Page 24 of Lifeblood

  He plows on. "Do you really think I'll let that happen? No, lass. No. I'd rather die than hurt you, and I will. I'll make sure I go out in a blaze of glory." He laughs now, but the sound lacks any hint of amusement. "What I did to Dior is being done to me, only a hundredfold worse. Your realm says we reap what we sow. Karma. Justice has come for her due, wouldn't you say?"

  "Killian." I take a step toward him.

  He jumps back, avoiding contact. "I have always believed what's meant to be will be, and everything will work out the way it's supposed to work out. This," he says, spreading his arms, "is my fate."

  "No." I stomp my foot. "Everything works out when we fight for what's right. Choice matters. You say you don't want to lay down your weapons and accept defeat, but that's what you're doing. What you're choosing to do. You have options. You can defect to Troika."

  "Impossible. Your realm would never accept me."

  "Maybe not at first. But fight with them instead of against them, and they'll grow to love you."

  "To fight with them, I'd have to go to court. Who would be my Barrister, lass?" Another bitter laugh. "You?"

  "Yes!" I shout. "Yes! It would be my honor and privilege. I love you."

  "No. I would never allow you to--"

  The entire building shakes, the foundation rattling at our feet. Dust plumes the air as I stagger backward, actually falling out of my Shell. Killian races over, abandoning his Shell to catch me before I hit the ground. The shaking continues, and we both fall. I release the swords and cling to him.

  He twists in midair, absorbing the impact. "Sorry, I'm sorry," he mutters when he catches his breath, and I'm not sure why he's apologizing.

  "No, I'm sorry." The Buckler has been disabled, and it's time for us to part. I'm not ready. I'm not even close to ready. I don't want to leave him like this. And zero! I haven't spoken to Javier. I can't leave without completing my mission.

  Killian must not want to part with me, either. He rolls me over, pinning me in place. Where we touch, I grow chilled. He hisses, and I know he's being burned. Even still, awareness sizzles inside me. He's so beautiful. I ghost my fingers over his cheekbone. I love the line of his jaw, adore the sweep of his brows, marvel at the long length of his lashes, and take comfort in the stubborn jut of his chin.

  "Everything I do, I do for ye," he repeats, his accent back. It returns every time his emotions overtake him. "I would do anything--except put ye in danger."

  My chest aches. My brands tingle. Every step toward a dream is a step away from a regret. "Do you want out of Myriad?" Let me rephrase. "Do you want to join me in Troika?"

  "Ye would be--"

  "Don't think about consequences, only desire. Do you want to join me?"

  Those blue-gold eyes lower and snag on my lips. He says one word, only one, but it seals his fate. "Yes."

  I want to shout with joy. One word, but I'm forever changed.

  "But," he says, and I shake my head.

  "No buts." I press my lips into his, despite the pain. The kiss, like the one in my dreams, is over far too quickly. "If I must, I'll force your hand. And you should want me to do so, eh? After all, as long as you're in Myriad, my life is in danger."

  His eyes narrow to tiny slits. "Are ye manipulating me, lass?"

  "I did learn from the master."

  The tender moment ends with a bang, the front door swinging open, countless MLs rushing inside. They aren't alone. Countless TLs rush in behind them.

  The two armies clash together. Grunts, groans and clangs sound. Spears and arrows fly.

  Killian and I roll apart, and he moves to block me from my Shell.

  "Get out of here," he commands.

  I end up next to the unconscious Javier...and an idea strikes. "You're right. It's time for me to go. Just know that everything I do, I do for you."

  As I talk, I type into my data pad, sending Kayla an urgent message. Help! Can you transport my Shell next to me? Also, I need a location switch with a human in tow. Like, now!

  Javier is infected with Penumbra, yes, and the Light will hurt him, but he's sleeping so--fingers crossed--he'll never know.

  My Shell appears at my side in a blaze of Light. Kayla did it! With a quick spin, I slip inside and anchor. Then I reach out, clasping Javier's hand.

  "Ten!" Killian shouts, realizing what I'm planning. "Don't! They'll never let ye--"

  His voice cuts off as a blaze of Light slams into me. The gym disappears, and a new location takes shape around me.


