Page 16 of Key to Destiny

  He put his hands slowly to the region of her head, found it, and ran them across her hair and face. The hair was lank rather than bouncy, and her facial features were rough-hewn for a woman. He moved on down to her neck, shoulders, and breasts, which were respectively scrawny, bony, and small. She was definitely no beauty.

  “Do you wish to check the rest?” her voice came from air.

  He glanced down into the oval of her skirt's waistband, and saw the insides of her leggings and shoes. The form of the leggings made it plain that her legs were muscular rather than shapely. “Negation."

  “So even if I came to you at night, naked, I would not be very seductive,” the invisible voice said as the upper clothing reformed around her body. “And I have no intention of doing so."

  “But if you were governed by the succubus, it would be a different matter,” Aura said.

  “Do you wish to see her use my body?"

  “Presuming that this would be for demonstration only, not for real seduction,” Aura said. Augur heard the nervousness in her voice; she had a healthy wariness of the power of a sexual spirit.

  “No need,” Augur said, not easy about this.

  “I want to know the limit of the threat,” Aura said. “Now, in full daylight, to be sure I need not fear it at night."

  “I will give Swale control for a limited time,” Ini said. “I would not do so, were I not assured she means no mischief. I have come to know her during my travel here."

  Then the swathed figure changed. She put her hands to her head, setting the hat at a jaunty angle. She converted the veil to a loose scarf. She adjusted the blouse to make it fit more closely about her bosom. She lifted the hem of her skirt, pinning it shorter. One swathed leg angled in to touch the other at the knee, and her opposite hip became more prominent. Then she addressed Augur. “Introduction: I am Swale.” Even her voice was different; it had become sultry.

  “Augur,” he said, surprised by the extent of the change. She had become several degrees sexier despite being entirely covered.

  “I am not going to seduce you, red man,” she said. “This is merely to demonstrate that I could.” She shifted her hips, and even masked by the unattractive skirt they became intensely appealing to him. There was something about their motion and angle that inspired his sexual interest.

  “Acquiescence,” he said, not wanting to challenge her to further effort.

  “And if I did seduce you, I wouldn't take your soul,” she continued, subtly adjusting her pose for greater effect. “I could, but would not. Gale first defeated me by power, then tamed me by kindness; I love her and serve her will.” She shook her upper section in a small but significant way, making her breasts quiver under the cloth. That, too, was remarkably effective.

  “No contest,” he said. She was attracting him far more than he cared to reveal. It was amazing that such an ordinary body could transform to such allure without even showing itself. Had she been naked and visible, he would have had to fight to stop from clasping her.

  “And even if I took your soul, I would return it. I took King Havoc, by his request, so that he could travel with me and spy out his situation expediently."

  “King Havoc!” Augur exclaimed.

  “He had sex with Gale, while I possessed her, and I took his soul. Once his mission was done, I returned him to his body, via his penis. It was quite an encounter."

  “I had sex with Gale!” Augur said, appalled in retrospect.

  “I could have taken you then, had I been with her, had she wished me to. But I don't ask you to trust me, just to be aware of my presence and power.” The figure stepped forward, whipped off her veil, and kissed him with her invisible face. There was a musky woman smell about her that made him think of glistening naked anatomy.

  Augur would have stepped back to avoid it, had he not been caught by surprise. He would have broken it immediately, had her lips not been marvelously compelling. Instead he found himself holding her evocative body, his groin yearning toward hers, his chest aware of her feminine breasts against it. Her expressive mouth sent radiations of longing through him. Oh yes, she could seduce him, even in this body, if she chose.

  She broke and stepped back, leaving him half stunned. “Now you know. If you ever truly desire me, let me know and I will borrow the Lady Ini's body again for the occasion, and neither she nor you will regret it. I love sex, and always want more of it. But you will have to ask, so that I know I am not going beyond social limits."

  Augur desired her right now, but did not want to say it. She had instilled in him a phenomenal sexual urgency. “Acknowledged,” he said, hoping his racing pulses were not evident.

  “Do it,” Aura said. “Now."

  Such was the compulsion of the succubus he had forgotten his beloved's presence. “Aura, this is not wise."

  “I want to know the limit of the threat,” she repeated. “If she means to take your soul, she can do it at any time. Give her opportunity now, and if she does not, we can believe that she does not mean to."

  Ini spoke; her voice was unmistakable. “She does not mean to take your soul. But she does not have to demonstrate this with my body; she can instill herself in Aura's body for the demonstration, if you prefer."

  “Negation!” Aura snapped.

  “But that way she could demonstrate, without slighting you,” Augur said, still trying to mask how desperately he now wanted sex.

  “I will not have that demon spirit in my body!"

  Swale returned. “I do not take women's souls, I merely occupy their bodies so as to seduce men. But it would not be an effective demonstration with you, because you are a beautiful blue woman. You could seduce him on your own."

  “Point,” Aura agreed. “I have done so. Use the Invisible body, if Ini is willing."

