Page 14 of Mercy

  “No, Mercy, you’re being you too much.”

  She bit her lip. “Tell me how to be, I’m a good actress.”

  “But I’ll know you’re acting.”

  “So!? Come on, just try, you may discover an exception to your rules or a loop hole. Oh God,” she gasped.

  “What,” he said, concerned.

  “My ass. I think it’s cramping.”

  Sade rolled his eyes and undid her.

  “Why are you undoing me? It’ll pass!”

  “This isn’t going to work, not now at least.”

  “You barely tried!”

  “I know it won’t, I’m not in the mood.”

  She gave annoyed huffs. “Then let’s try you. Let me try arousing you. I’ll tie you up.”

  Only because he didn’t want her too discouraged. “Fine. I’ll try.”

  “Yes!” she said, eagerly, removing the blindfold once he freed her hands. Sade sat on the bed she was tied to and she climbed in his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck.”

  “Foreplay. Nice.” Despite his effort to be sarcastic, he returned her hug, his body waking to that new addiction—her. Jaded yet innocent. An angel with a broken wing, patched together with sheer determination to survive and live and be… so fucking beautiful.

  “Okay, let’s get to it!” She hopped off his lap and looked around.

  Sade watched her, that heat all in his chest again, wondering how the fuck he ended up where he was. At what exact point did he go from watching the magic act from the audience, to volunteering to be cut in half by the beautiful magician.

  “Oh, what about we try your board thing?”

  He quirked a brow at her. “Only if you plan on using it right.”

  She bit her lip. “I can just… try a few things. If it works, great, if not, well we tried.”

  He lowered his head and spread his arms wide. “Test subject ready.”

  She clapped happily and Sade was sure he would be content to try all day with her if it didn’t mean leading her closer and closer to discouragement. Once she got him restrained, she brought the blind fold.

  “No,” he said.


  “The blindfold takes me… to dark places.”

  “Oh,” she said, tossing it quickly like she definitely didn’t want him going to dark places. “Don’t need that. Eyelids work just as good if you need to not see.”

  Sade watched her, studied her, that heat in his chest unbearable now. He also noted then that she always kept her breasts covered with one or both forearms. He realized also that his body didn’t find her humiliation or intimidation arousing. Let the sexual complications pile up.

  Mercy went through several items on a wall and pulled down a flogger. “Not using metal,” she said, glancing at him.

  “My dick will have to give you the heads up. Pun intended. But, we’re trying, I remember.”

  She walked over with it and stood before him. “Right. Now, where should I start?”

  “Wherever you’d like.”

  She nodded and took a few breaths. “Okay.” She waved the flogger around a few times, then tested the striking distance of the light straps to the right. She eyed him. “Are you ready?”

  “Dying with anticipation.”

  She finally launched her first strike. “Did that hurt?”

  “Fucking horrific. Death by noodle beatings.”

  “Okay, okay,” she said in light determination. “Warming up the arm.”

  She swung again, and his cock jerked with the sting.

  “Ohhh, nice,” she whispered, seeing it. She struck again.

  This time the sting shot desire through him. “Yes,” he whispered.

  “Yes?” she eyed his growing cock and swung again.

  “Yes, do it,” he urged. “Faster.”

  She began really flogging him and he growled under the mix of pain and desire, wishing he had on his gear.

  Sade gasped when her mouth was suddenly on his cock, sucking eagerly. Jesus Christ. “Fucking use your teeth,” he gushed, looking down.

  She scraped them along his cock and he pumped his hips. “Deeper, take it deep.”

  She did exactly that and then pressed her hand onto his abs. Her nails dug a little and he gasped. “Break the skin, Mercy!”

  The pain of her nails raking down his stomach was countered by her worried whimpers. Not enough to cancel it out but enough to piss him off. “Fucking do it Mercy!”

  The tides turned against him when she placed kisses all along the length of his cock. The adoration brought that heat to his chest which in turn slowly turned his cock limp.

