Page 8 of Dragonmark

  "That makes no sense."

  He quirked a beguiling grin. There are a few beings and things that can kill me. But save for those handful of catastrophes, I'm immortal.

  "Is that what you meant when you said that dragons wait for their deaths?"

  He nodded.

  Sad, but at the same time ... "That is incredible that you can live for so long."

  Not really. Rather boring after a few thousand years.

  "You sound like my brother."

  Is that why he stole my stone? Was he hoping I'd kill him and end his suffering?

  "Nay, that's mostly because he's an idiot."

  Finally, we agree on something.

  She laughed before she could stop herself. "So ... are you really going to keep me as a prisoner?"

  I don't know yet. The risk has to be weighed. I have much here that I can't afford to have stolen.

  "Would it make you feel better if I told you there's only one thing in this entire cavern that I have any interest in stealing?"

  Depends on what it is.

  She moved to stand in front of him, where she placed her hand against the center of his chest. Then, she looked up at him from beneath her lashes. "Your heart, my lord dragon. There's nothing else here that holds any interest for me. Though at present, when you treat me with such disregard, I'd much rather carve it out and eat it. But in time, I'm sure my anger will subside and again I will find you the sweet dragon I thought you were. That is the one whose heart I crave to hold and keep safe."

  His breathing turned ragged. When you say such things, I want to believe you.

  "You can. I promise. After all, you are a huge, giant beast of a dragon and I'm one unarmed woman. What could I ever do to harm you?"

  He laughed bitterly. Your actions have already cut me deeper than any blade. Others left scars on my body. But when I thought you'd helped your brother against me ... it scarred my soul. Cut me deeper than any battle wound or insult. After all, the deadliest wounds aren't the wounds you see, Edilyn. They're the ones that bleed internally. And yours was damn near fatal.

  Those words brought tears to her eyes as she fisted her hand in his tunic. "Then you should know that I could never be such a duplicitous creature. I don't work in secret. That's not my nature. When I'm angry, you will have no doubt of it. For like you, I rain down my wrath for all to see. And I can hide it from none." She leaned toward him and impishly wrinkled her nose. "Just ask my brother. He still limps from it."

  Illarion let out a silent laugh as her words finally set his pain to rest. I've missed you.

  She wrapped her arms around his waist and laid her head against his chest as she hugged him. "Missed you, too."

  Closing his eyes, he rested his cheek against the top of her head and inhaled the precious scent of her hair. His rose was ever the sweetest thing he'd ever known. Honestly, he never wanted to let go of her. This was all he ever needed. To be with her and feel like this.

  If the price for it was his dragonstone, then he could live with it. He would have made the bargain with her brother. He just wished the kikimora bastard had asked and not taken. It was the theft that set so ill with him.

  There was nothing in life he wanted so badly that he'd let it make a thief of him to possess it. Such treachery was beyond his comprehension.

  Sadly for his kind, the rest of the world didn't feel that way. It was why the gods had been forced to use his brethren as guardians throughout the centuries to protect and oversee their sacred objects and ensure their safety. But he didn't want to think about that right now.

  He only wanted to lose himself inside his dragonswan....

  More than that, he wanted to bind himself to her.

  Edilyn gasped as Illarion pulled the towel from her body, exposing her to his gaze. There was a light in his eyes that was so ferocious it actually scared her. This was definitely the feral dragon part of him. He literally stalked her and pinned her back against the wall. The kiss he gave her this time was unlike all his previous ones. It was intense and demanding, and it left her breathless--gasping for breath.

  More than that, it made the blood rush through her body. He dipped his head to gently tease her breasts, then he was inside her so fast that it stunned her.

  He lifted his head to capture her lips as he made love to her furiously. It was raw and consuming. And when he pulled back to meet her gaze she saw the true depth of his emotions.

  She lost herself to the vulnerable pain she saw there. Hissing as he thrust against her, she smiled up at him. "Did you really mope in my absence?"

