Stein, Leo, 139-40, 149, 153, 159, 160, 173-74, 200, 202, 228; first P purchase, 139; reaction to “Desmoiselles d’Avignon, ” 152; on Cubism, 166; moves to Italy, 210

  Steinlen, Theophile, 74, 83, 86, 87

  Stieglitz, Alfred, 182

  Still-lives, 319, 334, 354, 363, 367, 369, 376, 442-43, 445, 461, 467; Cubist, 260, 269, 270, 273, 287-88; Le Tremblay, 312, 324, 337; Royan, 348

  Strachey, Lytton, 383

  Stravinsky, Igor, 218, 220, 240, 241, 242, 243, 253, 264, 292; P’s portrait of, 242-43

  Studio, 74

  “Sueño y mentira de Franco, ” 318, 325, 326, 366

  Sunyer, Jaume, 88, 275

  Survage, Leopold, 183, 196,463

  Surrealists, Surrealism, 236, 244, 263-64, 265-68, 274, 277-78, 285, 293, 303, 364

  Symbolists, 50, 67, 72, 85

  Synthetisme, 84

  Tanguy, Yves, 85

  Tapiés, Antoni, 471

  Tate Gallery, P’s retrospective exhibition (1960), 221, 451-42

  Tauromaquia o arte de torear (Delgado), 55; P’s illustrations for, 432

  Tériade, A., 257, 292

  Téry, Françoise, 376

  “Tête de mort, ” 356, 360, 398

  “Tête de taureau, ” 362, 365

  “Tête d’homme, ” 200

  Têted’Obsidienne, La (Malraux), 153

  Thannhauser Gallery (Munich), 173

  “Third of May” (Goya), 14, 402

  Thomas, Dylan, 474

  Thomas, Hugh, 317

  “Three Dancers, ” (also “La Danse”), 235, 272-73, 287

  “Three Musicians, ” 173

  Titian, 55

  Toklas, Alice, 133, 143, 158, 159, 160, 199,210

  Toros y toreros (Dominguín), P’s drawings for, 443-44

  Torra-Balari, Maurizio, 476

  Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de, 74, 78, 83, 85, 95, 98, 100, 103, 113,236

  Train bleu (ballet), 255; P’s curtain for, 270

  Tremblay-sur-Mauldre, Le, 311-12

  “Tres de Mayo” (Goya), 14, 402

  Tricorne, Le (ballet), P’s costumes and scenery for, 237-38, 241, 242

  “Triumph of Pan” (Poussin), 369

  “Trois baigneuses” (Cézanne), 149

  “Trois Femmes à la fontaine, ” 252-53

  “Trois musiciens aux masques, ” (two versions), 251-52

  “Tub, Le, ” 113

  Tzara, Tristan, 253, 262-63

  Uccello, Paolo, 198, 438; as precursor to P, 168

  Uhde, Wilhelm, 142-43, 152, 157, 158, 162, 173, 209, 247; P’s cubist portrait of, 178; auction of his confiscated collection, 247-48,253

  “Ulysse et les sirenes, ” 389

  Unanimisls, 132

  UNESCO, 436, 438-39

  Utrillo, Maurice, 67, 130, 229

  Utrillo, Miguel, 66, 67, 74, 75, 76, 87, 96, 118

  Valadon, Suzanne, 67

  Valdez Leal, Juan de, 40

  Valentin, Antonina, 121, 235, 244, 279, 310, 360, 428

  Valéry, Paul, 240, 258

  Vallauris, 392, 396, 398, 404-5, 413-14, 417 ff., 425, 427

  Vallauris Chapel, P’s “La Guerre et la paix” in, 407-10

  Vallotten, Félix, 84, 174

  Van Dongen, Cornells, 130, 140, 161, 162, 177, 315, 442

  Van Dyck, Antoine, 138

  Van Gogh, Vincent, 51, 54, 71, 85, 98, 102, 103, 104, 153, 197, 236, 432; his influence on P, 95, 100, 138

  Vanguardia, 47, 67, 70, 77

  Vauvenargues, Comte de, 478

  Vaugenargues, 440-41, 442 ff.. 453; P’s burial at, 454, 480

  Vauxcelles, Louis, 165, 166

  Velasquez, 19, 22, 37, 40, 54, 95, 436-38, 473; P’s copies of, 55, See also “Meninas, Las”

  Ventosa, Joan Vidal, 111, 429

  Verhaeren, Emile, 72, 93

  Verlaine. Paul, 72, 86, 143

  “Verred’Absinthe, ” 204

  Vers el Prose, 132

  Verve, P’s drawings for, 417-18, 430, 459

  Victoria and Albert Museum (London), 380

  Vidal, Lluisa, 76

  “Vie, La, ” 116; explanations of, 121-22; preliminary studies for, 121, 122

  Vie Parisinenne. La, 183

  “Vieux Musicien” (Manet), P’s variations of, 447

  Vilaro, Lluis, P’s portrait of, 120

  Vilato, Fin, 342 (P’s nephew)

  Vilato, Javier (P’s nephew), 342, 413

  Villon, Jacques, 183, 186, 212


  “Violon et Palette” (Braque), 185

  “Vive la France, ” 207, 209, 214

  Vlaminck, Maurice de, 130, 149, 153, 162, 217, 352; his attack on P, 353

  Vollard, Ambroise, 85-86, 97-98, 105, 125, 136, 137, 144, 158, 162, 173, 184, 201, 202, 210, 213, 216, 226, 231, 237, 277, 303, 308, 340, 353, 364, 382, 417; P’s Cubist portrait of, 170, 178, 179; reaction to “Demoiselles d’Avignon, ” 152; offers P Le Tremblay studio, 311-12; P’s por- trait-etchings of, 330; his death, 342 Vuillard, Edouard, 84

  Wagner, Richard, 66, 111

  Wall-paintings, 121, 196

  Walter, Marie-Thérèse, 284-85, 286, 288, 295, 296, 297, 304, 307, 312, 316-17, 353, 359, 369, 385, 398, 457, 458, 466; P’s portraits of, 290-91, 294, 319, 320, 339-40; her pregnancy, 297; birth of Maya, 300; P provides for during WW II, 347; on Jacqueline’s influence on P, 464

  Warnold, André, 266

  Weill, Berthe, 86, 88, 113, 136, 140, 143, 237, 380; P’s exhibitions at her gallery, 115

  Weyler, Valeriano, 108

  Woolf, Virginia, 383

  World War I, 208 ff., 230, 233

  World War II, 333-34, 343-44, 347-49, 350ff., 363

  Xiro. Josep, 67

  Yeats, William Butler, 94

  Yeux fertiles. Les (Eluard), 309; P’s illustrations for, 304

  Ymagier, L’, 158

  Zayas, Marius de, 167, 257, 258

  Zervos, Christian, 114, 146, 167, 243, 290, 303, 321, 358, 488

  Zuloaga, Ignacio, 67, 89, 125

  Zurbaran, Francisco de, 40, 446

  Zut.the, 105-6, 121, 130

  First published in 1976 by William Collins Sons &Co. Ltd.

  © Patrick O’Brian 1976

  First published as a Norton paperback 1994

  by arrangement with the author

  Max Jacob’s reading of Picasso’s palm

  is reproduced by kind permission of

  Editorial Gustavo Gili, S.A., of Barcelona

  eISBN: 978-0-393-34445-5

  W. W. Norton &Company, Inc.

  500 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10110

  W. W. Norton &Company Ltd.

  Castle House, 75/76 Wells Street, London WIT 3QT

  Printed in the United States of America

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  Patrick O'Brian, Picasso: A Biography



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