  She struggled valiantly to revive his stupid dick, the sheer effort making him softer with each second. “I’m sorry,” he whispered, winded with that other need now. “I need to feel you against me.”

  She quickly stood and pressed her body into his, hugging him. “It’s okay,” she whispered. “It was a good try. You did so good,” she praised, making him clench his eyes tight with that stabbing need that stole his breath. He didn’t know that feeling, he just knew that is was fucking exhilarating and terrifying at the same time, like falling from a cliff in the dark.

  She kissed him and more of the same flooded him. At least it liked kissing. In fact, it seemed to like anything he didn’t like before. “I need to taste you,” he whispered.

  “You like tasting me?” she nibbled at his lip and some of that fire went down below at the hint of naughty in her tone.

  “I do.”

  “I can make you, if you want.”

  “Oh fuck,” he whispered, his cock bursting to life. “Yes. Yes, that.”

  “Where do you want it?”

  “You tell me. Make me.”

  She unstrapped him and pointed to the bed table. “Go there. No wait,” she said, making him pause. “Your bed. I have a surprise.”

  Sade walked over and pulled her into his arms, kissing her, embracing that other power. The Mercy power. That’s what it was. Raining down on him, a torrent of raw heat. “I’m going to make you scream my name.”

  She went a little limp in his arms and he smiled, liking the effect. He lifted her by her ass and put her on his waist, heading to his bedroom with her. She giggled the entire way, kissing him all over his face. “I like you carrying me.”

  “Do you,” he whispered, kicking his door open. He got to the bed and crawled with her to the center and laid her down.

  “Oh,” she said. “My surprise.” She pushed him onto his back and got up on her elbow smiling at him. “You better get ready. I’m going to rock your world.”

  He couldn’t resist his laughter at how adorable that was coming from a sweet angel. And how true. “You better hurry, I’m holding my breath.”

  She scrambled off the bed, leaving Sade alone with his feelings and thoughts. He wouldn’t over think it, not now. Later maybe. Right now he’d do just what he said and enjoy the fuck out of it.

  “Close your eyes,” she called from the hallway.

  Jesus, would her angelic qualities never end? She was every bit a little girl in her heart still. It made Sade want to kill anything that might threaten that. “Closed.”

  “Aaaand open.”

  He smiled at the eager pride in her voice, but at seeing her in that pure white teddy skyrocketed his need to pleasure her.

  “You don’t like it?” she worried.

  His eyes raised to hers and he shook his head. “I never said that.”

  “Oh…” She bit her lower lip and eyed his straining cock, getting exactly what he thought of it. “Oh,” she gasped.

  “Hurry Miss Mercy before I take without permission.”

  Her arousal with that threat woke more new needs in him he’d not had before. He usually liked taking control to give pleasure with pain, never just pleasure. Sade sat up slowly, already knowing. He would make good on that threat now.

  “Sade,” she gasped, watching him carefully. “I thought I was…”

ged my mind.”

  “To… what?”

  “I think you know.”

  She let out several breaths and slowly walked in reverse until the wall was at her back.

  “I want you on this bed,” he said walking slowly toward her. “I want you on your stomach. I want those pretty legs wide open. I want your tight fucking ass lifted high… so I can suck you… suck you right to the brink of orgasm.” Sade pressed his hard cock into her stomach. “I want to punish you Mercy. With unbearable pleasure. I want to make you suffer with it. While you scream my name. My name Mercy. I want my name to be the only name you ever scream.” And he really hoped his cock would let him fuck her. He fucking wanted to know what that felt like with her more than ever now.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Mercy ran to the bed, ready to have him. She laid on the center but didn’t open her legs. She kept them tightly shut. She’d never experienced such desire as she did when he’d tied her up and made her. She liked it. Very much she realized. And the idea of him making her while not tied was… God yes.

  She felt him get on the bed from the foot. “Naughty Mercy,” he muttered. He took hold of her ankles and spread her wide. She resisted him, liking very much the feel of his strong hands making her. For pleasure. It was all for pleasure and it made her feel safe. He made her feel safe. No matter how mean he sounded, how scary he behaved or looked, she’d never felt safer with anybody.