  He ground his teeth before he drove himself deep inside her. I grieved every second I was forced to endure without you.

  Those words brought tears to her eyes. "You will grieve no more."

  Illarion tightened his grip around her as he buried his face in the crook of her neck and inhaled the scent of her skin. He let it fill his head until he was drunk with it. Her nails dug into the flesh of his back and sent chills over him. She was his sustenance.

  Damn, he owed his sister a debt that could never be repaid. Xyn had saved him from his own stupidity. She'd been right. He couldn't live without his human. Edilyn was his Achilles' heel.

  She, alone, left him vulnerable.

  And when Edilyn came a moment later, calling his name, he found a special level of paradise he'd never known existed. Smiling, he kissed her as he found his own release.

  Breathless and weak, he picked her up and carried her back to the shower so that they could rinse off.

  Edilyn paused as she caught the peculiar expression on Illarion's face. "What's on your mind?"


  "You look worried?"

  Not worried ... I was considering something.

  She waited for him to elaborate while he gently bathed her. When it didn't appear he was going to, she prompted him. "And that was...?"

  Foolish. Suicidal. All kinds of stupid. Would you be interested?

  She laughed, until she realized he was quite serious. "What are you proposing?"

  Something forbidden. Something I know I shouldn't do. It's an act in the face of the gods that will defy them and piss them off to no uncertain end. And yet I don't give a shit. It would ensure that I never lose you. That we are forever bound together. It would make you forever my dragonswan.

  "I thought you said only the gods could bind us."

  There is another who can do it. If he can be persuaded, and he does owe me a favor. But I won't ask it unless you're in full accord. Because once this is done, there's no way to undo it. We would be forever linked. My life force to yours. A single strand of life.

  "I'd be able to have your children?"

  He nodded.

  "No one could divide us?"

  Not even death. But my enemies could use that bond to track you down and use you against me, as you would become the deepest part of me. Indistinguishable from my soul.

  She reached up to cup his cheek. "Don't look so fretful, my dragonswain. The irony is that I may not have been dreaming of this, but you are everything I wanted for my future. You will bring me into your world and I will show you mine. Humans aren't as bad as you think us."

  You're sure?


  Then I will go to Savitar alone and ask.

  Edilyn frowned at that as trepidation filled her. "Alone? Why? Should I not be with you?"

  Definitely not. He set fire to the last beast who asked this of him. In the event he has another similar hissy fit, I'd rather be the only one he comes after. I'm harder to set ablaze than you are.


  Much like Hybrasil, Neratiti was an island that couldn't be found unless the one who called it home allowed it to be seen. It was kept shrouded and sacrosanct from the world because he who reigned here had even less tolerance for mankind and fey and gods than Illarion.

  In fact, Savitar made Illarion appear downright extroverted in comparison. But Illarion was a little different from most, and the blood flowing
through his veins could find the elusive island even through Savitar's powerful shields.

  It was something that seriously pissed off the ancient being who was lying adrift on a surfboard not that far from the island's shore.

  With one leg bent and resting on the board while the other dangled into the water, Savitar groaned out loud the moment he saw Illarion in the sky above him.

  "You better be doing a flyby, dragon, and not planning to drop in and destroy my zen."

  Illarion disregarded the warning and lightly skimmed the water so as not to make large waves until he came to a gentle rest beside the cranky Chthonian. Floating on top of the surface, he remained in his full dragon form and tucked his wings in at his side. He towered over Savitar, and while that might intimidate someone else, it didn't do anything other than annoy the former protector for Atlantis.

  Just think of me as your personal giant rubber duckie.

  "Heh." With his entire muscular body covered in colorful tattoos, Savitar was a complete enigma. No one knew where he'd been born or when--he refused to comment on it. His lyrical accent was so old that no one could identify it. But there were times when Illarion thought he detected a hint of Lemurian.

