A couple hundred rounds before my promotion, Hissi and I found the Wind Drifter in Daedora anchorage. As soon as we could get clear of our duties, we paid a call on Clan-chief EnVey, who was eagerly waiting at the railing as my hired launch pulled alongside. He flashed me a wide smile of greetings.
'Well met, my friend! I have a letter for you,' he called out, waving a parchment envelope in hand.
My heart skipped a beat. 'Really?'
'Would I lie to my old friend? Come aboard and read it for yourself.'
He hauled me aboard and greeted me with a hug as Hissi darted off to visit her friends. Stepping back he said, 'I should let you read the letter yourself, but I cannot contain myself. DeKan expressly commanded me to speak for him, so excuse me if I do.
'He told me in the cover letter to tell you how delighted he was to discover that you are alive, well, and here in the Saraime engaged in such a noble and romantic mission. I'm sure he'll have said that and more in your letter, but he instructed me to convey it in person as well. I've been told by the captain who delivered and received his letter from his hand, that he was delighted to hear from you.'
'Do you know what's in the letter as well?' I asked.
'I have the sense of it from his cover letter and from what Captain CenMora told me. But perhaps you want to read it yourself?'
I shook my head. 'Just tell me Raf. I can read his letter at my leisure. I'm too anxious to do so now.'
'He wrote that Naylea Cin stayed aboard the Talon Hawk for some 300 rounds to learn the ways of the islands before setting out on her own. He was very, very sorry to see her go - as I can well imagine - but earnestly assures you that as delightful as her company was, he can look you in the eye and say that neither he nor her conducted their friendship in a manor inconsistent with impeccable honor,' he said with a sidelong leer. 'He would say that, the sly dragon, but in this case, I think you can take it as the truth. No doubt you have Naylea to thank for that, however.'
I returned a rueful grin. 'Knowing of the impeccable honor of the Temtres, and the precision of your language, I shall have to parse each word to attempt to discover the truth of the matter. Still, Naylea was and is a free woman, and your Clan-king, an honorable man, in a Temtre way, so the nature of their friendship is neither dragon nor lizard.'
'That's the spirit, Wil. Still, I gather from DeKan's wishful manner in his remarks that you have nothing to fear on that score. I'm certain they were just friends.'
'Be that as it may, did he tell you where Naylea left the ship and where she intended to settle?' I asked, heart pounding and yet uncertain as to what I wanted to hear.
'He said that she left at Tydora, but where she planned to travel after that, she kept to herself. From Tydora you can go to many places? But don't be discouraged,' continued EnVey. 'DeKan also told me that he had sincerely urged her to return to Blade Island for the next Nileana Flowering. She could use her token to claim a ride on any of the clan's ships. He assured her that she was Temtre now, and that she should return for the Assembly as all Temtres do. It was no doubt selfish of him, but it serves you as well as him. And to be fair, he seemed sincerely happy to find that you are well and sailing the Saraime. He wanted me to personally extend this invitation to you as well. Take leave and join any clan ship in time to travel to Blade Island when the Nileana flowers. DeKan is Temtre to his inner heart, but I can assure you there was nothing in his words or manner to suggest that he was anything but sincere. You will be welcomed home, if you can make it. And well, I can't promise that your Naylea will also return, but I have a feeling that she will. I am sure you can't spend all that time aboard a Temtre ship and not be a Temtre no matter how far she roams. She'll return. And you'll come as well, won't you?'
'Yes, I believe I will,' I said. 'If I can. Without constantly having to worry about discovery, as I did the last time, I'm sure it would be a grand time...'
'Please do not wait until the last moment. Sail with me before the time. We'll have a grand time!' exclaimed EnVey. 'Aye, a grand time, indeed. And when we return, she'll be there to be won back!'
I was far less certain of that, than EnVey. But there was a spark of hope in my heart that I would not let grow, but would not extinguish either. A spark of hope was more than I had until coming alongside the Wind Drifter.
'I promise you, I'll try. I'll keep an eye on the date and find you or another Temtre ship before the Nileana flowers. I'm sure Hissi would not forgive me if we didn't make every effort to come,' I said.
'Ah, yes. Certainly for Hissi's sake,' he said with a leer.