  She gave a yelp when he spanked her butt. “Lift it.”

  She obeyed with desperate moans, her limbs trembling as she gripped the covers tight. She gasped when he ripped the material off of her and slid his finger along her folds. “Mmmm. Somebody is a naughty girl.” She heard him lick his finger before teasing at her down there again.

  She panted and grunted for his touch, even moved her hips. “Yes.” His strong fingers wrapped her upper thighs as he pressed his thumbs at her entrance.

  “Mercy…” he slid his finger slowly in, always gentle and careful with her. She flicked her hips, liking when he did it in and out really fast.

  “Do it,” she cried.

  He bit her butt and she jumped with a gasp. He gave a low moan and a shudder took her. She lifted higher, wanting more. He spanked her ass none too softly then slid his palm gently over the spot. His other finger moved slowly in and out of her. He spanked again, the force more than a small sting but still only enough to send fire shooting to her privates and her heart racing. She loved the feel of his power on her body. So exactly controlled for her.

  “Sade,” she begged. “Make love to me.”

  His finger slowed for a bit then finally slid out of her. She lifted up and turned to see him kneeling behind her, his head lowered and his eyes clenched tight.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered, confused. Was it the love word?

  He shook his head a little. “It’s not you.”

  She sat up now, pulling her knees to her chest, watching him. “It’s okay, we can stop. Try again later,” she said, trying to sound unbothered.

  He sat down at the foot of the bed, his back to her. Mercy crawled over, worried now. What if he got tired of her always making him try things he failed at? What if he got tired of her period? She sat next to him in the same position as he was. “Big girl panties,” she said.

  He angled a look at her.

  “That’s what I was chanting the other day. I do it when I’m scared.” She shoved his shoulder lightly with hers. “Hey, I got leftover lasagna if you’re hungry?”


  “Because… you never finished it.”

  “I mean, why Mercy,” he whispered, shaking his lowered head.

  Her heart raced. “Why what?”

  He continued shaking it for several moments then looked at her, his eyes burning and raw. “Why are you here?”

  She swallowed at the confusion in his tone, the questioning.

  “Why me? Why did you pick me? The fucked up one? The shattered in a million pieces one?”

  The to help you mantra sounded like a gimmick in her own ears and she held them back.

  He got up and paced now. “Why me, Mercy? Did you have a dream? What made you choose me? Why did you really go down that alley? Did God tell you to? Did he send you?”

  Fear and confusion made her head swim. He seemed so sincere, so desperate for that to be the case. And here, the real case was withheld from him. More panic hit her at realizing what would happen if he ever found out. It would shatter his ability to trust anything she said. “Sade,” she gasped. “I… I need to tell you something.”

  His expression slowly sobered to a look of doom, like he’d expected bad to come and here it was.

  “Listen to me,” she hurried. “I didn’t tell you this because I didn’t want to sound like… a stalker.” When he merely stared silently, she hurried on. “I was in that alley to look for you because I knew you. My father was a good man, he liked to help people. And… two weeks after he passed away, I found an envelope at my house. And when I opened it… there you were.”

  Sade suddenly turned and covered his face with both hands a moment. “Wow,” he gasped several times. “You fucking lied to me.”

  At hearing the zero tolerance tone, she shot up from the bed. “I’m sorry! Sade, I-I was scared, you had me tied up. I didn’t know what you’d think if I told you about the envelope. You already thought I was a-a policeman, please believe me.”

  He mumbled things she couldn’t make out then spun to her. “Who the fuck is your father, Mercy?”

  “Kurt Larson. He was just a good man, he liked helping people down and out, like he did with me.”

  “And you thought my report hit your door because what? A charity case?”

  At hearing how absurd that sounded, she said, “See? See how hard that is to believe? That’s why I didn’t tell you.”

  “Mercy,” he said, his eyes boring into hers. “It’s not only hard to believe it’s obviously so fucking wrong!” He paced now. “How did you say your father died? Can you believe I was stupid enough not to check all this shit out?”

