Page 35 of Key to Destiny

  “There will be another coach?” Futility asked Ini. They had worked together for a year, and Ini got along with the woman better than others did. Futility had not been told where or how they were going, so there was no chance of her betraying the secret.

  “Of a sort,” the Air Chroma woman agreed.

  “Certain private information is about to be revealed,” Havoc told her. “I expect your discretion."

  “Complete,” the woman agreed, mystified.

  “We shall be traveling with Glamors. You will know them by the colors."

  “Glamors! Aren't they mere stories?"

  “Many think so, and so did I, until I encountered them, and became one."

  She laughed nervously. “Humor."

  “I told you I was king."

  She stared at him, unwilling to credit the implication. She had not believed he was king at first.

  “Believe him,” Symbol murmured.

  “But a Glamor—I couldn't have had—” She glanced at Gale, and cut off, embarrassed. She knew that a king could take any mistress he wanted, at any time, but the presence of the king's wife made the matter awkward.

  “Those who don't know, can,” Gale said. “And those who do know—if the Glamor wishes it."

  “Understood.” But Futility plainly doubted.

  “We are going to Counter Charm,” Havoc said.

  Futility looked desperately at swathed Ini, who nodded.

  A figure appeared, shrouded in an encompassing black cloak. “Greeting,” the Black Glamor said.

  Then the others appeared: Red, Air, Blue, Green, Yellow, and Translucent. Followed by the animal Glamors: the White Goat, Brown Dragon, Gray Avian, Silver Spider, and Orange Sphinx. Futility looked as if about to faint.

  “We have fourteen adult Glamors,” Havoc said. “And four child Glamors who will have to be carried. Plus five normal humans who will also be carried. We will complete assignments before departing. The same assignments will hold for the return.” He smiled. “We wouldn't want to forget anyone."

  The assorted Glamors nodded.

  Havoc lifted the little boy. “Here is my son Warp. Who will transport him to Counter Charm?"

  The Blue Glamor stepped forward to take the boy. “I will. I have a way with young men."

  Warp looked nervous, but the moment she touched him, he relaxed. She was the Glamor of Insects, and conjured a fascinating big bug for him.

  Havoc lifted Weft. “Here is my daughter Weft. Who will take her?"

  The Yellow Glamor came forward. “I am a girl; I can handle her.” She took the child. Her clientele was the Demons, and a yellow wraith appeared to intrigue Weft.

  “Here is my daughter Flame."

  The Translucent Glamor, male, came to take her. A small fish appeared, swimming in air; his domain was fish. Flame was interested.

  “I will take Voila,” Gale said.

  Futility stared. “You?"

  “She's a Glamor too,” Symbol said.

  Havoc turned to the adults. “Here is Ini of Air."

  The Black Glamor stepped forward. “I will take you,” he said to her. “Your sister is my fiancée.” Ini nodded.

  “Here is Augur of the Red Chroma."

  “Mine,” the Red Glamor said.

  “Here is Aura of the Blue Chroma."

  “Mine,” the Blue Glamor said. She was a remarkably pretty woman, resembling Aura.

  “Here is Symbol, my mistress of the Air Chroma."

  The Glamor of Air, visible only because he shimmered, stepped forward. “I will convey her."

  “And Futility, nonChroma,” Havoc concluded.

  There was a pause. Then the Green Glamor took a stop forward—and changed his mind. The Silver Glamor, in the form of a giant spider, moved forward. Futility stiffened. But the spider moved back.

  “I suppose I had better transport her,” Havoc said. He stepped forward to join her.

  “You were teasing me,” she murmured, relaxing. “I do not tease well."

  “True. But neither Green nor Silver would have betrayed you. You must accept all of them as superior beings, because they are what make this excursion possible. We do not know what we will encounter; any of them will protect you there."


  Havoc looked around. “Make sure the count is complete before leaving the staging area. If any do not arrive—"

  “I will check,” the Green Glamor of Mollusks said.

  “Then it is time.” Havoc clasped Futility to him and jumped to Counter Charm. He felt her stiffen with nervousness, but it didn't matter.

  They arrived safely at the Glamor's retreat on the other planet. Havoc released the woman. “Keep the count,” he told her tersely. “This journey is not as easy as it looks."

  She stared at Charm. It looked quite similar to Counter Charm from this distance. “We really are there? On the other planet?"


  Gale arrived, holding Voila. “What, you didn't take advantage of the moment?” she asked him with mock surprise, glancing at Futility. The woman's neck reddened, whether from embarrassment or anger; indeed, she was not good at being teased.

  Havoc scuffed the ground with his toe. “I forgot."

  Futility looked elsewhere, her face set.

  Then the others arrived, in rapid order. “All present,” Futility said as the last appeared.

  “Appreciation.” He gazed at the others. “I think it best to establish ourselves at this base before tackling our mission. Have any of you explored the region between here and what is covered by the tapestry map?"

  The Red Glamor turned Augur loose to join Aura. He was disheveled; she had evidently had some fun with him on the way. “Negation. We came here only to relax, and have not probed beyond a reasonable safety perimeter. This will be our opportunity to take it farther."

