Page 12 of Stage West - Dalton

  “Thank you for dinner.” She said with a shy smile.

  Dalton bent to kiss her cheek, then backed away with a smile on his face and his hand positioned over his heart. Sarah turned and went into her house pondering this night. My journal is going to be interesting tonight. Except when it came time to write that journal entry, she couldn’t write down the hopes in her heart. If they didn’t come true she would have a written reminder of more heartaches. In the end she just wrote, dinner with Dalton.

  Early the next morning as she was preparing for work, she received a phone call.


  “Do you remember our dinner last night?”

  “Yes, but I think I am still dreaming. And now this phone call is part of the dream.”

  “Did you pinch yourself?”

  “Yes, it hurt.”

  “Then apparently you are awake. Good morning my beautiful Sarah!”

  “If he keeps this up, I am going to start to believe him.” She muttered to herself. “Good morning.”

  “You are supposed to believe it and I am going to keep saying that you are beautiful until the skeptical look in your eyes is gone and the disbelief in your voice goes away.”

  “How are you today? Did you sleep well?”

  “Changing the subject will not change my mind. Yes, I slept well, I had a great dream. Want me to tell you about it?”

  “No, I am having enough trouble with the previous dreams.”

  “Too bad, I am going to tell you anyway. We were having a romantic picnic here on the ranch. There was a beautiful sunset and you were sitting with me and I was holding you in my arms and enjoying the views.”

  There was silence on her end of the call as the tears started.

  “Sarah, did I lose you?”

  “No” she said very quietly and breathlessly around the tears.

  “What’s wrong?”

  After taking a few minutes to regain her composure, she spoke into the phone. “That wasn’t fair, you caught me off guard. I was overwhelmed by the first two dreams, what is beyond overwhelmed because that is what I am now.”

  “Is that good or bad?”

  “Surprising is a better word. Since the roses yesterday you have been saying and doing things that I never imagined would ever happen to me in my life. But since you are the one that is doing it, I am beyond words right now. Is that awful to say to you?”

  “No, you can be truthful with me. I know you are surprised that it is from me. I was in your shoes when I saw you at the gala. I didn’t hear a word of your speech, I was mesmerized by you. So I have had more time to process my feelings than you have. Maybe I feel I need to be overwhelming you so that see that I mean what I say, not just maybe I might be interested in you. Because of our past, you have a reason to be doubtful, but I would like those doubts gone sooner rather than later. Should I try to stop with that approach?”

  “I will answer that in a minute. I have to clear something up first; will you answer a question with your best honest answer? It is a tough question, and embarrassing maybe, will you answer it?”

  “Yes, ask me whatever you need to know.”

  “Last night at dinner, did you practically propose to me? I mean, did you really mention that you see us getting married? Oh that isn’t right either, never mind. Forget I asked.”

  “Sarah, the answer to those questions is Yes. I really do see us getting married and yes I could have proposed last night. But when I do have the honor to propose to you, it is going to be more special than last night’s dinner.”

  “I am a practical, down-to-earth girl; this kind of stuff doesn’t happen to girls like me. I am just …

  “What do you mean, girls like you? That sounds suspiciously like you are putting yourself down and that ain’t gonna happen my dear. Repeat after me…Dalton thinks I am beautiful. He thinks I am very special.”

  “I can’t.”

  “Yes, you can, but just to show that I am a nice guy, I will give you until after work to call me and repeat it to me. If not, I am coming to your house and stand you in front of a mirror until you see what I see.”

  “I can’t call you and tell you that about myself. I would be embarrassed.”

  “Ok, then tell the guard to expect me between 5:30 and 6:00 because I will be stopping by. I have to go to work now, thanks for giving me a reason to stop to see you. You made my day. Bye for now” he said as he hung up on her. Yes, now I don’t have to wait until Friday to see the woman of my dreams. It is going to be a great day! And he went to breakfast with his family, where he received lots of curious looks about the smile on his face. He chose to ignore them, let them wonder for a while longer.

  Sarah slammed her cell phone shut and threw it on the couch. I think I was just proposed to but the most unlikely person. A man who never wanted to see me again just a few months ago. I must still be asleep.

  Chapter 11

  Later that same afternoon, Sarah was meeting with Tyler and Amy about items that needed to be taken care of while she was in Hawaii. She had delegated her time on the hotline to the counseling staff. The online support group could be done in Hawaii and any other items could be handled by the staff. “I am working on this trip so if there is an emergency, let me know.”

  “If there is an extreme emergency, we will tell you. But otherwise we are going to leave you alone to enjoy this time. You have been rather quiet today and just not yourself. Are you okay?” asked Amy.

  “Ah, yeah I am fine.” She replied as she caught sight of Dalton’s flowers. “I am just fine.”

  “Sarah” Amy called to get her attention “are you thinking about the guy that sent those flowers? Is there something you want to tell us?”

  “No, there isn’t.” Sarah’s eyes dropped to her desk so they couldn’t give her away. I was proposed to by the guy who sent those flowers. And he thinks I am beautiful. “Now, anything else for today that I need to take care of?”

