Page 13 of Stage West - Dalton

  “Yes, I am better now.”

  “Did something happen to cause this attack?”

  “Well…” answered Sarah

  “Does it have anything to do with Dalton Matthews visiting you both of the last two nights?” queried CeCe.

  “Are you checking up on me? I thought that was my job to watch out for you.”

  “No, it works both ways. Are you having troubles with Dalton again?”

  “No, not trouble but quite a bit of stress.” smiled Sarah

  “About the foundation? About Lindsay?”

  “No, it is a little more personal than that and no you cannot say I told you so.”

  “Did you go on a date with Dalton Matthews?!” exclaimed CeCe

  “Yes, the night before last and then he came over last night and we talked until late.”

  “You are hedging. Spill the details.”

  “Monday afternoon, Dalton sent me a bouquet of roses. So I called him to tell him there had been a mistaken delivery and he should call his florist. Anyway, it wasn’t a mistake and he asked me to go out on Friday. Then mumbled his way to ask me if we could go out that night for dinner also. So we went out, well our dinner conversation was shocking to say the least.”


  “Remember this is the man who I thought never wanted to see me again?”

  “Yeah and?”

  “Well, that isn’t quite what he is feeling.”

  “And what exactly is he feeling?”

  “He wants to marry me in the not so distant future, when I am comfortable with the idea.”

  “He proposed to you?” screamed CeCe

  “Not exactly. He said he was almost 100% sure we would get married one day and how did I feel about that?”

  “I bet you were shocked. What did you tell him?”

  “I told him he had jumped from point A to Z without any of the steps in between and we needed to take those steps but that I wasn’t opposed to the idea.”

  “I told you so! I can read people.” CeCe beamed with excitement. “And last night, what happened?”

  “At first a disagreement then a very nice evening. Quite special! But too long apparently.”

  “So how do you feel about marrying Dalton?”

  “Confused, mostly” Sarah got up to pace. “Should I even consider it? Should I even hope? He is going to run for hills when I tell him I can’t do all the things he likes to do; go dancing, ride horses. What would be in it for him? A life stuck with a sick person, that sounds like loads of fun for him. I should have stayed hidden from them, it would be better for everyone.”

  Sarah grew more agitated “Did you know David gave me a horse? It is a beautiful horse that I named five years ago. He wants me to come to the ranch and ride it. I can’t even drive to the ranch let alone ride the horse once I got there. In such a short period of two days, I dreamed some big dreams that I could marry Dalton, I was just kidding myself.”

  “Are you finished?” CeCe replied angrily “Sit down and listen to me.”

  Sarah sat down and stared at the floor.

  “It is okay to dream Sarah, sick or not. No, you should not have stayed hidden anymore. It is better for everyone that they found you again. And don’t shake your head at me.” CeCe said to Sarah. “You need to talk to Dalton and tell him everything before much longer. Give him the prognosis, possibilities in the future and the real reason you started this foundation. I am married to Greg, why can’t you be married to Dalton?”

  “Because you didn’t get sick until after you were married, I am already sick. And I guess today proves that I still can’t handle the stress.”

  “I have to say that Dalton has moved extremely quickly here. Is he so sure?”

  “He appears to be very sure. He calls me beautiful in about every other sentence.”

  “I knew I liked him. But from I know of you, you didn’t believe him did you?”

  “No, but I am trying. That was what the argument was last night. He wanted me to believe I was beautiful and repeat it back to him. I told him it was going to take some time for me to believe that. One day of him telling me wasn’t quite enough.”

  “I know his words from the past were hurtful, but it is time to let that wound heal and move on with your life. A life that Dalton apparently wants to be included in.”

  “Will we see after I tell him about this disease?”

  “Don’t lose faith in him, I think he is going to be around for the rest of time.” CeCe commented with certainty “And for you two to be separated for two week, lousy timing?”

  “No, not really. It might be good for him to re-think things and get out while he can.” Sarah replied with tears in her eyes. “After Friday, he will see that dancing isn’t my best skill and will say goodbye then.”

  “Nonsense. You are going to have a great time.”

  Chapter 12

  Friday evening arrived and Sarah was both excited and dreading it at the same time. She would love to be able to dance all night with Dalton, but she just didn’t think that was going to be possible. She was dressed in a “little black dress” with her diamond necklace and earrings from the Davises. Sarah was wringing her hands by the time the guard called to tell her that Dalton had arrived.

  Dalton was so anxious to see Sarah. He had called her yesterday and she seemed to be recovered from her illness of the day before. He hoped she really felt well enough to be going out to dinner.

  Sarah was locking her door when Dalton pulled his car around. He got out to escort her to the car.

  “Hello Beautiful!” Dalton said as he kissed her cheek.

  “Hello. You look really handsome.” She replied as she studied him for a moment. He blushed and smiled at the same time.

  “Are you sure you feel well enough to go out to dinner and dancing?” he asked gently

  “Yes, I would have called you and told you if I wasn’t. I’ll be fine, just not too many fast dances.”

  “Oh, I promise it will only be the slow dances. Fast dances do not have enough contact between dance partners.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “It is a surprise, but you will like it.”

