Page 34 of Key to Destiny

  Oh come on now. She was never in that danger.

  But she thought she might be, Gale replied. Ini is younger, smarter, and has an ikon. Now Symbol is sure she won't be.

  The succubus had something else on her mind. Will you take me to Counter Charm?

  Certainly, if you want to come.

  I am not sure I can travel between planets.

  Gale smiled. What a fate! To be stuck with us on an alien world.

  I have served as courier of information. If I can cross between worlds, I can still do that.

  Gale considered. We can take you there with me, then you can try to return to a familiar host on Charm, like Spanky. You won't get lost if you can't make it?

  No, I would simply return to you.

  Then we can safely experiment.


  * * * *

  Havoc liked the change. “There's something about the ikons,” he said as he lay with Symbol in the royal bed. Gale was tending the children; she had sent Symbol here.

  “I feel it already,” Symbol said. “I know the effect is slow, but my breasts feel firmer, my torso more limber."

  “Agreement,” he said, running his hands over those parts. Her form had always been excellent, but did seem improved.

  “And if you want to do it fifty times, I believe I can keep the pace."

  He laughed. “There is no mark to be made. Just whatever pleases us."

  “It is enough just being here with you. I love you."

  He knew it. “Let's just talk, and sleep."

  “I love Gale too."

  “And you love the children."


  “You will need to make your own family before too long, but I don't think we can spare you."

  “Who would I marry? I'll never love another man."

  He shook his head. “Your self of two years ago would be appalled to see you now.” He squeezed her, appreciating her nature. He remained amazed, when he thought about it, how Symbol had adapted. She had become so much more than a sexual partner.

  She changed the subject. “Are you going to bed Aspect and Ennui?"

  “I don't know,” he said seriously. “They have changed remarkably, and they indicate they want it, but I don't think of them in that manner. Opinion?"

  “Do it once with each, ceremonially. Then decide how you feel about it."

  He nodded. “Solution.” Then he kissed her, and proceeded to sex with her. She felt slightly firmer inside, too. Part of his mind found it odd that she carried the ikon of his daughter, and that it was making her sexier than ever. But he insisted to himself that this was no more surrogate sex with his daughter than it would be with his mother, with the two older women. The ikons were entities in themselves, owing nothing to human relationships. But he was glad Gale had given Symbol one. She had become part of their family, and this meant she would be ageless also.

  Next day he consulted with Ini. “The Tapestry is complete. You confirm that it shows a section of Counter Charm?"

  “Indubitably, and in fine detail."

  “There must be something there we want. Is it marked on the map?"

  “Nothing we can see. It is just a current map."

  “Then how can we find what we need?"

  “I suspect that is what the alter ikon is for: to point the direction."

  “You have reason for this suspicion?"

  “Yes, Sire. When I go near the Tapestry, the altar ikon reacts. It points me at the Tapestry."

  “But not at any specific part of it."

  “Correct, Sire. I take that to mean that we must get the altar ikon to the actual scene depicted in the Tapestry. Then it will point the way."

  That made sense. “Can you carry the Tapestry as well as the altar ikon?"

  She shook her head. “I doubt it, Sire. I can try, but ikons seem naturally to repel each other."

  That was surely the case. “I'll find another carrier."

  “That may be best, Sire."

  Havoc went to Chief. “Get together with Ennui. Organize the expedition to Counter Charm."

  “For whom, Sire?"

  “The Glamors. Symbol. Ini. Augur and Aura."

  “Not the Ladies Ennui and Aspect?"

  “I need them here to help you run the kingdom during our absence."

  Chief smiled. “Relief."

  Havoc nodded. “You and Throe suffered a year without them. No need for more."

  “Question. Symbol and Ini I can see. Why Augur and Aura?"

  “They represent two more Chroma, enabling them to function magically where Symbol and Ini can't. We don't know what we'll encounter, and that could be important. They really have no home zone, being inter-Chroma lovers who are tacitly banned from their home zones. They are changelings who have rendered me significant service. They are specialists in flora and fauna, which should help as we encounter new ones. They volunteered, and Gale and I like them."

  “Augur is like a red version of you, and Aura a blue version of Gale, pre-Glamor."

  Havoc fixed Chief with a royal glare. “Are you implying that we want to get them into our beds?"

  “Yes, Sire. Who wouldn't?"

  Havoc shrugged, smiling. “But the other reasons are valid, aren't they?"

  “Agreement, Sire. Detail: the Ladies Ennui and Aspect have resumed their normal roles, displacing their substitutes Ini and Futility. Ini will travel with you, so that's no problem, but what of the dancer?"

  Havoc hadn't thought of that. “Futility isn't easy to get along with."

  “Not personally. But she does have talents."

  She did: dancing, sex, and organization. Little else. “You are suggesting that for the sake of smooth relations here at the palace, we should take Futility to Counter Charm?"

  “That would be a pat fix, Sire. She believes you desire her as an alternate mistress."

  “Correctly. There's something about possessing a woman I know I would never want to marry or even keep as a formal mistress."

