Page 23 of Lifeblood

  There's a boxing ring in the center, where six scantily clad women are hanging over the ropes, watching two muscular guys attempt to punch each other into pulp and powder.

  Someone save me! One of those guys is Killian.

  He's inside a Shell, tall, cut and without flaws. His dark hair is slicked back, his beautiful body glistening with sweat.

  Shells can be programmed to sweat as well as shiver; they can also be programmed not to sweat and shiver.

  I'm glad Killian flipped the On switch.

  Am I drooling? I think I'm drooling.

  He's teaching Javier how to box his way--no rules, no honor, anything for victory. Both boys are shirtless, wearing only boxing gloves and shorts. Both are brawny and defined with sinew--though Killian is far more ripped--and covered in tattoos.

  The 143,10 tattoo causes the most feminine parts of me to flutter and heat.

  To be fair, I'm fascinated by every image etched into Killian's skin. Underneath the array of lines, stars and severed heads, I sometimes think I spot a map. What I can't figure out--is it a map of Myriad? Or somewhere in the Land of the Harvest? He's never said.

  Concentrate now, ogle later.


  --Javier looks to be in much better condition today.--Deacon's voice comes from the Grid, claiming my attention. --In fact, he almost appears...healthy.--

  We're standing in a shadowed corner, unnoticed by the occupants. Cheers ring out, and Deacon sighs.

  --He's going to be a pain to deal with. Put on your big girl panties, Ten.--

  Before we arrived, Deacon had told me, "We'll appear inside a building. There will be MLs inside and outside. As soon as we're noticed, I'll put up a Buckler, but for the love of life, try not to get us noticed."

  "Why hasn't Myriad erected a Buckler around the building?" I'd asked.

  "It would give away their location. TLs would see it."

  "Wait. We put a Buckler around Dior's safe house. How did we not give away her location?"

  "You didn't see behind the scenes. We erected other Bucklers all over the world at the exact same time. It's a complicated strategy and not one we execute often. There are other ways to mask one, but let's move on to what matters right now. If you can, lure Javier away and tell him whatever you plan to tell him. If Killian spots you, he'll try to stop you. So will the other MLs. I'll take out as many as I can. Just remember, as soon as our Buckler goes up, an army of MLs will be dispatched to disable our shield and pin us in."

  Deep breath in...out. --Big girl panties...on.--They better be. I've got one shot at this. Only one.

  Bile agitates my stomach. I think I could wash a load of laundry in there. Well, ruin a load of laundry at least. I'm about to sneak past Killian Flynn or challenge him. And I'm about to do it simply for a chance to speak with Javier.

  As a girlfriend, I currently suck eggs.

  Can't make any progress standing here. On your mark, get set, go!

  Adrenaline surges through me as I move toward the boxing ring, weaving around treadmills, elliptical machines, weight benches and recumbent bikes. There are no other MLs present--not that I can see, anyway--and only three other humans are working out.

  What's my first move? Think, think.

  "Hands up," Killian tells Javier. The closer I get, the more I feel as if I've been snared by an unbreakable gravitational pull. "Aye. Like that."

  I love when his Irish accent comes out to play.

  For a moment, I imagine the war is over, and we're openly dating. I see myself pressed against him, his warm breath fanning my skin as his husky voice whispers my name. A promise. A passion. Goose bumps spread over my spirit but thankfully not my Shell.

  Stop mooning!

  I'm not. Really. See it, do it. Right?

  I pause, my mind whirling. The second I'm standing behind the ropes, Killian will notice me. How will he react? Will he shout for reinforcements?

  No. Not his style.

  Javier will notice me, too. He might or might not know I'm a Shell. He might call for reinforcements. The Buckler will go up and the countdown clock will start. Ticktock, ticktock. As soon as the MLs disable the Buckler, Deacon and I will have to leave or risk being overrun.

  Think, think. What's the best way to proceed? To intrigue the human and protect Killian?

  "This is merely the beginning of what Myriad has to offer," Killian says now. "Strength like you've never known. The ability to defeat anyone who challenges you--even those who don't. And as you can probably tell, win any woman you want."

  Well. The sales pitch has officially begun.