  “I am sure I will, but the company is the best part.” She said with a wink.

  As Dalton drove towards the restaurant, Sarah was able to study his face. Sarah wished she could read people like CeCe did, then she could know what he is thinking. His face captivated her and she was silent in her inspection of his handsome face.

  “What are you doing?” he asked as she studied his face.

  “Wishing and enjoying.”

  “Wishing what? Enjoying what?” he asked very perplexed.

  “Wishing I could read your mind and enjoying how good-looking you are and thinking I could look at that face for a very long time.”

  He groaned in reply “Don’t say that, I will get distracted and drive us into the ditch.”

  She smiled and kept on looking at him as they arrived at the restaurant. The restaurant was called Fantasy and it was set back away from the road. The tree lined drive was decorated with millions of lights that welcomed you to the fantasy. When they arrived at the front of the restaurant, Sarah was handed out of the car by the uniformed valet. The other valet went to the driver’s side and greeted Dalton. Sarah’s shocked gaze met Dalton’s as he came around the car. The valet who had helped her out of the car greeted Dalton as well.

  Dalton placed his hand on Sarah’s back and directed her through the door that was being held by another very handsomely dressed gentlemen. “If you will follow me Miss Dawson and Mr. Matthews, I will show you to your table.” Dalton indicated that he should lead the way. They were lead to a private room in the back of the restaurant. The walls of the private room had beautiful Paris scenery. One of the pictures that Sarah noticed was of the Eiffel Tower glowing in the night sky. And on the table along with the elegant tableware there was a perfect red rose.
Dalton held out her chair as a true gentleman would and move to sit in the other chair. The host asked if he could be of further assistance and left the room at Dalton’s soft “No, thank you.”

  “Dalton, how did you get this private room and why do all these people know your name? Are you a frequent visitor here?”

  “Sort of, the staff knows my name because this is my restaurant and this is my private room whenever I want it. If I don’t plan to be here, then others can use it for their romantic dinner.”

  “It’s wonderful! Thank you for bringing me here.”

  “You are welcome.”

  They were served their drinks and placed their dinner order before Sarah’s mind could comprehend that she was on a date with Dalton again.

  “You looked amazed or perplexed about something?” he asked concerned about the look on her face

  “I am amazed that I am sitting here in the glorious restaurant with Dalton Matthews. I was just trying to comprehend that, this is all still a little new to me.” Sarah replied with a shy smile. “It has only been a few days.”

  Dalton reached for her hand and said “I know I have rushed this “you and me” thing this week, but I wanted you to know I am very serious. Considering our past, I don’t want time to pass and you start doubting me.”

  “That was probably smart on your part; I tend to think too much.”

  “Not tonight, I will sweep you off your feet with my sparkling personality and my fabulous dancing skills.”

  “Sweeping me off my feet won’t be very hard; I have had a difficult time touching the ground this week as it is. My assistant keeps giving me curious looks as I walk into walls and forget simple things.”

  “Mine is too. I forgot her name on Wednesday. And today I forgot a meeting. She is having fun laughing at my expense.”

  “Amy isn’t laughing yet, more curious than anything else. But I haven’t shared you and me with her yet, I have only told CeCe because she came right out and asked.”

  Their dinner was served and they talked about their days at work. After dinner, they moved from the table to sitting area within the private room. There were dozens of candles around the sitting area and soft music had been playing in the room since their arrival.

  “Will you dance with me my Sarah?”

  “Yes, but I repeat I am not very good at dancing.” She replied

  “Who cares. It is just you and me in here and we will not be disturbed unless I call for them. I have been impatiently waiting to hold you in my arms again.”

  “Impatiently waiting?”

  “Yes, very impatiently. It has been several days.” He said as he took her hand and helped her up. He kept hold of her hand with one of his and tucked in close to his chest and the other hand went around her waist and drew her into him. “Finally.”

  “Dalton, you are going to make me melt into a puddle of goo if you keep this up.” Sarah said “I am trembling with nervousness.”

  “Relax Sarah. I brought you here so that we could dance in private. I just wanted you to be close to me, you feel so good in my arms. I have missed you.”

  The more that they danced the more Sarah was able to relax until she was really enjoying Dalton’s version of dancing. Like he had said before, it was more like cuddling while standing up. They took a break after a few songs and returned to the sitting area. They didn’t talk much but held hands and enjoyed each other’s company.

  Dalton was gently caressing her face and hair. “I love your long hair. It is just gorgeous. Someday, when I lay you in my bed, it is going to look beautiful against my silk sheets.”

  Sarah blushed but move closer to him and gave him a kiss. “I really had to do that”

  “You can really have to do that at anytime. I won’t complain ever.” He replied as he leaned toward her and gave her a long slow kiss. “I really had to do that too.”

  “I am not complaining either.” And both moved this time to enjoy the kiss

  “Do you feel up to more dancing?” Dalton asked a few minutes later.

  “I like the way you dance Mr. Matthews. I think I could become an expert at it.”

  Dalton winked at her. “I thought you might like my type of dancing. It is my own special method.” Dalton drew her into him again and kissed her hand as he hugged it to his chest.

