Page 89 of The Lost Star's Sea


  The Nileana Flower Festival is now still almost 500 rounds away, so I have enough time to be chief engineer of the Lora Lakes for some 400 rounds and enough coins in the bank to take a long leave when it comes time to find a Temtre ship in some Donta Island harbor. The Assembly offers the only chance of meeting Naylea Cin again. I have to find her, or find that I can't find her, if I'm to find the heart she stole from me.

  Ah, that was first dinner gong. I guess I've said all I can say about the last 1,879 rounds. Many rounds, little to say. I'll not complain. Now, I need to put on my white dress uniform jacket. I dine at the captain's table.

  Chapter 25 Tanjenree and the Lora Lakes