  "I can win any woman I want now," Javier replies, throwing another punch.

  He is very handsome, despite the Penumbra writhing under the surface of his skin. A guy's good looks would never be enough to help a girl get over Archer, but I guess this particular guy gave good distraction.

  The girls stationed around the ring giggle and wave at him. They blow kisses to Killian.

  Mine! Eyes off!

  Well, well. Who knew Tenley Lockwood would mutate into the Hulk when jealous?

  To his credit, Killian appears unaffected and unimpressed.

  "Riches and fame," Killian continues. "Whatever you desire, we will procure for you."

  What of love, compassion and peace? The kind of bone-deep peace I feel every time I pass through the Veil of Wings is worth anything. Everything. And it's a peace Killian has never known.

  What I wouldn't give to share it with him.

  First things first. Win Javier, protect my man. In the back of my mind, an idea springs to life. At first, I dismiss it. Too crazy! But also kind Could it work?

  I guess we'll find out.

  Determined, I hide behind one of the four corners of the boxing ring and step out of my Shell. As stealthily as possible, I climb up to the ropes. I hold my breath.

  If anyone walks around the corner, they'll see my Shell, and my efforts will be moot.

  Chewing on my bottom lip, I step into one of the spectators--a pretty blonde--to use her as a shield. I don't treat her as a Shell and attempt to anchor because I don't want to control her movements.

  Anchoring to a human is called Possession, and it's against Troikan law.

  I can almost feel Levi's uncertainty pulse along the Grid. He is at the Eye with Kayla, the two watching my process in real time. My protectors.

  Killian stiffens. He sniffs the air as his gaze roves over the entire room. Does he sense me? Is he that aware of me?

  I melt a little.

  Javier uses Killian's distraction to his advantage and punches. Target: Killian's jaw. My guy stumbles back.

  When he steadies, he pops the bones of his Shell into place. "Good job."

  "Again." Javier hops from one foot to the other, his eyes wild, glittering.

  "You're too amped. We're taking a break." He unwinds the tape from his gloves, his gaze rescanning the room...those blue-gold eyes slide over the blonde only to zoom back and narrow.

  Does he see me peeking out underneath her skin? I gulp.

  I think the blonde frowns at him--or smiles, I can't tell which. He blinks, as if confused.

  No, he doesn't see me...exactly. Good. That's good.

  Javier removes his gloves. "I said again." He punches Killian bare-knuckled.

  Killian bounces on the ropes. I swallow a snarl of rage and a grunt of concern.

  Calm, steady. He's in a Shell. He's fine.

  With a scowl, Killian jumps up. "The first, I let you have. This one? Not so much." He slams a bare fist into Javier's smiling face. The human whips to the side, blood leaking from the corner of his mouth.

  Javier wipes the drops away before laughing. "More."

  Killian gives him more, punch, punch, punching--every strike focused and contained, delivered for maximum impact--until the human is sprawled across the mat, unable to stand but still smiling.

  "Now it's break time," Javier says between panting breaths, crimson smeared over his te

  I grimace. Penumbra hasn't had such a sinister effect on Dior and I wonder if personality dictates severity.

  The building shakes, and I stiffen. Either a battle has kicked off outside, or someone just erected a Buckler.

  A second later, four MLs rush into the room--two in Shells, two in spirit--each holding a weapon. Got my answer. A Buckler was erected, and it's Troikan. I feel a sweet pulse of Light.

  Deacon sprints from the shadows and rams into the Shells. The trio slams to the floor, the MLs absorbing the brunt of impact.

  My blonde squeals and dives through the ropes to join the boys, abandoning me. Killian spots me, his narrowed gaze drilling holes in me.

  "Go to the locker room," he commands Javier. "Do not talk to anyone but me. Do not leave with anyone but me."

  The younger male clearly isn't used to taking orders and remains prone; he's panting but smiling again.

  Gaze never leaving me, Killian throws a hard punch. Javier's entire body jolts as he's rendered unconscious.

  The blonde alternates between patting his face and peering up at Killian with a combination of awe and fear.

  I race toward the MLs who are in spirit form and lift my arm, aiming Meredith's ring.

  Boom, boom!

