Page 12 of Obsidian

  Her eyes opened as she turned her head, her lips and nose brushing his cheek where he’d buried his face against the mattress. He must have flipped his hair out of the way because the long strands fell across the other side of the bed against his side and rested against her arm. Her hold eased as her body relaxed.

  He was breathing hard and finally he lifted his head. She couldn’t miss noticing he’d bitten into the mattress for some reason because part of the sheet was torn where it had caught on his canines when he’d yanked them loose. His brown eyes met hers. Alli couldn’t breathe as she waited to see how he’d react to what had happened between them.

  “Am I causing you pain?”

  She licked her lips to wet them. He’d whispered the words in a husky tone. She studied his gaze, not seeing regret in his stare but she wasn’t sure what he felt either. He was too good at hiding his emotions.


  “I swell at the base of my dick.”

  “I know. I’ve heard that would happen.”

  He blinked. “It will go down in a few minutes.”

  “I know that too.”

  His cock flexed inside her and her vaginal muscles quivered from the aftereffects of climaxing. His gaze narrowed as she softly moaned again.


  “Why did I shiver? Body reaction. Sorry. I can’t help it any more than you can.”

  Full lips twisted into a frown. “I’m not talking about that. Why this way?”

  No, she inwardly whispered. Don’t regret this. I can’t take the guilt I’m going to feel. “What did you think would happen when you decided to perform oral sex on me?”

  He lowered his body over her, used his elbows to hold his weight enough to prevent him from smothering her, but she was pinned under him. He stared at her face with a grim expression.

  Shit. She closed her eyes. He regretted what they’d done and it hurt. What did you expect? He’s all messed up inside. He tried to call a halt to this but you locked around him like a drowning idiot intent on taking him down too. She pushed her voice of conscience back, knowing she needed to face the consequences.

  “This isn’t natural.”

  That statement stunned her enough for her eyes to pop open to gawp at him. “What?”

  “This is wrong.”

  Her hands shifted and she pushed on his chest, forgetting they were locked together. “Get off me then.”

  “I can’t.”

  She remembered then that his penis had locked inside her and looked anywhere but at him. With him on top of her and his chest so wide, her view was limited. She turned her head to stare at the closed door. It mocked her once again, knowing she never should have entered his room.

  She had no one to blame but herself. He wasn’t responsible for his actions, probably was reeling from all he’d been through.

  “I’m so sorry,” she got out, her throat wanting to close around the lump that formed there. “Let me go as soon as the swelling reduces and I’ll leave. This is totally my fault, 880.” She refused to look at him still. “You’re not to blame, okay? I want you to remember and know that. I take full responsibility.”

  “I am no longer 880. I am Species and will be called Obsidian.” Anger darkened his eyes as they narrowed. “What do you mean by taking responsibility? What fault are you speaking of?”

  Alli knew she gawked as her gaze focused on his face. It was just that the shocks kept coming one after another. She’s woken to him going down on her and they’d had sex. He regretted it and now he had taken a name. Her sluggish mind tried to catch up, working to think about the one he’d chosen.


  “Yes. Good.” Some of the tension left his features. “Call me that. No more numbers. Mercile no longer controls my life.”

  Obsidian. She tried to think of the definition. A lot of Species preferred to take a name that had meaning to them. “Isn’t that a lava rock or something along those lines?”

  He growled. “It fits me. I am burning inside and hardened by the life I was given. Darkness was taken as a name already. So were a lot of the names I wanted. This fits me. Do you question it?”

  “It wasn’t an insult.” She hadn’t meant it that way. “You’re burning inside?”

  “I feel rage.” His voice turned into a snarl. “Humans took my life away.”

  “I didn’t,” she quickly reminded him, suddenly feeling very vulnerable and small pinned under him.

  “They killed 46.”

  His mate. She swallowed hard and her hands rubbed his skin in an attempt to calm him a little. “Obsidian,” she whispered. “Please take a deep breath. I just asked a question. I’m not your enemy.”

  His gaze lowered to her still-bare breasts where her shirt had been pushed up. “I am not so certain.”

  It hurt. Deeply. Alli blinked rapidly to hide the tears that filled her eyes. How could things go so wrong so fast? She’d been sleeping and then she’d woken to his mouth. It had all been a haze of passion and need until they faced the aftermath of what they’d done together. He regretted it and worse, he seemed not to even like her much if he were comparing her to Mercile.

  “Your swelling should be over. Will you please let me up?”

  “No.” He settled more of his weight over her, pinned her tighter to the bed. His temper did seem to dissipate somewhat as his tone turned from gruff to husky. “Explain responsibility and why you feel it.”

  “It means this is my fault. What happened between us just now is something I should have avoided. You’ve gone through a lot and I don’t want you to feel bad for having sex with me.”

  “It felt really good.” He inched his face closer to stare deeply into her eyes. “I woke to your scent and I wanted to taste. I did this. You didn’t manipulate me, Alli. You have no power over what I do.”

