Page 7 of Lies Unspoken


  “A little bit of everything: shock, confusion, anger.”


  “Some of what I didn’t want to feel is still there. After everything he did, I can’t hate him.” My stomach churns, and suddenly, it feels too warm in here. Not enough space … not enough air. “In fact, I felt something for him that was the opposite of hate. A few months and a broken heart didn’t change that.”

  His gaze bounces from me to the window then back to me. He drags his hands through his hair. If looks could scream, I’d be deafened by his alone. “What are you saying?”

  I shrug. “I guess I’m saying my wounds aren’t as healed as I’d thought. They may never heal.”

  He reaches toward me, brushing his thumb against my cheek. “Wounds that deep always leave scars.”

  I nod, knowing that a part of me will always be with Blake, just as a small part of me stayed with Derek. Life is a journey for which we leave little pieces of ourselves behind. We write words in every chapter then leave them to continue to the next. It’s our legacy, and if we’re lucky enough, we’ll meet someone special to take the ride with.

  Before I can respond, the car comes to a complete stop, and the driver opens the door giving us a straight shot to our hotel.

  “Is there anything else I can do for you this evening, Mr. Stanley?” he asks as Pierce climbs out.

  He holds his hand out to me. “No, but be back at eight tomorrow morning. I have a meeting, and then I think Ms. Fields and I may be heading out of town a little early.”

  “We have the collaboration meeting tomorrow afternoon,” I blurt as I stand next to Pierce on the sidewalk.

  His arm wraps around my waist, pulling me close to his body. “We’ll talk about this later.”

  Seconds after, he’s pulling me through the hotel using his grip on my hand. The elevator door opens before either of us has a chance to push the button. A couple steps out. We step in.

  I’m not a stranger to long elevator rides but this one may be the longest of them all. It’s a polar shift from last night when everything felt right.

  The door opens, and we step out in silence. We walk side-by-side, uncertainty still hanging in the air. As my room comes into view, I pull my key from my clutch, which is not an easy task with shaky hands.

  He’s not talking.

  I’m not going to push.

  I swipe my card, wasting no time before turning the knob. I let a bad thing ruin a good thing tonight. For that, I may never forgive myself. I push against the door just enough to slip inside, but before it closes, he pushes it back open, stepping in behind me.

  The door clicks. I stand motionless, waiting for whatever will happen next. I’ve already had all I can take. I have no energy to fight.

  His hands settle on my hips then slowly wrap around to my stomach. His body perfectly aligns with my back until all I feel is him … all I think about is him.

  “I’m not going to let him take you from me. Do you understand that?”

  He gently brushes my hair away from my neck, kissing the delicate skin below my ear. I melt immediately.

  His hands slide up against my ribs then cup my breasts. “I want you so damn bad, Lila. Since you walked out in this dress earlier, I’ve wanted you so damn bad.”

  I cover his hands with mine, lying my palm flat against his warm skin.

  He groans, kneading my breasts in his hands. “You’re mine, and I’m not going to let you forget that. When I’m with you … when I’m inside you, you only think of me.”

  I moan, laying my head back against his shoulder. Without warning, he spins me in his arms, pressing my back against the wall. Last night we played nice but tonight, I just need him to help me forget.

  His kiss is punishing as his hands work at the bottom of my cocktail dress. I hear a zipper then my lace panties are pushed aside. He lifts me, and on instinct, I wrap my legs tightly around him. Then with one quick thrust, he’s in me … all the way in me. I kiss him once, pulling his lower lip between my teeth. He leans back, giving me a look into his lustful, hooded eyes before burying his face in the crook of my neck. “Mine, Lila.”

  He pounds into me over and over. He touches me so deeply, it’s almost painful, but I welcome it. The pain overrides every other emotion.

  “I’m not letting you go,” he murmurs against my skin.

  I wrap my arms tightly around his neck.

  He slips in and out of me, carefully punishing me with every thrust. I close my eyes and let the whole world just be. I live in the moment, not thinking about what happened earlier or what might happen tomorrow.