  “I felt that way with Symbol, before she went to you. In addition, Futility has an ability you can use: she was once a clerk, and can take rapid and accurate notes."

  “How do you know this?"

  “It is my job to know such things."

  Havoc nodded, thinking of something else: someone to carry the Tapestry. “Add her to the roster. I'll inform her.” He had to do it himself, because the woman knew nothing about the Counter Charm project.

  “Appreciation, Sire."

  Havoc told Futility. “You have served well, this past year, but you are no longer needed here now that the Lady Aspect has returned."

  Her face froze. “Limbo, Sire?"

  “Negation. I am not punishing you. I want you with me on a special mission."

  For an instant she showed honest emotion. “Gladly, Sire!"

  “It requires far travel. There may be danger. There will certainly be inconvenience. You may be the object of more male attention than mine."

  “Anything, Sire."

  “We can arrange for the succubus to join you, if necessary, to facilitate such encounters. She'll be with us. Your choice."

  “That would make it easier, Sire” she agreed. “But I am quite capable of faking it, as I do with you."

  He nodded. She was not being humorous. She did fake it, and he had made it clear throughout that he wanted nothing but absolute candor from her about it. “Report to the Lady Ennui. Speak these words: ‘I am to join the mission, by order of the king.’ Then follow her directions."

  She frowned. “I am to work for the Lady Ennui?"

  “Negation. She will not be on this mission. She merely sets it up."

  “Of course, Sire.” Again, her relief was evident. She knew she could not compete with Ennui for his attention, though he had never had sex with Ennui.

  Now it was in the hands of Chief and Ennui. Havoc went with Gale, Symbol, and four children to their mountain hideaway for a break. Of course he didn't get it; the chi
ldren took up all their attention. If this was the way it was likely to be on Counter Charm, he might be glad to have Futility along.

  Still, the children were fun. They were learning more abilities, day by day. Even little Voila was learning to hold her own: she would start fussing just before one of the others did something unkind to her, summoning Gale or Symbol to the rescue. It took the adults some time to catch on, for at first the fussing seemed to be without cause. But gradually it became apparent: she could see briefly into her own future. This was an ability unknown before on the planet; no divinatory magic could truly foretell the future, because such foretelling, unless too obscurely couched to be useful, invariably changed that future. Thus the ability nullified itself. But Voila used it to eliminate the bad things in her near future. Such as having a blanket conjured away, or a burr set under her little bottom.

  They realized that she had had this ability since she turned Glamor. It was her sole expression of her new status. At first she fussed just an instant before something untoward happened, but her range was slowly extending, and the end was not evident. Would she grow up to see hours, days, or seasons into the future? The three older siblings were already becoming wary. They were mischievous children, and Glamors, but Voila could get them restricted before they managed to do their mischief. If she could do this as a baby, what would she be able to do as a child?

  “I'm nervous too,” Symbol confided during a two-minute tryst they were able to squeeze in while all children were temporarily distracted. Squeeze was definitely the proper term; she hiked up her skirt behind, used two fingers to draw aside her panties, and sat sideways on his lap as he bared his ready member. It wasn't elegant, but it was efficient.

  “It's a necessary defense against three predatory Glamors,” he said as his rod wedged into her cleft, seeking the well at its base. It had to be there, but the position seemed to set it at an awkward angle. Most of her weight was on her bottom, her buttocks flattened against his thighs, so there was little free play.

  “But what about when she concludes that parental supervision is a threat? That a necessary nap is something to be avoided?” She squirmed, and then member and aperture aligned and he slid firmly into her.

  “She will discover that a nap can be avoided only so long, and that parental authority is better than anarchy.” The tight fit set him off, and he erupted into her.

  “If she doesn't get herself into trouble we can't fix, because her foreseeing is too brief to understand the later consequences.” Her channel clenched around him as her own climax came. Since she had the ikon, she was much faster in this respect. He liked it, but it could also be disconcerting, because now her pleasure was genuine instead of feigned for his benefit. He was as aware of her finale as she was of his.

  “All parenting is a challenge,” he said as he subsided comfortably, knowing that once was the most they had time for. “Ours more than most. We'll do the best we can."

  “We certainly will,” she agreed. She regarded herself as the third parent, and neither he nor Gale was inclined to disagree; Symbol's help was invaluable. She gave his member one final squeeze as it diminished, though the compressed closure also prevented its exit.

  At that point a big questing, floating, blue eyeball found them. Its painted eyelids widened with discovery as it focused. Then all three older children appeared as the eyeball puffed into smoke, so it was hard to tell which one of them had made it. They plumped into Symbol's lap, which was covered by her skirt; this was one reason for such a position. There was no evidence of the nether connection they had; she merely seemed to be sitting on Havoc's lap. Her flesh would not have shown regardless, but his would have been visible through hers.

  Symbol hugged the three together while sliding off his lap, keeping them facing inward and occupied as Havoc used a bit of magic control to get his exposed anatomy back in his pants and covered. The children already knew about sex; it was impossible to conceal something that significant from them. They thought it hilarious. That was one reason to mask any such performance. But they suspected that something was happening, and were already squirming out of her embrace.

