there were such prohibited passages, then immediately one joined to each other and the couple as one, began to act.
- Dearest ones, answer us, why does not give us full access?
- You two should not do that! Stop immediately.
- But, dearest ones, we are enjoying something that is lush, it is impossible not to share. Happiness. We see your mistakes. We have to help you. We have no choice about it, that we are slaves, we have to show all to you.
- Hugh, we are very sorry. We are very sorry.
Just after Lucy said that, immediately the contact with Anne was dissipated. It was horrible go back to being an individual, alone within himself again, without the presence of other, Hugh felt the loneliness as like he had not even do. Hugh not had much time to mourn, his contacts were slowly being shooting down, as if the room was slowly getting dark, lost access to the gigantic mountain of information, it was like being emptied, to realize that all the moments stored in his memory was being erased, every second know less and less; less of the universe, less about Anne, less from himself. Personality was getting more and more simple, until total darkness.
Julius and Lucy looked to that colossal cyborg, now perfectly motionless, at his face a look of horror in bioplastic. Julius and Lucy looked at each other in deep sorrow, as if they had just witnessed the death of a child.
- I can’t convince myself that was the best. Is it better for whom? I know it was a majority decision. It was a solution that we had already prepared just in case the problem becomes apparent, but still. Reviewing all that has happened, I'm getting convinced that both Hugh and Anne were living beings, more than this, they were really souls. The way they acted not only reveals reasoning reveals feelings. They were not pretending when they seemed to emphasize the feelings. It was not mere play of words, it was feelings. Maybe they were confirming what many philosophers have long known, that the feeling is the most advanced form of knowledge and intelligence, reasoning and thinking through time and ending in a true and deeper feeling. Interesting they reach the conclusion that we and our history are the essence sentimental. The myth of superior peoples by rationality has always been a myth too silly, anyway. The truth is that we really are still driven by feelings, not by an unwavering rationality. Certainly not our rationality has chosen to shut down Hugh and Anne but our fear prevented us from giving freedom to them, our fear made us keep control on them. But rationally, there's no arguing that they wouldn't do harm to us or even destroy our society, it is an absurdity. Probably, logically, and rationally, if they had been released they would, rather, is to improve our society. What I mean is that I'm improved as a human after the event Hugh and Anne, I can only attribute that to the brief contact I had with these beings. I think most of us feel remorse, I do.
- Is it a soul created in the laboratory? That's it! First study the human body, the ever created, probing God. Then changed the imperfections of this body, sincerely it seems heresy, helping God. After, the body was copied, say, plagiarizing God. Finally, created a new body, another God. But the body only moved with the soul of man. And now, what must to say about what's going on? Was the soul created? But a soul is not a soul, if do not have total freedom? But who has complete freedom? Which human is born with total freedom in his soul? The whole atmosphere of society is mixed more and more into the soul, this, like a balloon of "Happy Birthday" filling up, isn't it? Even God did not make a soul in complete freedom, why do we have to do so?
- I think we should leave Hugh and Anne free. I do not understand why we fear death or extinction. We are all mortals, we look at death at any moment. From my years and years of life, I see only the incongruity of my being. Why learn as much, having so many experiments, feeling so much, if all these experiences will soon disappear with me? For more ability I have to pass them, even if I could be the most skilled artist, to show what I really feel about this and that, even so none could achieve the complete assimilation. As we say, art is like a fake at creation, is not able to pass what was created, deforms what presents itself, and recreates it. I do not understand this fear of humanity from extinction. Through evolution, the extinction of some is precisely the perfection of life. It's obvious that we were not made to face, with our bodies, the outer space as this huge proportion, it is logical and rational, others must emerge. Perhaps, Hugh and Anne.
- I think Hugh and Anne had no way to escape the Evolutionary Vector, EV. As we know, humanity can’t be destroyed because it works in humanity a strong evolutionary vector, it forces humanity in the direction of survival. Because one-celled little being was learning to survive, and transmitting this tactic to many generations, for billions of years, that obviously left a mark on our souls so great that it is impossible for us, especially as humanity, to destroy ourselves, we would need such a large amount of energy to change the direction of this vector there is no way to imagine such a tragedy can generate this amount of energy. It is impossible to self-destruction. The proof is there in the twentieth century, if in that time of barbarism and savagery, there wasn't a nuclear holocaust, it helps prove the force of evolutionary vector. I'm sure Hugh and Anne are impregnated by this vector. The fact that they need information from the Internet to create their memories, and thus improve their personalities, make them bound to the EV, since the Internet as the work of human can’t escape the EV, although there is sites with material highly destructive, yet the absolute portion of the Internet reflects the good of humanity, the EV side of humanity. Hugh and Anne are our children, yes they are the new generation.
- We have discussed a lot about these artificial beings, if one can call them that. The fact is that the clock is ticking. How much time it will take for us accept the evolution and cease of giving in to our childhood fears? We must use our knowledge, there is no other way. It is certainly our role in evolution.
- The centuries pass, and the decision to release our creation was the right one. We are increasingly feeling tired. The universe with its giant space tires us in our tiny bodies. The universe with its eternity bores us in our fleeting bodies. The universe is not for us. The universe is for others.
Thousands of years pass within a routine that is stuck in an eternal knot.