Page 17 of Key to Destiny

  “I had heard that each Chroma had a Glamor, and that all are human."

  “Half true. Each Chroma has a Glamor, and nonChroma has several."

  “Several! But nonChroma—"

  “Does after all have magic. A number are human, but others are animal."

  “Shock! Animal Glamors!"

  “Who are as smart as the humans, and telepathic, for the most part. They work through their Chroma, but represent their constituencies. And they can't be detected when they do not wish to be known, even by other Glamors. It is believed that their ikons remain in their home Chroma and transmit magic power to them, enabling them to function anywhere. But I believe that it is not magic that is transmitted, but a—a catalyst, a mechanism to translate the local magic into usable power. It is similar with ordinary Chroma folk: your Chroma enables you to draw on the universal magic of the planet. It is a—a language, a way to enable you to relate. I think this is a better explanation."

  “Amazement! You know more of this matter than I do, and have thought it through more carefully. I am impressed."

  “Appreciation,” she said, melting.

  Then, wordlessly, he embraced her, kissed her, stroked her, and entered her, and she responded avidly. Now there was no tightness; her body was animated and eager to cooperate. There was no hurry; in fact he preferred to prolong it, which was easy enough to do after the two times he had performed earlier in the day. Only when she climaxed did he do so himself, and it was a very satisfying experience, though it was neither as intense nor as polished as before.

  “Oh Augur,” she gasped. “Eternal appreciation! Now I know what sex can be."

  “Now you know,” he agreed.



  “May I continue to hold you for a while? I know it is over, yet I have such longing to extend the pretense while I can."

  “Granted.” He held her and turned them both so that she was lying on top of him. “But it is not pretense. When you offered your body, it was not appealing, but when you offered your mind it was conducive, and I responded. Your intelligence, your animation, your initiative, your commitment to knowledge—these are beautiful in their own fashion, transforming my perception of you. I simply had to have you, and believe you had similar emotion."

  “Affirmation!” she exclaimed, clasping and kissing him. “I forgot to be afraid of my ugliness or incompetence. It became natural to follow through with my body."

  He nodded in the darkness. “I did it because it was natural, and I did not think you would object."

  “Object!” She giggled, running her hands across his body, stroking his sides and thighs. “Did you mean to say ‘initiative'? That's the long form of my name."

  He smiled. “Affirmation. Initiative was in order at that point. I knew you wanted it, but would not demand it. You are not the succubus. Even to speak of it, before the act, would make it negative. So I obliged you—and myself. And it was as wonderful in its way as it was with the succubus, albeit it less intense."

  She shuddered with pleasure. “Tell, me, Augur—is this what love feels like? Because in this moment I think I love you."

  “Affirmation. In this moment I love you also, with no detraction from my love for Aura. It is passion-inspired, and will not last, but it is nice for a time."

  She kissed him again. Her body remained lively, and evocative because of it. “I do not wish to presume, to become troublesome."


  “May I touch you and kiss you when I wake in the night? Not for more sex, just for the feeling."


  “As you say, the feeling will surely pass. But I think there will always be a little love for you in me. You have opened a door and shown me what is possible. Perhaps I will never experience it again, but I am so glad to have done so this once."

  “And I am glad to have discovered you, apart from the succubus.” He put his arms around her, stroking her back and bottom. “You are invisible, so my imagination must picture you. You have become lovely.” He squeezed a buttock.


  They lapsed into silence, then into sleep. She slid off him and slept apart, but in the night he woke to feel her hands stroking him, not sexually, just appreciatively. Then she kissed him, and slept again. Indeed it was not sex she craved, but acceptance of herself a worthy of such attention.

  In the morning he woke before she did. He felt for her body, carefully, located her face, and kissed her awake. Again she responded, returning the kiss with passion. Then she broke. “If you were mine, I would try to seduce you, just for the feeling of power. But it is a new day and my time with you is done. I love you, and will have the courtesy not to say that again.” She rolled off the bed and soon was washing and dressing. He tracked her by the sounds; she remained completely invisible.

