Page 15 of Key to Destiny

  Gale couldn't help herself: she blushed. The audience saw this confirmation, and cheered. They did indeed have the required four, albeit in reverse order.

  After that it was easy. Gale explained how she had learned of the magic babies, and felt that no ordinary family could handle them, so it was her obligation as queen to adopt them. That went over well; the king and queen were expected to be larger than life. They had the babies demonstrate their magic, using key words learned in the invisible Chroma. Warp floated, confirming the rumors; Weft snatched a bright bauble by conjuration; and Flame ignited a torch. They were definitely magic babies, and the audience was highly impressed; most of them had never seen nonChroma people of any age do magic.

  Havoc had the last word: “After all, how could a barbarian king give his love an ordinary baby?” The applause lasted long after they departed the stage.

  They returned to the nursery. Gale was overflowing with delight and gratitude for the way Havoc had rescued her from embarrassment and made such a great show of it. “Take over for a little while,” she told Symbol. “I've got to make fantastic love to Havoc."

  Symbol, Bijou, and Ini took the babies, and Gale took Havoc into the royal bedroom and flung herself at him. She was flushed from the on-stage experience, and her desire was overwhelming. They were out of their robes in a moment and on the bed. She made Havoc climax three times in five minutes, in one continuing Glamor act of love. “I think I just figured out why I married you,” she gasped as she climaxed herself.

  “Three times as much sex?” he asked.

  She clamped her cleft on him, hard, as mock punishment. “That, too."

  Then they got up, cleaned and dressed quickly, and rejoined the others in the nursery.

  Symbol, Bijou, and Ennui were sprawled suggestively in chairs, while the three babies were in their cribs with stares of wonder. None of them got up when king and queen entered. Only Ini was alert. “Confusion,” she said. “They all just collapsed in bliss."

  “Oops,” Havoc murmured. “We forgot to shield our minds."

  And the women had gotten a stiff mental dose of phenomenal sex at very close range. Only Ini, who was not telepathic, had escaped. “Apology,” Gale said. But she wasn't unduly chagrined, knowing that the three other women could have closed their minds to the incoming emotion if they had wanted to. Then she realized that the babies might have received it too; Warp had demonstrated mind shielding, which implied telepathy, and the others might not be far behind. She hoped they hadn't understood the feeling.

  That afternoon Gale left Symbol in charge again, and took Ini with her for a Glamor conjuration to the changeling complex. Mneme saw them immediately, of course. “Problem?"

  “Mixed,” Gale said. “We like the babies, but we judge they are young Glamors, therefore left ikons behind. We need to recover those ikons. Give us the addresses from which they were recovered."

  Mneme nodded. “You understand, Lady, that such information must not be imparted to the families?"

  “Affirmation. We hope to recover the ikons without notice. My associate is of the Invisible Chroma, so can search inconspicuously."

  “That seems best,” Mneme agreed. She gave them the information. Warp and Weft had been implanted in sisters at one village, and Flame at another village.

  Gale clasped Ini and conjured them to the region of the first village. Then she extended her awareness—and found a small region of blankness. “I think I have located one,” she said. “Glamors can't handle ikons directly, so it makes sense that there would be a bit of mind blanking too. But I can take us closer to it."

  She did so. The fuzzy patch was in a village, which meant that they would have to fetch it from a yard or house. “I can change my appearance,” Gale said. “But I'm not very good at that yet."

  “Let me investigate,” Ini said. She stripped away all her clothing and disappeared. “Give me as precise a direction and range as you can; I lack your ability to track it."

  “This direction,” Gale said, pointing. “About a hundred paces."

  “On my way."

  Gale followed her by her mind as she entered the village and walked to the indicated spot. It was behind a house, and Ini circled the house, but didn't spot any ikons. Idea, she thought. Can you emulate my Chroma? Make yourself invisible?

