Page 14 of Millions

  It almost overshadowed the thick demand in my cock.


  Christ, how the hell did I beat up Mercer with this body? Had I dreamed that, too? How the fuck was I supposed to move like a ruthless bastard when I could barely roll over in bed without howling?

  Pim winced on my behalf as I shifted, doing my best to find relief from the drumming, cymbal-smashing pain in my ankle—deciding to join in the symphony from my elbow and shoulder.

  Whatever adrenaline I’d been swimming in rapidly faded.

  Her hand pressed on my chest. “Perhaps we should—”

  “Don’t.” Grabbing her wrist, I pulled her until she sprawled over me. The slipperiness of her body on mine made the pain fade a little. If I could stay focused on her, I could do this.

  “I need to be inside you.”

  With worry and obedience on her face, she placed her hands on the mattress and pushed up. Spreading her legs, the flash of her wet pussy drove me insane as she did what she’d done on the floor of Hawksridge and prepared to ride me.

  Unlike that time—when I’d grabbed myself and lined up to spear inside her—she clutched my length with strong little fingers and jutted me upright. She remembered my lesson when I was bound and helpless in the hotel in Monte Carlo. She knew how to take me, and I gave up all control.

  I trembled as she pumped me and bit her lip. Her thighs clenched as she angled over me then slowly, teasingly lowered.

  We both stopped breathing; both watching that delicious sight of her body enveloping mine. The first welcome of her pussy sent my world swaying.


  I’d wanted to take her, but she undoubtedly took me.

  In every fucking way.

  My back arched as finally a better sensation overrode my agony. I focused on the heat of her body, the snugness of being inside her, and the righteousness of being home where I belonged.

  She moaned as she slid the final distance, locking herself around me like a key in a lock. My fingers dug into her hips, pressing her down, ensuring no space, no distance, nothing left between us.

  We joined as tight as we could. Her clit on my belly. My balls against her ass. Our breathing just as wild as if we’d been fucking for hours and not just connected.

  Pinning me in place with sex-feverish eyes, Pim folded over me and placed her hands on the pillow beneath my head. Her breasts hung heavily, taunting me to devour. My teeth ached to sink into her nipples.

  She rocked once.

  My head sloshed. My brain begged. My body bellowed.

  It was the worst, best, most confusing cocktail I’d ever experienced.

  Pain and pleasure. Sickness and sex. I couldn’t tell if I hated or loved it. One thing I knew...I could become utterly addicted to the rush of bliss quickly followed by the prickle of agony.

  I grew harder, clamping my legs together, fighting off the sudden spine-tingling ripple of an orgasm.

  Her face strained with concentration as if determined to finish me quickly to avoid any unnecessary drain. Her own orgasm etched into her skin, revealing how much she wanted this, despite her worry.

  Knowing she was as close as I was whispered for me to let go. To give in now. To come immediately. I was greedy to release. Already my fractured mind wanted to finish so it could start all over again. It wasn’t satisfied. It wanted to claim that beautiful number three—to devour Pim until she was nothing but a ragdoll in my arms, then be worthy enough to fall asleep.


  My vision wavered as a wash of weakness found me. Even heavy lust couldn’t protect me from the demanding wooziness.


  I wouldn’t be inside this woman and pass out. Besides, I couldn’t be that selfish. I couldn’t come without taking care of her first. She’d had sex far too often with no pleasure.

  It was my responsibility to ensure every time I took her, she was totally wrung dry from bliss. Damned if I’d turn into one of those bastards who took and never gave back.

  My good hand dug harder into her hipbone, pulling her forward then pushing her back in a time-old rhythm.

  She obeyed, fucking me deep and slow. The obstruction of her body hit the tip of my cock. I stared at her flat belly, awed that I was so far inside her. I wanted to press against her middle and feel myself thrusting. I wanted to flip her over and drive vicious and unforgiving. I wanted so much, but for now...all I could do was lie back and belong to her.