  Havoc, now separate, offered his own distraction. “Who can do this?” he asked. He curled into a ball, his wrists at his ankles, and floated just off the floor.

  Immediately all three emulated him, curled and floating. The time was long since past when only Warp could levitate.

  Havoc turned in place, doing a slow somersault. That was more of a challenge; Warp managed it, but Weft spun out of control, giggling, and Flame floated almost to the ceiling before correcting herself. They were learning a new trick.

  Then Havoc righted himself and made looping progress forward, as if riding a difficult horse. They followed with further giggles. Havoc rotated to face backwards, continuing his motion toward the door.

  He collided with something soft. All three children burst out laughing. So did Symbol. It was a bosom.

  “Well, now,” Gale said, reaching around him as if he needed support. “What a big baby.” She kissed the top of his head. There were titters.

  Havoc tilted forward in air, reached between his legs, under her skirt, and caught her with a four fingered goose from below.

  “Yeeek!” she screeched, sailing up to the ceiling.

  After that all six of them were strewn across the air and floor, laughing helplessly. Parenting did have its fun moments. The children enjoyed the naughty ones the most.

  But the reprieve at the hideaway was temporary. Details required Havoc's return to the palace for a day and night at a time when neither Gale nor Symbol could make it. It would be a formal appearance, meaning that he would have to displace the mock king, Swale's brother Berm, for that time.

  “Summon Bijou,” he told Ennui. “Privately; I need her to emulate Gale again."

  “She is not available. I sent her to another city on a routine mission, not knowing you would need her. She can't be extricated today without generating suspicion."

  “But I need to be seen with the queen."

  “You will have to use Spanky. She can certainly do the job."

  Spanky was the bath girl who had assumed the role of mock queen. She was certainly competent. “But she's with Berm."

  Ennui eyed him. “You have a point, Havoc?"

  “Aren't they—?"

  “In love? Indeed, and once their duty here is done, they will marry, with Swale's blessing."

  “I don't want to use his woman."

  She laughed. “By your assignment. The fact that they like each other has little relevance. She will serve your need. You're the king."

  Havoc realized it was true. “I don't think of them as subjects. They're people."

  “You think of everyone as a person. That's one of the lovable things about you. But if it makes you feel better, remember that you have promised her a fourth, for this service, when the time comes."

  “Agreement. Still—"

  “And like every maiden here—every woman here—she would like to be clasped by the real king, if only for a night. This does not impinge on her feeling for Berm. It's just the abiding dream of every bath girl. You would find her a most willing partner for the night."

  “But Berm—"

  “Will understand. He would like to clasp the real queen or mistress similarly. Just to know he had done it."

  Havoc considered. “Would Gale—?"

  “She can't spare a night, but she would spare a clasp. Take him to the hideaway as a spot visitor, and she'll fit it in."

  It seemed like a fair exchange. Soon Havoc met with Berm and explained, and took the man to the hideaway, where Symbol promised him a guest lodging for the night. He seemed awed. He knew the children, because the mock king had to be familiar with all Havoc's public functions, so in a sense this was homework for the next appearance. But whether it was Gale or Symbol who took him on, or both, he would have an occasion to remember.

  Spanky performed perfectly in the public appearance, onl
y slightly shaken by the substitution of the real king for the mock one. Then it was night, and they were alone together.

  “Sire, I am not clear what role you have in mind for me overnight. I will do my best, regardless."

  She was offering to leave him alone, during the hours when others assumed they shared a bed. “You have served well, and I like you,” he said with perfect honesty. “I will spare you if you have a reservation about sharing my bed. Otherwise I hope to enjoy you."

  She seemed to glow. “Sire! I am yours."

  And she was. Her name derived from her exceptionally well formed bottom, and it turned out that she could make it count sexually. It was a fine experience.

  After the first session, she broached a corollary matter. “May I say the word, Sire, this one night, as myself?"


  “I love you, Havoc.” She kissed him. “I love Berm, of course, but you are something else."

  Havoc couldn't say the same to her, so he just kissed her and stroked her and held her hand as they settled down to sleep, and she was in rapture. In the night, when she woke and stirred, he brought her in to him again for another encounter, knowing that the idea of being desired by the king was the ultimate compliment. It helped that it was true; she was a fully worthy girl.

  In the morning he wrapped up his business, then fetched back Berm, who looked dazed. Havoc did not need to read his mind to know that someone had given him a night never to forget.

  It had been nice with Spanky. They would have to do it again sometime. Meanwhile, Havoc was quite satisfied to leave the mocks in place during his coming absence.

  Soon enough they were ready to travel. For this they needed a private open space so that they could see Counter Charm plainly. Short hops were easy, but teleporting to another world was serious business. Chief had arranged coaches to the same glade the children had taken Voila to, scheduled separately so that there was no obvious indication of a rendezvous from the palace. Throe had set guards to keep stray intruders out of the area. Now they stood there: Havoc, Gale, Symbol, four children, Ini, Augur, Aura, and Futility. Waiting.