  Chagrin! I never thought of that. Because emulating invisibility was much easier than designing alternate clothing. Then she realized that Ini was not telepathic, and could not pick up her thought; she had merely made her thoughts distinct for Gale to read. Gale focused on her hand, causing it to fade, and when she had the technique she extended it to the rest of her body. She was invisible. Then she focused on sound, making herself inaudible too. And on smell, to fool the village dogs.

  She walked into the village to join Ini. There were a few children playing, watched by an older woman; they were unaware of her. She joined Ini. “I am beside you,” she murmured.

  Make a more precise location of the ikon.

  Gale did. It was between the raised roots of a tree behind the house. She whispered it to Ini, who got down and peered into the region. Success, she thought. Two ikons. She picked them up with two hands and held them aloft for Gale to see.

  A little mushroom and a little spiral. Warp and Weft, surely. A double victory.

  These must represent the fungi and the bacteria, Ini thought. She couldn't receive Gale's thoughts, but knew Gale could receive hers, so formed them clearly. The third one may be a blob for amoeba, or slime for viri.

  “They won't give you diseases,” Gale murmured. “Put them in your mouth, and I'll carry you clear of here."

  Ini obliged, putting them in her two cheeks. The ikons seemed to float in the air at head height, as her invisibility did not affect them. I can't put them together; they repel each other.

  That was interesting; ikons were cautious about their own contacts. Gale did not remember such an effect when they had gathered the ikons of the existing Glamors, but it might not have been noticed in the rush of other events. Gale sought to clasp her for the conjuration, but couldn't.

  The ikons. Glamors can't touch them.

  “But we can carry those who hold them, if we're careful. It must be that one is the limit."

  I will set one down. We'll have to make two trips. The mushroom separated from the spiral and floated to the ground.

  Gale tried again, and this time was able to clasp the woman. She conjured them to the place they had been outside the village. Ini set the ikon in the crook of a tree, and they returned to the village for the spiral.

  “This is apt to become cumbersome,” Gale said.

  “Especially with three."

  “Also, who will keep them? I hadn't thought of that."

  “Does anyone need to carry them?” Ini asked. “Why not simply store them in a safe place?"

  “Ideal! Where no stranger will find them. I know a place near my home village, Trifle. It's an island in a stream, just below fierce rapids, accessible only via the fringe of a Red Chroma zone into which the river flows. So neither Chroma nor nonChroma folk go there."

  “Let's fetch the third ikon, then ferry them there.” Ini put the second ikon with the first, in the tree, not touching.

  Gale clasped her, and conjured them to the vicinity of the second village, where Flame had come from. She spread awareness, and located the ikon. It did turn out to be a realistic bit of slime, made of impervious metallic material. No one had noticed it, lying near a small spring where the baby must have been set while her mother dipped water. No one would have wanted it.

  Now they ferried them to the island. Gale carried Ini there three times. Then they considered how to stash the ikons.

  The island was hardly larger in diameter than Gale's spread arms, with the water coursing past on its way into the red Chroma zone. Thick brush grew on it, surely holding it in place. “I think I'd better make a tight container the shape of a mossy rock,” Gale said. “With a magic warner so that I wil
l know if anyone molests it."

  “Suitably anchored,” Ini agreed. “But I will know where it is. Suppose someone reads my thoughts?"

  “It is time you learned mind shielding,” Gale said. “I will teach you. You deserve some mental privacy.” Meanwhile she formed the rock, not yet putting the moss on it. Ini set the three ikons into it, in three corners. Then Gale used her mind to excavate a hole to set it in—and paused. “Something is here."

  It turned out to be a buried metal chest containing a collection of Chroma gems. “Brigands must have stored their loot here,” Ini said. “They may return. Can you tell how long it has been?"

  Gale discovered another Glamor ability. She touched the chest with her mind and found that it had been undisturbed for more than fifty years. “They must have gotten killed, and their secret died with them. You can have their treasure."

  “I can't use any but an Invisible gem."