  She moved again, no longer seeking my guidance on speed. Her hips undulated to her own pace. She looked so fucking sexy, I fought yet another wave of release.

  Her eyes flared as she clenched around me, mirroring my battle not to come.

  Our gaze locked and we smiled, recognising the brittle rope we walked, desperate for it to snap but terrified of the fall. A touch of savagery filled her, freezing me at how goddamn gorgeous she was. How multi-layered and unconquerable. How capable. How complex. How kind. But most of all, I loved this—this moment where it was just us. No more pretending. No more history or hardship or horrors. No masks. We saw each other.

  She was a hellcat, and I was the devil, and together we played in Hell.

  Time fell away as Pim fucked me. I held her as she rocked. Her skin slicked with sweat; my heartbeat a revving engine in my ears.

  There was nothing else but us. Nothing but our moans and groans—no apologies or explanations, no consequences or realities.

  Digging my fingernails into her flesh, I increased her rhythm, commanding her to fuck a little faster, rock a little harder, push down a little deeper.

  She licked her lips, her fingers clutching the pillow as she obeyed. “Okay...” she breathed, giving herself over. “Okay...” Her eyes fluttered as her body swelled around me, clutching me tighter.

  Fuck, the added heat. The extra thrill. The razor-sharp whip of no longer being in control.

  I can’t...

  Denied pleasure shot down my spine, knocked on my bones, pummelled my injuries, and bubbled in my wounds. My belly clenched as tingles and tangles snarled and snapped, wrapping around my balls and jettisoning into my cock.

  “Pim!” My strangled warning was the only thing I could give.

  My world blacked out. I lost sight, touch, sound as everything zeroed in on the electric waves of release. Over and over, I spurted into my woman, clamping my hands on her so she had no escape—no choice but to accept every drop as I splashed deep, deep inside.

  Instead of slowing down, instead of giving me a chance to apologise and return the bone-crumpling orgasm, she growled a kitten growl and reached behind her and clutched my balls.

  “Holy Christ—” My mouth tore wide as my release turned cruel with ferocity. There was no land, no finish line, no end. Just a knife called Orgasm, slashing at my insides, making me bleed pure pleasure.

  She treated me as her conquest. She knew me too well—sending me into a brutal tailspin.

  My feet dug into the mattress as I climbed further into her, snarling at the ceiling and the agonising ecstasy she gave.

  Maybe she secretly hated me and this was how she’d devised my murder. Or maybe she fucking loved me and wanted to give me the best goddamn release I’d ever had.

  Either way, I came and came and came.

  And when I had nothing left, I flopped onto the bed, a drenched, gasping buffoon who no longer had a clue who he was.

  All I knew was I was her slave for life. I was nothing if I didn’t have her.

  For a few wonderful moments, I was numb and beyond content. My heart calmed, my mind quieted, and I basked in the aftermath of being so fucking in love with this girl.

  I cupped her cheek, guiding her down to kiss her.

  Our lips touched gently, our tongues soft and sweet. She sighed into me, draping herself like a hot blanket. I cuddled her close, tasting her, thanking her.

  But then the familiar curse rapped on my thoughts. A whisper, a command—an unignorable shout for more.

  My fingers looped around the
back of her neck, kissing her harder, doing my best to stay in this sweet, simple moment. I fumbled beneath her, desperate for something to grab so I didn’t drown beneath the rapidly building shout.



  Wrung dry and mostly dead, I wanted to slip into exhaustion. I wished I was normal where the addiction to reach that pretty, perfect number wasn’t strong enough to override the anaesthesia licking through my blood from the best orgasm I’d ever had.

  But I wasn’t strong enough. I was undone in the worst possible way. At my weakest. At my most susceptible to addiction.

  And Pim wasn’t aware of the mind space she’d shoved me into. If she knew, perhaps she would’ve climbed off me and stayed away. She would’ve given me space to hold the feeling of falling and be content. She would’ve saved my life by stopping me from destroying myself.

