Page 9 of Dragonmark

  "In part. The second step will combine your two life forces so that your life span will match his. If one of you dies..." He paused ominously and returned to stare at her as if he knew what Virag had said. "The other will die instantly. But fear not, Edilyn. Illarion can't force you to take that step. The woman must make the choice of her own accord and be willing to accept the bond or it won't work."

  Sweat beaded on her forehead as her heartbeat sped up. Savitar knew! He had to know! There was no other explanation for the way he looked at her. Stark cold terror flooded her and made her heart pound. It was all she could do not to turn and flee.

  But if she betrayed herself, Illarion might kill her. Her hands turned icy.

  Illarion frowned at her. Are you all right?

  "Fine," she said, quicker than was natural.

  Unlike Savitar, Illarion didn't catch on.

  And still Savitar stared at her with that gimlet intensity that said he could see straight through her soul, into her heart. With a deep breath, he arched a brow. "So we're doing this?"

  Illarion deferred to her one last time.

  Terrified, she nodded.

  Savitar held his hands out. Illarion placed his palm to Savitar's. Praying that this wasn't a mistake, she did likewise.

  At first, nothing happened. But after a few seconds, warmth rose from his hand to engulf hers.

  Savitar moved their hands so that he could lay their opposite palms against each other and they could lace their fingers. The heat of Illarion's hand spread to hers, then up her arm.

  He leaned forward to kiss her. And as he deepened the kiss, she closed her eyes and inhaled the sweetness of his breath and savored how tender her dragon was. Then she felt the slight sting. With a hiss, she pulled back and shook her hand in an effort to alleviate it.

  The moment she did, she saw the elaborate dragon scrollwork on her palm that was a mirror image to his.

  They were mates.


  Or until her brother killed him....

  What have I done?

  As of yet? Nothing. It was what she might do that scared her. The fear of what her brother could talk her into to protect him that terrified her most. He could be terribly persuasive when he tried. And he'd already taken Illarion's stone.

  She was sure that wouldn't be the end of it.

  Savitar stepped back. "There, all done. Feel like I should say something profound. But why bother? All great advice is left unheeded, then looked back upon with great regret. So let's not be pithy, shall we?" And with that, he vanished.

  Illarion tightened his hands on hers. You're shaking.

  She practically jumped at his observation. "It's a big step."

  Do you regret it?


  He cupped her face in his hands. You are now officially my dragonswan. Strah Draga. He placed a gentle kiss to her lips.

  She sank her hand in his soft auburn hair and savored the taste of him. But still she couldn't get his sister's words out of her mind. Pulling back, she bit her lip. "Is it true that without your dragonstone you can't heal?"

  He scowled at her. What do you mean?

  "Xyn told me that it was crucial to your survival."

  Illarion made a face that alarmed her. Aye and nay. I will heal from most things ... eventually. But in some cases, failure to have one could prove fatal.

  She didn't care for the sound of that at all. "Then we must get it back!"

  The thought has crossed my mind.

  His dry tone made her smile. "So what's to become of us?"

  A strange light came into his eyes. I know it was your dream to be a marchoges--

  "You want me to give up all thoughts of it," she whispered past the sudden lump in her throat, interrupting him. After all, it was what everyone had always said to her.

  I didn't say that. However, I wouldn't be as comfortable with you as a marchoges as I would a draigoges. I will still train you for war. The only thing to change is what you ride into battle. He wagged his eyebrows playfully at her.

  She laughed, unable to believe that he was in accord to her wishes. "You would indulge me?"

  I don't want you to rue your decision, my lady. Or give up your dreams. Nor do I want you to regret being with me. If this is what you want most, then I will be there, by your side, for every battle. I would trust no one else to carry you.

  For the first time, she truly understood what Xyn had been trying to tell her about Illarion and his protectiveness and loyalty.

  He wasn't like the men she was used to.

  Illarion was her dragon.

  Smiling, she walked into his arms and held him close. Burying her face in his neck, she inhaled the scent of his skin and let it soothe her. How she wished it could stay like this--just the two of them.


  But nothing ever lasted--she knew that better than anyone. Virag had drawn her into a nightmare. One where evil schemed against them and wanted to take the very thing that had finally brought her happiness. He wanted her to make a decision between them and that was the last thing she could do.

  With that thought, though, came another.... "Have you ever fought against the fey?"

  Few times. Why?

  "Could you teach me to do it?"

  Again, I ask why?

  "Should I ever have to fight for or against my brother, I would like to stand a chance."

  Illarion grinned. Sure.

  Maybe that was the answer. If she could learn how to fight Morgen and the others, maybe then she could save her brother and not sacrifice her happiness.

  Surely, there had to be some way out of this other than offering Illarion's life?


  Six months later

  Edilyn was stunned by how much had changed in such a short amount of time. True to his word, Illarion had taught her every skill she needed to ride a dragon for battle.

  Are you ready?

  Dressed in the Greek armor Illarion had given her that had been forged by Hephaestus, she'd been dreaming of this moment when she could take her place with the others.

  Now ...

  Edilyn looked up at her dragon mount and made a startling realization.