  Ini returned. “I said not no fault because I did not wish to cause discomfort, either to you for seeing your man borrowed, or to him for being required to do it with a homely woman. But I am sixteen, and must soon enough marry; I have little experience with sex, for obvious reason. I would like to have such experience, and I would love to be embraced by a man as handsome and intelligent as Augur, even if I am not the one who stirs his passion. Swale's presence and nature arouse me. I am more than willing."

  That was uncomfortable candor. “I wish to watch,” Aura said.

  “Naturally,” Swale said. “But there will not be much to see. Let's find a bower, unless you prefer it standing in the open."

  Augur was so charged up that he hardly cared. In a moment they were under a spreading tree, forming a bed of soft needles. Swale threw off her clothing, becoming completely invisible, and he stripped also. Then she stepped into him, kissing him again, and her body felt lush and eager. His soul might be in danger; at this moment he didn't care. They sank to the ground, embraced, and almost immediately he was thrusting into her, climaxing powerfully.

  As he ebbed, he became more aware of the situation. He was lying on invisibility; only his own jet of semen showed just below him, a little red puddle in the air. Aura stood beside them, her face expressionless; he hesitated to judge what she was thinking.

  “That—that was amazing,” he gasped.

  “I did not take your soul,” Swale reminded him.

  “Acknowledgment. I can't remember having such urgency or fulfillment before.” He glanced up at Aura. “No offense, beloved."

  “None,” she agreed. “She is certainly a succubus."

  “Now it is done,” he said, ready to disengage. He was still in her, but flaccid.

  “I can make him do it again,” Swale said to Aura, not releasing him.

  Aura cocked her head. “Interest."

  “Doubt,” Augur said. He knew his limits; twice in rapid succession was not likely.

  For answer, the succubus resumed activity. She kissed him, this time using her tongue, and her breasts slid against him, swelling. Her buttocks tightened and her cleft closed around his member, massaging it peristaltically. He had no choice but
to respond. His softened member hardened again, and soon, carried along by what felt almost like suction, jetted a second time. This time the succubus rolled him over while it was happening, so that Aura could see every detail. His penis was spewing over his own belly, the viscous red liquid hovering at its tip.

  “Satisfaction,” Aura said, sounding not entirely pleased. She had indeed been shown up as sexually amateur, though neither of them had thought that before.

  “Technique is everything. Almost any body will do.” Swale gave Augur another internal squeeze, and he realized that he was not through with her until she was through with him. “I can instruct you,” she said, still speaking to Aura.


  Augur, surprised by her vehemence, had to laugh.

  “I enjoyed it too,” Ini said.

  That embarrassed him, obscurely; he had been aware only of the succubus. Now the anatomy had lost its intensity; Ini did not have command of such technique.

  She let him go, and they stood. A coating of needles showed the invisible woman's backside before she brushed them off. Ini went around the tree to clean up, and he realized that she did not want to embarrass them both by cleaning out his red essence before them.

  “Maybe next time I will let her use my body,” Aura said. “That was a considerable demonstration, and she did not take your soul."

  “Considerable,” he agreed.

  Ini donned her clothing, becoming visible again. They resumed their walk. “Question."

  “Yes, it is permissible to talk about the recent experience,” Aura said.

  “Swale has gone elsewhere at the moment. She comes and goes, staying in touch with the folk at the palace. I came to know her during my journey here, but there was no sex. My only prior experience was with Throe, when he was required to have sex with me and my sisters to decide which of us was best for our boyfriend.” She chuckled ruefully. “Throe fooled us all; he selected our little sister Ino, whom he had not even met, and she was indeed the best choice. Anyway, it wasn't perfect with Throe; neither of us really wanted it, but we were obliged. But this time, with the succubus—it was wondrous."

  “Agreement,” Augur said. “You—your body—became awesomely conducive. I could not help myself."

  “Evident,” Aura said wryly.

  “Swale is a spirit, and I think her essence extends beyond the body,” Ini said. “So she was intersecting you before she touched you with my body. She probably heightened your desire with her magic. There may also be some illusion; for example, I felt as though my breasts were larger."

  “My impression too,” Augur said. “Remember, I felt them before we started, so I had a basis for comparison."

  “And my—my interior—"

  “Took hold of me, kneaded me, sucked me,” Augur said. “I'm sure that was not your doing."

  “Agreement! Yet overall, it was an outstanding experience, even though I don't believe I climaxed."

  “Apology. Normally I regard sex as a mutual endeavor. But my urgency was such that I was unable to wait."

  “Accepted. I believe I had a better experience with her control than would have been the case had I climaxed on my own. But if we ever—that is—"

  Augur exchanged a glance with Aura, who nodded. “Perhaps no fault is in order after all."

  “Negation!” Ini said. “I don't want to interfere with your relationship. I should not have spoken."

  But it was clear that she had had a good but partial experience with sex, and deserved completion. “No fault means it does not affect other relationships. I admit to curiosity about the difference between sex with your body and sex with you. I will be with you this night."

  Obviously feeling guilty but gratified, Ini was able only to nod.

  They followed the winding trail between Chroma zones, because they could do magic only in their own Chroma and it was better to remain where no one else could do magic. This was a private mission, so they could not say they were on the king's business so as to commandeer cooperation.

