My name is Loop Kup and I am a caterpillar and I am in Florida. But then I had to go to Butterflylandville. That is where I can become an adult butterfly. Now on November 1st, 1963, I left to my trip of 2,000,001 miles. I said I will be there in a day. Everyone said, "Yeah, right." But I met people along the way...the next morning I woke up in heatville.

  "Hi," said a voice. But it was Jack.

  I said, "Ha! BFF."

  My BFF was a butterfly as beautiful as can be. But that night he sneezed.

  Bam! A storm hit! We found shelter. But I was already felling my wings.

  My friend Jack said, "It is only 15 miles." I said, "But it will take me years!"

  "Never think the impossible. Think positive, work hard, and achieve your goal," Jack said.

  Now I went to the tree where I met the beautiful butterfly. "Hi I am a beautiful butterfly. Now make your cocoon."

  I worked and worked...then days later I was a beautiful butterfly, but my wings are not out yet, just my face was out. But I ate and ate and ate and extra ate and super ate. They all cheered so I got out 30 days later. March 6, 2012 they finally stopped cheering. Then I started to fly home to say goodbye to the animals and have fun with the teens.

  Now I said bye youngsters. Then I left. "I'll miss you guys," I said, and I lived happily ever after.

  Cuddles Little Daughter by Prana

  Once there was a butterfly named Cuddles. She was looking for a perfect plant. Finally she found a plant. It was purple with blue polka dots. When she laid her egg, she left.

  After a long, long time the egg hatched and a red caterpillar with purple spots came out. The caterpillar said, "Where is food?" Then she looked up and said that looks good. So then she climbed up and ate the leaf.

  After she ate and ate, she turned into a cocoon. The cocoon was The Best Place for the caterpillar to turn into a lovely butterfly. Inside the chrysalis the transformation was happening slowly every day.

  After the metamorphosis was done, a monarch butterfly revealed itself from the dry brown chrysalis. The butterfly looked like a gorgeous yellow surrounding the black. She felt so happy that she finally changed.

  The Adventures of Barn the Butterfly by Chris

  Hello, my name is Barn. I am an egg. My mother's name is Mary. She left me on a leaf. I am a caterpillar now I am eating leaves. It is fun to be a caterpillar, but I want to fly.

  A bird came and it was my friend, Albert. He flies me around on rides. I am having fun but I still want to be a butterfly. How long is this going to take? I think a long time...

  My friend Albert is protecting me from other birds. Now I am a butterfly, now I can play with my friends. I went to the ocean. I saw my friend Albert catch fish and he is an eagle. Then a shark came. We flew all the way to land. It was good exercise! We played with some of Albert's friends.

  We slept in a tree with fruit and bugs. The bugs hid from my friend, Albert. My mother was sleeping in the same tree that we picked. Then a person came and scared my mom. Albert scratched him and then he ran away.

  Then we saw my mother. Then we flew to Germany to meet new friends.

  Butterfly Life Cycles by Misha


  Stage 1 - Eggs

  The first stage of a butterfly life cycle is eggs. A female butterfly lays about 326 eggs! Sadly, shortly after that she dies. Many eggs don't survive. Some eggs are eaten by animals like birds. Only the survivors make it to stage 2.

  Stage 2 - Caterpillars

  When butterfly eggs hatch, caterpillars come out. This is the second stage of a butterfly life cycle. This stage usually takes 2 weeks to a month. Caterpillars eat often and grow quickly.

  Stage 3 - Chrysalis

  The third stage of a butterly life cycle is a chrysalis. During this stage the butterfly in the chrysalis does not eat. This stage can last from a few days to many months!! During this stage the caterpillar is turning into a butterfly.

  Stage 4 - Adult Butterfly

  The fourth stage of a butterfly life cycle is an adult butterfly. This is the last stage. In this stage the butterfly does not grow. Female butterflies will then lay eggs and the life cycle starts again. Butterflies in this stage can only eat liquid food through straw-like parts of their bodies.

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