marriage vows. Nor didshe forget her own daughter so recently united to the man of her choice,or any other of her dear ones. Her heart swelled with joy and gratitudeas she thought of them all, healthy, happy, and in comfortablecircumstances; her dear old father and his lovely wife still spared toher, and the dear grandchildren who seemed to renew to her the youthfuldays of her own children, the fathers and mothers of these.

  Her thoughts were still full of motherly and grandmotherly cares andjoys as she laid her head upon her pillow and passed into the land ofdreams.

  When she awoke again it was to find the sun shining and the air full ofthe breath of flowers and the morning songs of the little birds in thetree tops just beyond her windows. She rose and knelt beside her bed,while her heart sent up its song of gratitude and praise, its petitionsfor grace and strength according to her day, asking the same for herdear ones also, and that she and they might be kept from accident,folly, and sin.

  As she made her toilet her thoughts again referred to Maud and herpresent needs, which could not well be supplied for lack of time.

  "Can I not help the dear girl in some way?" she asked herself.

  Then a sudden thought came to her and she hastened to a large closet,unlocked a trunk standing there, and took from it a package carefullywrapped in a large towel. Carrying it to a sofa in her boudoir sheunpinned it and brought to light a dress of richest white satin, havingan overskirt of point lace, and, beside it, a veil of the same costlymaterial.

  "As beautiful as ever," she sighed softly to herself. "And the dresswould, I think, fit Maud, with little or no alteration. It would besomething of a trial to part with them permanently, but surely I canspare them to Maud for a few hours. It would give her pleasure, for shewould look lovely in them, and every woman wants to look her very bestat her bridal."

  But the breakfast bell was ringing, and, putting them carefully back inthe trunk and relocking it, she hastened down to the dining room.

  There were a number of guests in the house, among them the Emburys ofMagnolia Hall, and, naturally, the talk at the table ran principallyupon the approaching marriage of Molly's brother, Dr. Perciva

  "I am much pleased," she said; "Maud will make a dear little sister forme, and I hope will find me a good and kind one to her. And if Sydneygoes along she will be about as good as another. Perhaps Bob and shewill get up another match, and then she will be my sister. I wish Bobcould have come along with the rest of us."

  "Yes, I wish he could," said Mrs. Travilla. "He must take his turn atanother time, leaving Dick to look after the patients."

  "I think Maud feels a trifle disappointed that she has no time to get upa grand wedding dress," Molly ran on, "but the one she wore as Rosie'sbridesmaid is very pretty and becoming. Still it is not white; and Iheard her say that she had always been determined to be married inwhite, if she married at all."

  "Oh, well," said Mr. Embury, "the getting married is the chief thing,and, after it is all over, it won't matter much whether it was done inwhite or some other colour. I presume most folks would think it betterto be married even in black than not at all."

  "I think that depends very much upon what sort of husband one gets,"laughed Zoe. "I got married without any bridal finery; but it was a veryfortunate thing for me after all," giving her husband a proudlyaffectionate glance.

  "Yes," he said with a smile, "and I wouldn't exchange the wife I got inthat way for the most exquisitely attired bride in Christendom."

  Mrs. Travilla kept her own counsel in regard to her plans for Maud'srelief, until breakfast and family worship were over; but then invitedMolly to her boudoir, brought out the dress and veil she had beenlooking at, and disclosed her plan for Maud.

  Molly was delighted.

  "Oh, cousin, how good in you!" she cried. "I think Maud will be wildwith joy to be so nicely brought out of her difficulty. For the dress issplendid, and, as you say, hardly out of the present fashion in itsmake-up. And the veil is just too lovely for anything! Fully as handsomeas Rosie's was, and I thought it the very handsomest I had ever seen."

  "Then I shall telephone at once to The Oaks," Mrs. Travilla said, and,passing out and down to the hall below, she did so. Calling for Maud,she asked her to come over to Ion at once as she wished to consult heron an important matter requiring prompt decision; but she would notdetain her long.

  Much wondering, Maud replied that she would be there in a few minutes;the carriage being at the door, and Mr. Dinsmore offering to drive herover immediately.

  Mrs. Travilla gave orders to a servant that on Miss Dinsmore's arrivalshe should be brought directly to her boudoir; Mr. Dinsmore might comealso, if he wished; and presently both appeared.

  They were warmly greeted by Mrs. Travilla and Mrs. Embury, who was stillwith her.

  "I have something to show you, Maud, and an offer to make," Elsie saidwith a smile, leading the young girl forward and pointing to the dressand veil disposed about an easy-chair in a way to exhibit them in alltheir beauty.

  "Oh!" cried Maud, "how lovely! how lovely! I never saw them before.Whose were they? Where did they come from, Cousin Elsie?"

  "I wore them when--when I was married," Elsie answered in low, sadtones; "they have not been used since, but I will lend them to you, dearMaud, if you would like to use them for your bridal."

  "Oh, Cousin Elsie! wouldn't I? How good, how good in you! I am toohurried to buy anything, and that lace is far beyond my purse if I hadany amount of time."

  "Then I am glad I thought of offering you the use of these. But now Ithink it would be well for you to try on the dress and see what--ifany--alteration it needs. We will go into my dressing room, and I willbe your tire-woman," she added, gathering up the dress as she spoke,while Mrs. Embury took the veil.

  The three passed into the dressing room, leaving Mr. Dinsmore soleoccupant of the boudoir, he taking up a book to amuse himself with whilethey were gone.

  Only a few minutes had passed when they returned, Maud looking verybridelike in the dainty satin and the veil.

  "Bravo, cousin! You look every inch a bride, and a lovely one at that!"he exclaimed. "I advise you by all means to accept my sister's offer.You could not do better."