  The bigger male falls. Without missing a beat, the other guy tosses a dagger at me. I dodge, wishing I had time to aim--too late, we collide, hurtling halfway across the room. I use his neck as an anchor and swing myself around him.

  Upon impact, he's dazed. Easy to pin. With my knees in his shoulders, I jab the ring into his throat and fire.

  Guilt. Sorrow. I experience both as Lifeblood pours from his motionless body.

  I know he's past the point of hearing me, but I say, "It didn't have to be this way."

  He's dead and gone, and he won't Fuse with a newborn human; he won't enter into the Rest, which is open only to Troikans. That leaves...

  Many Ends?

  Surely I haven't sent this man...and all the others I've killed in Many Ends. Surely Killian won't one day find himself in the nightmarish realm.

  I suck air between my clenched teeth, struggling to maintain my composure. Killian...trapped in Many Ends...

  My blood curdles.

  From the corner of my eye, I notice a Myriadian exiting his Shell as he approaches me.

  Dang it! I've got to keep my head in the game!

  As I jump up, he swings a Glacier. I bow back, narrowly avoiding injury, and reach for my swords. Straightening, I extend my arms, my body forming a T. He punches me in the stomach, as I expected, and I hunch over, wheezing for breath, at the same time drawing my wrists together to create a pair of makeshift scissors.

  Off with his head.

  My signature move is swift, painless and permanent.

  "I don't want to hurt anyone else, but I will if I must." I spin as I speak, addressing the entire room.

  I'm ignored. Six other MLs are here, and one of them is Sloan, the traitor; they're working together to take out Deacon. He's doing his best to neutralize the eager beavers without hurting Sloan, a girl he once crushed on.

  Humans scurry for cover, chaos quickly reigning. Killian remains in front of Javier, acting as his guard.

  "Look out," Killian shouts at me.

  I pivot as two Shell-less MLs race toward me. I'm ready, but Deacon sheds his Shell and blazes over, knocking the two to the ground. His previous opponents charge his now defenseless Shell, not yet realizing he's left it--except for Sloan. She whips out two .44s, one for each hand, and nails her own teammates in the back of the head.

  Deacon and I jolt with shock.

  "You got this?" I ask Deacon.

  "Without a doubt."

  I rush to my Shell, sheathe the Blessing and Cursing--I won't risk cursing Killian--and slip inside the casing. After swiping up two new swords, I climb into the ring. Time is running out.

  Killian looks me over and arches a dark brow. "You planning on stabbing me, lass?"

  "With Cupid's arrow maybe, but nothing else."

  His features soften. As he circles me, his gaze lingers on my cleavage. His hands curl into fists--to stop himself from reaching out to touch me? His pupils dilate. "Did you come here to seduce me, then?"

  Does he realize he's rubbing his 143,10 tattoo?

  Beyond the ring, grunts and groans sound as Deacon and Sloan take out the remaining MLs.

  "Why are you doing this?" the TL says between ragged breaths.

  "Just shut up and kill the witnesses," she snaps.

  I move with Killian, wishing he would close the distance and yank me into his arms. "When I decide to seduce you, Killian Flynn, you won't have to ask. Actually, you won't even have enough breath to ask."

  "Well, then." His eyes glitter with wicked intent. "I look forward to your attempt."

  "You mean my success."

  "Finished," Sloan calls. She yanks a sword out of the last ML standing...well, falling, and stalks to a desk in back. She checks the security system. "The humans made it outside to safety."

  Humans can pass through Bucklers, no problem.

  And sure enough, the rest of the MLs have been finished off. Sixteen in total. I expected more.

  In a blink, Killian's entire countenance darkens. He goes from pleasure to business, every mask gone. No longer a charmer, he's a boy who's devastated beyond repair.

  "Let's talk frankly, Ten. With your Buckler over the gym, my comm is disabled, and my boss can't listen in."

  "What about Sloan? She--"

  "Is on our side."

  I shake my head in an effort to dismiss my confusion. "Please don't tell me you trust my murderer." I know she aided me today. I know I let her live during our previous battle. But we're discussing matters of the heart right now.

  "Why not? She's there for me when you aren't," he snarls.