  But she didn’t climb off me. She didn’t stop. She fucking ruined me by sitting up and using the same fingers that’d grabbed my balls to circle her clit and shed any remainders of her past.

  She used me.

  She took me.

  She fucked me while touching herself just like I’d fantasied all these months.

  All I could do was watch and crave and give in to the rapidly building electricity crackling like lightning in my spine.

  And when she came.

  Fuck me.

  She annihilated me.

  I had no anchor. I was in a sea of sickness. Drowning beneath fever and pain. The strange ingredients of injuries and sex once again threw me overboard. All I could see through the blackness of my thoughts was her. All I could focus on through the haze of my wounds was her pussy pulsing around my cock.

  I couldn’t fight it.

  I’d never been able to fight it.

  With her lips wide and eyes glazed, Pim found her perfect ending, and with a scream that tore my heart from my chest, she gave in.

  Tumbling and clenching, digging her nails into my brutalised body, granting another layer of pain, she rode me hard and rough—completely uncaring as she chased her own pleasure.

  I begged for change. I wished I could watch her come undone and be finished with this. I wanted to rest. I needed to rest before I passed out cold again.

  But my body launched itself after her like a killer after its chosen, filling my blood with lava, bubbling with the ability to come again. The pounding agony and painful wisps in my brain couldn’t stop a second release.

  I never stood a chance.

  “Christ, Pim!” I jolted with every fever-tinted wave, mixing agony with blissful, blinding discomfort. I hated it. I loved it. I would die if I had any more if it.

  But my body was determined to kill me, ratcheting the intensity, turning my cock beyond sensitive and every ripple of release scalding hot with cum.

  I clamped my eyes closed as I lost track of east and west, up and down.

  On and on, I came. And when I finally jerked and groaned, drained within breaths of passing out, Pim made to move off me.

  Oh, hell no.

  The cycle wasn’t complete. She couldn’t be permitted to leave.

  In reality, I should help her. I should grab her and throw her as far away from me as possible. But I wasn’t myself. I was nothing but addiction and two was nearly as ugly as one.

  It wasn’t three.

  “Where the hell do you think you’re going?” I locked my hands on her hips. “We’re not done.”

  “You’re fading between sleep and awake, El. I think we should stop.”

  “We can’t.” Already the compulsion was back, riding my body, keeping me painfully hard for one last hoorah for lucky number three.

  Blackness erased the room for a second. I blinked, bringing everything that mattered back into the light.

  I need to sit up.

  I had to keep my brain alive just for a little longer—after that...who cares.

  Digging my heels into the bed, I braced against the excruciating pain. “Move with me. Don’t let me slip out.”

  “What are you—”

  “Just do it.”

  With her lips pressed together, she nodded and took her weight, hovering over me on her knees with my cock still firmly impaled inside her.

  Giving her a sharp glare not to move, I wedged my fists into the mattress and hoisted upward.

  Holy shit.

  I blacked out for another second, shaking my head to rid the cloying velvet stars buzzing in my skull. It took every bit of remaining energy, but I managed to haul myself up the bed and lean haphazardly against the bedhead.

  Pim moved with me then slipped down my length the moment I stopped.

  I panted as if I’d swim the Pacific Ocean; sweat ran down my face and I no longer knew if it was from exertion or fever.

  My heart double beat with warning, but I ignored all of it.

  All I could do was obey the conniving, destroying chant to finish this and reach that delicious number.

  Unable to catch my breath, wobbly and doing my best to fake health and sanity, I cupped her chin. “You’re so beautiful after you’ve just come.”

  She blushed.

  Bringing her mouth to mine, I kissed her. I grew harder, my body already in the process of preparing itself for the final call.

  She kissed me back, her pussy clutching in gentle rhythm as if encouraging me to take her one last time.

  Kissing my way to her ear, I whispered, “You’re beautiful, but right now, I need you to turn around.”

  She froze. “What?”

  “You heard me.” I spun my finger in the air. “Spin on my cock. Face away.”