  “Yet should we have occasion to night together again,” he said, “I would not be loath. You are a good woman, Ini."

  “I love hearing it, the more because I believe you mean it.” Now her visible clothing took shape about her. She was returning to normal.

  In due course he performed his own morning ritual. Then, clean, dressed, and in order, they emerged to face the day.

  * * * *

  Aura saw the two emerge, and knew immediately that they had been successful in sex. Both had been somewhat awkward the night before; now both were relaxed and satisfied. Sex tended to do that, even when no fault.

  “Permissible to inquire?” she asked.

  “I was all wrong,” Ini said immediately. “So we talked instead, and when we forgot about sex, we did it and it was wonderful. I envy you your man, but I need no more of him. He has made a woman of me, and I will always remember."

  “You talked of sex, and made it work?"

  “Negation,” Augur said. “We talked of plants and animals, then of Glamors and ikons. Ini is a remarkably intelligent and knowledgeable woman."

  Now it came clear. “And you were always turned on by that."


  “I have prepared us a breakfast. You must tell me all about Glamors and ikons, and if that makes me hot, you know how to abate it."

  Augur smiled. “Agreement."

  They ate, and shared information. Aura was glad that Ini had gotten it on with Augur, but also satisfied to have it ended. She preferred having him to herself. However, the information Ini shared about Glamors and ikons was fascinating; before this she had not even known of ikons, but they did make sense. The business about animal Glamors and Chroma as magic catalysts was astonishing. And the fact that there were even nonChroma Glamors—Aura had thought she had a fair understanding of magic, but these were phenomenal revelations.

  “Swale has returned,” Ini announced as they started their day's trek. “She says we have a long way to go, so may prefer to seek magic transport."

  “We lack suitable trading goods,” Aura said. “They don't give rides for nothing."

  “She says the two of you are handsome folk, as all changelings are. You can sell your favors for transport, and she can enable me to do similar."

  “And be the plaything of ugly men?” Aura demanded. “And watch my love seduce middle aged Chroma women? I prefer to walk."

  “She says she could make you desire ugly men, and that he could make it with those middle aged women's delicate daughters, who would be glad for the experience with a man like him. She says there is a special appeal about no fault sex with those of alien Chroma."

  “We know,” Augur said, smiling. “I love my blue alien."

  Aura realized that she was being teased. “I prefer to walk,” she repeated firmly.

  The trail continued between Chroma zones, the colors faint at close range but intensifying in the distance. Aura had not taken such a walk before, and was intrigued. The animals here were of different colors rather than shades of monochrome, and were more furtive than those that had magic defenses. She saw Augur gazing around at the vegetation and knew he was
similarly interested.

  Then a big animal appeared, barring their way. It was a giant yellow serpent, evidently a stray from the adjacent Yellow Chroma, hunting in this interim territory. It lifted its head, eying them.

  “That creature is dangerous,” Aura murmured as they halted. “It can digest only one person at a time, but we don't care to lose one third of our party."

  “I can use my red gem to repel it,” Augur said. As travelers they carried gems that were concentrated aspects of their home Chromas, so that they could do emergency magic. But each use of such a gem depleted it, and their reserves were limited.

  “Save your gems,” Ini said. “Swale is on it."

  “How can a succubus stop a serpent?” Aura asked. “Make it desire sex with us?” She winced at her own facetious remark. What would it be like to be raped by a snake?

  “Actually, she could,” Ini said. “But it would not be mutually satisfying to the participants. No, she is notifying the Brown Glamor, whose constituency is the one legged creatures."

  “Worms!” Aura exclaimed.

  “And serpents—and dragons."

  Oh. Theoretically the Glamor of Worms could order the serpent off. Aura was dubious, but such an act would confirm part of what Ini had said about the Glamors.

