p. 104 ‘not just industrial…’, Grigorev, conversation, 22 Nov. 1995

  p. 105 ‘literally had to drag…’, Nefyodova, conversation, 22 Nov. 1995

  p. 105 ‘Before filling in…’, Goncharov, conversation, 23 Nov. 1995

  p. 106 1,600 sorties, 1,000 tons, Plocher, p. 231

  p. 106 ‘No one bothered…’, Goncharov, conversation, 23 Nov. 1995

  p. 106 ‘Around Gumrak…’, BA-MA, RH27-16/42

  p. 107 ‘seemed to think…’, Albert, conversation, 22 Nov. 1995

  p. 107 ‘Oh, they’re finished now!’ Grossman papers, RGALI 618/2/108

  p. 107 ‘the soldiers…’, BA-MA, RH27-16/42

  p. 107 ‘We had started…’, Freytag-Loringhoven, conversation, 23 Oct. 1995

  p. 107, ‘The Volga is reached!’ BA-MA, RH20-6/216

  p. 107 ‘a feeling of…’, Langsdorff, p. 194

  p. 108 ‘We looked at the…’, Freytag-Loringhoven, conversation, 23 Oct. 1995

  p. 108 ‘the girls refused…’, Grossman papers, RGALI 618/2/108

  p. 108 ‘stayed at her post…’, Goncharov, conversation, 22 Nov. 1995

  p. 108 ‘Right until the late…’, BA-MA, RH27-16/42

  p. 108 ‘It is completely…’, BA-MA, RW4/V. 264

  p. 109 ‘We shall never surrender…’, TsMVS

  p. 109 ‘deserted his post’, RTsKhIDNI 17/43/1773

  p. 110 ‘Yesterday we reached…’, Gefr. E. R. 16th Pz. Div., 25 Aug. 1942, BZG-S

  p. 110 ‘mit Eleganz’, Gefr. B. G., 2 Sept. 1942, BZG-S

  p. 111 ‘gunboats’, BA-MA, RH27-16/42

  p. 111 ‘We know how…’, Podewils, p. 117

  p. 112 ‘like a calm lake’, Podewils, p. 105

  p. 112 ‘Soon we too will…’, Gefr. B. G., 24 Aug. 1942, BZG-S

  p. 112 ‘The song will really…’, Uffz. W. W., 27 Aug. 1942, BZG-S

  p. 112 ‘You can’t imagine…’, Sold. H. R., 389th I.D., 28 Aug. 1942, BZG-S

  p. 113 ‘very nervous’, Richthofen diary, Paulus, p. 188

  p. 113 ‘the closer the…’, Strecker, Haller, p. 89

  p. 113 ‘We will not abandon…’, 26 Aug. 1942, TsMVS

  p. 114 ‘Many men have…’, Dobronin to Shcherbakov, 29 Oct. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/24, p. 308

  p. 114 ‘Concentration of enemy…’, ÖStA-KA B/1540

  p. 115 ‘led a battalion…’, Dobronin to Shcherbakov, 8 Oct. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/24, p. 78