  “No” replied Tyler and Amy as they left the office. Outside the door they looked at each other. “Something is up with her?” commented Tyler. “Who sent her the flowers?” Amy replied quietly that she would tell him another time.

  That evening Sarah was walking home when predictably her phone rang the display showed that it was Dalton.


  “Do you have something to tell me?”

  “I can’t say that.”

  “Then I will see you within the hour. What kind of pizza do you like?”

  “This is crazy.”

  “Pizza is crazy? Okay, I’ll see you soon.” He said as he hung up on her again.

  And true to his word, he arrived at the gate less than an hour later. She cleared him to come in and was waiting for him at the door.

  “Come in” she said as he approached

  He bent and kissed her cheek as he entered. “How was your day?” he asked.

  “Well, Amy said I wasn’t myself today. I am sure that Tyler agreed. I can’t imagine why I would be distracted; everything in the last twenty-four hours has made so much sense and been perfectly logical.”

  Dalton chuckled “Lead me to your kitchen so I can feed you.”

  Sarah took him to the kitchen and retrieved the plates and drinks for their dinner. “So how was your day?” she asked.

  “My day was fabulous. My assistant said I was on speed today. I couldn’t do things fast enough. I accomplished more today than all of last week.”

  “Then you are way ahead for the week.”

  “No, I was behind because I couldn’t concentrate last week.”


  He just winked at her and went back to enjoying his pizza. After they had cleaned up their dinner, he took her by the hand “Do you have something to tell me yet?” And when she shook her head no, he dragged her to her bedroom and stood her in front of the mirror. He stood behind her and made her look at herself in the mirror and waited. An
d as he waited, her expression got more and more sad until she just wilted in his arms. “Hey, what’s wrong?” he said as he gathered her close.

  “I can’t to this Dalton. I think you should go.” She said after a few minutes.

  “Come on let’s go sit in the living room and tell me why you wilted like an old flower just because I had you look in the mirror.”

  Like a puppet on a string she followed him to the living room and dropped onto the sofa. Then she got up to pace for a while. Then she sat down beside him again and asked him if he would listen to her whole explanation before saying anything. He agreed and she began.

  “In the last twenty-four hours you have repeatedly told me I am beautiful. I appreciate the compliment but for the last five years I have had your other words screaming inside my head; whenever I thought of Lindsay I heard your words to Nick that I wasn’t pretty. Most of the time when I talked to or saw Gabby, your words screamed inside my head. And if that wasn’t often enough, whenever I saw your picture in the paper with a beautiful woman, your words screamed in my head. You have been photographed with some really beautiful women. I know what I look like, I don’t see beautiful when I look in the mirror. I just see me. One day of compliments is not going to change that; no matter how hard you try.” Sarah went to him and clasped his hand “Last night you said some really wonderful things to me and about our potential future. I would like to continue on that path but it can’t be rushed. I am a thinker and an analyzer I need “thinking time” to get myself to see what you see. It was less than four months ago that I walked into Greg’s office and saw a man who never wanted to see me again. Yesterday morning, I was still assuming the same thing. Think on that from my perspective.”

  “I’m sorry. I hurt you so bad that day in the barn. Nick is always telling David that he should have drowned me at birth, maybe he is right.” He stalked off to pace the floor. After a few minutes of pacing she went and grabbed his hand and led him back to the sofa. She sat on the coffee table in front of him and put her hands on his face to force him to look at her.

  “I’m sorry to have brought up the past again but I didn’t know how else to get my point across about my believing your compliments. I have, unfortunately, let the past dictate some of my beliefs and I will work to change that; but some really good things have happened to me also. So if that day in the barn lead to those, then I am not sorry. I mainly wanted you to see things from my perspective, not beat yourself up again. Please.” Sarah paused for effect but didn’t let go of his face and wouldn’t let him speak “Ignore what happened in front of the mirror. I will learn to accept the compliments in time if you keep saying them. I appreciate your up-front honesty about what you want and where you see us going. I won’t be tempted to read a double meaning into your words and second guess you. The last twenty-four hours have been amazing and wonderful, I am very happy.”

  He cupped his hand on her cheek and smiled a glorious smile. “I will keep telling you that you are beautiful because I can’t not tell you. You are so special and you treat me better than I deserve. I have more than enjoyed the last twenty-four hours myself. And happy? I have never been happy before if this is happy. Come here.” Dalton pulled her to sit beside him on the sofa and wrapped her into his heart. They sat quietly for many minutes wrapped in each other’s arms. He would kiss her hair frequently but other than that neither moved.



  “Can we do this lots?”

  “Do what lots?”

  “Spend time wrapped in each other’s arms.”

  “It will be my pleasure! In my daydreams I picture myself holding you for hours upon hours.” He chuckled and said “That’s why I didn’t get much done last week at work.”

  Sarah looked up at him and smiled. “I guess I have something to look forward to then. I don’t think I know anything better than being held in these arms.” She said as she snuggled back in. “Tell me something, anything but heavy topics.” She replied from her place in his arms. “How is Nick?”

  Sarah felt Dalton’s arms shaking with laughter. “If he knew what I was doing right now, he would be saying I told you so.”