  * * *

  From: Z_C_4/23.43.2

  To: K_F_5/23.53.6

  Subject: You have some explaining to do Reports have come in, and my soldiers tell me you tried to stop Miss Lockwood from taking Mr. Diez from the gym. Why is that, Mr. Flynn? For our plan to work, the two need to be together.

  Might Equals Right!

  Sir Zhi Chen


  * * *

  From: K_F_5/23.53.6

  To: Z_C_4/23.43.2

  Subject: I'm really tired of having to explain myself Dude. Chill. Miss Lockwood is a smart girl. She suspects we're planning to use the infected humans against her. What's wrong with making it look like I objected?


  I know you told me to take the weekend off and enjoy a little sexy time with Sloan. For a job well done today I'd rather be rewarded with another assignment. What would you like me to do?

  Might Equals Right!

  ML, Killian Flynn


  * * *

  From: Z_C_4/23.43.2

  To: K_F_5/23.53.6

  Subject: I still have doubts There's a girl in Paris. A distant relative of Miss Lockwood. She's Unsigned. You want to prove your loyalty beyond any doubt? Sign her.

  Afterward, return to Myriad so we can chat about your abduction of Victor Prince.

  Might Equals Right!

  Sir Zhi Chen


  * * *

  From: T_L_2/23.43.2

  To: L_N_3/19.1.1

  Subject: I have Javier Diez

  What am I supposed to do with him?

  Light Brings Sight!


  Ten Lockwood

  PS: Peace by Piece: Possible new motto for our realm?????


  * * *

  From: L_N_3/19.1.1

  To: T_L_2/23.43.2

  Subject: What do you think?

  Talk some sense into him.

  Light Brings Sight! Let's stick with the old one. It actually works.

  General Levi Nanne

  chapter eighteen

  * * *

  "Sometimes good people have to do bad things."


  Kayla, for whatever reason, decides to send me to a ratty motel room. I grimace as I look around. The ceiling is spotted with mold, the carpet is stained with...something I don't want to contemplate and the furniture is top-of-the-line Goodwill.

  A snoring Javier appears on the floor at my feet.

  As I wait for him to wake, I send a message to Kayla: Couldn't we have sprung for a 3-star place?

  I'm pretty sure there are STDs on every bangable surface of the room. Not that I'll complain...much. My Shell can be bleached. Or burned. Yeah. Burning is probably the way to go. I just hope the next one is pimple free.

  My comm glows, and I read her reply: You asked for a location switch ASAP. I gave you ASAP, the closest public housing owned by a Troikan. It shouldn't be in need of repairs. According to our records, we paid to have the entire place refurbished. BTW Levi has TLs and TMs posted around the building.

  The owner must have used the money for other purposes. I wonder how that will be dealt with.

  Not important right now. Maybe Javier will wake in a good mood if he's on the bed instead of the floor? Since my Shell is stronger than a human body, I have no trouble lifting him onto one of the twin beds. By the time I strai
ghten, however, I'm trembling.

  Weakened by Penumbra?

  I back away from him. At the window, I stand between the curtains, letting golden rays of sunlight strengthen me.

  Five minutes stretches into ten. I perch at the end of the vacant bed. Amid the silence, Lina's newest song plays through my mind. One fox in the henhouse. In two days, he'll try to eat his mouse. Three, yes, three warnings will come. By four five six, you'll be glum. Look, look, look, for the seven. Eight, nine, Ten is in heaven...

  Could Javier be the fox? He's the closest thing to an Abrogate, after all.

  What warnings will sound, and why will I be glum? What is the seven?

  My brain must be fried, because I'm stumped.

  Finally Javier arches his back, stretching his arms over his head. My heart pounds a wild beat as he blinks open his eyes.

  When he sees me, he jolts upright and frowns. "Who are you?" His gaze darts through the room. "Where are we?"

  Let the games begin.

  "I'm Ten, your Troikan Laborer. As to our location... I suspect we're in a human petri dish."

  He rubs the palms of his hands into his eyes. "I told the last guy I want nothing to do with your realm."

  "And I forgive you," I say, batting my lashes at him. "I'm sure you didn't mean it. Otherwise you would have already signed with Myriad."