  p. 115 ‘This silver streak…’, Podewils, p. 119

  p. 115 ‘Gentlemen, flying for fun…’, Einsiedel, p. 12

  p. 116 ‘This shitty Russia’, Uffz. H. T., 71st I.D., 30 Aug. 1942, BZG-S

  p. 117 ‘worried and angry’, Glichov, conversation, 6 Nov. 1995

  p. 117 ‘What’s the matter…’, Volkogonov, p. 461

  p. 118 ‘Delay at this moment’, Erickson, The Road to Stalingrad,p. 384

  p. 118 The Germans also suffered…, BA-MA, RH27-16/43

  p. 118 ‘Hello, my dear ones!’ V. M. Kovalov, 2 Sept. 1942, AMPSB 258/4904

  p. 118 ‘the Volga was the last line…’, Glichov, conversation, 6 Nov. 1995

  p. 119 ‘but Stalingrad will…’, Gefr. B. G., 3 Sept. 1942, BZG-S

  p. 119 ‘According to…’, Sold. W. W., 305th I.D., 2 Sept. 1942, BZG-S

  p. 119 ‘The ring round…’, BA-MA, RH20-6/216

  p. 119 ‘Here, everyone…’, letter, 23 Aug. 1942, quoted in Paulus, p. 169


  p. 121 ‘the fateful city’, letter, 3 Dec. 1942, Groscurth, p. 530

  p. 123 ‘satisfying progress…’, Haider, 7 Sept. 1942, p. 518

  p. 123 ‘That is a lie!’ quoted in Domarus, vol. ii, p. 1908

  p. 123 ‘long stare…’, Warlimont, p. 269

  p. 124 ‘a completely new…’, Below, p. 315

  p. 124 ‘The tanks are no good…’, BA-MA, RH27-16/43

  p. 124 ‘The Russians attacked…’, Freytag-Loringhoven, conversation,23 Oct. 1995

  p. 124 ‘As far as the eye…’, Gefr. O. K., 13 Sept. 1942

  p. 125 ‘What if your beloved…’, Stalinskoe znamia, 8 Sept. 1942

  p. 125 ‘Do not count days…’, Zayas, p. 169

  p. 125 ‘sad smell of…’, Simonov, Raznye dni voiny, vol. ii, pp. 175–6

  p. 127 ‘Comrade Chuikov…’, Chuikov, p. 84

  p. 128 ‘Time is blood’, Chuikov, p. 89

  p. 128 ‘to get across the Volga…’, Chuikov, p. 93

  p. 128 ‘experienced traitor…’, 8 Oct. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/24, p. 77

  p. 129 ‘every German must…’, Chuikov, p. 80

  p. 129 ‘strong positions…’, BA-MA, RH20-6/216

  p. 129 ‘then fourteen days…’, Haider, p. 521

  p. 129 ‘A mass of Stukas…’, Gefr. H. S., 389th I.D., BZG-S

  p. 131 ‘Yeremenko says…’, Zhukov, p. 143

  p. 131 ‘Both divisions…’, BA-MA, RH20-6/216

  p. 133 ‘Major Stalin’, S. D. Lugansky, ‘Malenkov’, in Bialer, p. 455

  p. 134 ‘the kites perched…’, Grossman papers, RGALI 618/2/108

  p. 135 ‘flowed from Rodimtsev…’, conversation, Kidyarov, 22 Nov. 1995

  p. 135 ‘Since yesterday…’, anon., 29th I.D. (mot.), 15 Sept. 1942, BZG-S

  p. 136 ‘he was afraid of…’, 8 Oct. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/24, p. 77

  p. 136 ‘Instead of taking…’, 8 Oct. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/24, p. 77

  p. 137 ‘did not agree…’, 8 Oct. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/24, p. 78

  p. 137 ‘These clouds of earth…’, Grossman, Life and Fate,p. 35

  p. 138 ‘Stalingrad has been taken…’, TsAMO 3/11 556/10, quoted in

  Volkogonov, pp. 474–5

  p. 138 ‘Whenever an Me-109…’, 4 Oct. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/24, p. 48

  p. 138 ‘As soon as Stuka…’, Max Plakolb, OStA-KAB/1540; Kalb interrogation, TsAMO 48/453/13, p. 70

  p. 139 ‘Attack target area…’, Herbert Pabst, letters, quoted in Bähr and Bähr, pp. 186–8

  p. 139 ‘The soldiers’…’, Dr Günther Diez, Schneider-Janessen, p. 130

  p. 141 ‘Each Guards soldier…’, conversation, Kidyarov, 22 Nov. 1995

  p. 142 ‘The air is filled…’, BA-MA, RH27-16/42

  p. 142 ‘It’s not a human…’, Podewils, p. 115

  p. 142 ‘Home is so far…’, Herbert Pabst, quoted in Bähr and Bähr, Ρ 184

  p. 142 ‘Hello, my dear Palina!’, AMPSB 22789

  p. 142 The Germans won’t…’, AMPSB 752-/5.481

  p. 143 ‘left the line of defence…’, Dobronin to Stalingrad Front Military Council, 3 Oct. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/24, pp. 9, 30–32


  p. 145 ‘necessity of indoctrinating…’, Haider, p. 528

  p. 145 ‘The general staff…’, 19 Aug. 1942, Groscurth, p. 548

  p. 146 ‘ready to film…’, Dohna-Schlobitten, p. 246

  p. 146 ‘the battle flag…’., BA-MA, RH20-6/216, p. 51

  p. 146 ‘in much too rosy…’, quoted in Boelcke, p. 365

  p. 146 ‘from morning… highly nervous’, 29 Aug. 1942, Groscurth, p. 550

  p. 148 ‘fighting in the…’, Grossman papers, RGALI 618/2/108

  p. 148 ‘like a layered cake’, Goncharov, conversation, 25 Nov. 1995

  p. 148 ‘an aberration in the art of war’, Förster, ‘Evolution and development of German doctrine…’, p. 2