  “Take the others anyway; they will be excellent for trading to Chroma folk who are traveling.” Gale smiled. “You are now rich."

  “Would they buy me a good man?"

  “The kind you want can't be bought."

  “Agreement,” Ini said sadly. “I wish I could find one interested in everything except beauty."

  “Such men exist.” Gale liked Ini, who was so unlike her sexy older sisters Ina and Ine. She made a private resolve to find a suitable man for her before the year was out.

  “It won't work,” Ini said. Then, as Gale glanced at her, startled: “No, I'm not telepathic. But I have had this dialogue with others, so know their next thought. I shall have to find my own man."

  “Idea. Maybe I can increase your opportunity. We have that other quest I mentioned, the search for the altars. That is bound to take a party to far places around the planet. Havoc thought to send Bijou to enlist two Chroma changelings for that, since Glamors can't approach the place. But Bijou now needs to emulate me when I travel. That leaves an opening, and I think you would be ideal."

  “How do you know Glamors can't approach?"

  “My friend Swale the succubus discovered another vague region that could be it. The Red Glamor tried to explore it, and could not. If you are willing to host Swale for a time, she will lead you to it."

  Ini laughed. “It will take more than a succubus to make me sexy!"

  “I am not sure of that. Swale is very good at what she does. Anyway, if you are amenable—"

  “Amenable,” Ini agreed.

  They abolished the chest and set the stone in its place, tied firmly into the ground. Then Gale grew a special type of moss on it, that was poisonous to most creatures. Only a person who knew exactly what he was doing would find it safe to meddle here. While they worked, Gale explained the nature of a mind shield, that not only concealed private thoughts, but made it seem that they did not exist. She told Ini when she started to get it right.

  The job was done. Gale clasped Ini, and they returned to the palace. It had been a challenging but good day, all told.

  * * *

  Chapter 3—Altar

  Augur was surprised to see the invisible woman. She was completely swathed in clothing, including hat, veil, and gloves, so that no part of her flesh was exposed. That was the way it had to be for travelers from the Invisible Chroma.

  “Salutation,” he said.

  “Acknowledged,” she responded. “I seek Augur and Aura."

  “I am Augur, and my fiancée is Aura. We live here in the Purple Chroma zone, where our respective Red and Blue Chroma overlap."

  “I am Ini, of the Air Chroma, now on duty for King Havoc. The king requires your participation in a quest for the source of certain objects. Read my mind.” She assumed a pose that suggested she was laying her mind open.

  “I am not telepathic, but I can judge sincerity. State your thoughts."

  “It is true; I am on the king's business, and you and Aura are summoned. You are to assume charge of the mission."

  He nodded, believing her. “Acquiescence. The day is late; retire with us this night, and we will proceed in the morning."

  Ini nodded. “Appreciation."

  Augur exchanged a glance with Aura. The king had surely sent a worthy emissary. This would also get them safely away from their home Chroma zones, which was good.

  They provided the woman with suitable lodging and conjured dinner. She removed her veil, making her head seem empty, so that she could eat. The food remained visible as it passed through her face and descended into her torso. Neither Augur nor Aura had had much experience with otherChroma folk, so this was interesting, but courtesy prevented comment. While they ate, they explained their situation, as Ini was not conversant with it.

  “I am of the Red Chroma, obviously,” the red man said. “My friend Aura is of the Blue Chroma. We met in this overlap zone in the course of our work. I am a specialist in plants, and she in animals; we were studying and cataloguing them, and worked together for a time."

  “But we were also spies for our Chroma zones,” Aura continued. “I deceived him, seduced him, and prevailed on him to betray his zone, then joined him and was condemned with him. An outside jury consisting of two travelers was selected to decide which one of us should die, and which would suffer that loss."

  “Cruelty!” Ini exclaimed.