  "Wrong. I like to keep my options open."

  "So I hear."

  He eases onto the pillows and pats the spot next to him. "You want to stay and talk about where I'll live in the Unending, you'll have to get naked."

  Do women actually find him charming?

  I'm not shy--how could I be? During my year in Prynne, cameras watched me every second of every day, even while I showered. Guards, who were allowed to view the feed, often propositioned me.

  "No thanks. I'm dating Killian. You remember him, right? The guy who popped you in the face."

  "So what?" Another pat. "You and I can still be...friendly."

  Irritation flares. "You are dating Dior Nichols."

  At last he backs down. "Is she here?"

  "Nope. Sorry. But she's safe."

  He throws his legs over the edge of the bed and sits up. He's shirtless, his knuckles cracked and scabbed. "Take me to her. I want to see her."

  A buzz in the Grid gives me pause. "Not yet," I say. I'm supposed to keep the couple apart?

  He glares at me, probably trying to decide how to proceed. The black veins under his skin are thicker than Dior's, and even spill into his eyes. "How did I get here?"

  "I carried you." The truth without revealing more than he needs to know.

  He looks me over and barks out a laugh. "Yeah. Right."

  I'm tempted to give him a demonstration. Possible Abrogate, remember? "Look. Dior is in trouble. And so are you."

  In an instant, he sobers. "Is that a threat?" His voice lashes like a whip.

  He doesn't give me a chance to respond but launches a surprise attack, lunging at me, pushing me to my back and pinning me to the mattress. I'm not afraid, but I won't be manhandled, either. I work my legs between us and shove with enough force to send him flying onto the other bed.

  I hop to my feet, my knees close to buckling. Zero! Weakened again. I study him and realize he's trembling, too. He's not immune to my Light.

  We face off. His gaze spits fire at me.

  "If you've harmed a single hair on Dior's head--"

  Oh, now he cares about having a girlfriend? "I would never harm her." But, uh, considering I've done so--twice--I rush to add, "Not purposely."

  He pops his jaw. "I've been told your realm is encouraging her go to court. If that's true, you're not saving her, you're endangering her. According to my ML, most people lose."

  Well played, Killian. Well played. He erected roadblocks just in case I got my hands on Javier.

  He's not done. "Dior's Firstlife and Everlife will be worse when she loses."

  When, he said. Not if. "Great risk, great reward. She's sick, and so are you. You've both been infected with Penumbra, a disease--"

  He shakes his head. "No."


  "No. I'm healthy."

  "You might feel that way now, but--"

  "I'm healthy," he insists. "So is she."

  And the award for most stubborn guy in the Land of the Harvest goes to...

  Is this how I came across to Archer? How I come across to Killian and Levi? Yeah, probably. So frustrating! It's a miracle I haven't been stabbed.

  Okay. I can handle this one of two ways. The hard way, trying to reason with him, or the harder way, touching him and proving he's filled with darkness.

  What the heck? I'll take my own advice. Great risk, great reward.

  I close in on him. He stiffens, as if he expects me to throw a punch. Not giving myself time to change my mind--and gearing for a kick of pain--I reach out and flatten my hand on his check. Skin-to-skin contact.


  A violent current of air throws me across the room. I slam into a wall, cracking the plaster before sliding onto the floor. Something pops in my ears. A high-pitched ring fills my head. I blink, trying to clear the sudden haze from my eyes, but the world remains black-and-white, as if I've lost all sense of color, and Javier--

  He's on the other side of the room, slumped over. Crimson leaks from his eyes, nose and ears.

  What have I done?

  Warm liquid trickles from the corners of my mouth. My lungs refuse to work; they've deflated. Wheezing sounds rise from my chest.

  The door bursts open, and Reed rushes into the room. He takes in the situation with a single glance, just as he's been trained.

  "Stay back," I croak. If I've been drained of Light, I don't want to accidentally draw from him.

  Reed ignores me, crouching beside me. He rips the chain from my neck and pours the manna down my throat.

  Other TLs rush in behind him. To take care of Javier, I assume. I'm losing focus, the black blending with the white until everything blurs...and disappears altogether.


  "--going to heal?"

  "Yes, sir. A full recovery. She should wake up any second."