  p. 149 ‘The enemy is…’, Strecker, Haller, p. 90

  p. 149 ‘Not a house is left…’, Lt Anselm Radbruch, letter, 26 Sept. 1942, Bähr and Bähr, p. 174

  p. 149 ‘The defenders have…’, Max Plakolb, ÖStA-KA B/1540

  p. 149 ‘Make a mistake…’, Smirnov, conversation, 22 Nov. 1995

  p. 150 ‘If only you could…’, Grossman papers, RGALI 1710/1/100

  p. 150 25 million rounds, BA-MA, RH20-6/216, p. 58

  p. 150 ‘The Russkies…’, Gefr. O. K., Pion. Bt 45, 16 Sept. 1942, BZG-S

  p. 151 ‘We lie exhausted…’, Klaus, p. 20

  p. 151 ‘The
Russians’ unchallenged…’, Sixth Army war diary, 15 Nov. 1942, BA-MA, RH20-6/221

  p. 152 ‘in Stalingrad…’, Tsygankov, conversation, 22 Nov. 1995

  p. 152 ‘On the other side…’, Grossman papers, RGALI 681/2/108

  p. 153 ‘Vanyusha…’, Tsygankov, conversation, 22 Nov. 1995

  p. 153 ‘Further weapon training…’, 3 Oct. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/24, p. 10

  p. 154 ‘the gaunt and melancholy’, Grossman papers, RGALI 618/2/108

  p. 154 ‘Look after your…’, TsAMO 48/486/39, p. 21

  p. 155 ‘covered in icicles…’, Tsygankov, conversation, 22 Nov. 1995

  p. 155 ‘Shells exploding…’, Col. Vishnevsky, 17 Nov. 1942, AMPSB 602/10343

  p. 157 ‘every imaginable sort…’, Lazar Ilich Lazarev, conversation, 13 Nov. 1995

  p. 157 ‘military tribunal of NKVD Forces’, RTsKhIDNI 17/43/1773

  p. 157 ‘physically and spiritually…’, Gavrielova, conversation, 22 Nov. 1995

  p. 157 ‘brought over a hundred…’, and ‘threw grenades…’, TsMVS

  p. 157 Kochnevskaya, 21 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, p. 268

  p. 158 ‘thousands of wounded…’, Sterman, conversation, 7 Nov. 1995

  p. 158 ‘They often closed…’, Professor Krimskaya, quoted in Schneider-Janessen, p. 134

  p. 158 Yekaterina Petlyuk, John Erickson, ‘Soviet women in war’, in Garrard and Garrard (eds.), p. 66

  p. 158 ‘I had never seen…’, Simonov, Raznye dni voiny,p. 187

  p. 159 ‘In hospital…’, Grossman papers, RGALI 1710/1/100

  p. 159 ‘socialist competition’, Dobronin to Shcherbakov, 28 Oct. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/24, pp. 297–8

  p. 159 ‘If they don’t…’, 4 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, p. 47

  p. 160 ‘it seemed as though…’, Maj. V. Velichko, ‘The 62nd Army’, in USSR, Stalingrad,p. 148

  p. 161 ‘white symmetrical…’, Nekrassov, p. 82

  p. 162 ‘Russian women…’, Uffz. Hans Urban, BA-MA, RW4/V. 264, p. 89

  p. 162 ‘One more battle…’, Chuikov, p. 167

  p. 162 ‘You can’t imagine…’, Gefr. H. S., 389th I.D., BZG-S

  p. 163 ‘the confusing…’, Viktor Kainzer, Jäg.-Rgt 54, Stalingradbund Österreich, May 1984

  p. 164 ‘Where are you?’ Chuikov, p. 184

  p. 164 ‘For the defenders…’, 17 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, p. 216

  p. 165 ‘no man will shift…’, quoted in Domarus, vol. ii, pp. 1914, 1916


  p. 166 ‘We Russians were…’, Smirnov, conversation, 22 Nov. 1995

  p. 166 ‘In the blazing city…’, Chuikov, p. 223

  p. 166 ‘Those who do not…’, Stalinskoe znamia, 4 Sept. 1942

  p. 166 ‘the defeatist mood…’, 8 Oct. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/24, p. 74

  p. 167 German tanks protect deserters, TsAMO 48/486/24, p. 20

  p. 167 Deserters from 124th Special Brigade, 3 Oct. 1942, Dobronin to Stalingrad Front Military Council, TsAMO 48/486/24, p. 8