  “We did not know then that the travelers were Throe, the king's bodyguard, and the Lady Gale, the king's fiancée,” Augur said. “They arranged to provide an answer that prevented any execution and caused the authorities of both our zones to reconsider. Now we are free to depart at such time as the king requires it."

  “As he is now doing,” Aura concluded. “Our zones do not want us back; we are exiled. So this mission, whatever it may be, is to our liking. It will enable us to be together, and useful to the king."

  The Air Chroma woman had listened with attention, her face invisible but her swathed head turning alertly to face the speakers. “I will clarify the mission when we are in a nonChroma zone, secure from Chroma magic."

  “We shall be traveling far?” Augur asked.

  “I believe so."

  “No fault?” Aura asked.

  The woman's head looked at her, and for an instant there was something eerie in her veiled expression. “I do not seek to preempt your man. Even if I wished to, I am of homely aspect and would not appeal to him. So in that sense, no."

  Augur was relieved. He could of course indulge in sex with any woman, and on occasion did, but his overwhelming preference was for Aura. He knew she felt the same about him.

  But he had another caution. “You are aware that we are Chroma folk, but we are unable to do magic in other Chroma or in nonChroma. Unless we travel in Red or Blue Chroma zones, we will be in effect nonChroma folk."

  “My own experience,” Ini said. “I am not comfortable outside my Chroma, and not merely because of the way I must dress. But there is a reason the mission must be this way."

  They nodded. After dinner they showed Ini around the Purple Chroma zone with its unusual plants and animals. Then they retired for the night.

  In the morning they packed staples and set off walking. They had hardly started out before Augur suffered a miscue. He tried to conjure a walking cane to his hand, and it didn't come: no magic here in the nonChroma zone.

  Aura noticed. “I just tried to fly up to treetop height to verify the trail ahead,” she murmured.

  “We know better, but we have automatic habits."

  “I had similar problems,” Ini said. “Magic is so convenient, it is hard to give up. We depend on it in so many ways."

  When they were well into nonChroma territory, Aura had a question. “Though we are not telepathic, there are those in our Chroma zones who are, and there are other ways to eavesdrop in a Chroma zone, so we did not question you closely about a private mission. But I am curious: how did you find us? Did you have specific directions?"

  “Negation. I was guided by a spirit. Perhaps it is time I introduced her. She is Swale, a succubus."

  “Horror! You are possessed?"

  “Negation. The woman you met, Queen Gale, tamed her, and now she serves as convenient liaison and protection."

  “Disbelief! Sexual spirits are notorious; we are warned against them as children."

  “Agreement. But Queen Gale is an unusual woman. When the succubus tried to take over her body, she fought, and such was her strength and determination, she prevailed and made the spirit captive. Thereafter she treated Swale with courtesy, and helped rescue her mortal brother from captivity, and won her loyalty and friendship. She has become a vital member of the king's team of supporters."

  “I agree that Gale is a remarkable woman. But a succubus! How can she ever be trusted?"

  “I was doubtful myself, but I have had experience with Queen Gale and with the man you met, the king's bodyguard Throe. They both swear by Swale, and I believe their judgment. At any rate, Swale guided me here, and will guide us to the region we suspect is the source of the ikon altars."

  Augur found this dialogue interesting and alarming. A succubus had a special appeal and threat to men. “Plea: keep her away from me."

  Ini smiled. “You have but to avoid indulging in sex with me. That should not be difficult."

  “You say you are of homely aspect, but your face and body are invisible. I am not sure you would not be sexually compelling if possessed by a succubus."

  “And a succubus could draw out your soul at the moment of climax,” Ini said. “You are right to be cautious. But if you care to feel my face and form, you will verify that I am no seductive maiden."

  Augur glanced at Aura. She nodded. She was of course just as concerned as he was about such a threat, and if they shared company continuously for an extended period, it was better to ascertain the situation at the outset.

  “I will touch you, no fault,” he said.

  “No fault,” she agreed, stripping away her upper clothing and becoming invisible from the waist up.