  She couldn't do it.

  With a smile, she hooked her hand in the reins and tugged until his head was level with hers. Her smile widened an instant before she placed a kiss on his scaly cheek. "Not worth the risk to my dragon."

  Illarion frowned as he watched Edilyn remove her helm. What?

  "As much as I'd love to do this ... I don't like the possible outcome of you being harmed because I'm an idiot."

  Peeling off pieces of her armor, she headed for the stairs.


  She paused halfway up to bite her lip and wrinkle her nose in a way she knew made him crazy and fired his blood. With an impish grin, she crooked her finger for him. "If you'd care to join me for another matter, my lord dragon...."

  He shed his dragon's body so fast it made her laugh. Even more that he rushed up the stairs two at a time to scoop her up in his arms and then teleport them to her room. Though to be honest, she hadn't slept in here since their mating. Rather, she curled up with him on his straw pallet, to sleep with her hand touching his chin.

  At first, Illarion had been terrified of accidentally harming her.

  Until she pointed out that he couldn't really roll or move in his cramped space. Her dragon was far too large for such things.

  Now, they only used her bed for trysts.

  Laughing, she nipped his whiskered chin with her teeth. "Eager much, my dragon?"

  You think? He tugged at the laces of her armor until he had her bared before his hungry gaze. Though to be honest, he could have simply used his powers to strip it from her. She found it precious that he often refrained from their use as if he feared that it might offend her, or worse, remind her that he was a dragon and cause her to hold it against him.

  As if she'd be so petty at this point.

  She deepened he
r kiss. "Bind with me this time."

  Illarion hesitated, as he had every time she'd made this request. While he wanted to keep her with him forever, it terrified him that she might one day regret a rash decision. Edilyn--

  She stopped his protest with another kiss. "I know what you're going to say. But I want this, Illarion. One life. Together. The two of us as one." She reached down to gently cup and stroke him through his breeches.

  Sucking his breath in sharply, he found it hard to remember his reasons for not doing this with her. But he wasn't a coward.

  He held his marked palm up for her so that she could place hers against it. Very well, my lady rose. I am yours.


  And always. He pulled her to the bed so that he could lie back on it. It's all up to you, my lady. You are the one who has to accept me.


  Just like our mating ritual. You take me into your body and when the thirio comes, I will lead you through the next steps.

  Edilyn pulled back with a frown. "What aren't you telling me?"


  She scoffed. "Don't give me that tone. I know that tone. You're holding something back. What is it?"

  He fingered her lips as he stared up at her. To bond, I will have to drink from you and you'll have to drink from me.

  "Drink what?"

  It's a sanguine ritual, my lady. To bind our lives, we must combine our blood. An adorable grin lit his face. You still want to do this?

  She slid herself onto him and watched as he arched his back. The sight of his pleasure made him all the more handsome. His breathing ragged, he stared up at her from beneath his thick lashes. Leaning forward as she slowly rode him, she smiled. "Positive."

  Illarion felt his powers surge as they always did whenever he was inside her. Most of all, he felt the need he had to bind their lives together. In the past, he'd stamped it down and pushed it aside.

  Today, he embraced it.

  While other groups and Were-Hunter species had their own ceremonies and words they spoke for this, he didn't want to cheapen it with something so insignificant. The words weren't important.

  Their commitment was all that mattered.

  Keeping her hand in his, he felt his teeth elongate. Before this, he'd always taken care to hide that from her lest it terrify her. For the first time, he opened his lips so that she could see his fangs.

  Her eyes widened. But she didn't pull away.

  Unable to believe her courage, he pushed himself up so that he was cradling her while she continued to ride him with slow and easy strokes.

  He brushed the black hair back from her neck and gently nuzzled the supple skin there. His heart pounding, he nibbled her flesh.

  Edilyn trembled at the heat of his breath on her skin. She had no idea what to expect. Not until he sank his teeth into her flesh.

  The moment he did, she felt her own teeth elongate as an unknown fire coiled in her stomach. Breathless and weak, she cradled his head in her palm until he lifted up to meet her gaze.

  Your turn, my lady rose. He tilted his head to give her better access.

  Wrinkling her nose, she took the invitation and did her best not to think about what she was doing.

  Honestly? She expected it to make her sick. Yet it wasn't like that. There was something warm and fulfilling. Something that made this seem right. Made her crave this incredible closeness with him.

  And when she felt his release, it set off hers. His arms tightened around her until he was completely sated. With the tenderest of expressions, he led her marked palm to his lips so that he could kiss it.

  I love you, my rose.

  Those unexpected words shocked her. Unable to believe them, she stared, aghast. Then she smiled at the warmth that flooded through her. "Love you, too, my dragon lord."

  A deep sadness replaced the light in his eyes.

  "Are you all right?"

  He nodded. I have been cursed by the gods from the moment I drew my first breath. So I cannot help but wonder how they're going to use this against me, too.


  He cut her words off with a kiss. You don't understand, Addy-Rose. His special nickname made her even more tender toward him. There's so much I haven't told you. Just promise me that no matter what comes at us, you will never doubt my loyalty to you.

  "I would never."