  “Pierce,” I moan, feeling myself pulse around him.

  “Oh, Lila. I could stay with you like this for the rest of my life and never get bored of you.”

  He rolls his hips, and I completely fall apart around him. He completely loses himself inside of me.

  He holds me close for God knows how long after. I hear him breathing. I feel his heart beating. “I love you, Lila. What ever happens after this, I want you to remember that.”

  I freeze, unsure of what to say … of what I feel. One thing is for sure: when I feel unsteady, he rights my world again.

  “I’m falling for you,” I whisper, kissing the base of his neck.

  “I can accept that.” He carries me to the bed where I stay the rest of the night, wrapped tightly in his arms. Sleep eludes me, but contentment keeps me warm.

  WHEN I WAKE UP, the bed is cold and bright sunlight shines through the window blinds. I reach behind me, feeling nothing but an empty bed.

  I listen for a sound—water running, footsteps—but I hear nothing. Curious, I rub my eyes then open them slowly to guard them against the morning light. My dress lies against the back of the chair where I left it last night, but all signs of Pierce are gone.

  Moving my eyes to the clock, I’m surprised that it’s past nine. I throw the covers back and roll out of bed. Pierce is with Wade, probably telling him that we’re off the project, and I can’t let him do that. We’ve both worked too hard to get here.

  In less than ten minutes, my hair is pulled back, my teeth brushed and a belted royal blue dress covers my skin. Not the way I’d usually approach work when I’m in the middle of a high stakes business deal¸ but all that time and effort won’t mean anything if Pierce gets his way.

  I grab my mood board and make my way out to the busy street. With no time to waste, I flag down my own cab, ignoring two bellboys who repeatedly ask if I need help.

  I open the door to the first little yellow car that stops and slide onto the torn leather seat. “Where to, miss?”

  I ramble off the address, focusing my attention out the window. The morning traffic is easier to navigate now than it would have been an hour ago. If luck is on my side, I’ll get there before the damage is done. I changed my life and dreams for a man once, and I promised myself I would never do it again. I want to think I’m stronger than my emotions … that my mind can overwrite anything my heart feels.

  My theory is about to be tested.

  I see Wade’s high-rise up ahead, but traffic has us locked up. “I can walk from here.”

  “It’s not safe to cross in this—” he starts, but I cut him off by handing him a rolled up twenty; double what I owe him.

  “Thank you,” I mutter, opening the door closest to the sidewalk. Traffic is a mess. Horns honk. Two cab drivers yell at each other out their windows. I carefully weave my way between cars, making sure I’m seen along the way. By the time my heels touch down on the other side of the street, my heart’s beating so fast, I feel like I might pass out.

  But there’s no time for that.

  Without pause, I open the door to Wade’s building, sprinting past the woman who sits at the front desk, straight to the elevator. The wait for the doors to open is agonizingly long. All I can do is pray that I’m not too late. Pray that Pierce hasn’t done something that can’t be undone.

  The door opens and closes
with only me inside. I will it not to stop until we reach the floor with the conference room I’ve come to know so well.

  I run out as soon as the door opens. My heart pounds faster as I cross through the waiting area, and this time, I don’t get past the receptionist without her calling for me to come back. I block her out, continuing down the long hall toward the conference room I loathe. Nothing good ever happens in there.

  My fingers turn the knob just as I hear the receptionist’s heels coming closer. I sprint inside before it’s too late. My eyes lock on Pierce first. He looks annoyed, angry even. And Wade just smiles as if he just won the lottery. It’s a good thing they’re sitting on opposite sides of the table.

  “I’m sorry. I tried to stop her!” the receptionist yells as she steps in the room.

  Wade lifts his hand. “It’s okay. Ms. Fields is welcome to join our little meeting. Isn’t that right, Stanley?”

  Pierce scowls, but I ignore him, placing my things on the table.

  The receptionist retreats, probably just as afraid to be in here as I am. “Okay, let me know if you need anything.”