  p. 167 ‘Since their last…’, BA-MA, RH27-16/43

  p. 167 ‘he was arrested…’, BA-MA, RH27-16/43

  p. 167 ‘Morale among…’, Uffz. J. Sch., 79th I.D., 22 Sept. 1942, BZG-S

  p. 168 178th Reserve Rifle Regt, Dobronin to Shcherbakov, 21 Oct. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/24, p. 239

  p. 168 ‘citizens of Stalingrad…’, 13 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, p. 162; 8 Oct. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/24, p. 77

  p. 168 ‘A shortage of…’, 8 Oct. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/24, p. 77

  p. 168 ‘It was impossible…’, 26 Nov.1942, TsAMO48/486/25, pp.317–18

  p. 169 ‘If I am sent to the…’, 16 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, p. 209

  p. 169 ‘the carelessness…’, 13 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, p. 165

  p. 169 ‘an extreme measure…’, 15 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, p. 201

  p. 169 ‘During the night…’, 13 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, p. 165

  p. 170 ‘It is hard for them…’, 11 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, pp. 138–9

  p. 170 ‘received such…’, 14 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, p. 183

  p. 170 ‘To indoctrinate…’, 14 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, p. 185

  p. 170 ‘He announced that…’, 15 Oct. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/24, p. 176

  p. 170 ‘It is very difficult…’, 13 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, p. 163

  p. 170 ‘In battle conditions…’, TsAMO 48/486/24, p. 79

  p. 171 ‘criminal disorder…’, 23 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, p. 292

  p. 171 446 desertions, TsAMO 48/486/29, p. 49

  p. 171 ‘a protective zone…’, 15 Oct. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/24, p. 187

  p. 171 ‘tried to hide…’, 8 Oct. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/24, p. 82

  p. 171 ‘Eleven soldiers…’, 25 Oct. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/24, p. 259

  p. 172 ‘a sign of cowardice…’, 7 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, p. 106

  p. 172 ‘men found with…’, 18 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, p. 240

  p. 172 ‘discredited the leaders…’, 8 Oct. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/24, pp. 82–3

  p. 172 ‘When soldiers mutter…’, Nikolay Filin, ‘Kak i pochemu ya byl agentom SMERSh’, Vechernyaya Moskva, 25 Nov. 1995

  p. 173 ‘nine grams of lead’, TsAMO 48/486/24, p. 162

  p. 173 ‘thanks to…’, Dobronin to Shcherbakov, 8 Oct. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/24, p. 76; 18 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, p. 236

  p. 173 ‘To be honest…’, quoted in Garrard and Garrard, p. 155

  p. 173 ‘cemented the stones…’, Maj. V. Velichko, ‘The 62nd Army’, in USSR, Stalingrad,p. 145

  p. 174 ‘Life is not easy…’, Grossman papers, RGALI 1710/1/100

  p. 175 ‘only fifty yards out…’, Goncharov, conversation, 24 Nov. 1995

  p. 175 ‘Today I saw…’, Uffz. H. D., 295th I.D., 6 Nov. 1942, BZG-S

  p. 176 ‘We crossed a bridge…’, Simonov, 25 Sept. 1942, in USSR, Stalingrad,p. 60

  p. 176 ‘these things cannot be helped…’, Simonov, 25 Sept. 1942, in USSR, Stalingrad,p. 64

  p. 177 ‘The enemy…’, 5 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, p. 63

  p. 177 ‘suitable’, VOTsDNI, 113/14/306L, quoted in Epifanov, p. 136

  p. 178 ‘the majority aged between…’, from the interrogation of Mikhail Bulanov, 3 Dec. 1943, quoted in Klee and Dressen (eds.), p. 95

  p. 178 ‘in hopeless cases…’, Podewils, p. 131

  p. 178 ‘a huge black crowd’, Nefyodova, conversation, 23 Nov. 1995

  p. 179 ‘no one knows how’, Goncharov, conversation, 24 Nov. 1995

  p. 179 ‘signalling to the enemy…’, Dobronin to Stalingrad Front Military Council, 3 Oct. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/24, pp. 9, 32

  p. 179 270,000 Ukrainians, BA-MA Wi ID/33, in Sergei Kudryashov, ‘The hidden dimension’, in Erickson and Dilks, p. 242

  p. 179 800 Ukrainian youths, VOTsDNI, 113/14/306, pp. 75–90, Epifanov, p. 153

  p. 180 Stalingrad campaign interrogations of German and allied PoWs, TsAMO 62/335/7,48/453/13,206/294/12,206/294/47,206/294/48, 226/335/7

