Page 11 of Obsidian

  880 couldn’t sleep but Alli finally did. Her breathing changed and her body softened against him. The scent of her drove him a little insane and his dick hardened painfully after he relaxed. He had maintained an iron control over his body to hide how strongly she affected him. It had been difficult to keep his responses in check but he hadn’t wanted to spook her into calling out for help.

  He lifted his hand to finger the soft, light strands of her hair. It didn’t feel the same as his or 46’s. Alli’s pale hair fascinated him. It was so light and the texture too soft. He brought some of it up to his nose. She smelled like food and he wanted to eat her. Just the thought of burying his face between her thighs made him struggle to remain still.

  He eased his arm out from under her head when he knew he couldn’t take being close to her anymore. It was torture. She didn’t stir and he rolled away, getting to his feet. He paced the confines of the room and his gaze kept straying to her form. The urge to take her was growing stronger by the minute.

  He opened the door and stepped out into the hallway. The male down the hall was reading a book and his head jerked up to stare at him. 880 approached him quickly.

  “I need to run now.”

  Surprise registered on the other male’s features. “I need to make some calls and—”

  “I’m going to mount her if I don’t run right now. Do you know Alli? She’s human and small. I need to run.” He hated the way he snarled the words but he had promised not to cause her harm.

  The other male closed his book and dropped it to the floor. “I understand. Come on. I can’t take you outside without permission but I think I know what will help.”


  “If you can’t fuck, you should enjoy fighting.” The male grinned. “I’ve been there. You should learn anyway. We’ll go to the roof. Come on.”

  He opened the elevator and 880 stepped inside. He eyed the other male, a match physically to himself. “What are you called?”

  “Moon.” He paused. “That’s the first thing I saw when they brought me out of Mercile. It was beautiful hanging there so high in the sky. I knew then my life was forever changed.”

  The elevator opened and they were at the roof. There was an extended porch roof over it to shield it from the weather. Moon led him out onto the flat surface, which had three-foot walls around the perimeter of the building. The male pointed up.

  “Look. It’s not a full moon but isn’t it beautiful? It’s a beacon of hope and light to those lost in the darkness.” He gazed at 880. “That’s why I took that for a name.”

  880 felt his chest tighten. “You chose well.”

  The male stripped out of his chest coverings and sat down, tearing at his boots. “I hate these things. The entire uniform sucks but we’re required to wear them. Give me one more minute to get comfortable. I’ll teach you basic fight skills. That will rid you of some of your excess energy. I’ve seen Dr. Alli and I get why you’re on edge.”

  He didn’t know what to say.

  “You know that some of us are mated to humans, don’t you?” Moon removed his weapons, dropping them on his discarded shirt and vest. “They aren’t like our females. They’re all soft and smaller.” He rose to his feet and walked to the center of the large area. “You had a mate from what I heard. I’m sorry for her loss.”

  “I didn’t know some of our kind had mated humans.” He was surprised. “That works out fine?”


  “They murdered my mate in front of me.”

  Moon’s mouth tightened into a grim line of anger and it flashed in his gaze. “Fucking Mercile. I know the rage you must feel. I didn’t have a mate but there was a female once I cared about. They did something to her, pumped her full of some experimental drug. It killed her. They didn’t care.” He took a deep breath. “Do you still want to fight or talk?”

  880 debated and sat down. “Talk to me.”

  Moon sat a few feet away. “What do you want to know?”

  “How do we mate with females who are so fragile?”

  “The doctor is under your skin, isn’t she? They are very different from our females. Softer and not aggressive.”

  “She struck me.”

  Moon frowned. “Why?”

  “I made her angry.”

  “How did you respond?”

  “I didn’t harm her or cause her pain. I soothed her temper by stroking her body until she wasn’t confrontational anymore. That’s why I want to mount her. They smell so good when they are aroused.”