  Wade leans forward in his seat. “I was hoping I’d get to see you one more time before you two skip town. It’s too bad you’re pulling yourselves off the project. I was looking forward to working with you.”

  His gaze skims my breasts as he talks, but I have more important things to worry about. “Actually, I have no intention of stepping down as the designer for this project. I hope you’ll keep me on even if Pierce decides not to continue.” I pause, glancing over at Pierce. His jaw ticks back and forth, and there’s probably nothing more he’d rather do right now than drag me out of this room and out of this town. “I worked hard on this. It’s all I’ve done the past few months.”

  Pierce rises from his seat, coming to stand in front of me. His legs are planted wide, arms crossed over his broad chest, blocking Wade out of my view. “It’s a done deal. There will be other projects.” He runs his fingers through his hair. “I’ll build a hotel for you myself if I have to,” he whispers.

  Seeing the wounded look on his face almost makes me want to give in, but then Blake wins. Wade wins. “I’m in this with or without you.”

  “We’re a package deal, Lila. He’s not keeping you if I pull my half of the funding.”

  “That’s not true,” Wade interrupts. “Contrary to what you might think, your money didn’t buy her a position. Ms. Fields is talent with or without you.”

  Pierce’s hands curl into fists. “I wasn’t inferring that I bought her anything Wade. I won’t let her stay on this project without me because I don’t trust you or that other bastard.”

  “That’s a shame. Aren’t new relationships supposed to be based on trust?”

  Wade’s attitude is almost enough to make me change my mind. But then again, I’m better than that … than him.

  “Our relationship is none of your business.” He turns to Wade giving me a second to catch my breath. “Give us a couple minutes, okay? When I’m ready to put up with you again, I’ll let you know.”

  “Have you forgotten you’re in my conference room?”

  Pierce steps forward. He’s got a few inches on Wade, but Wade isn’t fazed. “Don’t test me any more than you already have this morning. It wouldn’t hurt my feelings to rearrange your face, and I happen to know you’re quite fond of your face and the ego behind it.”

  “My ego doesn’t give a fuck if you stay on this project or not. Remember that.” They stare each other down for a few seconds before Wade disappears out the door, slamming it hard enough to shake the artwork.

  I stare at Pierce’s back, afraid to move, too afraid to speak. I’m being selfish by asking him to stay on this project. We have something so new—so fragile—and all he’s trying to do is protect it. I may end up ruining it all just to prove something to myself.

  “Pierce,” I say quietly, wanting him to come back to me on his own terms.

  He stays quiet, slowly tearing my heart in two.

  “I can do this. I bet we’ll barely see him, and even if we do, I’ve moved on. He shouldn’t matter to you.”

  He turns back around and grabs my arms, leaning in until we’re eye-level. “I saw the look in your eyes last night. He matters to you, Lila. He still matters to you. Damnit,” he seethes, gripping my arms a little tighter, not causing me pain but relaying his frustration. I’m choking on my own guilt.

  I swallow, uncomfortably, searching for words. He’s right, mostly. Blake matters to me—what we had can’t be easily forgotten—but the man standing in front of me matters too. How do I get him to see that? “Do you remember what I said last night? That should mean something to you.”

  His eyes are glued to mine, but he stands speechless.

  “And, it wasn’t just words. I meant every part of it. I’m falling for you, Pierce.”

  His hands come up to the base of my neck, thumbs caressing my skin until his palms cover my cheeks. He tilts my head up and presses his lips to mine, punishing and possessive. He’s fighting to be with me just as I’m fighting to be with him. We face different obstacles, but as long as we want the same thing, we can do this.

  He softens the kiss, skimming his lips over mine twice more before pulling away. His eyes show some of the sparkle they lacked earlier. “I meant what I said, too. Those words held more meaning than they’ve ever held before.”

  “So, do you trust me? Can we do this?” I ask, my voice begging.