  All Illarion knew for certain was that Savitar predated him, and that over thirty-six hundred years ago when the Were-Hunter race had been created after the god Dagon had fused Illarion's life force with that of an Arcadian prince, and Illarion's brother Max's with the prince's half brother who'd been born of a slave, Savitar, alone, had run interference with the gods to spare them all a death sentence for Dagon's hubris. A hubris borne from Dagon's defiant need to spare the king's children from a spiteful curse that had been unjustly levelled against their mother's entire race by the Greek god Apollo centuries before their births, after a handful of Apollites had murdered his mistress and son out of jealousy.

  Only a Chthonian had the powers and authority to make the gods back down. And for reasons only Savitar knew, he more than any other Chthonian in history seemed to enjoy exercising that ability--especially against the three Greek Fates. There was no denying or ignoring the fact that he had a hard-on for them that no one understood.

  It was that grudge Illarion was hoping to exploit today.

  You told me once that I could ask a favor.

  Savitar growled low in his throat. "As I recall, that was directed more toward your brother than you, as you weren't particularly cooperative that day when the offer was made. If memory serves, and it does, you wanted the Arcadians and Katagaria put down."

  Well ... not all.

  Snorting, Savitar passed an irritated grimace at him with those eerie lavender eyes. "True. You did want yourself and Max spared. The rest ... not so much."

  Do you blame me?

  "Not really. And you're lucky I share your feelings toward most of the world. Now what brings you to these treacherous waters, my little rubber dragon?"

  I found a woman.

  Savitar cocked a brow at that. "What? None of your brothers ever had a sex talk with you? Well ... it's not a hard concept to master. Simply put, tab A goes into slot B."

  Illarion rolled his eyes and shook his head. You enjoy playing the asshole, don't you?

  "One of the few pleasures left in my long, insufferable life. I hear from Max that you partake of it quite a bit yourself."

  He couldn't really deny that in good faith. Anyway, back to the topic at hand ... I want to bond with her.

  Savitar went stock-still. He didn't even breathe. In fact, he held it for so long that Illarion began to fear the bastard was dead.

  Finally, he blinked slowly. Then let out an elongated sigh. "Do you understand what you're asking me to do?"

  Illarion nodded.

  "I don't think you do, dragonet. You think you know, but you really have no clue." He turned his head to pin him with a hostile glare. "The madness we, the damned, find when we seek salvation. We're so desperate for some semblance of sanity that we will take whatever shred of it we can find--to hell with the consequences. Even if I were to tell you the price you would ultimately pay for it, you'd still tell me it doesn't matter. For you can only see the angel in her eyes today. The succor you currently hold. Maybe the price for it will be worth it in the end. I certainly hope for your sake that's true."

  Illarion went cold at those dire words of warning that sent an icy dagger skimming up his spine. What do you see?

  "You know I can only see what currently is, and all what could be. I won't see the absolute, final path until after I bind you. Then it'll be too late to undo it. But given the myriad of possibilities of what I see ... not sure I'd chance it."

  Which was why Savitar stayed secluded here where he could impact no one's future and see nothing of the world around him or his part in anyone's life. His curse that immobilized him was to be damned to see every single outcome. To know everything, except the one final truth.

  That he could only see once it was too late to stop it. Once the inevitable course was laid and irreversible.

  Yeah, Savitar must have really pissed off the wrong god at some point in his life for that to be his fate.

  Savitar sat up. "So ... how suicidal are you?"

  She makes me laugh.

  "Suicide for the win. You poor bastard."

  Illarion gave him a dry stare. Have you never had a woman you would do anything for?

  "Oh yeah. Got the scars to prove it. Inside and out. I'd tell you to get out before it's too late, but I can see that you're already drowning in that stupidity. Damn, Dragon ... damn." A deep, dark sadness descended over Savitar's features.

  At least you get to piss off the Greek Fates.

  A slow, insidious smile curved Savitar's lips before he laughed deep in his belly. "True. How many times do I have to tell you and your brother that you should lead with that whenever you want a favor from me, as it's one of the few things I truly find motivational?" Savitar slid off his board, to float in the water. "I will do this for you. But remember, little dragon, from a thorn comes a rose, and from a rose comes a thorn."