  Every ounce of heat drains from me, leaving me rigid with cold. "Are you...are you two..."

  "And now you insult me!" He spits the words at me. "I would never betray you. And she won't, either. She could have turned on me a thousand times, but she's helped me in order to help you. Lets our boss believe we're screwing so we can disable our comms and sneak around the realm, counteracting every plan Myriad has for you."

  Too much. Too much information to process while I combat far too many conflicting emotions. Betrayed but beloved. In peril but protected. Out of control but steady.

  "You're here for Javier," he adds, "but I'm not going to let you have him. He's too dangerous to you."

  No way I'll let him play that particular card. "While you're sneaking around, actively putting your life in danger, I'm supposed to ignore my job to avoid danger? Do you have any idea how devastated I'd be if something were to happen to you?"

  He disregards my questions, rasping, "Javier doesn't want to speak with a Troikan. You need to go, and you need to trust me as you promised."

  I admit it. This card is harder to discount. "I'm staying here. I'm speaking with him."

  A flash of fury in eyes still capable of making my blood sing. "How do you think Troika found us, Ten? Because we're bad at hiding? I assure you we're not. Or because someone informed your realm?"

  "The latter, but--"

  "I'm supposed to put up a fight before I let you have him."

  "Why? Why would Myriad willingly give him up?"

  "I don't know the plan. I only know you risk your life every time you're around him."

  "Or you want to keep him, so you're tricking me into leaving," I snap, and Killian scowls at me. "Javier has a blood relation who asked us to speak with him, so I'm going to speak with him."

  "The relative isn't the final authority," he snaps back.

  I breathe in...out...calming. This is Killian I'm talking to. My love. He's not lying to me. He believes what he says.

  "You're right," I tell him. "The relative doesn't get to pick for Javier. So Javier can tell me to go--if that's what he wants. He can even tell me to stay away forever. But he
will hear me out first. I'm certain he'll want an update on Dior."

  "He's slept with two different girls in two consecutive days." His tone is dry. "I think it's safe to say Javier is over Dior."

  I purse my lips. How easily Killian speaks of a relationship's death.

  Forget Javier. For the moment, anyway. I made a promise to Kayla. "Do you know where Victor Prince is being kept?"

  Killian smiles a cold smile. "Yes...because I abducted him."

  What? "Is he alive?" My grip tightens on the swords.

  "Yes." A single nod of his head. "For now."

  There aren't many reasons Killian would have kept a Troikan Messenger alive. In fact, there's only one. His weakness--for me. "You think you're helping me." What I don't understand is how Victor's imprisonment helps me. "I'd rather you stay safe and Victor goes home."

  Now he gives a clipped headshake. "You don't get a say in this."

  I try a different route. "His friends miss him. I miss him."

  Mistake! He tenses. "You gonna stop loving me if I keep him?"

  "No," I say, but he's far from pacified.

  A muscle jumps beneath his eye. "Maybe there's something about him I don't like. Something I've never liked, even when he lived in Myriad."

  "Maybe he doesn't like the fact that Victor can touch you and he can't," Sloan calls.

  "Shut up, inferior," he grates.

  "Killian--" I begin.

  "No." Rage vibrates from him. "We're on opposite sides of a war, lass. A choice you made. Do you expect me to lay down my weapons and accept defeat?"

  "No, I--"

  "Good. Because I haven't. I won't. I'm too busy fighting for ye." His accent thickens. "Everything I've done, I've done to give ye a better eternity, not just a better present. I'm protecting ye the only way I can. And I'm doing it without lying. Do know how difficult that is? But I do it because I know ye despise liars. Because I want to be a man worthy of ye, even if I can't have ye."

  "I'm nothing special. I'm not yet worthy of you. But I'm here. I'm yours."

  Abject longing stares at me through those blue-gold eyes...until his expression hardens. "I'm not going to get out of this alive, lass, and I know it."

  "You're not going to die." Panic grabs me by the neck and squeezes. "Do you understand?"

  He offers me a small, sad smile. "I'm living on borrowed time. When this is over, my crimes will be exposed and punishment will come. I'll be kept alive only as an insurance policy against you, my life used to control yours--to stop you from leading your armies into battle."

  "I don't have armies!"