  They came to one of the camping areas that were judiciously spaced along the trail. There was a fireplace with wood and tinder. Augur set it up, then snapped his fingers to make fire—and paused, reminded again that even this simple magic did not work here. They found suitable stones and struck sparks somewhat clumsily until the fire caught.

  “There is something else,” Ini said as they ate. Augur couldn't help noticing how the food seemed to masticate itself in her facial region, then flow in gobs below it. He knew it would disappear as she digested it, but the effect was interesting. “There are dangers along these trails, because brigands know that Chroma travelers are without their magic here. So we shall have protection. But it has to be inconspicuous."

  “We are armed,” Augur said. “We both know knife fighting."

  “Brigands try not to give travelers an even chance. They may come with swords."

  “Now I am interested in protection,” he said, trying to make light of it though he was concerned.

  “Glamor protection. You know of Glamors?"

  “Only by rumor,” Aura said. “Are they real?"

  “It turns out they are, and they support the king. This is a king's errand, so Swale is keeping watch, and if there is a threat, she will notify a Glamor. The Glamor will investigate, and take appropriate action. But the Glamor will try to make it seem that our salvation is coincidence, masking the action. So things could become strange on occasion."

  “Understanding,” Augur said. “Appreciation."

  As it happened, their first day was uneventful. Tired from the unusual amount of walking, they settled into a campsite at dusk. They used the facilities, which included a supply of food, washed, and settled for the night.

  “I will take a separate room,” Aura said. She was honoring their agreement to let Ini try it alone with Augur.

  “I do not demand this of you,” Ini said awkwardly as they stripped for the bed.

  “I demand it of myself,” he said diplomatically. “I used your body, rather than having a relation with you. That was unfair."

  “You are a decent man. Still, I feel guilty. You should be with your beloved.” She had disappeared, but her voice made her location plain.

  “Aura understands. Soon we will marry. We would have married a year ago, when we turned eighteen, but first our spy missions and then our trial put us in limbo and we could not. Now the king's mission has freed us from that stasis, and when it is done, we shall at last have full joy of each other."

  “I am glad to be the agent of that freeing. Yet—"

  “And even were we married now, no fault remains. Now I will touch you."

  “Acquiescence,” she murmured.

  But this time he found her invisible body stiff and barely responsive. “I understood you wanted this,” he said, taken aback.

  “I do. But I know myself to be inept in this respect, and am ashamed to put you through this ordeal."

  Unfortunately, the way she was now, it would be an ordeal, for both of them. He could perform the sexual act, but her body was not evocative the way it had been with the succubus, and his entry would surely pain her. Yet he was reluctant to give up on it, because he knew she truly wanted it. He needed to make her relax, to warm to him, to forget her stage fright. But he couldn't ply her with praise for her beauty; they would both know he was lying.

  So he stalled, hoping that something feasible would occur to him soon. “May we talk for a while instead?"


  He had to smile at her candor. “Let me tell you about our studies in the Purple Chroma zone, where we were when you came to us."


  They had given her a token tour, showing off the purple poisonous snake Aura had tamed and the land squid they called Grandfather Tree, but there was much more. “I am a specialist in plant life, and Aura in animal life, as you know,” he said. “We discovered that our disciplines overlapped; there is no perfect distinction between some plant
s and animals. Odd forms developed in the overlap zone, as if stimulated by the influence of two colors of magic. We were both fascinated, quite apart from our missions as spies. This surely contributed to our interest in each other; we respected each other's minds and expertise."

  “Enthusiasm. I love to learn all I can about all I encounter."

  She was clearly serious; he felt her body relaxing. So he continued, telling of their discoveries in detail. Ini reacted with questions that showed her quick understanding. It became evident that she was an intelligent woman, dedicated to acquiring knowledge. It was a pleasure sharing it with her, and he was glad he had thought of this. She was coming alive.

  “But I am talking too much,” he said at last. “Tell me of your interests."

  She was glad to. “The Chroma—the colors of magic—I believe they are not so much magic in themselves, but catalysts for the larger magic that is everywhere, even in nonChroma zones. So your purple Chroma has a double catalyst."

  This was unexpected. “But the volcanoes blow out all that colored magic matter! The effect abates where the color does, and there is no magic in the nonChroma zones."

  “You know better than that. Consider Swale: she is magic, and she functions readily in nonChroma. Consider us: if there were no magic here, how could you be red, Aura blue, or I invisible? Lingering stain might account for the two of you, but not for me. And the Glamors do magic anywhere."

  “Revelation,” he agreed. “There is magic in nonChroma. But it is because we retain our natures. The succubus is a demon spirit with no body of her own; she borrows from those she inhabits. And the Glamors—I suspect you know more of them than I do. How can they do magic anywhere?"

  She was glad to answer. “When they become Glamors, they fission into two aspects: the Glamor and an ikon. The ikon is like a little stone, a pebble, in a relevant shape, like a fish, dragon, or bit of moss, depending on the Glamor's constituency."


  “Each Glamor represents a category of life, such as the fish, birds, insects, or trees. That life form sustains the Glamor, and the Glamor supports that life form."