  “It is done,” Ini said.

  “But the serpent is still there."

  “It will not attack. In fact—” Ini paused, surprised. “It will now guard us."


  “Shared,” Augur agreed.

  “Understanding,” Ini said. “Swale says the Brown Glamor has agreed to make a demonstration."

  “The Glamor will show himself?” Augur asked.

  “Negation. The direct appearance of a Glamor would prejudice the privacy of this mission. But the serpent will do things you ask, to prove it is now tame."

  “I know that species,” Aura said. “It is sheer predator; it can not be tamed, only repelled or discouraged."

  “All worms are tame for the Glamor. Ask."

  “Tell it to roll itself into a loop,” Aura said, calling the bluff. She still had her hand on her blue gem. She had no aversion to serpents as such, but this was the most vicious breed, and she was extremely wary.

  After a pause, the huge serpent twisted around, caught its tail in its mouth, and formed a circle with its body.

  “Coincidence?” Augur asked, obviously impressed.

  “Tell it to wrap itself around a tree and lay its head on the ground upside down,” Aura said.

  Another pause. Then the serpent slithered to a nearby tree, coiled around it, extended its head, and laid it down inverted. That could not be coincidence.

  “Surrender,” Aura said. “It obeys."

  They resumed their walk, and the serpent slithered along parallel to them for a while, then disappeared.

  “It is not gone,” Ini said. “Swale says it prefers to be out of sight, but it remains on guard."

  They had the proof of that an hour later. They encountered three nonChroma men walking the other way. They did not wear brigand outfits, but looked tough and carried obvious weapons: sword, spear, club. “A greeting to each,” the sword man called as they approached.

  “Acknowledged,” Augur said.

  They sought to pass and move on, but the men spread out across the trail. “A red man, a blue woman, and a swathed woman—invisible?"

  “Confirmation,” Ini agreed.

  The man took a good look at Aura. “Lovely."

  “Appreciation,” Aura said tersely.

  “No fault?"


  The man looked at his companions. “Colored folk don't have magic outside their colors, right?"

  The other two nodded. The spearman brought his weapon about in a nominally non-threatening manner, but it oriented on Augur. The third man was hefting his club, as if pondering whether to use it. If these were not brigands, they were nevertheless more than willing to grasp opportunity. Aura grasped her red gem.

  “So I ask you again, red girl: no fault?"

  “Negation, again."

  “Unfortunate.” All three strode forward, two brandishing their weapons, the sword man reaching for Aura.

  And the big serpent slithered in from the side, so rapidly that its body knocked down the two henchmen as its jaws opened to take the sword man. It never paused; it carried the man screaming into the brush. Then it flipped its head, tossing the man into the air, and caught him with a new grip. The second scream stopped halfway.

  The other two men scrambled up and fled.

  “I developed an appreciation for serpents,” Augur remarked as they resumed their walk.

  “It will store the body for later, and return to guard us,” Ini said. “It seems we brought it good hunting."

  “Welcome,” Aura said. But she was shuddering with reaction. She had had no intention of letting herself be raped, but neither would she have killed the man. The denouement had been far more surprising and violent than she cared for.

  They walked through the day without further ill event, and camped outside, as there was no prepared site here. Now the huge serpent stretched out and formed a half circle around them, protecting them in sleep. Aura was by now reconciled to that; the serpent had proved itself, and it was true that it represented about as good protection as could be had in the field. She was looking forward to a close evening with Augur; she needed to sleep in his arms, after the horror of the day.

  And another woman appeared, walking from the other direction. She was gray, a color Aura hadn't seen before, and slightly heavyset, no beauty. “Greeting, three."

  “Acknowledged,” the three said almost together.

  “Introduction: I am Stevia, of the Gray Chroma, said to be unbearably sweet."

  “Aura and Augur, of the Blue and Red Chroma,” Aura said. “And Ini, of the Air Chroma."