  For a moment, I worried she had bad memories associated with this position. But I couldn’t have her facing me, watching me, seeing how far I was about to fall.

  I barely clung to lucidity. Another orgasm was bound to knock me straight into unconsciousness. I knew the risks, yet I had no choice. I didn’t need to fuck her while staring at her judgement.

  Besides, I wanted to see other parts of her. I needed to see her ass and beautiful lines of her back as I plunged inside her.

  Gritting my teeth against those damn swirling stars, I snapped, “It doesn’t matter why. I told you to turn.” I pushed her shoulder. “So turn. Now.”

  Her eyes dove into mine, seeing past my false strength and reading some of my ragged truth. “Whatever you need, El.” Her voice switched to a soothing murmur, “But afterward, you’re resting. We shouldn’t have done this, and you’re not touching me again until you’re able to walk out of here.”

  Conversation was a waste of time.

  Nothing else was as important as ending this in a perfect trio of orgasms.

  I nodded sharply. “Deal.” Anything to get her to obey so I could come one last time. Shit, I’d make a deal with anyone about anything if it promised a third release. If it meant perfect symmetry.

  “Show me how you want me.” Raising her leg, she waited for me to adjust her on my lap, spinning her while staying on my cock. I helped, keeping my touch as gentle as I could when really, I wanted to rush her into the right position as fast as possible.

  We never disengaged; I shuddered against the delicious sensation of her body corkscrewing around mine. I hardened even more, throbbing with unbearable need.

  I didn’t understand how my body could come three times in a row when other men struggled to stay hard for one. Some days, I cursed that part of me, and others, I was secretly proud. Tonight, however, I’d lost touch with who I was and everything that mattered. I was nothing more than a victim to exhaustion, loopy with pain and woozy with fever.

  My temper frayed. My patience buried beneath selfishness.

  I didn’t even have enough kindness to thank her as she settled back onto my cock, her back arched and shoulder blades stark like wings. Her chocolate hair cascaded down her spine, sticking to sweaty skin.

  Reaching forward, I stopped being human and gave myself over to the addictive creature insid
e. My fingers turned to claws as I dragged them down her back to the swell of her ass. The spear of my cock vanished into her body, glistening from angry desire.

  I was angry.

  Fucking furious.

  Livid at myself and my broken brain that I had to turn something so incredible to something sick with compulsion.

  I thrust, driving her forward. She moaned, her head lolling, hair falling over her shoulder, giving me a perfect view of the beads of her spine and scars that would forever remind me of where she’d come from.

  I was no better than him.

  I thrust.

  No better than an animal.

  I thrust.

  She would hate me.

  I thrust.

  She would curse me.

  I thrust.

  She would pity me for being this screwed up.

  I thrust and thrust and thrust.

  She moaned as I drove deep, grabbing a fistful of her swinging hair.

  Her curves were so addicting; her perfection so humbling.

  As Pim bounced on my cock, the pain in my ankle marched to a war beat, the pounding in my shoulder intensified, joining in the cacophony, and my elbow, ribs, bones, and finger all added the chorus for the worst song I’d ever heard.


  Just crippling, horrible pain.

  My body’s last attempt to prevent me from draining myself past survivable.

  But I couldn’t stop.

  I could only gasp for air and throw myself into the agony because pleasure lurked there, too. Pleasure wrapped around the perfect beauty of three.

  Even as I closed my eyes and focused on Pim’s heat, the lance of wounds managed to overshadow my drive for trios...just for a moment. It somehow had the power to override my crazy, and I begged it to.

  But then Pim moaned, and the promise was gone, crushing me beneath the reality that I was fucked up and fucked because of it.

  Her fingers clutched around my knee-caps as she toppled forward. Her fingernails gave me yet another avenue of sensation, yet another layer, yet another corridor of grief.

  And something happened.

  A buzzing.

  A purring.

  First in my head, then in my ears, my fingers, my toes, my legs, my torso.