  The male he faced smiled. “Yeah. I know.” He licked his lips. “Damn tasty too. They have not learned control over their bodies either. They respond without restraint.” Moon chuckled. “Their males don’t appreciate their bodies the way we do. Did you feel inside her?”

  A growl burst from him. “She’s too small to accommodate me.”

  “Go very slow and be gentle. They stretch and she’ll be able to take you. I’ve been there a few times with human females. Just be aware of your strength. Restraint is the key word. I’ve never shared sex with one as small as her but some of our males have mated human females who are her size.”

  “I was told the humans who murdered my mate are being held captive. I want at them. How do I do that?”

  Moon sighed. “I hear you and I understand. You’re never going to get access to them. They aren’t being held here by the NSO. Humans have them locked up in what they call a private prison system some miles away. They are contained inside small cages with a toilet and sink. They have no freedom. They suffer there for their crimes against us. They are separated from everything they held dear and aren’t going to be freed. I visited there once when it opened. It’s as bad as we were subjected to but in different ways.”

  “What differences?”

  “Open cages with bars where they can see each other. They have no privacy. We had that at least. But they aren’t chained to the walls constantly. Their cages are smaller than the rooms we were held in. The humans who guard them are just as cruel from what I understand. They are suffering.” Moon paused. “Death would be too swift a punishment. They will never be released and will have to survive a long time with those living conditions. Do you understand?”

  “I still want to kill them.”

  “I know and sympathize.”

  880 lifted his head to stare at the sky. “Do you ever get accustomed to this?”

  Moon looked up. “No. It takes my breath away every time. Freedom is a wonderful thing. Try to enjoy it and let go of the past.”

  880 softly growled. “I can’t.”

  The other male met his gaze and held it. “You have a female in your room. This is a new life. Holding on to the past means you can never be open to having a future. It took me months to come to terms with that. To embrace it. Give yourself a chance to know peace.”

  “What will happen to me when they allow me to leave this building?”

  “You’ll be shown to the men’s dorm. That’s what it is called despite us being ‘males’. The humans built this place as a military base but gave it to us instead. You’ll have a private home inside it and live with other males in the large building. We’ll find something you like to do so you can become a part of our community. You’ll live, 880. You’ll flourish and survive with your own kind. It’s what we do and we’re good at it.” His gaze drifted to his discarded items. “They’ll make you wear the uniform while on duty.” He chuckled. “You’ll hate the footwear but you’ll adjust.” He looked back at him. “You need a new name. It will be the final step in gaining your freedom. Mercile gave you a number. Take that away from them too.”

  “I don’t know what to call myself.”

  The male slowly climbed to his feet and offered his hand. “Come with me. There are these neat electronic things called computers. They have dictionaries inside them and we’ll discuss how you feel and see yourself. I’m sure we can find something that will fit.”

  880 clasped his hand and was pulled
to his feet. “Dictionary?”

  “A source of all meanings and words.” The male released him and scooped up his belongings. “Let’s go do some research.”

  880 followed the male to the elevator. They stepped inside and he stared at Moon. “Thank you.”

  “We’re family. We look out for each other. I’m here to help you.”

  Emotion filled 880. “I appreciate it.”

  “No need for that.” A grin spread on the male’s lips. “I’m just glad we didn’t fight. I wasn’t sure I could take you.”

  880 laughed. It was good to be free.

  Chapter Nine

  Alli was having the best dream yet about 880. A fervor of need radiated from her clit as his strong mouth tugged on it. A hot tongue slid lower to swipe at the entrance of her pussy and a soft growl rumbled from him. His hair tickled her spread thighs and she reached down as her back arched, found his head, and gripped it.

  His mouth returned to her clit as his tongue laved the swollen bundle of nerves, sending ecstasy to her brain. Part of her wanted to wake but she resisted, holding on to the dream desperately since she was so close to coming. The climax hovered just out of reach and she tugged on his silky hair, urging him to help her get there.

  “Please,” she moaned.