  “You are wrong. I—”

  He suddenly thrust into her deep, making her moan. His cock was still hard but the swelling had subsided enough that he could move inside her again without the intense pressure. His mouth parted to flash his sharp fangs at her as he withdrew almost from her before he drove back into her again. He froze.

  “You don’t tell me what to do, Alli. Can you stop me? Force me to move from your body? Who is responsible? Tell me.”

  He meant to show her who was in control and she knew it.

  “I could take you again for hours and you’d be powerless to stop me. Your body would have to take mine as long as I want.”

  She was going to go to hell. A small part of her mind admitted that because it didn’t sound bad at all if he fucked her over and over. She’d be sore later since she’d not had sex in such a long time but he felt so good she didn’t care about consequences. It was all about the here and now to her. She wanted him.

  His hips rolled and he found the spot inside her that made her breath catch. His nose brushed hers as he drew even closer. “Who is responsible?”


  Something flickered in his eyes before he pulled away and lifted his chest from hers. He separated their bodies slowly, almost regretfully, and it forced her to release his waist from the grip of her legs. She glanced at his cock and couldn’t help but appreciate the sight of how aroused he still seemed to be.

  “Go shower.”

  She met his gaze as he backed away from her on his hands and knees until he slid off the end of the bed to stand.

  “Now, Alli.” He looked angry again. “Otherwise I will lose what control I have left.”

  She sat up and shoved her shirt down to hide as much of her body from him as possible. “What does that mean?”

  He stepped to the side to clear a path from the bed to the bathroom. “Go,” he demanded.

  Something in the intense way he looked at her made her inch down the bed. There was a hint of danger in the air that she could sense. She just wasn’t sure why. He looked angry though. The floor of the room was chilly to her bare feet after having them pressed against his warm body. Her legs were
shaking as she took hesitant steps toward the open doorway to the shower.

  A hand shot out and gripped her upper arm. Alli stared at him with dread and fear. He closed his eyes as he deeply inhaled. A soft, animalistic sound came from his parted lips and he licked them. The hold on her forearm eased until he let go.

  “Keep the door open. Go wash quickly. Your scent is driving me insane.”

  She fled. The reason behind his mood swings was a mystery to her but she was grateful he hadn’t hurt her physically.

  Obsidian breathed through his mouth but Alli’s arousal taste was still there. His dick throbbed to take her again. The memory of being inside her would torment him. So soft, so tight and wet. It also angered him deeply.

  A stab of pain pierced his heart. The memory of his mate filtered through his mind and how long they had been forced to live together. It had felt really good when 46 had allowed him to touch her when she was in heat but it seemed mild compared to the sex he’d shared with Alli.

  A human female had taken him to heights of passion he’d never known existed. Frustration fisted his hands at his side and the urge to punch something became almost unbearable. A howl of rage caught in his throat but it only came out as a fierce grumble. His eyes opened when water came on in the next room and he took a step before he could regain control of his body. He wanted Alli again.

  He moved to the side enough to gain a clear view of her profile in the stall. The sight of her wet, slick skin caused his dick to harden to the point of pain. It would be easy to haul her out from under the water. He turned his head to stare at the bed. He’d take her on her knees beneath him next time.

  He allowed the astonishment of what they’d done to cool his desire just a bit. He’d never taken his mate with her facing him. It had been strange but really good to see Alli’s expressions and have access to her body with his mouth while he’d driven his cock into the snug confines of her sex. He’d also really enjoyed the feel of her legs around his waist and her fingernails digging into his skin. It hadn’t hurt but he’d been aware of them. She’d clung to him as if he were saving her and she’d desperately needed to hold him.

  He wanted to share sex with Alli again. Now. His chin lowered to glare at the erect shaft betraying his lack of self-control of his own body functions. 46 would goad him if she were alive to see the day he allowed a human to get the better of him. He shifted his gaze higher to watch Alli wash her hair. His lips parted to reveal his fangs and he took a few steps closer to her and kept going.

  She spun to stare at him when he jerked open the flimsy, transparent shower door. He paused, noted the shampoo in her hair, and hesitated.

  “Wash it out now.”

  The fear in her eyes almost made him wince but she didn’t argue or refuse his demand. Her head tilted back into the spray of water to do his bidding. He watched until he didn’t see any of it in the pale, wet strands. His arm shot out to hook around her waist and he lifted her. He paused and suddenly stepped into the tight space with her. Hot water sluiced down his body and he turned to present his back, adjusting her higher in his hold against his chest. His interested dick couldn’t be hidden from her since it nestled tightly against her ass.

  Her head twisted and she stared at his face, fear still showing in her blue gaze. A part of him hated to see it. The soft sound she made—almost a whimper—caused him to gentle his hold around her waist.

  “I won’t hurt you, Alli.” He partly regretted assuring her of her safety because she was human. Fear was good for them to feel. It reminded them that he was dangerous to their well-being but she wasn’t comparable to the ones he’d grown to hate. “Don’t fight me.”

  He used his free hand to twist off the flow of water and stepped out of the stall. The shower had soaked the floor but he didn’t care. He stormed back into his room and didn’t stop until they reached the bed. He paused there to study it. His gaze finally met her worried blue eyes.