  The first speaker I know well--Levi. The second I vaguely recognize. The Healer from the Sanatorium, maybe.

  I blink open my eyes and fight a wave of dizziness. My temples throb.

  Moaning, I rub my temples. "What happened? Where's Javier?"

  A pause. Then, "I'll be going now," the Healer says. "Thank you for entrusting me with our Conduit."

  A light patter of footsteps, the soft snick of a closing door. A heavier thump of footsteps. Then Levi is looming over me, concern etched in every line in his face.

  I'm in a spacious bedroom with a three-tiered chandelier, two white columns at the foot of the bed and a white rug the same shape as my brands. This isn't a closet at the Sanatorium.

  "What do you remember?" Levi asks.

  "I--" Memories flood me, and I gnash my teeth. "Everything. Javier and the explosion. What happened?"

  He helps me sit up. "You have no control over your Light, and he has no control over his darkness. Light protected you, darkness protected him, and both lashed out at the other. The two forces collided..."

  I moan as a new tide of dizziness sweeps through me. "Is he okay?"

  "He's recovering. He agreed to stay in our care as long as he's with Dior. The situation isn't ideal, but it's workable. While they're together, I suspect they'll worsen, Penumbra growing stronger. We'll have to be more careful around them."

  The reluctance I experienced with Javier suddenly makes sense. The Grid is becoming an intricate part of me, an ever-present help in times of trouble.

  "Do I need to attend a debriefing?" I ask.

  "Consider this chat your debriefing. Let's start with Lina."

  I repeat her song and we discuss possible meanings--to no avail. He's as lost as I am.

  A soft knock sounds at the door.

  "Enter," Levi calls.

  Jeremy's nanny, Millicent, carries my baby brother in her arms. I'm so happy to see him I whimper.

  He gurgles and reaches for me. --Ten!--

  His voice fills my head. "Are all infants able to communicate through the Grid?" I ask Levi.

  He frowns. "Jeremy speaks to you through the Grid?"

  Chewing my bottom lip, I nod. "He doesn't talk to you?"

  "No." Levi rubs two fingers and a thumb against his chin and studies my brother. "To do so at such a young age..."

  Means he's strong. I smile.

  Deciding not to touch the little boy yet, considering I just came into contact with Penumbra, I wave. "Hey, buddy. I've missed you so much."

  Levi collects him--and the ball Millicent is holding--and sits on the floor, placing Jeremy between his outstretched legs.

  "Call if you need me." She makes her getaway.

  I take a spot on the other side of my brother. He giggles as we roll the ball back and forth.

  "Killian wants to defect," I say, watching Levi closely to gauge his reaction. "He won't actually do it, though."

  His expression never falters. "Through feed recorded by the Eye, I've seen the way Mr. Flynn looks at you. He'll do it. You are necessary to him."

  I want to preen, sigh dreamily, ask a million questions and frown all at the same time.

  "Whatever you said to him worked," Levi continues. "He released Mr. Prince."

  A cool tide of relief washes through me. Thank you, Killian. "Is Victor in Troika? Is he okay?"

  "He is and he's fine, though he doesn't remember anything that happened."

  Wait. "Killian wiped his mind?"

  Levi tugs the end of his earlobe. "It's possible, but I don't know how he could have done it."

  "I'll ask Killian for details." And get him into more trouble? I chew on my bottom lip. "Will you help me help him?"

  He smiles, as if I've just given him the perfect Christmas present. "Yes, Miss Lockwood. I'll help you."

  His willingness doesn't surprise me. Levi wants the best for me and even for Killian. He's that kind of guy.

  "Why is Myriad in the dark?" If I'm going to win this battle with Killian, I need to know more about his home. "Why are the citizens drawn to shadows rather than Light?"

  Levi and I share a chuckle when Jeremy accidently bumps the ball with his foot.

  "Did you know a bridge used to connect Troika and Myriad, and Light used to shine upon both realms?" Levi asks. "True Light comes from the Firstking, the sun a little piece of his heart. Then the Prince of Ravens attacked his father's kingdom--the Rest. Myriad was cast into darkness, Ambrosine disowned, and the bridge burned. He attacked his brother's kingdom next."