  p. 180 ‘Older soldiers…’, captured 16 Sept. 1942, TsAMO 48/453/13, p. 36

  p. 180 Kaplan interrogations, TsAMO 48/453/13, pp. 75, 46, 48

  p. 181 ‘very energetic measures…’, 7 Aug. 1942, 14th Pz. Div., RTsKhIDNI 17/125/96

  p. 181 ‘How can we possibly…’, RTsKhIDNI 17/125/97

  p. 182 ‘God keep me alive…’, RTsKhIDNI 17/125/97

  p. 182 ‘God, don’t let…’, RTsKhIDNI 17/125/97

  p. 182 ‘You should…’, 30 July 1942, TsAMO 206/294/48, p. 466

  p. 183 ‘We did not fire…’, TsAMO 206/294/47, p. 251

  p. 183 991 Special Strafbattalion, RTsKhIDNI 17/125/97

  p. 183 ‘Russian agents…’, TsAMO 48/453/21, p. 96

  p. 184 ‘lords and vassals’, Klaus, p. 23

  p. 184 ‘Above all…’, Stolberg report, BA-MA, RW4/V. 264, p. 161

  p. 184 ‘one for officers…’, BA-MA, RW4/V. 264, p. 156

  p. 184 ‘To avoid in future…’, 19 Sept. 1941, 3rd Rom.
Army to 13th Rom.

  I.D., RTsKhIDNI, 171/125/96

  p. 184 ‘It is disturbing…’, 25 Oct. 1942, Groscurth, p. 552

  p. 184 50,000 Russian auxiliaries, Kehrig, pp. 662-3; see also Rüdiger Overmans, ‘Das andere Gesicht des Krieges’, in Förster (ed.), Stalingrad,p. 441

  p. 184 ‘Russians in the German…’, 4 Mar. 1943, TsAMO 226/335/7, p. 364

  p. 185 ‘We believed the leaflets…’, RTsKhIDNI 17/125/97

  p. 186 ‘Ivan’, conversation, Henry Metelmann, 12 Apr. 1996

  p. 186 ‘On some parts…’, 8 Oct. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/24, p. 81


  p. 187 ‘Will Stalingrad…’, letter to his brother, Groscurth, p. 528

  p. 187 ‘the dark towering bulk…’, Grossman papers, RGALI, 628/2/108

  p. 188 ‘The Russians made…’, Uffz. Philipp Westrich, Iooth jäger Division,

  BA-MA, RW4/V. 264, p. 86

  p. 189 ‘dogged, rugged…’, Grossman papers, RGALI 618/2/108

  p. 190 ‘As soon as dusk falls…’, Grossman papers, RGALI 618/2/108

  p. 191 overloaded boat, 15 Oct. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/24, p. 162

  p. 191 ‘encircle minefields…’, TsAMO 48/486/25, p. 66

  p. 191 ‘drunk themselves out…’, TsAMO 48/486/39, p. 22

  p. 191 ‘the infantry company…’, Dobronin to Shcherbakov, 15 Oct. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/24, p. 188, and 48/486/28, p. 216

  p. 192 ‘which signifies…’, Sixth Army war diary, 10 Oct. 1942, BA-MA, RH20-6/221

  p. 192 ‘The whole sky…’, Gefr. H. S., 389th I.D., 14 Oct. 1942, BZG-S

  p. 193 ‘The fighting assumed…’, Maj. V. Velichko, ‘The 62nd Army’, in USSR, Stalingrad,p. 149

  p. 193 ‘Those of us…’, Dobronin to Shcherbakov, 15 Oct. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/24, p.189

  p. 193 ‘Our support…’, Uffz. H. G., 305th I.D., 24 Oct. 1942, BZG-S

  p. 193 ‘It was a terrible…’, Grams, p. 54

  p. 194 ‘The major part…’, Sixth Army war diary, BA-MA, RH20-6/221

  p. 194 ‘more than thirty medium…’, TsAMO 48/486/35, pp. 212–13

  p. 194 ‘Guns destroyed…’, TsAMO 48/486/35, p. 214

  p. 194 ‘real mass heroism’, TsAMO 48/486/24, p. 200

  p. 195 ‘Factory walls…’, Strecker, quoted in Haller, p. 90

  p. 195 ‘Our General…’, Sold. H. R., 389th I.D., 14 Oct. 1942, BZG-S

  p. 195 ‘The help of our fighter…’, TsAMO 48/486/35, p. 212