Written by Mrs. Garrido's Creative Writing Class

  Illustrated by Mrs. Garrido's Creative Writing Class

  Copyright © 2012 by Mrs. Garrido's Creative Writing Class

  Illustrations copyright © 2012 by Mrs. Garrido's Creative Writing Class

  The Read Conmigo Mission

  The mission of Read Conmigo is to enrich the learning environment for children by providing parents with tools and resources to improve their families’ reading habits and to foster a lifelong love of reading. The most valuable gift you can give a child is your time. Reading together in any language lays a foundation for future success. Teachers know that support and involvement from parents pave the way for children to earn good grades. Read Conmigo is a simple first step. Please accept this invitation to read with your child.

  La misión de Read Conmigo es enriquecer el ambiente de aprendizaje para los niños, ofreciendo a los padres las herramientas y los recursos para fomentar el hábito de leer e inculcar el amor por la lectura. El regalo más valioso que le puede dar a un hijo es su tiempo. Leer juntos, en cualquier idioma, establece la base para un futuro con éxito. Los maestros saben que el apoyo y la participación de los padres ayudan a construir el camino para que los niños obtengan buenas calificaciones. Read Conmigo es un primer paso, simple, para el éxito. Por favor, acepte esta invitación a leer con su hijo.

  The Little Caterpillar's Adventure, by Sofia

  Once upon a time there were 84 little eggs laying on the petal of a soft red rose in a spring field. Suddenly all the eggs popped out except for one that was left behind.

  Three days later that little left out egg went POP! and out came a beautiful and lonely caterpillar. The little caterpillar found herself alone and hungry. Then she spotted a tree full of bright green leaves. Then she climbed and climbed until she heard something.

  "Hey you" said the voice. The little caterpillar fell in shock. Then the voice stopped and the caterpillar continued her journey for search of food.

  After a few feet of crawling she found just the right tree and said, "This is where I'll spin my cocoon." Then she saw her kind approaching her, it was her friends and family. She hugged all of them and suddenly without spinning a cocoon, she turned into a butterfly.

  Written by Isabella

  On a bright, sunny day, a little caterpillar crawled out of her egg. "Oh," she thought. "What a wonderful world this is!" she said as she gazed at the mountains.

  The caterpillar was hungry. "Oh look!" she thought. "There is a yummy leaf to eat!" So she crawled out of the flower and started chewing on the leaf.

  "Hey," said a nearby voice, "Don't touch my leaf!" The caterpillar jumped in surprise. "Me?" asked the caterpillar. "Yes you!" said the voice. The caterpillar looked down and there was a little ladybug grazing on the leaf that he was chewing on.

  "But you're so...tiny." "Yeah well you're a moth get used to it, 'cause around here only beauty matters. You're lucky to find a molded scrap of a leaf."

  The caterpillar liked the name, Lucky, and that's what she wanted to name herself. In a few years she emerged from her cocoon to a prettier looking moth. And everyone started respecting her.

  A few days later she saw a little caterpillar like herself and remembered what it felt like. So she sat out and made a difference. And from then on every bug was treated with what is on the inside, not on the outside.

  I am a Butterfly! by Sebastian

  Chris wanted to be like everybody else. Every day, Chris the caterpillar would wake up from his leafy bed and see the bugs, birds and butterflies flying high in the air.

  The next day, Chris saw his friend, Ron, gazing up at the birds. He went to ask Ron a question. He said, "Do you think we will ever be butterflies?"

  Yes," answered Ron. "One day we will wake up from a deep and long sleep and we will be butterflies!"

  Chris still dreamed of the day that he would become a butterfly. One day he got his wish. He curled up on a branch and became a cocoon. One day he woke up from a big sleep but he was trapped. Then he gave a big push and he fell out of the cocoon and landed on the ground with a thump. He noticed something different. He was a butterfly!

  The Little Caterpillar by Eva

  Once upon a time there was a caterpillar named Paco. Paco was panicking because he hadn't turned into a butterfly yet. He was 12 years old. First he had to hatch from his egg then grow a little. Now he has to make a cocoon and become a butterfly. One day Paco said to his mother, "I'm ready to do my cocoon." His mother said, "Okay.Paco."

  Day by day he was waiting to become a butterfly. One day he became the most beautiful butterfly in the world. He lived happily ever after.

  The Adventure of Supercaterpillar by Abraham

  One day a caterpillar was born in 1944 when World War II was going on. The caterpillar thought he wanted to leave the war. He had an idea to make a cape out of a leaf.

  It was a lot of work, so he went to sleep. He thought about how he was born. About when he was born when he was an egg. Now he's a caterpillar. He can't wait to be a butterfly.

  Then he got up and found a sword that was mini. Then he thought it was time to leave this war. So he packed his stuff. Also the cape he had made. Then he got almost hit by a Nazi trooper. So he took his sword out and hit him back.

  He landed in Europe safely. Also he turned into a butterfly. Also he turned into a caterpillar artist and now is in the Caterpillar Hall of Fame.

  The Mystery of Loop Kup by David

mrsgarridoscreativewritingclass's Novels