  “How did you become this romantic?”

  “I love making you feel special, you radiate and you become even more stunning. Sometimes I have to take a minute to remember to breathe.”

  Sarah was silent for a few minutes and gloried in dancing with Dalton. After a few songs they took another break.

  “Can I ask you a really personal question?” she said after a minute.


  “Have you thought about us in your bed together making love?”

  “No and yes. No, I try not to do it too often so I don’t get overwhelmed I guess would be a good word. But yes, I have thought about you in my bed, sometimes as just more snuggling. And other times I am thinking about making love to you. But it will only be when we get married, I promised that and I meant it.”

  “Thank you for being a man who keeps his promises. I only want making love to be inside of a marriage. I guess that makes me terribly out of fashion, but I don’t care.”

  “I knew that before I even asked you out. So I made that promise to myself also.”

  “You are so very special.” She replied at his amazing comment.

  “So are you my Sarah, so are you.”

  They danced for a few more dances until they both began to tire. “We had better be going, I don’t want to but it is time.”

  As they were heading out of the room towards the main dining room, Sarah had a vertigo attack and stumbled a little. “Are you okay?” Dalton rushed to ask

  “Yes, just a little clumsy.” Sarah replied not wanting to tell me the truth after such a wonderful evening.

  When they arrived back at Sarah’s house, she invited Dalton in for a few minutes. “I know you have to go but I just wanted to tell you that tonight was magical. You did sweep me off my feet and I loved it. Thank you! I will remember this night as I am in Hawaii and missing you.”

  Dalton gave her another gentle kiss before adding “I am glad you enjoyed it. I am stunned by you and I will remember this too while you are gone. I will miss you. Can I call you or will you call me sometimes?”

  “Yes, to both. It may be a little bit difficult with the time change but I’ll manage to get in touch with you.”

  “Call me in the middle of the night, I won’t mind.” Dalton promised.

  “Me either.”

  Dalton drew her into his arms for a long hug that would have to last two weeks. The hug turned into a long slow hungry kiss that would have to last two weeks also.

  Chapter 13

  Saturday late-morning, loud whispered bickering could be heard in David’s office at Stage West. “No, I am not going to call her.” Nick said “Dalton will hang me from the nearest tree. He told us to lay off remember.”

  “Dalton is a wimp he won’t hurt you.”

  “No.” Nick said firmly “I am not doing this.”

  “I’ll pay you a hundred bucks and protect you from Dalton.” David groused

  “How are you going to protect me when you will be swinging from the next tree?”

  “He can’t hurt me.” David smiled with glee “Come on, for a hundred bucks. I’ll sit here and be quiet and you get her to come to the ranch.”

  “Give me the hundred.” Nick held out his hand and was motioning the “give me” with his fingers

  “Dial” stated David as he handed over the hundred dollars.

  Nick dialed the number his mother had given him for Sarah.

  “Sarah Dawson”

  “Hi Sarah, it’s Nick.”

  “Hi Nick, I haven’t had a chance to talk to you.”

  “I know, how are you?”

but busy. We are leaving for Hawaii in the morning.”

  “Wow, that sounds like fun.”

  “How have you been?” asked Sarah

  “I am good. I miss seeing you around here, when are you coming to ride your horse and see all of us?”

  Sarah head thumped onto the desk. “Put him on the phone, Nick” Sarah stated with authority

  “Put who on the phone?” Nick tried to ask innocently.

  “Put David On The Phone.” Sarah returned fiercely

  “Ah, actually we are in his office and you are on the speaker phone so he can hear you.” Nick replied guiltily

  “I want my hundred bucks back” David grumbled

  “No way. I am giving it to Dalton so he won’t kill me.” Nick replied

  “Chicken” called David

  “In this case, yes…”

  “Guys, do I need to be here for this?” Sarah broke in.

  “Sarah, its David. You get out here and ride your horse, Gabby is preparing a big dinner for tonight.”

  “No.” she stated softly

  “Yes, come to the ranch today and ride your horse. It has been forever since you came here.”

  Sarah’s eyes filled with tears and she felt sick at heart “I can’t come to the ranch and I can’t ride horses anymore.” She stated very softly around the lump in her throat and hung up.

  “Oh no, Dalton is going to kill us for sure now. She was upset.” exclaimed Nick

  “But what did she mean by I can’t come to the ranch and I can’t ride horses anymore.” David asked curiously

  “You better call Dalton and tell him that you upset Sarah.” Nick said pushing all the blame on David.

  “Chicken.” He replied as he dialed Dalton

  “Hi David, what’s up?”

  “Sarah’s upset.”

  “And you know this because?” Dalton replied already fearing the answer

  “Nick called her and upset her.”


  “I’ll give you the hundred bucks he paid me if you won’t kill me.” Nick hastily defended himself.

  “One of you tell me what happened, word for word.”

  “I simply told her to come home and ride her horse.” David stated with authority.

  “And what else?”

  “She started crying and said I can’t come to the ranch and I can’t ride horses anymore. What does that mean?”


  “Then she hung up on us.”