  And yet his doubts caused hers to rise up and terrify her with their merciless cruelty. What if he was right?

  Fate had been no kinder to her. She'd lost both parents within a handful of years. Humiliation had been her steady diet, always.

  Why should she think this would ever change? Her heart pounding in fear, she buried her hand in his long auburn hair and prayed she was only being paranoid.

  But like him, she didn't really believe that....

  How could she? There was something inside her that told her the darkness was coming for them. An inner sense that gave her no peace and left her completely unsettled and cold.


  Edilyn finished her dinner while Illarion was off doing his dragon business, which meant finding his own meal. Something he emphatically refused to let her see him do. And that always made her wonder one thing whenever he left her behind ...

  How bad could it be?

  But then, there were some things she did she didn't want him to see her do either. So she tried to be understanding and respectful.

  And hoped he wasn't out eating people.

  Although ...

  There were a few she wouldn't mind adding to his menu.

  Some days, that list was much longer than others.


  And there was one for the top of said list. She groaned out loud as she heard her brother's voice in her head. For weeks, she'd ignored him.

  He'd become progressively more whiny with every brush-off. At this point, she was about ready to tie a bib around his neck and burp him.

  "Eddie! I need you to answer me!"

  Normally, that wouldn't move her, but there was an odd note in his voice. One that actually concerned her. "Are you all right?"

  Virag hesitated before he answered. "I need your help, little sister."

  She glared up at the ceiling, knowing he couldn't see her, but feeling the need to do so anyway. "What are you asking me for, this time?"

  "You have to help me deliver up your dragon. I can't delay it any longer. There's no choice in the matter."

  "There's always a choice, Virag. You made yours. I won't--"

  "Eddie ... it's not that simple. Our mother isn't dead."

  She froze as that news slammed into her and stole her breath.

  Was he being honest? Or was it another lie?


  "It's true. The bargain she made? It was with Morgen le Fey and it was only for ten years and a day. At the end of which, she was to return to Landvaetyria and enslave herself to Morgen and her Circle. Forever. Your father knew this. He died trying to free her from Morgen. What I stole? I took it in an effort to free our mother from that bitch."

  "You're lying!"

  "Nay. I swear it's the truth. On my life and blackened soul. Your father was never supposed to die. That wasn't part of the bargain. When he was killed, our mother begged me to come to Myddangeard and watch over you to make sure that no one from our side found you and harmed you, in an effort to get to her or steal her powers. It's why I've always been so protective of you--you know in your heart it's true. Think about it. Now I need you. You've got to help me get what I need or Morgen will kill all three of us. You, me, and our mother." His voice broke on that last word. "Please, Edilyn. I beg you. Never have I asked anything of you, but I need you now, baby sister. Please!"

  Anguish brought tears to her eyes. He was right. In all these years, he'd never once made any request of her.

  She heard Illarion returning.

  So did Virag. "You have to decide," he whispered in her ear. "The family that has watched over you
and loved you, or the dragon you barely know. We won't all survive. Who will sacrifice?"


  Illarion knew the moment he returned to his den that something bad had happened. It wasn't just that he could smell Edilyn's fear, but she wasn't waiting on him, as was her custom.

  Strange that he'd never realized how much he looked forward to her greeting. Even more peculiar was how quickly he'd acclimated to her presence in his life. It wasn't just that they were bonded....

  She had become a vital part of his existence. The best part, really.


  She finally came out of the shadows near where they slept. Clearing her throat, she offered him a trembling smile. "Sorry. I didn't hear your return."

  Hmm ... he had no idea how she could miss it. He wasn't exactly quiet.

  Still in his true form, he approached her. Is something wrong?

  "It's all good."

  Shifting into his human body, he closed the distance between them and moved to kiss her. Her lips lacked their usual passion. She was cool and distracted. He pulled back to grimace down at her suspiciously. What is going on with you? I can feel your restraint.

  Edilyn closed her eyes as she struggled with what to do. She couldn't make this decision. It wasn't in her to play God. Not with anyone, and especially not with her dragon.

  No matter how much Virag might beg, she couldn't do what her brother asked. She couldn't. "I don't know what to do," she whispered.

  About what?

  "My brother said that he took your stone to barter with the queen of the fey to free my mother from her."

  He scowled. You said your mother was dead.

  "'Tis what I was told. Three days after my seventh birthday, she went to gather berries in the forest, and never returned. They said an animal attacked her. I wasn't allowed to see her body. My father said it would be too disturbing for me." A tear slid down her cheek. "I never got to say good-bye. All my life, I've regretted all the things I didn't say to her that I should have. Now ... to be told that she's been alive and held? I'm furious! And hurt! Virag said that my father died trying to free her. Now..."

  Illarion kissed the tear from her face. Shh, my rose. Don't weep.

  She buried her hand in his hair and laid her cheek to his chest. "You haven't heard the worst. Virag told me that if I don't hand you over, they'll kill her and him." Closing her eyes, she ground her teeth as pain poured through her. "I don't know who to believe or to trust. If what he says is true, then he's lied to me my whole life ... all of them did. So how can I trust this isn't a lie, too?"