  “No, no, no, my father was a nobody, he had a landscaping business. He-he was a true man of God. This is a fact, the solid truth.” She pounded each statement with a fist in her palm.

  He looked at her for a long time, like something becoming clear to him.

  “Sade please,” she gasped, tears falling now. “I mean it, he was just a good man and I was just trying to carry on that goodness, I promise,” she whispered. “I was trying to give him something back, he sacrificed so much and I thought, I thought when I saw your file, what else could it be for but to help you? And so I went to find you and-and meet you, just to see what I might be able to do and you know the story from there, that’s it!”

  He paced again, holding his head. “I need to fucking call Mordecai.”

  “Who is that?” She followed him out the room.

  “Somebody who knows everything.” Mercy covered her top with her hands, trembling. Sade eyed her. “Get dressed.”

  Pain sledge hammered her chest at his angry tone while telling her that. She felt dirty and stupid as she hurried out before she gave in to the sobs clawing at her throat. In a daze she dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. She jumped when he appeared at her door.

  “What’s your father’s name again?” She gave it but her voice didn’t carry. “I can’t fucking hear you!”

  “Kurt Larson,” she barely said louder, trembling everywhere now.

  He repeated the name in the phone and Mercy sat on the bed, panic slowly building in her. Something bad was coming. Something so bad. Something so painful she wouldn’t survive it.

  She couldn’t handle that. She had to get away. She couldn’t face what was coming, not from, him.

  Mercy quietly got her purse and waited till he was out of sight before she slipped out. Choking back sobs, she ran to her car and got in it, fighting with the keys as the wails escaped her. Yanking on her seatbelt, she screamed with the pounding on her
window, shoving the keys into ignition.

  “Mercy!” he yelled. “Open the door!”

  No, no, no. She couldn’t. She couldn’t hear the words, not one more cutting word. Not from him. Anybody but him.

  In blinding agony, she tore out of the driveway and screamed when he ran and beat on her trunk. She stepped on the accelerator, glancing over her shoulder. It was seeing him naked in the road that distracted her for one too many seconds. She jerked her head forward in time to see the tree just before her. She hit the brakes only to find she had none. Yanking the wheel right, she clipped the tree with the corner of the vehicle. Mercy screamed as the world spun with the flipping car. She held on tight to the steering wheel. God please. Please help me.


  Terror gripped Sade at the nightmare before him. He ran with all he had to Mercy’s car, now upside down. He reached it and found Mercy dangling from her seat belt, unconscious while Sade fought to open her door. Fuck, God, no. He raced to the passenger side and yanked it open.

  “Mercy,” he gasped, looking along her body. How hurt was she.

  She moaned suddenly.

  “Mercy, can you hear me. Wake up baby,” Sade said.

  “Sade,” she barely managed.

  “What hurts baby. I need to know.” He climbed out of the car and looked around. “Help me!” he roared. “Call 911!”

  He climbed back in the car.

  “I’m… I’m stuck,” she mumbled. “I can’t get out.”

  “Just be still. I need to call an ambulance, okay?”

  “I’m fine, I’m just…” she looked around. “What’s wrong?” she asked. She looked forward. “I hit a tree. My brakes didn’t work.”

  No brakes? Fear slammed him at what that could mean. “Yes, you hit a tree,” he said. “No, don’t try to move. Don’t try to… Mercy please stop, don’t move.”

  “I’m fine, I’m just stuck.”

  Sade smelled gas and quickly unbuckled her and pulled her out of the car. Where the fuck was anybody? How late was it?

  Sade carried her all the way back to the condo and kicked the door shut then hurried to lay her on the couch.

  “My head hurts,” she whispered.

  “Fuck,” he gasped at seeing her finally. She was banged up. Air bag burns on her face and chest. Bruises already forming on her arms. Sade collapsed to his knees next to her. “I’m so fucking sorry,” he gasped, laying his head on her chest. “I shouldn’t have talked to you that way, baby, I’m so sorry.”