  “Request: I have come far, am fatigued, and have found no campsite. May I share yours, no fault?"

  What was there to say? Travelers never denied legitimate no fault. “Welcome,” Aura said. “Share my man.” With luck, the woman would decline.

  The woman turned her gaze on Augur appraisingly. “Appreciation."

  Augur had the grace to make the best of it, though Aura knew he was as annoyed as she was. This gray woman was not his type. “It is the traveler's way,” he said.

  “I have food,” Stevia said, removing her backpack. She produced a surprising variety of fruits, vegetables, breads, wine, and smoked meat, all gray. “Enjoy."

  “We have protection,” Aura said. The serpent had disappeared the moment Stevia hove into view, but of course was close. “Warning: its nature may be alarming."

  “That big snake? Acceptance."

  Aura was surprised. “You saw the serpent!"

  “A lone traveler must be alert.” But she did not explain why she had not been alarmed by the serpent's presence.

  Aura realized that this was no ordinary lone traveler, but saw no issue to make. Stevia would tell more about herself in due course, if she chose.

  They pooled their food supplies, and had an excellent dinner. The gray food tasted exactly like red or blue food, and was surely as nutritious. In this respect color didn't matter; the food wasn't magic. Augur and Aura gave their capsule histories without clarifying their mission, and Ini called herself a fellow traveler. Then it was Stevia's turn.

  “Confession,” she said. “I did not come upon you three by chance. I happen to know that you are on the king's business. I was sent to help protect you."

  “Astonishment!” Aura said.

  “Verify it with your succubus,” Stevia said, glancing at Ini.

  “Already accomplished,” Ini said. “This woman has special resources. She can help us."

  “Interest,” Augur said, understating the case. How could she have known about Swale?

  “You may not before have encountered a person of my Chroma,” she said. “It is rare. Gray nullifies other magic. This c
an be helpful on occasion. My hair can also function in particular ways."

  “Curiosity,” Aura said. She wanted to know a lot more than just about the woman's hair.

  “Observe.” Stevia did not move, but her hair did. It lengthened, rippling, extending down around her body like a cape. It reached the ground, then flowed across to the others. When it reached Aura's foot, it moistened it. It was wet!

  “Suffocation of a hostile creature is possible,” Stevia said as her hair drew back into itself, becoming relatively normal. “Or warm enclosure for a friend.” She glanced at Augur.

  “Surprise,” Augur said faintly.

  They finished their meal, handled natural functions, and retired for the night. Augur took Stevia at her word, depending on her hair for warmth and protection from bugs, and lent his cloak to Ini. Then Augur lay with Stevia, while Aura lay down beside Ini. But not before she glanced over at the other two, seeing the woman's gray hair rippling out and around both their bodies until it enclosed them in a gray cocoon. That cut off both the sight and sound of them. Aura wasn't sure whether to be annoyed or relieved. She hadn't minded Augur having sex with Ini, who deserved the reassurance, but this Stevia was something else.

  Ini reached out to touch her hand. Swale here, a thought came. I have information to impart privately. It will be better if you clasp Ini so we three can commune mentally.

  Surprised, Aura acceded. By this time she had accepted the succubus’ legitimacy; like the huge serpent, she had been tamed. The king had strange allies.

  We may be observed, Ini's thought came. Aura recognized its identity without knowing how she did; Swale was different. This news must not be shared outside ourselves.

  And Augur, Aura thought.

  Some not with him.

  Dismay! I have no secrets from my love.

  But it turned out that this one was necessary, for a time. Stevia is the mortal identity of the Red Glamor, Swale thought. Her constituency is human: she represents us. She is lusty, as are all Glamors, but normal humans cannot have sex with Glamors, or if they do, only with extreme discomfort. So she cannot seduce Augur if he knows.

  The Red Glamor! But she's of the Gray Chroma.

  That is her masquerade, deliberately different from her real identity. She is of the Red Chroma.