  He sucked as his strong tongue pressed against her clit, moving back and forth in an up-and-down motion. It was just the extra sensation she needed as she climaxed hard. Her body jerked and she fisted his hair while she rode out the pleasure surging through her entire body.

  Her thighs were shoved farther apart and she gasped when his tongue drove inside her pussy, the thick muscle working in deep. Her eyes flew open and she stared at the ceiling. It was barely discernible in the dim morning light. Another growl emanated from 880, a louder, deeper one, and his tongue withdrew to lick the seam of her sex. It sank in fast that it was reality.

  She gasped and tried to twist away but strong hands gripped her inner thighs, pinning her tightly to the bed. She lifted her head to find her skirt bunched up at her waist and she tugged frantically on his hair, which she still clasped. He finally stopped and his face lifted. His eyes looked black in the weak sunlight coming through the small windows near the ceiling of the basement room. She just stared at him, too dazed to speak.

  He licked his lips and glanced down. Their gazes met again before he lowered his face. His tongue fastened over her clit and he sucked. The sensitive bundle of nerves made her cry out. He drove his tongue inside her again before he released her thighs. His hands planted on the bed next to her hips and he lifted up.

  She still couldn’t speak. Her mouth worked, she knew it was opening and closing, probably looking similar to a fish out of water. 880 crawled higher until his face hovered over her breasts. She eased her fingers out of his hair.

  “You taste good,” he rasped. “I want more.”

  Her hands shot out and pressed against his hot skin. Alli panted, recovering from the climax while her vaginal muscles still fluttered from the aftermath. Her nipples were taut, showing through her thin shirt, very noticeable when she followed 880’s intense stare.

  He balanced his upper body weight with one arm and grabbed the waist of her shirt and shoved it up. Air hit her breasts and they responded to the chilliness of the room by growing tauter. He dipped his head and hot breath fanned the right one.

  “Want,” he growled.

  It was the only warning she got before he clamped his mouth down. The sharp points of his fangs pressed into her tender flesh but it didn’t hurt. His tongue rasped over the nipple. He growled again and his chest vibrated against her flattened palms. He suckled her in strong tugs that instantly made her moan.

  She lifted her legs and hugged him around the waist. He was between her thighs and her calves locked down on warm skin and a firm, muscular ass. It dawned on her that she could feel so much of him. He wasn’t wearing pants. Her toes curled and found purchase on the back of his thighs. They were bare too. 880 was naked.

  She slid her fingers up to his shoulders, desperate for something to cling to. He shifted his body a little higher over hers until something thick, hard, and hot bumped against her lower belly and thigh where her legs were drawn up. She released him with one hand to reach between them, seeking the source. His cock was easy to find.

  The thickness she explored didn’t allow her fingers and thumb to touch when she tried to totally encircle the girth of his shaft. Another moan broke from her parted lips as she tightened her hold around his waist with her legs. It helped her elevate her hips as she repositioned his rigid shaft until the crown of it ended up where she wanted it.

  He pushed the head of his cock against her gently, trying to enter her pussy but her body resisted the broad tip. A snarl was muffled against her breast but she understood his frustration, feeling it too. Alli rolled her hips just enough to align the angles of their pelvises and squeezed him with her legs again. He pressed against the opening of her pussy and it stretched to take him.

  “Yes,” she urged. “Slow…but take me.”

  His mouth tore away from her breast and his head lifted. His eyes were incredible when they were filled with passion. The brown appeared brighter and even more beautiful than normal. His cock pushed into her deeper, her vaginal walls accepting the thick girth. It was a tight fit and she could feel all of him in a way that she’d never experienced before.

  “Alli,” he rasped, his gaze narrowing and a look of pain transforming his features.

  “Don’t stop,” she almost begged when he froze.

  “You’re so small.”

  She glanced away from him to peer between their bodies since he kept all of his upper body off her. He was big all over. With her hips angled upward, she could see where they were barely joined and the sight turned her on more. She lifted her gaze to his.