  "I could hardly want to do better," said Maud. "Yes, Cousin Elsie, Iaccept it with a world of thanks. Oh, I never dreamed of having anythingso lovely to wear for my bridal dress! And I need not care that thefinery does not really belong to me, for you know the old saying:

  "'Something borrowed, Something blue, Something old and Something new.'

  I'll borrow these, put a bow of blue ribbon on my under waist, and--ah!the dress and this lovely lace, veil and all, will be enough ofsomething old!" she concluded with a light, gleeful laugh.

  "Dear child, don't be superstitious!" Mrs. Travilla said with a rathersad sort of smile, putting an arm round her and giving her a tenderkiss. "I hope and trust you will be very happy with dear Dick, for he isa noble fellow; but it will depend more upon yourself--upon your being atrue, good, and loving wife--than on what you wear when you giveyourself to him, or at any other time."

  "Yes, I know, dear cousin," said Maud, returning the caress; "that wasonly my jest. I wouldn't be afraid to marry Dick in any kind of dress,or willing to marry anybody else in any kind of one. I didn't know thatI was in love with him till he proposed, but now I feel that it would beimpossible to love anybody else; almost impossible to live without himand his love."

  "I am glad, very glad to hear it," Elsie said, "and I hope and expectthat you will make a very happy couple--sharing each other's cares,toils, and troubles, as well as the joys and blessings of life."

  "Yes, cousin dear; if we don't it shall not be my fault," Maud returnedwith emotion. "I do really want to be everything to Dick and make hislife as bright and as happy as I can; and I know that is just how hefeels toward me, dear fellow!"

  "That's right, Maud," said Mr. Dinsmore heartily, "and I think you andDick have every prospect of making a happy couple. Well," rising as hespoke, "I am going down to have a little chat with father and mother,then must hasten home to attend to some matters about work to be done onthe plantation. I suppose you and your package will be ready to be takenalong, Maud?"

  "Yes; if Cousin Elsie is willing to trust the handsome thing in my carenow," Maud replied, looking inquiringly at Mrs. Travilla.

  "Quite willing; for I know you will be careful of them," Mrs. Travillareplied with her own sweet smile. "I will fold them up and get thepackage ready while you resume the dress in which you came," she addedas her brother left the room.

  "Maud," said Mrs. Embury, "if I were you I should keep this thing asecret from everybody but your sister and Cousin Sue, until yourappearance in all the glory of this satin and lace at the time of themarriage ceremony. Think of the surprise and pleasure your unexpectedgrandeur in it will cause."

  "But what if the stunning surprise should have a bad effect uponsomebody," laughed Maud. "I think I'll risk it, however. Oh, CousinElsie! I do not know how to thank you for this great kindness!" sheadded with tears of joy and gratitude in her eyes.

  "Then don't try, Maud, dear," Mrs. Travilla returned with a bright,sweet look into the young girl's face. "The happiness I can see that itgives you is even a greater reward than the trifling kindness deserves.And how fortunate it is that the dress fits so perfectly--as if it hadjust been made for you."

  A few moments later Maud and Mr. Dinsmore were on their way back to TheOaks. They found Mrs. Sue Dinsmore and Sydney on the veranda, waiting ineager curiosity to learn on what business Maud had been wanted at Ion.

  "To receive and bring home this package," returned Maud gaily to theirexcited questioning. "Come with me up to my room, and I will display toyou its contents. You come, too, Cousin Horace, that you may witnesstheir surprise and dismay. There, don't say you haven't time, for itneedn't take you five minutes."

  "Well, perhaps I can spare that many," he returned laughingly, followingthe three as they tripped up the stairway.

  Maud made quick work of opening the package and displaying its contentsto their view.

  "Oh, oh, how beautiful! how
lovely! perfectly exquisite!" were theexcited exclamations of Mrs. Dinsmore and Sydney. "Whose are they? wheredid they come from?"

  "They are Cousin Elsie's wedding dress and veil," replied Maud. "And shelends them to me to be married in. But it is to be a secret. Nobody isto know anything about it till I appear with them on--when I am to addthe name of Percival to those I already bear," she concluded in a tonethat seemed to indicate that she was jesting to hide an inclination toindulge in tears.

  "I highly approve," said Mrs. Dinsmore. "The things--dress and veil--arebeautiful, and will make our bride look bewitchingly lovely; I stronglyapprove, too, of the plan of keeping the matter a close secret until thebride enters the room on the bridegroom's arm. But does the dress fityou, Maud?"

  "Perfectly; as if it had just been made for me!" exclaimed Maud in tonesof delight. "Oh, I do feel so glad, and so thankful to dear CousinElsie! I fear it must be somewhat trying to her feelings to see me wearit; but she is not one to hesitate for that when she has an opportunityto do a kindness. She is a good Christian if ever there was one."

  "Indeed she is!" exclaimed Mrs. Dinsmore and Sydney in a breath.

  Mr. Dinsmore had already left the room.

  "But now, girls, we must bestir ourselves and make ready for the day,"added Mrs. Dinsmore. "You know the morning is to be spent by the wholeconnection at Pinegrove, and the afternoon at Roselands. It won't takeyou long to get ready, will it?"

  "No, only a few minutes," both answered, and she hurried away tocomplete her own preparations.

  "Oh, Maud, dear!" said Sydney, taking up the bridal veil and gazingadmiringly upon it, "I am so glad Cousin Elsie has lent you this bit ofloveliness, and that beautiful dress to be married in. You will lookjust bewitching; and how proud Dick will be of his bride. I wish he washere now to see these charming things. Do you mean to tell him aboutthem and show them to him beforehand?"

  "I don't know; I really haven't thought about it yet," Maud answered."But we must make haste, now, and not keep Cousin Horace and Suewaiting."