  “There have not before been mortals or children here,” Havoc said. “We need to be more careful on their account. I believe we should extend the safety perimeter."

  “Agreement,” Gale said.

  “Those who transported children or mortals can continue to watch their welfare,” Red said. “The others can extend the perimeter."

  “Question,” Ini said. “May the mortals explore too? In the company of their Glamors, for safety?"

  “Agreement,” Red said, beckoning Augur back. Now that it was possible for mortals to have knowing sex with Glamors, she had further business with the handsome man.

  “Agreement,” the Blue Glamor said. She was with Aura.

  “Affirmation,” the Black Glamor said.

  “I need to stay with the children,” Symbol said. The Air Glamor nodded; he was free to go alone, as were the Animal Glamors and Green.

  “Preference?” Havoc asked Futility.

  She had no hesitation. “To remain with you, Sire."

  Havoc repressed a smile. It wasn't just association with the king she wanted, but to avoid associating with Gale and Symbol or being saddled with child care chores. Or teased.

  “Let's divide the region into sectors,” Havoc suggested. “Each of us can explore outward from where he stands around a circle here, so we don't overlap or miss a section."

  They formed the rough circle: five human Glamors and five animal Glamors: white goat, brown dragon, silver spider, gray bird, and orange sphinx. Then they started disappearing, taking along whatever companions they had. Havoc was the last. He embraced Futility and jumped outward an hour's walk.

  They landed in a green thicket of tentacular saplings. The tentacles writhed, orienting. Havoc was invulnerable, but Futility wasn't, so he jumped a short farther distance out. Now they were in a yellow field. It would do.

  He turned her loose. “Stay close to me. I can protect you, but local creatures can do magic, and I don't have any more power than they do, in their Chroma. We want to spy any likely threat to the enclave. Since it is nonChroma, probably no Chroma plant or creature will bother it, but we need to be sure."

  She loo
ked at him. “You didn't bring me here for sex."

  She was catching on. Well, it was time for truth. “The Ladies Ennui and Aspect preferred to have you absent from the palace during my absence."

  “It was never for sex."

  “Actually I did like it."

  “Because it was a contrast to the loving sex you got from the Ladies Gale and Symbol. And Ini."

  “And Bijou,” he agreed. He did not like to admit it, even to himself, but sex with Futility was as close as he could get to the feel of raping a woman without actually doing it. She did everything perfectly, but he knew she didn't like it. On occasion he asked her to express open revulsion, and she did so, without in any physical way resisting. Once he had asked her to resist, but not seriously. She did that too, stopping just short of what would have been effective. She never went for the stiletto in her hair. Her craftsmanship had to be admired. Thus he could have a type of sex with her he could never have with the women he liked. Only Swale understood about that sort of difference, and she kept the secret. She had assured him that such aberrant desires were not uncommon in men, though only brigands openly practiced them. Futility, too, kept the secret.

  “You know I am calculating and emotionally uncommitted,” she said.


  “Then why did you rescue me from Limbo?"

  “The truth is unkind."

  “I prefer to know it."

  “We needed a competent substitute for the Lady Aspect who would never replace her or the Lady Ennui in my esteem."

  “My respect for those ladies grows. Ennui recommended me?"

  “Affirmation. She rescued you from Limbo."

  “Creditable cynicism. I owe her."

  “You do."

  She pondered briefly. “I remain sexually available to you, of course, Sire, and to whomever else you require. But if your interest in this aspect of our relationship is no greater than mine, shall we dispense with it?"

  This realism on her part was making her ironically appealing. “Perhaps."

  She opened her blouse without removing her backpack, exposing her perfect breasts. “As you wish, Sire. I will emulate whatever emotions you prefer. Rape sequence? Screaming? Crying?” A tear welled from her eye; even that she could evoke on command.

  That particular candor turned him off, as she had calculated. “Some other time."

  She had a tacit victory, but pretended to be unaware. “What other way can I serve?"

  “First by keeping the secret after this is done. We do not care to advertise our mission here to others."


  “Second by helping organize the mission we are on. What the Lady Ennui does for me on Charm."

  “Deskwork without the desk."

  “Agreement. It is a necessary chore."

  “Better than the chore of sex."

  “Third, by entertaining us with your art."

  “Gladly! I will dance while the others relax."

  “Do these things well, and on our return to Charm I will free you to live your own life in whatever manner you choose, anonymously, marriage and children optional."

  She paused a moment, her expression indefinable. “May I kiss you, Sire?"

  She was clearly pleased; he had reached her true desire. She was asking leave to step out of character and express honest emotion. “Permission."

  She flung her arms around him and kissed him avidly. It was the most passion he had seen in her. It was genuine; he felt it in her mind. All her life she had acted to please others she despised, hating the necessity except for the joy of the dance itself. Now she would have the chance to truly please herself.

  “Sire,” she breathed. “Now, if you wish—it is the only time in my life I have desired it."