  “Remember my telling you about the last family meeting when Lindsay announced to everyone that I wanted to get to know you better?”

  “Yeah” Sarah replied slowly

  “Well, man this is embarrassing, Nick was having a great time at my expense. Then on Saturday, he and I rode up to a cabin we have near a creek and on the way he was giving me a hard time. And that was the day I realized I had the disease where I just said out loud everything I was thinking. I talked about you quite a bit. He wanted to know if he should take his tux to the cleaners yet.”

  Sarah gasped “I won’t be able to show my face anywhere near him. He will tease us to death, won’t he?”

  “Count on it.” He groaned.

  “Did you tell your family about last night?”

  “No, but I was smiling pretty big at breakfast this morning and no one was brave enough to ask why. I will tell them if I am asked but I like having a something they do not know about.”

  They sat on her sofa for a long time. The topics of discussion varied but were not the heavy subjects of earlier in the evening. They discovered they liked similar music and books, disagreed on the subject of good art, agreed on best places to go on vacation and learned that both of them loved chocolate ice cream.

  “I am dying to ask you, what about Friday? Will you go out to dinner and dancing with me?”

  “Yes to dinner but the dancing… well, umm, did I mention my dating life was non-existent? Well I am not a very good dancer.”

  “How about a few slow dances? It is more like cuddling standing up. I get to hold you like this some more. I need to stock up for when you are gone.”

  “I don’t know if dancing is a good idea, but okay. I am not promising to be Ginger Rogers.”

  “Who cares? I will be with you, that is all that matters to me.”

  “One more tough subject then I have to go home, will you be alright if I kissed you on Friday?”

  “I will be alright if you kissed me on Friday but if you want the truth, I would be okay if you kissed me tonight.


  “But remember the non-existent dating life?”


  “You can’t get kissed if you don’t date. And…”

  “Shut up Sarah” Dalton said as he cupped her face in his hands and kissed her.

  “That will definitely go in the journal tonight. “My first kiss” Oh my!” Sarah exclaimed “If I have the words to write.”

  “How about kiss number two? What will you write about this one?” he said as he drew her into his arms and bent to kiss her again. As he moved back from her she was star-struck.

  “I’ll never tell. I don’t show and tell what I write in my journal. But some possible words are fabulous, stupendous, amazing and very special.”

  “I’ll take those. Can I call you tomorrow?” he said as he headed for the door.

  “Yes, but I will be busy most of the evening with work. I won’t be able to talk to you on the phone after about five.”

  “Like I will be able to wait until five pm to talk to you. Did I mention I am not that patient?”

  “Yes you mentioned that. Good night. Tonight was wonderful.”

  He smiled as he left. “Good night, my Sarah. Sweet dreams.”

  Sarah waved good-bye to him as he got into his car. Is this too good to be true?

  Sarah’s dreams were not sweet that night. The bed was spinning wildly and her sleep was fitful. The next morning she called Amy and said she would not be in but if there was an emergency to call her. Sarah turned off her cell phone and crawled back to bed. She silently apologized to Dalton for missing his call and went back to sleep.

  Amy was worried about Sarah but kne
w it was not a good idea to go check on her because it would mean Sarah had to come to the door to let her in. She was working at the main house with Greg when CeCe wandered by. “Hi Amy, I was expecting to see Sarah.”

  “She is having a bad day. She couldn’t come in today.”

  “Oh no, she was doing pretty good lately. Is she stressing about something?”

  “With Sarah, I never know. She rarely talks to anyone about her life. She was acting a little strange yesterday and she looked really odd at some flowers she had received the day before.”

  “Who sent her flowers?”

  “I am under strict order to not tell the sender.”

  “Was it Dalton Matthews?”

  “CeCe, please don’t make me tell you. I will lose Sarah’s confidence and yours.”

  “I apologize. I will check on Sarah later this afternoon. If you hear from her before then, will you transfer her to my cell phone?”

  “Yes, I will do that.”

  Amy went back to work as CeCe went in to see Greg. Dalton Matthews had better not be the cause of Sarah’s attack today or he will answer to me. If he is giving her a hard time, he will be sorry.

  Dalton did not get to talk to Sarah early the next day like he had hoped. He only got her voice mail both times he called. He left her a message and wished her a good day.

  About mid-day Sarah was feeling better and checked her messages. Dalton had called a couple of times and asked her to call him back.

  “Hi, my Sarah.”

  “Hi, is this a bad time to call you?”

  “No. I can talk to you. How are you?”

  “I am not feeling so well today. I just got up.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “It is nothing to worry about, I am doing better now.”

  “Do you need me to do anything for you?”

  “Thank you; I appreciate it, but no. I just wanted to return your call now I am just going to be lazy for a while until I have to work tonight.”

  “Are you sure you have to work?”

  “Yes. I am fine. Can I talk to you tomorrow?”

  “I will be calling early!”

  “Have a good rest of the day!”

  “You too. If you need me, please call me.”


  “No, good-byes Sarah.”

  Sarah was resting when CeCe knocked on her door at mid-afternoon. “Are you okay?” asked CeCe when Sarah answered the door.