  “You will collapse. You aren’t strong.”

  “8—Obsidian,” she whispered. “What are you doing? Please put me down.”

  He noticed how she corrected herself after almost using his number. He considered the bed again. Her hands gripped his forearm at her waist but she didn’t dig her nails into his skin to inflict pain or struggle.

  A growl rumbled from his chest. “You aren’t strong enough.”

  “I know I can’t make you lower me to the floor.”

  He frowned. “Your arms aren’t strong enough to brace to take me. How do your males mount you?”

  Her tongue darted out to wet her lips. “You want me again?”

  “From behind. You will enjoy it.” He eased his hold more, just enough to allow her to slide down his front. The feel of his cock rubbing against her ass and lower back made him want her more.

  She turned in his hold and chewed on her bottom lip. He knew that telling sign of her emotions. She was unsure of what to do but the trepidation wasn’t there anymore when he studied her closely. A small hand lifted timidly to rest near his heart. It trembled but he wasn’t sure if she was chilled or nervous.

  “Why do you insist on doggy style?”

  “What does that mean? Is it an insult to my heritage?”

  “No! Mounting from behind is called that term.”

  “Taking a female bent over in front of a male is how it is done.”

  Her eyes widened. He glanced away from her to glare at the bed. He could put her in the center of it and brace her under him by caging her with his legs and arms. One arm around her waist would help support her to keep her from falling forward. His dick jerked with the promise of doing just that.

  “Um, Obsidian?”

  “Yes?” He glanced back at her.

  “Have you only had sex in that position?”

  “No. I just shared sex with you facing me. You refused to release me or I would have taken you the right way.”

  Alli paled slightly and she leaned against him when she swayed a little on her feet. Alarm shot through him. Had he harmed her? His arm hooked tighter around her middle again to make certain she didn’t fall. Perhaps sharing sex with him once had worn her out. She looked a little pale and he was pretty certain her legs wobbled.

  Weak humans. Anger surged. She was too frail to take him. He should have known better but his talk with Moon had given him hope she could handle a Species male.

  Chapter Ten

  Alli swayed a bit from the shock of his statement. “Are you saying you only mounted other women from behind? On your knees? Always?”

  Obsidian tilted his head. “I only had a mate. I took her that way. It is how it is done.”

  “Oh shit,” she gasped, taken aback. He had to be over thirty years old by her calculations and clues from his body. Species were harder to estimate but she was sure she was in the correct age range.

  “What is wrong? Do you need rest?”

  “You never experimented during sex? Did other things with her in different positions?”

  “I used my mouth on her to get her interested in sharing sex. She enjoyed my tasting her.”

  He suddenly shifted his stance and lifted her off the floor into the cradle of his arms. She didn’t know why he spread her out over the mattress until he tucked the covers around her body.

  “I will give you time to recover.”

  Her hand snagged his. “We need to talk.” She struggled to sit and tugged him closer. He perched grudgingly on the edge of the mattress.

  “Rest for a short time. I want you again soon.”

  He glanced down at his cock and she followed his gaze. He remained hard. An array of emotions passed through Alli as her thoughts raced to accept the personal details of his sexual history. It was limited at best and she felt guiltier. She took slow breaths to calm her dismay until she was ready to speak. Giving someone Obsidian’s size and age “the talk” wasn’t the easiest thing she’d ever contemplated.

  “Not everyone has intercourse doggy style. Um, mounts women—females
—only from behind. What we did, facing each other, is normal.”

  His gaze narrowed.

  “There are many positions during sex that are perfectly acceptable and encouraged.”

  “What positions?”

  “There are a lot of them.” Her mind blanked in the face of his grim expression. “Cowgirl. Reverse cowgirl. Sixty-nine.” Her cheeks warmed.

  “Cowgirl? Who is sixty-nine?” His voice deepened. “My name is Obsidian.”

  “It’s not a who but a what.”

  He stood and jerked out of her hold. “I am going for a walk.” He stomped to the dresser, yanked open a drawer and swiftly put on sweatpants in jerky, furious motions.

  The angry expression on his face left her mute. She’d managed to make him angry or perhaps he was experiencing regret over what had happened between them. Neither emotion alleviated her guilt.


  He paused by the door when his hand gripped the handle and his head snapped in her direction.

  “We need to talk. Please come back here.”

  “We don’t.” He yanked open the door and closed it loudly behind him.

  Alli winced at the loud noise and shoved off the cover. Her body ached in a few places as she entered the bathroom to finish her shower. She needed to go home. It had been a huge mistake staying with Obsidian. He was confused at having been thrust into a new world. His mate had been murdered and he probably felt guilt at what had transpired between them.

  “Damn it,” she muttered, blinking back tears. She’d had time to become a bit obsessed with Obsidian but she was just a distraction to him and a physical release for some of the frustration he had to be suffering.

  * * * * *

  Obsidian glared at the new guard at the end of the hall. The male arched dark eyebrows as he stood from his chair. “May I help you? I am Jericho.”

  “I want to take a walk outside.”

  The male’s nostrils flared. “I see.”

  “What does that mean?”