  A rare event; never before had she honestly asked for sex. It did turn him on. He clasped her clothed, standing. She opened his clothing and hers and made the connection for them, lifting her legs athletically to wrap around him. It was a position known from ancient times as “The Tree,” which was coincidentally fitting for the Glamor of Trees. She managed to kiss him constantly. Her dancer's body was capable of whatever contortions required to hold the position and maintain the connection. Her firm channel rhythmically massaged his member. He slowed his response just enough to be sure she had hers, then pumped into her with a strong climax. She was there with him, contracting in time with his thrusts, making the most of them. She certainly knew how to do it, and now was using all her expertise for the outright joy of it.

  Then, panting, she had to break the kiss. “This one is real!” she gasped. “Thank you, Sire."

  “Thank you,” he echoed. They both knew that this was likely to be the only time they did it with true mutual passion. It was an experience to remember.

  It seemed warranted, Swale thought.

  Havoc realized that the succubus had been in Futility, probably facilitating her desire. That explained much. Don't tell her.


  It ended. Futility lowered her feet and disengaged, maintaining balance throughout. A moment's cleaning up, then she returned to business. “If you will explain the nature of the mission, Sire, I will do my best to facilitate it."

  “We seek something unknown, in a region displayed by a map on an animated magic tapestry. Ini carries an ikon that should point the way. You carry the map."


  “It is time to tell you. Check your pack; now you will find it."

  She checked, and found what seemed like a folded handkerchief. “This is not mine."

  “Open it."

  The material unfolded several times, finally forming a large animated map. It was the tapestry, put in her pack and spelled to resist discovery. “It's beautiful!"

  “It is a tapestry, woven on a magic loom. It is ikonic in nature. That is to say, magic, operating independently of its environment, just as Glamors do. It shows the area we shall be exploring. It can't be marked, but you will make notes of what we find. You will be working with Ini, whose ikon we hope will point the direction. If the route is devious, you will note it so we can retrace it. We do not know how difficult the traverse will be, or what barriers there may be, but you will have Glamor protection and support."

  “You set this up before I knew of any of it."


  “You used me in more than one manner."


  “Obviously I am appropriate for this mission, being suitably cynical."



  “Welcome.” They understood each other.

  They explored the sector, discovering a number of interestingly different plants and animals and one odd green cloud floating very low. That seemed harmless, but might warrant further study.

  In due course Havoc returned to the base with Futility. “We found nothing unduly threatening,” he reported to Gale. Then he settled down to divert the children, giving Gale and Symbol a break.

  “And he did take advantage of the moment,” Futility said.

  “There may be something else,” Gale said.

  “The Tapestry map."

  Gale nodded. “What did he promise you?"

  “The rest of my freedom."

  “That is a promise only he can make. It will be kept."

  “I am to work with Ini. I have worked with her before. I would not go so far as to say I like her, but I find her compatible."

  “She has a similar promise from me."

  “Your promises are persuasive."

  Havoc conjured a pack of playing cards. “Who wants to play War?” he inquired. Warp was eager, Flame amenable. Weft just settled down beside him, snuggling.

  The Black Glamor returned with Ini. She was almost glowing through her shrouding. “There is so much here! I must note it all."

  “This is my job,” Futility said, bringing out a pad and pen. “I will record what you tell me."

  “Unfeasible. I have so much, no on
e could keep up."

  “Try me."

  “The Chroma zones are similar, but the plants and animals differ in slight or major degree. In addition there are forms unknown on Charm, such as Chroma clouds. I am not sure those last are inanimate; they seem to show volition.” She paused. “How much of that did you record?"

  Futility's pen had been moving throughout. Now she read it back, perfectly.

  Ini was surprised. “How can you do that?"

  “Shorthand. Before I danced, I clerked. It can be a useful skill."

  “Agreement! How is it I worked with you a year and did not know of this?"

  “It did not seem relevant to our relationship."

  Havoc smiled to himself. Futility was indeed good at keeping secrets. But Chief must have taken the information from her mind, knowing what to look for. Or perhaps Ennui, an efficient clerk herself, had researched it from the files.

  Ini resumed dictating. Havoc was glad to see it working out. Probably most of it was owed to Chief and Ennui's management; they had steered him right in detail as well as general direction. Still, this was only the beginning; none of them really knew what they were here for, or how to get it.

  * * * *

  Gale was too busy at first keeping the children under control to truly appreciate the magnitude of what they were attempting: a mysterious mission on the sister world of Counter Charm. But as the Glamors returned with their reports, there was a cumulative effect. This was truly a new world.

  However, there were immediate practical matters. Symbol watched the children while Gale conjured the raw substance for their first big meal of the mission. She formed a mound of it in the center of the glade, then shaped it magically into familiar foods: potatoes, carrots, lettuce, eggs, milk, meat, wine. Conjuring was really summoning from elsewhere, in this case fresh moss, her constituency, pulped into an organic mass. It was not necessarily appealing in such form, which was why she was changing the form. The nourishment was the same, but what counted was the appearance and taste. She had been learning how to do this, for the time when she would need to: now.