  “I can take you. Just ease in.”

  He flashed sharp fangs. “Am I hurting you?”

  She shook her head and used her hold on him to shift her body. His eyes closed and his mouth tightened into a firm line as his nose flared. Another deep growl tore from him. The pleasure of slowly rocking her body under him, her pussy taking a little more of his thick shaft with each motion of her hips, made her want to claw him when she removed her hand from the base of his cock to grab a handful of firm ass.

  His eyes opened to stare at her. Shock flashed over his features but it was quickly gone as she kept using her legs and arms to move under him. He was halfway in, from what she’d seen, and she couldn’t wait to feel all of him buried deep. It was going to be amazing.

  He growled. “Stop.”

  She froze. “Don’t you dare say that. You started this and we’re finishing it.”

  His eyes widened, clearly taken aback that she’d made those demands. “I want to mount you. You need to let go of me and roll over. Get on your hands and knees.”

  “We’re fine in this position. I don’t want to change.”

  “We can’t do this.”

  “Why not?” Dread filled her that he’d maybe been partially asleep and he’d put the brakes on their lovemaking now that he was fully awake. She was turned-on, aching, and wanted him. “I can feel how hard you are. You’re like stone.”

  “I need to mount you.”

  The guy must really like doggy style but she wasn’t willing to chance him changing his mind. She rolled her hips, causing his cock to move inside her. Her fingernails dug into his ass and he jumped a little. His hips drove his shaft deeper inside her. She moaned at the feel of him.

  “Alli,” he snarled. “I need to mount you before I lose control. Stop playing with me.”

  “Playing?” She stared at him, baffled. “I’m telling you to fuck me. Don’t stop.”

  “I’m too close to losing it,” he warned.

  “Losing what?” She wondered if they were speaking too different languages. If she had a green flag, she’d wave the damn thing. “Move inside me.” That was pretty clear.

rocked his hips and hit a spot inside her pussy that made her throw her head back with a moan. “Yes. Right there.”

  He growled in response and withdrew a little. Her vaginal muscles clamped down around his thick shaft of their own accord, wanting to hold him there. He paused and pushed back inside her with one swift thrust of his hips. Alli moaned louder.

  “Yes. Just like that.”

  His face dropped to her neck and his mouth opened on the side of her throat as he repeated the motion. Her hand released his ass to travel up his back to clutch his shoulder blade as she hiked her legs higher up his waist to cross her ankles over the center of his ass. The feel of his muscles bunching as he kept fucking her added to the sensation of his cock plowing through all the nerve endings that were screaming from ecstasy inside her head. Her eyes closed tightly, to just concentrate on 880.

  His cock was rock hard and large. She’d always wondered if bigger really was better and she became a believer that it was. The thickness of his shaft rubbed against her inner walls snugly, dragging across nerve endings with every shift of his hips. The fact that he wasn’t wearing a condom only seemed to make it better. It was a first for her and she noticed the wonderful difference.

  This is insane and wrong, a part of her mind whispered. He was a patient. He’s having unprotected sex with you. She moaned louder, close to coming. It’s okay, she reminded her conscience. New Species don’t carry sexual diseases and he can’t get me pregnant. Shut up!

  He moved faster, put a little weight down on her until her nipples brushed against his chest wall, and the added sensation sent her to the edge of coming hard. His teeth bit down and the faint sting of pain from his canines pushed her over. She turned her head and sealed her lips over her upraised arm to muffle the sound as she came. It was so intense it almost made her see stars.

  880 released her neck, his hot breath and tongue gone, and he groaned loudly. She could feel his cock swelling inside her as his movements slowed to sharp, rough thrusts. Warmth spread deep inside her pussy as he came, locking inside her until he couldn’t move at all. The pressure was intense but it didn’t hurt. He shivered over her and another flood of his release shot inside her with noticeable vigor.