  "With all good comes an equal share of bad. Savor your happiness while you have it. Let her be your balm and beware those who seek to divide you."

  Another chill of foreboding went down his spine at those words. Aye, there was something the Chthonian was withholding. A dark harbinger was stalking them.

  But Illarion refused to let fear rule him. He'd never been a coward in any matter. And while he knew that an iron rod bent while hot, he wasn't rushing into this. He'd been alone his entire life.

  Thousands of years.

  No woman had ever touched him like this. Edilyn was like no other. And he would never feel this way again. As Savitar had said, all things ended.

  If he had to die, he wanted it to be for his rose.

  She was his heart. If need be, he'd carve it from his own chest and hand it to her.



  With a curse under her breath, Edilyn froze as she heard Virag's voice in her head. She started to ignore him, but she knew she couldn't just vanish and not tell him what had happened to her. She wasn't quite the jerk he was. "What?"

  "Where are you?"

  She glanced around the walls of her bedroom, where she sat alone. "At Illarion's."

  He paused for a long time before he spoke again. "Why can't I visit?"

  She scoffed at his ridiculous question. "Why do you think? You're forbidden to come here."

  "You're serious?"

  "Aye! Now, go away before he returns and hears you."

  "He left you alone?"

  By the saints, why had she told him that? She could kick her own posterior for being so foolish.

  "Virag! Go away! He'll be back any moment and he'll be furious. You've done enough harm."

  "I'm your brother!"

  She hugged her pillow against her as guilt rose up. But she refused to let it overwhelm her. She had nothing to be remorseful over. "You stole from him!"

  "I had no choice!"

  She scoffed at his sorry excuse for an apology. "We all have choices. You made a bad one."

  "So that's it then? After all these years of protecting you, caring for you, you throw me out?"

  "Nay!" How dare he put that off on her. "You did this yourself! Don't you even attempt to blame me! Not when you're the thief and caused this!"

  "Then you choose his life over mine? Really?"

  Edilyn froze. "What are you talking about?"

  "If I don't hand over your dragon, Edilyn, the fey queen will kill me."

  "You're still lying!"

  "Nay, I am not. And you need to decide, little girl, whose life you value most--the dragon you just met, or the brother who has spent these past years giving up everything to keep you safe. It's me or him. You have to choose, because only one of us can survive this."


  Edilyn drew up short at the sight of the giant man who stood beside Illarion. While her dragon was no small beast in human form, he was several inches shorter than the one now vising them in their cave. Truly, she'd never seen anyone so tall. She barely reached the middle of his chest.

  The stranger cracked an amused grin. "You should meet the Dark-Hunter Acheron. He stands eye level to me, and some think he's even scarier."

  "Dark-Hunter? Acheron?"

  "A good friend of ours. And Illarion can explain Dark-Hunters to you later."

  Holding his hand out for her, Illarion closed the distance between them. Have no fear, Edilyn. This is Savitar.

  His skin was darkly tanned as if he spent a great deal of time in the sun. Windblown dark hair hung to his shoulders and framed perfectly sculpted cheeks that were dusted by whiskers he hadn't groomed in days. He was incredibly handsome, except for the aura of intolerant homicide that clung to him and warned everyone to keep their distance. Like Illarion, he was a feral beast who valued his solitude, and it bled out from every part of his being.

  Worse, she had a feeling that he could see her innermost thoughts. That somehow he was crawling through her mind to spy on her deepest secrets.

  Unsettled, she took Illarion's hand and let him tuck her in next to his side. She'd never been more grateful for his protection than right now.

  "Will this hurt?"

  "A small burn, and you will be mates." Savitar raised his gaze to meet Illarion's. "Then later, if you two decide, Illarion will lead you through the rest of the bonding."

  "I thought this was the bonding."