  He closes his eyes and pulls me in for one more kiss. It’s answer enough. “I trust you. If you want to continue on this project, you’re doing it with me by your side.”

  “It’s a deal.”

  Wade chooses that moment to walk back in the room. I can tell by the look on his face that he’s disappointed to see us locked in an embrace. There’s no doubt in my mind he planned all this.

  “I see everything is good in paradise now,” he jokes. “Where does that leave us?”

  Pierce winks at me before turning his attention to Wade. “The project will go on as planned, but you, my friend, better watch yourself because this project doesn’t mean shit to me.” He stops, glancing back at me with a smile. “But it means everything to her, and she means everything to me.”

  “Someone is getting a little soft in his old age.”

  “Don’t let my kindness fool you, and don’t fuck with me again.”

  Wade’s cocky grin falls. Inside, I’m smiling. He deserves every second of it. “I take it you’ll be at the planning meeting this afternoon then?”

  “We’ll be there.”

  After grabbing some brunch, Pierce and I retreat back to the hotel to regroup before the afternoon meeting. The only thing I want to do is curl up in the comfortable bed and drift off to sleep. This morning was draining, and the thought of having to be in the same room with those two again in a few hours is frightening.

  Pierce stands next to me outside my hotel room, smiling. “Can I join you?” he asks.

  “Don’t your moods ever wear you out?” I ask.

  He shrugs. “You’re a woman. You should know what it’s like.”

  I sock him in the arm, but it’s the truth. My moods change daily like the weather outside. “I guess you can come in, but all I plan on doing is showering and taking a quick nap.”

  His hands grip my hips, pulling me into his body. “You didn’t shower this morning, did you?”

  I shake my head.

  “You still smell like me,” he whispers, lips brushing my cheek.

  “I guess I do,” I answer back, feeling a tingle between my legs. His whisper sings the song of sex.

  “Since you’re tired, maybe it would be best if I help you in the shower. It’s the least I can do after the morning you had.”

  My body trembles just thinking about his hands on me … all over me. “It would make up for the problem you caused. I’m still a little mad that you left me alone in bed. I was cold and lonely.”

  He grabs the key ca
rd from me, opening the door with one hand while keeping his other arm wrapped around me. The door slams shut, and he lifts me in his arms carrying me to the bathroom. He sets me on the edge of the counter then turns the shower on. I’m in awe over the size of his heart. He doesn’t just tell me that there is nothing he wouldn’t do for me; he shows me every single day.

  You can fall in love.

  You can be in love.

  Or you can simply love.

  And, the best type of love is felt before it’s spoken. It elevates your soul and fills your heart. I’m falling hard, and it just … it just feels right.

  I watch as he undoes his cuff links and quickly unbuttons his white dress shirt. I ponder reaching over to help him, but instead I enjoy the show. As he slides his shirt off, I look into his eyes. They’re glued to me, and I can’t help but be stuck on him. I hear his belt hit the floor then his zipper, but my eyes are still on his.

  He steps between my legs, running his long fingers up the inside of my thighs until he reaches my panties. His thumbs curl around the edges, carefully pulling them down. The way he does it—slow, methodical, letting his thumbs brush my inner thighs—drives me absolutely crazy.

  Next, he pushes my skirt up, leaving me completely exposed. I scoot to the edge of the counter wanting him inside of me so badly, I could almost scream. Instead, he slides me off and pulls my dress over my head, leaving me in nothing but my bra.

  “Pierce, I need you to touch me,” I beg, wrapping my arms around his neck.

  He remains silent, pulling my arms away and pinning them behind my back. He uses his leverage to bend me back enough to give him full access to my covered breasts. Leaning in, he bites my nipple through the fabric. I yelp. He does the same to the other side before carving a path of kisses down the center of my chest. I rub my legs together to relieve the ache, but it’s pointless. He’s the master of my body; he controls my desire and release.

  My bra falls to the ground and I’m lifted into his arms and placed in the oversized, steam-filled shower. Tiny droplets hit my back as I wait for him to join me.